Beispiel #1
def _to_polynomial(f, val1):
    prec = f.prec.value
    R = PolynomialRing(QQ if f.base_ring == ZZ else f.base_ring,
                       names="q1, q2")
    q1, q2 = R.gens()
    I = R.ideal([q1 ** (prec + 1), q2 ** (prec + 1)])
    S = R.quotient_ring(I)
    res = sum([sum([f.fc_dct.get((n, r, m), 0) * QQ(val1) ** r
                    for r in range(-int(floor(2 * sqrt(n * m))), int(floor(2 * sqrt(n * m))) + 1)])
               * q1 ** n * q2 ** m
               for n in range(prec + 1)
               for m in range(prec + 1)])
    return S(res)
Beispiel #2
def verify_algebraically_GB(g, P0, alpha, trace_and_norm, verbose=True):
    # input:
    # * P0 (only necessary to shift the series)
    # * [trace_numerator, trace_denominator, norm_numerator, norm_denominator]
    # output:
    # a boolean
    if verbose:
        print "verify_algebraically()"
    L = P0.base_ring()
    assert alpha.base_ring() is L
    L_poly = PolynomialRing(L, "xL")
    xL = L_poly.gen()
    # shifting the series avoids makes our life easier
    trace_numerator, trace_denominator, norm_numerator, norm_denominator = [
        L_poly(coeff)(L_poly.gen() + P0[0]) for coeff in trace_and_norm
    L_fpoly = L_poly.fraction_field()
    trace = L_fpoly(trace_numerator) / L_fpoly(trace_denominator)
    norm = L_fpoly(norm_numerator) / L_fpoly(norm_denominator)
    L_fpoly_Z2 = PolynomialRing(L_fpoly, "z")
    z = L_fpoly_Z2.gen()
    gP0 = g(L_poly.gen() + P0[0])
    disc = (trace**2 - 4 * norm)

    IsqrtD = L_fpoly_Z2.ideal([z**2 - disc.numerator()])

    R0 = L_fpoly_Z2.quotient_ring(IsqrtD)

    iz = z / R0(z**2).lift()

    x1 = R0((trace - z / sqrt(disc.denominator())) / 2).lift()
    x2 = R0((trace + z / sqrt(disc.denominator())) / 2).lift()
    assert x1 + x2 == trace, "x1 + x2"
    assert R0(x1 * x2) == norm, "x1 * x2"

    dx1 = R0(
        (trace.derivative(xL) -
         iz * sqrt(disc.denominator()) * disc.derivative(xL) / 2) / 2).lift()
    dx2 = R0(
        (trace.derivative(xL) +
         iz * sqrt(disc.denominator()) * disc.derivative(xL) / 2) / 2).lift()
    assert R0(dx1 + dx2) == R0(trace.derivative(xL)), "dx1 + dx2"

    gx1 = R0(g(x1)).lift()
    gx2 = R0(g(x2)).lift()
    igx1 = R0(gx2).lift() / R0(gx2 * gx1).lift()
    assert R0(gx1 * igx1) == 1, "gx1 * igx1"
    igx2 = R0(gx1).lift() / R0(gx1 * gx2).lift()
    assert R0(gx2 * igx2) == 1, "gx2 * igx2"

    square = gx1.numerator()
    if verbose:
        print "Simplifying sqrt( g(x1).numerator() )"
    a1, a2, d1, d2 = simplify_sqrt(square.constant_coefficient().numerator(),

    assert (d1.numerator() // gP0) in L or (d2.numerator() //
                                            gP0) in L, "d1 or d2"
    L_fpoly_Z = PolynomialRing(L_fpoly, 3, "z, y, w")
    z, y, w = L_fpoly_Z.gens()
    Isqrt = L_fpoly_Z.ideal([z - y * w, y**2 - d1, w**2 - d2])
    R = L_fpoly_Z.quotient_ring(Isqrt)

    iz = z / (d1 * d2)
    assert R(z * iz) == 1
    iw = w / R(w**2).lift()
    assert R(w * iw) == 1
    iy = y / R(y**2).lift()
    assert R(iy * y) == 1

    sgx1 = R(a1 * y + a2 * w).lift() / R(sqrt(gx1.denominator())).lift()
    sgx2 = R(a1 * y - a2 * w).lift() / R(sqrt(gx1.denominator())).lift()
    assert R(sgx1**2) == gx1, "sgx1**2"
    assert R(sgx2**2) == gx2, "sgx2**2"

    isgx1 = R(sgx2).lift() / R(sgx1 * sgx2).lift()
    isgx2 = R(sgx1).lift() / R(sgx1 * sgx2).lift()

    assert R(sgx1 * isgx1) == 1, "sgx1 * isgx1"
    assert R(sgx2 * isgx2) == 1, "sgx2 * isgx2"

    if verbose:
        print "adjusting to d1//g(x) or d1/g(x) in L"

    if R(w**2 / gP0).lift().degree() == 0:
        ct = iw * sqrt(R(w**2 / gP0).lift().constant_coefficient())
        assert R(w**2 / gP0).lift().degree() == 0
        ct = iy * sqrt(R(y**2 / gP0).lift().constant_coefficient())

#    else:
#        assert R(y**2/gP0).lift() in L, "\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n" % ( R(y**2/gP0).lift(),  R(y**2/gP0).lift() in L, R(w**2/gP0).lift(), R(w**2/gP0).lift() in L, )
#        ct = iy * sqrt(L(R(y**2/gP0).lift()))
    eq1 = Matrix([[
        -2 * L_poly(alpha.row(0).list())(L_poly.gen() + P0[0]) * ct,
        R(dx1 * isgx1),
        R(dx2 * isgx2)
    eq2 = Matrix([[
        -2 * L_poly(alpha.row(1).list())(L_poly.gen() + P0[0]) * ct,
        R(x1 * dx1 * isgx1),
        R(x2 * dx2 * isgx2)
    branches = Matrix(
        R, [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, -1], [1, -1, 1], [1, -1, 1]]).transpose()
    meq1 = eq1 * branches
    meq2 = eq2 * branches
    algzero = False
    for j in range(4):
        if meq1[0, j] == 0 and meq2[0, j] == 0:
            algzero = True
    if verbose:
        print "Done, verify_algebraically()  = %s" % algzero
    return algzero