Beispiel #1
def kmedias(data, k, distance, iteration):

    base = data

    C_1 = np.random.randint(np.min(base), np.max(base), size=k)

    C = np.array(list(zip(C_1)), dtype=np.uint8)

    #clusters anteriores
    C_ant = np.zeros(C.shape)
    error = np.linalg.norm(C - C_ant, axis=1)
    clusters = np.zeros(len(base))

    aux = math.inf

    test = 0
    while aux >= 0.001:
        if test > iteration:

        for i in range(len(base)):
            if distance == 'euclidean':
                distancias = np.linalg.norm(base[i] - C, axis=1)
                distancias = np.zeros(k)
                for w in range(k):
                    distancias[w] = chebyshev(base[i], C[w])

            cluster = np.argmin(distancias)
            clusters[i] = cluster

        C_ant = deepcopy(C)

        clusters = np.reshape(clusters, (clusters.shape[0], 1))
        for i in range(k):
            points = [base[j] for j in range(len(base)) if clusters[j] == i]
            C[i] = np.mean(points, axis=0)
        if distance == 'euclidean':
            error = np.linalg.norm(C - C_ant, axis=1)
            error = chebyshev(C, C_ant)
        aux = np.sum(error)
        test = test + 1

    return points, clusters, C
Beispiel #2
 def sortneighbors(self, x, y, X_train, x_test):
     x = np.array(x).astype(np.float)
     x_test = np.array(x_test).astype(np.float)
     dist = np.empty(len(x))
     for i in range(len(x)):
         #            st=globals()["distance."+self.metric]
         #            dist=st(x_train,x_test)
         if self.metric == 'cosine':
             dist[i] = distance.cosine(x[i], x_test)
         elif self.metric == 'chebyshev':
             dist[i] = distance.chebyshev(x[i], x_test)
         elif self.metric == 'cityblock':
             dist[i] = distance.cityblock(x[i], x_test)
         elif self.metric == 'euclidean':
             dist[i] = distance.euclidean(x[i], x_test)
         elif self.metric == 'minkowski':
             dist[i] = distance.minkowski(x[i], x_test)
                 'Error!!! Enter a correct distance function and try again \n'
     dist = np.argsort(
     )  # Returning the indices of the similarity values (distance values are sorted in ascending order)
     x_sorted = np.empty(shape=(len(x), len(X_train[1])))
     y_sorted = []
     k = 0
     for i in dist:
         x_sorted[k] = x[i]
         k = k + 1
     return x_sorted, y_sorted
 def calculateL2(self, feat1, feat2, c_type='euclidean'):
     assert np.shape(feat1) == np.shape(feat2)
     if config.insight:
         ] = np.shape(feat1)
         _, len_ = np.shape(feat1)
     #print("len ",len_)
     if c_type == "cosine":
         s_d = distance.cosine(feat1, feat2)
     elif c_type == "euclidean":
         #s_d = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(feat1-feat2)))
         #s_d = distance.euclidean(feat1,feat2,w=1./len_)
         s_d = distance.euclidean(feat1, feat2, w=1)
     elif c_type == "correlation":
         s_d = distance.correlation(feat1, feat2)
     elif c_type == "braycurtis":
         s_d = distance.braycurtis(feat1, feat2)
     elif c_type == 'canberra':
         s_d = distance.canberra(feat1, feat2)
     elif c_type == "chebyshev":
         s_d = distance.chebyshev(feat1, feat2)
     return s_d
Beispiel #4
def distance(x, y, weights = [], p = 3, method = "euclidean"):

    :param weights:
    :param p:
    :param x: X vector
    :param y: Y vector
    :param method: Method to Find Distance
    :return: The Distance Value

    value = 0.00
    if method == "euclidean":
        value = distance.euclidean(x, y)
    elif method == "minkowski":
        value = distance.minkowski(x, y, p)
    elif method == "cosine":
        value  = distance.cosine(x, y)
    elif method == "manhattan":
        value = distance.cityblock(x, y)
    elif method == "dice":
        value = distance.dice(x, y)
    elif method == "jaccard":
        value = distance.jaccard(x, y)
    elif method == "hamming":
        value == distance.hamming(x, y)
    elif method == "canbera":
        value == distance.chebyshev(x, y)
        print(method, " Not Found! unsing Eclidean Distance!")
        value = distance.euclidean(x, y)
    return value
Beispiel #5
    def tmpAssignPoints(self, centroids):
        print "WYBRANA METRYKA: "+ str(self.metric)
        distCount = lambda a, b: euclidean(a, b)
        if self.metric == "chebyshev":
             distCount = lambda a, b: chebyshev(a, b)
        if self.metric == "cityblock":
             distCount = lambda a, b: cityblock(a, b)

        # chebyshev = nieskonczonosc
        # distCount = lambda x, y: chebyshev(x, y)

        #cityblock = l1
        # distCount = lambda x, y: cityblock(x, y)
        for i in self.df.index:
            c_dist = []
            for c in centroids:
                # print "i: "+str(self.df.loc[i].values)+ " c: "+str(c)
                x= distCount(self.df.loc[i].values, c)
                # print "xx: "+str(x)
                #klucz-x, wartosc-c
            m = min(disctances)
            # print "distances:"
            # print  disctances
            # print "c_dist"
            # print c_dist
            dm = disctances.index(m)
            tmp_nearest_centr = c_dist[dm]
            # print"closest centr: "+str(tmp_nearest_centr )

        return (labels_centroids, centroids)
Beispiel #6
def color_histogram_shot_labels(
        config, histograms: Sequence[bytes]) -> Sequence[bytes]:
    hists = [readers.histograms(byts, config.protobufs) for byts in histograms]

    # Compute the mean difference between each pair of adjacent frames
    diffs = np.array([
            distance.chebyshev(hists[i - 1][j], hists[i][j]) for j in range(3)
        ]) for i in range(1, len(hists))
    diffs = np.insert(diffs, 0, 0)
    n = len(diffs)

    # Do simple outlier detection to find boundaries between shots
    positive_boundaries = []
    negative_boundaries = []
    for i in range(1, n):
        window = diffs[max(i - WINDOW_SIZE, 0):min(i + WINDOW_SIZE, n)]
        if diffs[i] - np.mean(window) > POSITIVE_OUTLIER * np.std(window):
        if diffs[i] - np.mean(window) < NEGATIVE_OUTLIER * np.std(window):

    return [pickle.dumps((positive_boundaries, negative_boundaries))
            ] + ['\0' for _ in range(len(histograms) - 1)]
Beispiel #7
def test_standard_chebyshev_call_works(tmpdir, sample_config):
    sample_config['DYESCORE_DATA_DIR'] = tmpdir.strpath
    ds = DyeScore(write_config_file(tmpdir, sample_config))

    random_array = np.random.rand(5, 2)
    snippet_ids = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4']  # 0 index for sanity :D
    data = xr.DataArray(random_array,
                            'snippet': snippet_ids,
                            'symbol': ['window.navigator', 'canvas.context'],
                        dims=('snippet', 'symbol'))
    f = ds.dye_score_data_file('snippets')

    # Run Test
    dye_snippets = ['2']
    result_file = ds.compute_distances_for_dye_snippets(dye_snippets,

    # Check Results
    results = xr.open_zarr(store=ds.get_zarr_store(result_file))['data']
    assert results.shape == (5, 1)
    for s in snippet_ids:
        actual_result = results.sel(snippet=s, dye_snippet='2').values
        expected_result = chebyshev(random_array[2], random_array[int(s)])
        assert actual_result == expected_result
Beispiel #8
def test_chebyshev_func():
    """Note the injection of an extra dimension which happens
    when the xarray apply ufunc is put together.

    For (5,1,2) all data looks like:
    [[[0.34180806 0.92010143]],
     [[0.69717685 0.24012436]],
     [[0.3362796  0.08151153]],
     [[0.74861764 0.94125763]],
     [[0.25078923 0.3294995 ]]]

    dye data is just one row of this
     [[0.74861764 0.94125763]]

    returned data is:
      [0.        ],
    random_array = np.random.rand(5, 1, 2)

    for dye_snippet in [0, 1, 4]:
        dye_snippet_result = get_chebyshev_distances_xarray_ufunc(
            random_array, random_array[dye_snippet])
        assert dye_snippet_result.shape == (5, 1)
        for i, actual_result in enumerate(dye_snippet_result):
            expected_result = chebyshev(random_array[dye_snippet][0],
            assert actual_result == expected_result
def color_histogram_shot_labels(histogram,
    histogram = list(histogram)
    # Compute the mean difference between each pair of adjacent frames
    diffs = np.array([
            distance.chebyshev(histogram[i - 1][j], histogram[i][j])
            for j in range(dim)
        ]) for i in range(1, len(histogram))
    diffs = np.insert(diffs, 0, 0)
    n = len(diffs)

    # Do simple outlier detection to find boundaries between shots
    positive_boundaries = []
    negative_boundaries = []
    for i in range(1, n):
        window = diffs[max(i - WINDOW_SIZE, 0):min(i + WINDOW_SIZE, n)]
        if diffs[i] - np.mean(
                window) > POSITIVE_OUTLIER_THRESHOLD * np.std(window):
        if diffs[i] - np.mean(
                window) < NEGATIVE_OUTLIER_THRESHOLD * np.std(window):

    return positive_boundaries, negative_boundaries
Beispiel #10
def calculate_distance(X, Y, metric='euclidean'):
    if metric == METRIC_EUCLIDEAN:
        return distance.euclidean(X, Y)
    elif metric == METRIC_JACCARD:
        return distance.jaccard(X, Y)
    elif metric == METRIC_CANBERRA:
        return distance.canberra(X, Y)
    elif metric == METRIC_CHEBYSHEV:
        return distance.chebyshev(X, Y)
    elif metric == METRIC_MINKOWSKI:
        return distance.minkowski(X, Y)
    elif metric == METRIC_WMINKOWSKI:
        return distance.wminkowski(X, Y)
    elif metric == METRIC_BRAYCURTIS:
        return distance.braycurtis(X, Y)
    elif metric == METRIC_HAMMING:
        return distance.hamming(X, Y)
    elif metric == METRIC_MAHALANOBIS:
        return distance.mahalanobis(X, Y)
    elif metric == METRIC_MANHATTAN:
        return sum(abs(a - b) for a, b in zip(X, Y))

    elif metric == METRIC_COSINE:
        dot_product =, Y)
        norm_a = np.linalg.norm(X)
        norm_b = np.linalg.norm(Y)
        return dot_product / (norm_a * norm_b)
def Chebyshev(y1, y2, verbose=False):
    Chebyshev distance between 2 vectors.
        y1 - list-like object
        y2 - list-like object
        distance - sum of absolute difference

        y1 = [1,3,5,7]
        y2 = [1,3,7,9]
        Chebyshev(y1, y2, verbose=True)
        =>  y1: [1 3 5 7]
            y2: [1 4 7 10]
            Chebyshev Distance: 3
    y1 = np.asarray(y1)
    y2 = np.asarray(y2)
    dist = distance.chebyshev(y1, y2)

    if verbose:
        print("y1:", y1)
        print("y2:", y2)
        print("Chebyshev Distance:", dist)

    return dist
Beispiel #12
def closest_point(point, list, matrix):	

	if np.shape(list)[0] == 0: 
		return point
	distances = []
	for item in list:
		distances.append(distance.chebyshev(point, item))
	minimum = min(distances)
	index = distances.index(minimum)
	move = list[distances.index(minimum)]

	while minimum == 1 and matrix[point[0]][point[1]] < (threshold[j]+1)*255 - 1:


		if np.shape(distances)[0] == 0:

		minimum = min(distances)
		index = distances.index(minimum)
		move = list[index]
	if np.shape(distances)[0] == 0:
		return point
		return move	
    def test_compare_histograms(self):
        d1 = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=20000)
        d2 = np.random.normal(loc=5.0, scale=1.0, size=20000)

        d1 = np.float32(d1)
        d2 = np.float32(d2)

        max1 = max(d1)
        max2 = max(d2)
        maxboth = max(max1, max2)
        minboth = min(min(d1), min(d2))

        hist1, binsout = np.histogram(d1, range=(minboth, maxboth), bins=40)
        hist1 = np.float32(hist1)
        hist1 = cv2.normalize(hist1).flatten()

        hist2, binsout = np.histogram(d2, range=(minboth, maxboth), bins=40)
        hist2 = np.float32(hist2)
        hist2 = cv2.normalize(hist2).flatten()

        rate_fp.display_two_histograms(hist1, hist2, binsout)

        print('euclidean dist:' + str(dist.euclidean(hist1, hist2)))
        print('cityblock dist:' + str(dist.cityblock(hist1, hist2)))
        print('chebyshev dist:' + str(dist.chebyshev(hist1, hist2)))
        print('correlation:' +
              str(cv2.compareHist(hist1, hist2,
        print('chisqr:' +
              str(cv2.compareHist(hist1, hist2,
        print('intersection:' +
              str(cv2.compareHist(hist1, hist2,
        print('bhatta:' +
              str(cv2.compareHist(hist1, hist2,
    def kMeans(self):
        for numClusters in range(self.minClusters, self.maxClusters + 1):
            self.gain[numClusters] = {}
            self.gain[numClusters]["avg"] = []
            for rep in range(n):
                clustId = numClusters
                print "Running on %s clusters, rep %s" % (numClusters, rep + 1)
                self.gain[clustId]["labels"] = list(KMeans(numClusters).fit(np.array(
                centroids = [[0 for x in range(len([0]))]
                             for y in range(numClusters)]

                print "\tFinding Centroids"
                for index, pt in enumerate(
                    cluster = self.gain[clustId]["labels"][index]
                    prevCenter = centroids[cluster]
                    centroids[cluster] = self._solve_centroid(pt, prevCenter)

                self.gain[clustId]["cosine"] = 0
                self.gain[clustId]["cheby"] = 0
                self.gain[clustId]["euclid"] = 0
                self.gain[clustId]["jaccard"] = 0
                for index, pt in enumerate(
                    cluster = self.gain[clustId]["labels"][index]
                    centroid = centroids[cluster]
                    self.gain[clustId]["cosine"] += distance.cosine(centroid, pt) / len(
                    self.gain[clustId]["cheby"] += distance.chebyshev(centroid, pt) / len(
                    self.gain[clustId]["jaccard"] += distance.correlation(centroid, pt) / len(

                marginGain = self.bestMarginalGain(clustId, rep, centroids)
                if marginGain[0] is False:
                    return marginGain[1], self.gain[marginGain[0]]["labels"]

        print "Max clusters is best marginal gain," + \
              "consider rerunning with higher max"
        return self.maxClusters, self.gain[clustId]["labels"]
def dist_chebishev(img_a, img_b):
    hist_a = cv2.calcHist([img_a], [0, 1, 2], None, [8, 8, 8],
                          [0, 256, 0, 256, 0, 256])
    hist_a = cv2.normalize(hist_a, hist_a).flatten()
    hist_b = cv2.calcHist([img_b], [0, 1, 2], None, [8, 8, 8],
                          [0, 256, 0, 256, 0, 256])
    hist_b = cv2.normalize(hist_b, hist_b).flatten()
    return dist.chebyshev(hist_a, hist_b)
Beispiel #16
def chebyshev_between_parts_and_compound(part1_vecs, part2_vecs, comp_vecs,
    parts_mean = get_mean(part1_vecs, part2_vecs)

    chebyshevs = []
    for w, c in zip(parts_mean, comp_vecs):
        chebyshevs.append(abs(distance.chebyshev(w, c)))
    print(spearmanr(chebyshevs, true_class)[0])
Beispiel #17
def cacaulcDis(it, tgt, dir, type):
    ret = []
    if type == "euclidean":
        for i in it:
                distance.euclidean(numpy.array(i[1], dtype=object),
                                   numpy.array(tgt, dtype=object)))
        f = open(dir, 'w')
        for j in ret:
            f.writelines(str(j) + "\n")
    if type == "cosine":
        for i in it:
                distance.cosine(numpy.array(i[1], dtype=object),
                                numpy.array(tgt, dtype=object)))
        f = open(dir, 'w')
        for j in ret:
            f.writelines(str(j) + "\n")

    if type == "chebyshev":
        for i in it:
                distance.chebyshev(numpy.array(i[1], dtype=object),
                                   numpy.array(tgt, dtype=object)))
        f = open(dir, 'w')
        for j in ret:
            f.writelines(str(j) + "\n")

    if type == "manhattan":
        for i in it:
            size = len(i[1])
            j = 0
            temp = 0
            while j < size:
                temp = temp + abs(tgt[j] - i[1][j])
                j = j + 1

        f = open(dir, 'w')
        for k in ret:
            f.writelines(str(k) + "\n")

    if type == "sortNormEuc":
        for i in it:
                    normalize(numpy.array(i[1], dtype=object), 1),
                    normalize(numpy.array(tgt, dtype=object), 1)))
        f = open(dir, 'w')
        ret = sorted(ret)
        for j in ret:
            f.writelines(str(j) + "\n")
Beispiel #18
def linear_kernel(matrix_1, matrix_2):
    cos = paired_cosine_distances(matrix_1, matrix_2)
    man = paired_manhattan_distances(matrix_1, matrix_2)
    euc = paired_euclidean_distances(matrix_1, matrix_2)
    che = []
    for row_1, row_2 in zip(matrix_1, matrix_2):
        che.append(chebyshev(row_1, row_2))
    che = np.asarray(che)
    out = np.vstack((cos, man, euc, che)).T
    return out
Beispiel #19
 def pair_coherence(self, word_i, word_j, metric=None):
         return 1 - distance.correlation(self.model[word_i], self.model[word_j])
         return 1 - distance.chebyshev(self.model[word_i], self.model[word_j])
         return 1 - distance.euclidean(self.model[word_i], self.model[word_j])
         return 1 - distance.canberra(self.model[word_i], self.model[word_j])
     return self.model.similarity(word_i,word_j)
Beispiel #20
def classificationChebyshev(indice):
    M = ldb.getData(indice)
    mini = np.inf
    index = 0
    for i in range(10):
        d = distance.chebyshev(M, DATA.matrice_moyenne[i])
        if d < mini:
            index = i
            mini = d
    return index, mini
Beispiel #21
def get_roc_score(X, edges_pos, edges_neg, measure):
    def sigmoid(x):
        return x

    preds = []
    d = int(X.shape[1] / 2)
    for (s, t) in edges_pos:
        if measure == 'dot':
            score =[s], X[t])
        elif measure == 'cosine':
            preds.append(cosine_similarity([X[s], X[t]])[0, 0])
        elif measure == 'hamming':
            preds.append(1 - hamming(X[s], X[t]))
        elif measure == 'euclidean':
            preds.append(-euclidean(X[s], X[t]))
        elif measure == 'chebyshev':
            preds.append(-chebyshev(X[s], X[t]))
        elif measure == 'dot2':
            preds.append(sigmoid([s, 0:d], X[t, d:])))

    preds_neg = []
    for (s, t) in edges_neg:
        if measure == 'dot':
            score =[s], X[t])
        elif measure == 'cosine':
            preds_neg.append(cosine_similarity([X[s], X[t]])[0, 0])
        elif measure == 'hamming':
            preds_neg.append(1 - hamming(X[s], X[t]))
        elif measure == 'euclidean':
            preds_neg.append(-euclidean(X[s], X[t]))
        elif measure == 'chebyshev':
            preds_neg.append(-chebyshev(X[s], X[t]))
        elif measure == 'dot2':
            preds_neg.append(sigmoid([s, 0:d], X[t, d:])))

    preds_all = np.hstack([preds, preds_neg])
    labels_all = np.hstack([np.ones(len(preds)), np.zeros(len(preds_neg))])
    roc_score = roc_auc_score(labels_all, preds_all)
    ap_score = average_precision_score(labels_all, preds_all)

    return roc_score, ap_score
Beispiel #22
def feature_construct(city,
    '''construct the feature matrixu2_checkin
        city: city
        model_name: 20_locid
        friends: friends list (asymetric) [u1, u2]
        walk_len: walk length
        walk_times: walk times
        num_features: dimension for vector        

    if os.path.exists('dataset/'+city+'/feature/'+city+'_'+model_name+'_'+\

    emb = pd.read_csv('dataset/'+city+'/emb/'+city+'_'+model_name+'_'+\
                      header=None, skiprows=1, sep=' ')

    emb = emb.rename(columns={0: 'uid'})  # last column is user id
    emb = emb.loc[emb.uid > 0]  # only take users, no loc_type, not necessary

    pair = pair_construct(emb.uid.unique(), friends)

    for i in range(len(pair)):
        u1 = pair.loc[i, 'u1']
        u2 = pair.loc[i, 'u2']
        label = pair.loc[i, 'label']

        u1_vector = emb.loc[emb.uid == u1, range(1, emb.shape[1])]
        u2_vector = emb.loc[emb.uid == u2, range(1, emb.shape[1])]

        i_feature = pd.DataFrame([[
            u1, u2, label,
            cosine(u1_vector, u2_vector),
            euclidean(u1_vector, u2_vector),
            correlation(u1_vector, u2_vector),
            chebyshev(u1_vector, u2_vector),
            braycurtis(u1_vector, u2_vector),
            canberra(u1_vector, u2_vector),
            cityblock(u1_vector, u2_vector),
            sqeuclidean(u1_vector, u2_vector)

                         index = False, header = None, mode = 'a')
Beispiel #23
def cheb_dist(user_predict, adoptable_dogs, images):
    Calculating Chepyshev distance between two 1D arrays and return similarity score
    sim_score = []
    for idx in range(0, len(adoptable_dogs)):
    print('Maximum SimScore: ' + str(max(sim_score)))
    return pd.DataFrame({'imgFile': images, 'SimScore': sim_score})
Beispiel #24
def similarity_metrics(vec1,vec2,med='all'):
    Function that computes the similarity/distance between two vectors
    vec1 : list numpy array
        the first vector
    vec2 : list numpy array  
        the second vector
    med : string
        the metric that will be computed
        Minkowski and Standard Measures
            Euclidean Distance : 'ED'
            Cityblock Distance : 'CD'
            Infinity Distance : 'ID'
            Cosine Similarity : 'CS'
        Statistical Measures
            Pearson Correlation Coefficient : 'PCC'
            Chi-Square Dissimilarity : 'CSD'
            Kullback-Liebler Divergence : 'KLD'
            Jeffrey Divergence : 'JD'
            Kolmogorov-Smirnov Divergence : 'KSD'
            Cramer-von Mises Divergence : 'CMD'
    similarity/distance : float
        the similarity/distance between the two vectors
    distance = 0
    if med == 'ed':
        distance = euclidean(vec1,vec2)
    elif med == 'cd':
        distance = cityblock(vec1, vec2)
    elif med == 'id':
        distance = chebyshev(vec1,vec2)
    elif med == 'cs':
        distance = cosine(vec1, vec2)
    elif med == 'pcc':
        distance = dist_pearson(vec1, vec2)
    elif med == 'csd':
        distance = chisquare(vec1, vec2)[0]
    elif med == 'kld':
        distance = entropy(vec1,vec2)
    elif med == 'jd':
        distance = dist_jeffrey(vec1, vec2)
    elif med == 'ksd':
        distance = ks_2samp(vec1, vec2)[0]
    elif med == 'cmd':
        distance = dist_cvm(vec1, vec2)
    return distance
    def distance(self, x, y):
        if self.metric == 'euclidean':
            return np.sqrt(np.sum((x-y)**2))  

        elif self.metric == 'chebyshev':
            return distance.chebyshev(x, y)

        elif self.metric == 'manhetten':
            return distance.cityblock(x, y)
        elif self.metric == 'minkowski':
            return distance.minkowski(x, y, 2)   
Beispiel #26
    def chebyshev(self, x=None, y=None, w=None):
        切比雪夫距离(Chebyshev distance)是向量空间中的一种度量,二个点之间的距离定义是其各坐标数值差绝对值的最大值。
        以数学的观点来看,切比雪夫距离是由一致范数(uniform norm)(或称为上确界范数)所衍生的度量,
        也是超凸度量(injective metric space)的一种。计算公式为

        x = [1, 2, 0]
        y = [0, 1, 0]
        x = x or self.x
        y = y or self.y
        w = w or self.w
        return distance.chebyshev(x, y, w)
Beispiel #27
def calc_chebyshev(query_vec, num_of_docs):  # bigger better
    vec_distances = []
    for index, row in data.iterrows():
        vec_distances.append(chebyshev(query_vec.toarray(), row['text']))

    result_docs = data.copy()
    result_docs['chebyshev'] = list(vec_distances)
    result_docs = result_docs.sort_values(by=['chebyshev'],
                                          ascending=False)  # default: asc

    result_docs = result_docs.head(num_of_docs)
    result_docs.drop('chebyshev', axis=1, inplace=True)
    return result_docs
def cross_channel_distance_features(image):
    """calculates the cross channel distance features 
    Calculates the distances across channels 

    image : 3D array, shape (M, N, C)
        The input image with multiple channels. 

    features :  dict  
        dictionary including different distances across channels

    features = dict()
    for ch1 in range(image.shape[2]):
        for ch2 in range(ch1 + 1, image.shape[2]):
            # rehaping the channels to 1D
            channel1 = image[:, :, ch1].ravel()
            channel2 = image[:, :, ch2].ravel()

            # creating the suffix name for better readability
            suffix = "_Ch" + str(ch1 + 1) + "_Ch" + str(ch2 + 1)

            # storing the distance values
            features["braycurtis_distance" + suffix] = dist.braycurtis(
                channel1, channel2)
            features["canberra_distance" + suffix] = dist.canberra(
                channel1, channel2)
            features["chebyshev_distance" + suffix] = dist.chebyshev(
                channel1, channel2)
            features["cityblock_distance" + suffix] = dist.cityblock(
                channel1, channel2)
            features["correlation_distance" + suffix] = dist.correlation(
                channel1, channel2)
            features["cosine_distance" + suffix] = dist.cosine(
                channel1, channel2)
            features["euclidean_distance" + suffix] = dist.euclidean(
                channel1, channel2)
            features["jensenshannon_distance" + suffix] = dist.jensenshannon(
                channel1, channel2)
            features["minkowski_distance" + suffix] = dist.minkowski(
                channel1, channel2)
            features["sqeuclidean_distance" + suffix] = dist.sqeuclidean(
                channel1, channel2)

    return features
Beispiel #29
def get_hist_diffs(hists):

    # Add a 0 histogram for the frame before to ensure len(diffs) == len(hists)
    hists = hists.tolist()
    pre_hist = [0 for x in hists[0]]
    hists.insert(0, pre_hist)

    color_hist_diffs = [
        distance.chebyshev(hists[i - 1], hists[i])
        for i in range(1, len(hists))

    color_hist_diffs = np.array(color_hist_diffs)

    return color_hist_diffs
Beispiel #30
def gen_dist_feats(vect_img_1, vect_img_2):
    return [
        distance.euclidean(vect_img_1, vect_img_2),
        distance.braycurtis(vect_img_1, vect_img_2),
        distance.canberra(vect_img_1, vect_img_2),
        distance.chebyshev(vect_img_1, vect_img_2),
        distance.cityblock(vect_img_1, vect_img_2),
        distance.cosine(vect_img_1, vect_img_2),
        distance.jensenshannon(vect_img_1, vect_img_2),
        distance.minkowski(vect_img_1, vect_img_2),
Beispiel #31
    def get_dist_preds(self, predictions, metric):
        new_preds = []
        for j, pred in enumerate(predictions):
            distances = []
            remaining_preds = predictions[:j] + predictions[j + 1:]
            for pred_ in remaining_preds:
                if metric == 'euclid':
                    distances += [euclidean(pred_, pred)]
                elif metric == 'cosine':
                    distances += [cosine(pred_, pred)]
                elif metric == 'jaccard':  # i think this is only for boolean
                    distances += [jaccard(pred_, pred)]
                elif metric == 'chebyshev':
                    distances += [chebyshev(pred_, pred)]
                elif metric == 'correlation':
                    distances += [correlation(pred_, pred)]
                elif metric == 'cityblock':
                    distances += [cityblock(pred_, pred)]
                elif metric == 'canberra':
                    distances += [canberra(pred_, pred)]
                elif metric == 'braycurtis':
                    distances += [braycurtis(pred_, pred)]
                elif metric == 'hamming':  # i think this is only for boolean
                    distances += [hamming(pred_, pred)]
                elif metric == 'battacharyya':
                    distances += [
            new_preds += [(pred, sum(distances))]  # (precdictions, weight)

        weights = [tup[1] for tup in new_preds]
        W = sum(weights)  # total weight
        if self.sdhw:
            # those with lower distances have higher weight
            # sort in ascending order of aggregated distances
            preds_ascending_dist = sorted(new_preds, key=lambda x: x[1])
            weights_descending = sorted(weights, reverse=True)
            weighted_pred = sum([
                pred_tup[0] * (weights_descending[k] / W)
                for k, pred_tup in enumerate(preds_ascending_dist)
            # those with lower distances have lower weight
            weighted_pred = sum(
                [pred_tup[0] * (pred_tup[1] / W) for pred_tup in new_preds])
        return weighted_pred
Beispiel #32
def calculate_histogram_overlap(same_distances_arrays, different_distances_arrays, bins=50):
    :param same_distances_arrays: array of distance arrays for same items
    :param different_distances_arrays: array of distance arrays for different items
    :param bins: number of histogram bins
    :return: dictionary of various distance measures. watch out, some increase w. similarity, others decrease

    totsame = []  # np.ndarray.flatten(same_distances_arrays)
    totdiff = []  # np.ndarray.flatten(-different_distances_arrays)

    # flatten the array of arrays. could prob. use flatten() for this
    for same_distances in same_distances_arrays:
        for val in same_distances:
    for different_distances in different_distances_arrays:
        for val in different_distances:

    hist1, binsout = np.histogram(totsame, bins=bins)
    hist1 = np.float32(hist1)
    hist1 = cv2.normalize(hist1).flatten()

    hist2, binsout = np.histogram(totdiff, bins=bins)
    hist2 = np.float32(hist2)
    hist2 = cv2.normalize(hist2).flatten()

    # print(self_report)
    same_item_average = np.mean(totsame)
    cross_item_average = np.mean(totdiff)
    same_item_error = np.std(totsame)
    cross_item_error = np.std(totdiff)
    numerator = cross_item_average - same_item_average
    mychi = numerator / (np.sqrt(same_item_error ** 2 + cross_item_error ** 2))

    print('same avg {0} same var {1} '.format(same_item_average, same_item_error))
    print('cross avg {0} cross var {1} '.format(cross_item_average, cross_item_error))

    results = {"Correlation": float(cv2.compareHist(hist1, hist2,,
               "Chi-Squared": float(cv2.compareHist(hist1, hist2,,
               "Intersection": float(cv2.compareHist(hist1, hist2,,
               "Bhattacharyya": float(cv2.compareHist(hist1, hist2,,
               "Euclidean": float(dist.euclidean(hist1, hist2)),
               "Manhattan": float(dist.cityblock(hist1, hist2)),
               "Chebysev": float(dist.chebyshev(hist1, hist2)),
               "mychi": float(mychi)}
    return results
Beispiel #33
def compHist(hist1, hist2, method, formula):
    """Compare two histograms with given method and formula.

    hist1 : 1D array
        The first histogram
    hist2 : 1D array
        The second histogram
    method : str(cv integer)
        Options for method ('cv_comp', 'scipy_comp', 'kl_div')
    formula: str(cv integer)
        Options for formula.
        For method == 'cv_comp' (cv.CV_COMP_CORREL, cv.CV_COMP_CHISQR, cv.CV_COMP_INTERSECT, cv.CV_COMP_BHATTACHARYYA)
        For method == 'scipy_comp' ("Euclidean", "Manhattan", "Chebysev")

    ## using opencv
    if method == 'cv_comp':
        dis = cv2.compareHist(np.float32(hist1), np.float32(hist2), formula)
        if formula == cv.CV_COMP_CORREL:
            dis = -dis + 1

    ## using Scipy distance metrics
    if method == 'scipy_comp':
        if formula == 'Euclidean':
            dis = dist.euclidean(hist1, hist2)
        if formula == 'Manhattan':
            dis = dist.cityblock(hist1, hist2)
        if formula == 'Chebysev':
            dis = dist.chebyshev(hist1, hist2)

    ## using KL divergence
    hist1 = np.float32(hist1) + 1
    hist2 = np.float32(hist2) + 1     
    if method == 'kl_div':
        kbp = np.sum(hist1 * np.log(hist1 / hist2), 0)
        kbq = np.sum(hist2 * np.log(hist2 / hist1), 0)

        dis = np.double(kbp + kbq)/2

    return dis
Beispiel #34
    def assignPoints(self, centroids):
        # centroids
        # l = len(centroids)
        # for i in range(0,l):
        #     centroids[i]+=random.random()

        #set to True when there is a change in assigning points to clusters(centroids)
        changed = False

        assignedCentroids = pd.DataFrame()
        for i in self.df.index:
            distances = {}
            for c in centroids.index:
                if self.metric == "euclidean":
                    x = self.myEuclidean(self.df.loc[c], self.df.loc[i])
                if self.metric == "chebyshev":
                    x = chebyshev(self.df.loc[c], self.df.loc[i])
                if self.metric == "cityblock":
                    x = cityblock(self.df.loc[c], self.df.loc[i])
                # print"i: "+str(i)+" c: "+str(c)
                # print "self.df.loc[i]: "+ str(self.df.loc[i])
                # print "self.df.loc[c]: "+ str(self.df.loc[c])
                # print "x: "+str(x)
                #dictionary that stores centroid as a key and distance between point and centroid as a value
                distances[c] = x

            # find the minimum by comparing the second element of each tuple (values)
            m=min(distances.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
            #m[0] is a key of a min value in a dictionary, so m[0] is centroid
            # point i 'belongs' to centroid m[0]
            # if not[i,'centroids']==m[0]: #if centroid is changed
            #     changed=True
            # changed=True
        # print "centroidyyyyyyyyyy"
        # print assignedCentroids
        return (assignedCentroids, changed)
    def _D(self,x,y,metric):
        Calculates the distance between x and y according to metric 'metric'
        x : numpy array 
            1-d vector of dimension d
        y : numpy array
            1-d vector of dimension d
        metric: str 
            specify the metric used (default euclidian metric)
        D(x | y) : Distance between x and y according to metric 
        if metric == 'euclid' or metric == 'Euclid':
            return np.linalg.norm(x-y)
        if metric == 'kolmogorov' or metric == 'Kolmogorov':
            #check normalization
            norm_x = np.around(np.linalg.norm(x),decimals=10)
            norm_y = np.around(np.linalg.norm(y),decimals=10)
            if norm_x == 1 and norm_y == 1:
                return np.sqrt(1 - np.around(np.absolute(,y))),decimals=10)
                raise NameError('%s metric supports only normalized vectors'
                                % metric)
        if metric == 'chebyshev' or metric == 'Chebyshev':
            return ssd.chebyshev(x,y)

            raise NameError('%s metric not supported'
                            % metric)
Beispiel #36
    def fit(self):
        from numpy.linalg import norm
        from scipy.spatial.distance import chebyshev

        if not self._is_standardized:
            self._data_z_ = _standardize_with_scaler(self._data)
            self._is_standardized = True

        n_samps, n_feats = self.shape()

        em  = [] #endmembers
        cnt = np.zeros(n_samps)

        # Initial LIS
        lis = [] #lattice independent sources
        idx = np.random.randint(0, n_samps)
        p = 1 #number of current endmembers

        # Algorithm Initialization
        # Initialize endmembers set and index vector
        cnt[idx] = 1
        samp = self._data_z_[idx, :]

        is_new_lis = True

        #data signs
        signs = []

        #saving endmembers
        em.append(self._data[idx, :])

        #indicates wich pixels is identified as an endmember
        idxs = []

        #Run over each sample
        for i in range(n_samps):
            #check for LAAM recalculation
            if is_new_lis:
                #recalculate LAAM
                laam = LAM(lis)
                wxx, mxx =
                is_new_lis = False

            samp      = self._data[i, :]
            samp_sign = np.sign(samp)

            if np.sum(np.abs(samp)) > 0:
                if self._alpha <= 0:
                    #check if pixel is lattice dependent
                    #y = np.zeros(n_feats)

                    #vector version
                    samps = np.tile(samp, (n_feats, 1))
                    y = np.max(wxx + samps, axis=1)
                    #for loop version
                    #for j in range(n_feats):
                    #    y[j] = np.max(wxx[:,j] + samp)

                    #find the most similar and check the norms
                    sum_signs   = 0
                    selected_em = 0
                    for e in range(p):
                        asigns = np.array(signs)
                        sum_signs_em = np.sum(asigns[e, :] == samp_sign)
                        if sum_signs_em > sum_signs:
                            sum_signs   = sum_signs_em
                            selected_em = e

                        alis = np.array(lis)
                        if norm(alis[selected_em, :]) < norm(samp):
                            #substitute lis
                            new_lis = True
                            cnt  [i] = 1
                            cnt  [idx[selected_em]] = 0
                            idx  [selected_em] = i
                            lis  [selected_em] = samp
                            signs[selected_em] = np.sign(samp)
                            em   [selected_em] = self._data[i, :]


                #end if self._alpha <= 0
                    # Chebyshev-Best approximation
                    x_sharp  = np.zeros(n_feats)
                    wxx_conj = -wxx

                    for j in range(n_feats):
                        x_sharp[j] = np.min(wxx_conj[:, j] + samp)
                        mu = np.max(wxx[:, j] + x_sharp)
                        mu = np.max(mu + samp)/2

                    c1 = np.zeros(n_feats)
                    for j in range(n_feats):
                        c1[j] = np.max(wxx[:, j] + mu + x_sharp)

                    if chebyshev(c1, samp) < self._alpha:

                        #find the most similar and check the norms
                        sum_signs   = 0
                        selected_em = 0
                        for e in range(p):
                            asigns = np.array(signs)
                            sum_signs_em = np.sum(asigns[e, :] == samp_sign)
                            if sum_signs_em > sum_signs:
                                sum_signs   = sum_signs_em
                                selected_em = e

                        alis = np.array(lis)
                        if norm(alis[selected_em, :] < norm(samp)):
                            # substitute LIS
                            is_new_lis = True
                            cnt  [i] = 1
                            cnt  [idx[selected_em]] = 0
                            idx  [selected_em] = i
                            lis  [selected_em] = samp
                            signs[selected_em] = np.sign(samp)
                            em   [selected_em] = self._data[i, :]


                #Max-Min dominance
                mu1 = 0
                mu2 = 0
                for j in range(1, p+2):
                    s1 = np.zeros(n_feats)
                    s2 = np.zeros(n_feats)
                    for k in range(1, p+2):
                        if j != k:
                            if j == p+1: vi = samp
                            else:        vi = lis[j]

                            if k == p+1: vk = samp
                            else:        vk = lis[k]

                            d = vi - vk
                            m1 = np.max(d)
                            m2 = np.min(d)
                            s1 = s1 + (d == m1)
                            s2 = s2 + (d == m2)

                    mu1 = mu1 + (np.max(s1) == p)
                    mu2 = mu2 + (np.max(s2) == p)

                if mu1 == (p+1) or mu2 == (p+1):
                    #new lis
                    p += 1
                    cnt[i] = 1
                    em.append(self._data[i, :])

        self.em_  = np.array(em)
        self.cnt_ = cnt

        return self.em_, self.cnt_
Beispiel #37
from scipy.spatial import distance as dist
import numpy as np


x = np.random.rand(4)
y = np.random.rand(4)

print x
print y

#Euclidean distance
print "Euclidean Distance {0}".format(dist.euclidean(x,y))

#City-Block distance
print "City-block Distance {0}".format(dist.cityblock(x,y))

#Chebyshev distance
print "Chebyshev Distance {0}".format(dist.chebyshev(x,y))


		if len(overlappingVectorUser) != 0:
			if distanceMetric == 1:
				# The first distance metric : Euclidean
				comparisonDump[user][anotherUser] = (len(overlappingVectorUser) / float(totalMovies - 1)) * (1.0 / (1 + dist.euclidean(overlappingVectorUser, overlappingVectorAnotherUser)))
			elif distanceMetric == 2:
				# The second distance metric : Manhattan
				# The caveat here is that cityblock distance is an int and hence the numerator should be 1.0 and not 1
				# Observation: This metric doesn't involve squaring and square root and thus is faster
				comparisonDump[user][anotherUser] = (len(overlappingVectorUser) / float(totalMovies - 1)) * (1.0 / (1 + dist.cityblock(overlappingVectorUser, overlappingVectorAnotherUser)))
			elif distanceMetric == 3:
				# The third distance metric : Chebyshev
				comparisonDump[user][anotherUser] = (len(overlappingVectorUser) / float(totalMovies - 1)) * (1.0 / (1 + dist.chebyshev(overlappingVectorUser, overlappingVectorAnotherUser)))
	print "Distance amongst %d and others computed" % (user)
	nearestNeighbours[user] = []
	# Get the top k nearest neighbours
	for nearest in hq.nlargest(kNeighbours, comparisonDump[user]):
		nearestNeighbours[user].append([comparisonDump[user].index(nearest), nearest])
	# o.write(str(nearestNeighbours[user]) + "\n")

# Building suggestions based on k nearest neighbours
Beispiel #39
def scipy_chebyshev(h1, h2, **kwargs):
    return -sci_dist.chebyshev(h1, h2)
 def are_similar(self, first, second):
     return dist.chebyshev(first, second)
Beispiel #41
__author__ = 'jheaton'

import os
import sys
from scipy.spatial import distance

# Find the AIFH core files
aifh_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
aifh_dir = os.path.abspath(aifh_dir + os.sep + ".." + os.sep + "lib" + os.sep + "aifh")

# Create three different positions.
pos1 = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
pos2 = [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]
pos3 = [7.0, 8.0, 9.0]

# Calculate the distance between the specified points in 3 metrics.
print("Euclidean Distance")
print("pos1->pos2: " + str(distance.euclidean(pos1, pos2)))
print("pos2->pos3: " + str(distance.euclidean(pos2, pos3)))
print("pos3->pos1: " + str(distance.euclidean(pos3, pos1)))
print("\nManhattan (city block) Distance\n")
print("pos1->pos2: " + str(distance.cityblock(pos1, pos2)))
print("pos2->pos3: " + str(distance.cityblock(pos2, pos3)))
print("pos3->pos1: " + str(distance.cityblock(pos3, pos1)))
print("\nChebyshev Distance\n")
print("pos1->pos2: " + str(distance.chebyshev(pos1, pos2)))
print("pos2->pos3: " + str(distance.chebyshev(pos2, pos3)))
print("pos3->pos1: " + str(distance.chebyshev(pos3, pos1)))
Beispiel #42
def chebyshev((x, y)):
    return distance.chebyshev(x, y)
Beispiel #43
def test_distance_linf():
    assert_almost_equal(chebyshev([0, 0], [1, 1]), 1)
Beispiel #44
 def metrykaCzebyszewa(self,array1, array2):
     return chebyshev(array1,array2)
Beispiel #45
	#print "[+] Matrix in use is: \n", x_matrix
	#print "==================================================================="

	temp_max = np.zeros(sample_size)
	temp_min = np.zeros(sample_size)
	min_array = np.zeros(sample_size)
	max_array = np.zeros(sample_size)
	ratios = np.zeros(sample_size)
	for i in range(sample_size):
		temp_min[i] = sys.maxint
		temp_max[i] = -1
	for i in range(sample_size):
		for j in range(sample_size):
			if i != j:
				if (dist.chebyshev(x_matrix[i],x_matrix[j]) < temp_min[i]):
					min_array[i] = dist.chebyshev(x_matrix[i],x_matrix[j])
					temp_min[i] = min_array[i]
				if (dist.chebyshev(x_matrix[i],x_matrix[j]) > temp_max[i]):
					max_array[i] = dist.chebyshev(x_matrix[i],x_matrix[j])
					temp_max[i] = max_array[i]

	for i in range(sample_size):
		ratios[i] = min_array[i]/max_array[i]

	#print "[+] Min distances are: \n", min_array
	#print "==================================================================="
	#print "[+] Max distances are: \n", max_array
	#print "==================================================================="
	#print "[+] Ratios are: \n", ratios
	print "*******************************************************************"
Beispiel #46
 def l1_and_lmax_err(guess):
     return (distance.cityblock(topics, guess),
             distance.chebyshev(topics, guess))
Beispiel #47
def chebyshev_distance(a,b):
    return distance.chebyshev(a,b)
Beispiel #48
def wvCheb(a):
	return [distance.chebyshev(x[0], x[1]) for x in a]
Beispiel #49
def chebyshev_distance(a,b):
    print distance.chebyshev(a,b)