Beispiel #1
def test_dirent():
    dirent = rffi_platform.getstruct("struct dirent",
           struct dirent  /* for this example only, not the exact dirent */
               long d_ino;
               int d_off;
               unsigned short d_reclen;
               char d_name[32];
                                       [("d_reclen", rffi.USHORT)])
    assert isinstance(dirent, lltype.Struct)
    # check that we have the desired field
    assert dirent.c_d_reclen is rffi.USHORT

    ctypes = import_ctypes()
    class CTypesDirent(ctypes.Structure):
        _fields_ = [('d_ino', ctypes.c_long),
                    ('d_off', ctypes.c_int),
                    ('d_reclen', ctypes.c_ushort),
                    ('d_name', ctypes.c_char * 32)]

    assert dirent._hints['size'] == ctypes.sizeof(CTypesDirent)
Beispiel #2
def test_array_varsized_struct():
    dirent = rffi_platform.getstruct(
        "struct dirent", """
           struct dirent  /* for this example only, not the exact dirent */
               int d_off;
               char d_name[1];
        [("d_name", rffi.CArray(rffi.CHAR))])
    assert rffi.offsetof(dirent, 'c_d_name') == 4
    assert dirent.c_d_name == rffi.CArray(rffi.CHAR)
def test_array_varsized_struct():
    dirent = rffi_platform.getstruct("struct dirent",
           struct dirent  /* for this example only, not the exact dirent */
               int d_off;
               char d_name[1];
                                       [("d_name", rffi.CArray(rffi.CHAR))])
    assert rffi.offsetof(dirent, 'c_d_name') == 4
    assert dirent.c_d_name == rffi.CArray(rffi.CHAR)
Beispiel #4
def test_array():
    dirent = rffi_platform.getstruct("struct dirent",
           struct dirent  /* for this example only, not the exact dirent */
               long d_ino;
               int d_off;
               unsigned short d_reclen;
               char d_name[32];
                                       [("d_name", lltype.FixedSizeArray(rffi.CHAR, 1))])
    assert dirent.c_d_name.length == 32
Beispiel #5
def test_array():
    dirent = rffi_platform.getstruct(
        "struct dirent", """
           struct dirent  /* for this example only, not the exact dirent */
               long d_ino;
               int d_off;
               unsigned short d_reclen;
               char d_name[32];
        [("d_name", lltype.FixedSizeArray(rffi.CHAR, 1))])
    assert dirent.c_d_name.length == 32
Beispiel #6
 def test_rffi_offsetof(self):
     import struct
     from rpython.rtyper.tool import rffi_platform
     S = rffi_platform.getstruct("struct S",
            struct S {
                short a;
                int b, c;
            };                     """,
                                   [("a", INT),
                                    ("b", INT),
                                    ("c", INT)])
     assert sizeof(S) == struct.calcsize("hii")
     assert offsetof(S, "c_a") == 0
     assert offsetof(S, "c_b") == struct.calcsize("hi") - struct.calcsize("i")
     assert offsetof(S, "c_c") == struct.calcsize("hii") - struct.calcsize("i")
Beispiel #7
 def test_rffi_offsetof(self):
     import struct
     from rpython.rtyper.tool import rffi_platform
     S = rffi_platform.getstruct(
         "struct S", """
            struct S {
                short a;
                int b, c;
            };                     """, [("a", INT), ("b", INT),
                                         ("c", INT)])
     assert sizeof(S) == struct.calcsize("hii")
     assert offsetof(S, "c_a") == 0
     assert offsetof(S,
                     "c_b") == struct.calcsize("hi") - struct.calcsize("i")
     assert offsetof(S,
                     "c_c") == struct.calcsize("hii") - struct.calcsize("i")
Beispiel #8
def test_fit_type():
    S = rffi_platform.getstruct("struct S",
           struct S {
               signed char c;
               unsigned char uc;
               short s;
               unsigned short us;
               int i;
               unsigned int ui;
               long l;
               unsigned long ul;
               long long ll;
               unsigned long long ull;
               double d;
                                  [("c",   rffi.INT),
                                   ("uc",  rffi.INT),
                                   ("s",   rffi.UINT),
                                   ("us",  rffi.INT),
                                   ("i",   rffi.INT),
                                   ("ui",  rffi.INT),
                                   ("l",   rffi.INT),
                                   ("ul",  rffi.INT),
                                   ("ll",  rffi.INT),
                                   ("ull", rffi.INT),
                                   ("d",   rffi.DOUBLE)])
    # XXX we need to have a float here as well as soon as we'll
    #     have support
    assert isinstance(S, lltype.Struct)
    assert S.c_c == rffi.SIGNEDCHAR
    assert S.c_uc == rffi.UCHAR
    assert S.c_s == rffi.SHORT
    assert S.c_us == rffi.USHORT
    assert S.c_i == rffi.INT
    assert S.c_ui == rffi.UINT
    assert S.c_l == rffi.LONG
    assert S.c_ul == rffi.ULONG
    assert S.c_ll == rffi.LONGLONG
    assert S.c_ull == rffi.ULONGLONG
    assert S.c_d == rffi.DOUBLE
Beispiel #9
def test_fit_type():
    S = rffi_platform.getstruct(
        "struct S", """
           struct S {
               signed char c;
               unsigned char uc;
               short s;
               unsigned short us;
               int i;
               unsigned int ui;
               long l;
               unsigned long ul;
               long long ll;
               unsigned long long ull;
               double d;
                                  """, [("c", rffi.INT), ("uc", rffi.INT),
                                        ("s", rffi.UINT), ("us", rffi.INT),
                                        ("i", rffi.INT), ("ui", rffi.INT),
                                        ("l", rffi.INT), ("ul", rffi.INT),
                                        ("ll", rffi.INT), ("ull", rffi.INT),
                                        ("d", rffi.DOUBLE)])
    # XXX we need to have a float here as well as soon as we'll
    #     have support
    assert isinstance(S, lltype.Struct)
    assert S.c_c == rffi.SIGNEDCHAR
    assert S.c_uc == rffi.UCHAR
    assert S.c_s == rffi.SHORT
    assert S.c_us == rffi.USHORT
    assert S.c_i == rffi.INT
    assert S.c_ui == rffi.UINT
    assert S.c_l == rffi.LONG
    assert S.c_ul == rffi.ULONG
    assert S.c_ll == rffi.LONGLONG
    assert S.c_ull == rffi.ULONGLONG
    assert S.c_d == rffi.DOUBLE
Beispiel #10
def test_dirent():
    dirent = rffi_platform.getstruct(
        "struct dirent", """
           struct dirent  /* for this example only, not the exact dirent */
               long d_ino;
               int d_off;
               unsigned short d_reclen;
               char d_name[32];
                                       """, [("d_reclen", rffi.USHORT)])

    assert isinstance(dirent, lltype.Struct)
    # check that we have the desired field
    assert dirent.c_d_reclen is rffi.USHORT

    ctypes = import_ctypes()

    class CTypesDirent(ctypes.Structure):
        _fields_ = [('d_ino', ctypes.c_long), ('d_off', ctypes.c_int),
                    ('d_reclen', ctypes.c_ushort),
                    ('d_name', ctypes.c_char * 32)]

    assert dirent._hints['size'] == ctypes.sizeof(CTypesDirent)
Beispiel #11
def test_generate_padding():
    # 'padding_drop' is a bit strange, but is what we need to write C code
    # that defines prebuilt structures of that type.  Normally, the C
    # backend would generate '0' entries for every field c__pad#.  That's
    # usually much more than the number of real fields in the real structure
    # definition.  So 'padding_drop' allows a quick fix: it lists fields
    # that should be ignored by the C backend.  It should only be used in
    # that situation because it lists some of the c__pad# fields a bit
    # randomly -- to the effect that writing '0' for the other fields gives
    # the right amount of '0's.
    S = rffi_platform.getstruct("foobar_t", """
           typedef struct {
                char c1;        /* followed by one byte of padding */
                short s1;
           } foobar_t;
           """, [("c1", lltype.Signed),
                 ("s1", lltype.Signed)])
    assert S._hints['padding'] == ('c__pad0',)
    d = {'c_c1': 'char', 'c_s1': 'short'}
    assert S._hints['get_padding_drop'](d) == ['c__pad0']
    S = rffi_platform.getstruct("foobar_t", """
           typedef struct {
                char c1;
                char c2;  /* _pad0 */
                short s1;
           } foobar_t;
           """, [("c1", lltype.Signed),
                 ("s1", lltype.Signed)])
    assert S._hints['padding'] == ('c__pad0',)
    d = {'c_c1': 'char', 'c_s1': 'short'}
    assert S._hints['get_padding_drop'](d) == []
    S = rffi_platform.getstruct("foobar_t", """
           typedef struct {
                char c1;
                char c2;  /* _pad0 */
                /* _pad1, _pad2 */
                int i1;
           } foobar_t;
           """, [("c1", lltype.Signed),
                 ("i1", lltype.Signed)])
    assert S._hints['padding'] == ('c__pad0', 'c__pad1', 'c__pad2')
    d = {'c_c1': 'char', 'c_i1': 'int'}
    assert S._hints['get_padding_drop'](d) == ['c__pad1', 'c__pad2']
    S = rffi_platform.getstruct("foobar_t", """
           typedef struct {
                char c1;
                char c2;  /* _pad0 */
                char c3;  /* _pad1 */
                /* _pad2 */
                int i1;
           } foobar_t;
           """, [("c1", lltype.Signed),
                 ("i1", lltype.Signed)])
    assert S._hints['padding'] == ('c__pad0', 'c__pad1', 'c__pad2')
    d = {'c_c1': 'char', 'c_i1': 'int'}
    assert S._hints['get_padding_drop'](d) == ['c__pad2']
    S = rffi_platform.getstruct("foobar_t", """
           typedef struct {
                char c1;
                /* _pad0 */
                short s1;  /* _pad1, _pad2 */
                int i1;
           } foobar_t;
           """, [("c1", lltype.Signed),
                 ("i1", lltype.Signed)])
    assert S._hints['padding'] == ('c__pad0', 'c__pad1', 'c__pad2')
    d = {'c_c1': 'char', 'c_i1': 'int'}
    assert S._hints['get_padding_drop'](d) == ['c__pad1', 'c__pad2']
    S = rffi_platform.getstruct("foobar_t", """
           typedef struct {
                char c1;
                char c2;  /* _pad0 */
                /* _pad1, _pad2 */
                int i1;
                char c3;  /* _pad3 */
                /* _pad4 */
                short s1;
           } foobar_t;
           """, [("c1", lltype.Signed),
                 ("i1", lltype.Signed),
                 ("s1", lltype.Signed)])
    assert S._hints['padding'] == ('c__pad0', 'c__pad1', 'c__pad2',
                                   'c__pad3', 'c__pad4')
    d = {'c_c1': 'char', 'c_i1': 'int', 'c_s1': 'short'}
    assert S._hints['get_padding_drop'](d) == ['c__pad1', 'c__pad2', 'c__pad4']
    S = rffi_platform.getstruct("foobar_t", """
           typedef struct {
                char c1;
                long l2;  /* some number of _pads */
           } foobar_t;
           """, [("c1", lltype.Signed)])
    padding = list(S._hints['padding'])
    d = {'c_c1': 'char'}
    assert S._hints['get_padding_drop'](d) == padding
Beispiel #12
def test_generate_padding():
    # 'padding_drop' is a bit strange, but is what we need to write C code
    # that defines prebuilt structures of that type.  Normally, the C
    # backend would generate '0' entries for every field c__pad#.  That's
    # usually much more than the number of real fields in the real structure
    # definition.  So 'padding_drop' allows a quick fix: it lists fields
    # that should be ignored by the C backend.  It should only be used in
    # that situation because it lists some of the c__pad# fields a bit
    # randomly -- to the effect that writing '0' for the other fields gives
    # the right amount of '0's.
    S = rffi_platform.getstruct(
        "foobar_t", """
           typedef struct {
                char c1;        /* followed by one byte of padding */
                short s1;
           } foobar_t;
           """, [("c1", lltype.Signed), ("s1", lltype.Signed)])
    assert S._hints['padding'] == ('c__pad0', )
    d = {'c_c1': 'char', 'c_s1': 'short'}
    assert S._hints['get_padding_drop'](d) == ['c__pad0']
    S = rffi_platform.getstruct(
        "foobar_t", """
           typedef struct {
                char c1;
                char c2;  /* _pad0 */
                short s1;
           } foobar_t;
           """, [("c1", lltype.Signed), ("s1", lltype.Signed)])
    assert S._hints['padding'] == ('c__pad0', )
    d = {'c_c1': 'char', 'c_s1': 'short'}
    assert S._hints['get_padding_drop'](d) == []
    S = rffi_platform.getstruct(
        "foobar_t", """
           typedef struct {
                char c1;
                char c2;  /* _pad0 */
                /* _pad1, _pad2 */
                int i1;
           } foobar_t;
           """, [("c1", lltype.Signed), ("i1", lltype.Signed)])
    assert S._hints['padding'] == ('c__pad0', 'c__pad1', 'c__pad2')
    d = {'c_c1': 'char', 'c_i1': 'int'}
    assert S._hints['get_padding_drop'](d) == ['c__pad1', 'c__pad2']
    S = rffi_platform.getstruct(
        "foobar_t", """
           typedef struct {
                char c1;
                char c2;  /* _pad0 */
                char c3;  /* _pad1 */
                /* _pad2 */
                int i1;
           } foobar_t;
           """, [("c1", lltype.Signed), ("i1", lltype.Signed)])
    assert S._hints['padding'] == ('c__pad0', 'c__pad1', 'c__pad2')
    d = {'c_c1': 'char', 'c_i1': 'int'}
    assert S._hints['get_padding_drop'](d) == ['c__pad2']
    S = rffi_platform.getstruct(
        "foobar_t", """
           typedef struct {
                char c1;
                /* _pad0 */
                short s1;  /* _pad1, _pad2 */
                int i1;
           } foobar_t;
           """, [("c1", lltype.Signed), ("i1", lltype.Signed)])
    assert S._hints['padding'] == ('c__pad0', 'c__pad1', 'c__pad2')
    d = {'c_c1': 'char', 'c_i1': 'int'}
    assert S._hints['get_padding_drop'](d) == ['c__pad1', 'c__pad2']
    S = rffi_platform.getstruct(
        "foobar_t", """
           typedef struct {
                char c1;
                char c2;  /* _pad0 */
                /* _pad1, _pad2 */
                int i1;
                char c3;  /* _pad3 */
                /* _pad4 */
                short s1;
           } foobar_t;
           """, [("c1", lltype.Signed), ("i1", lltype.Signed),
                 ("s1", lltype.Signed)])
    assert S._hints['padding'] == ('c__pad0', 'c__pad1', 'c__pad2', 'c__pad3',
    d = {'c_c1': 'char', 'c_i1': 'int', 'c_s1': 'short'}
    assert S._hints['get_padding_drop'](d) == ['c__pad1', 'c__pad2', 'c__pad4']
    S = rffi_platform.getstruct(
        "foobar_t", """
           typedef struct {
                char c1;
                long l2;  /* some number of _pads */
           } foobar_t;
           """, [("c1", lltype.Signed)])
    padding = list(S._hints['padding'])
    d = {'c_c1': 'char'}
    assert S._hints['get_padding_drop'](d) == padding