Beispiel #1
    def circle_collision(self, object):
        from scripts.gamecomponents.Disc import Disc
        if self._pos.get_distance(object.pos) <= self._radius + object.radius:
            Logger.debug("KINEMATICS: border_collision distance=%s self.radius=%s object.radius=%s",
                         str(self._pos.get_distance(object.pos)), str(self._radius), str(object.radius))
            vec_pos_diff = object.pos - self._pos
            vec_to = self._vel.projection(vec_pos_diff)
            obj_vec_to = object._vel.projection(vec_pos_diff)

            vec_side = self._vel - vec_to
            obj_vec_side = object._vel - obj_vec_to

            after_vec_to = (vec_to * (self._mass - object._mass) + (2 * object._mass * obj_vec_to)) / (
                self._mass + object._mass)
            after_obj_vec_to = (obj_vec_to * (object._mass - self._mass) + (2 * self._mass * vec_to)) / (
                self._mass + object._mass)

            # Change velocity only if it is Disc
            if isinstance(self, Disc):
                self._vel = after_vec_to + vec_side
            if isinstance(object, Disc):
                object._vel = after_obj_vec_to + obj_vec_side

Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self,pitch_name):
        define constructor of class Pitch.
        """"PITCH: Initializing pitch")
        self.i_min = 42
        self.i_max = 762
        self.j_min = 154
        self.j_max = 562
        self.i_border = 50

        Logger.debug("PITCH: init i_min=%s i_max=%s j_min=%s j_max=%s i_border=%s", str(self.i_min), str(self.i_max),
                     str(self.j_min), str(self.j_max), str(self.i_border))

        goal_width = 150
        j_middle = 0.5 * (self.j_min + self.j_max)
        self.goals = [Goal(self.i_min, j_middle, goal_width),
                      Goal(self.i_max, j_middle, goal_width)]

        # drawable part
        # TODO better pitch image"PITCH: loading image")
        # self._image = pygame.image.load("resources/graphics/pitch.png")
        self._image = pygame.image.load(pitch_name)
        self._pos = Vector(0, 0)
Beispiel #3
 def collision_effect(self):
     # TODO: a proper calculation of momentum and change in speed after collisions
     Logger.debug("KINEMATICS: collision_effect vel before = %s",
     self._vel.length *= self.COEFFICIENT_OF_BORDER_COLLISION
     Logger.debug("KINEMATICS: collision_effect vel after = %s",
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self, x_init, y_init, mass, radius, borders):
     Logger.debug("KINEMATICS: PhysicsObject init(x_init=%s, y_init=%s, mass=%s, radius=%s, borders=%s)",
                  str(x_init), str(y_init), str(mass), str(radius), str(borders))
     self._pos = Vector(x_init, y_init)
     self._mass = mass
     self._radius = radius
     self._vel = Vector(0, 0)
     self._borders = borders
Beispiel #5
 def __init__(self, image, imagerect, position):
     :param image: shape or image to be drawn
     :param position: position on screen (of type Point)
     :param imagerect: rectangle of image to be displayed
     Logger.debug("DRAWABLE: init(position=(%s)", str(position))
     self._image = image
     self._pos = position
Beispiel #6
 def border_collision(self, axis):
     from scripts.gamecomponents.Disc import Disc
     Logger.debug("KINEMATICS: border_collision axis=%s _vel=%s", str(axis), str(self._vel))
     if isinstance(self, Disc):
         if axis == 'x':
             self._vel.x = -self._vel.x
         if axis == 'y':
             self._vel.y = -self._vel.y
     Logger.debug("KINEMATICS: _vel=%s", str(self._vel))
Beispiel #7
 def in_goal(self, i, j, r):
     :param i: x coordinates of disk
     :param j: y coordinates of disk
     :param r: radius of disk
     :raise: WrongTypeException if i, j or r is not type of int, OutOfRangeException if disk is out of pitch
     if abs(i - self.i) < 1.2 * r and self.j_min < j < self.j_max:
         Logger.debug("GOAL: in_goal returned True")
         return True
         Logger.debug("GOAL: in_goal returned False")
         return False
Beispiel #8
    def correct_position_post_collision(self, obj):
        """ Dislodges objects stuck in each other. """
        distance_vector = self.pos - obj.pos
        if distance_vector.length < self.radius + obj.radius:
            distance_vector.length = self.radius + obj.radius
            self._pos = obj.pos + distance_vector
            Logger.debug("KINEMATICS: correct_position_post_collision distance_vector=%s self.radius=%s obj.radius=%s",
                         str(distance_vector), str(self.radius), str(obj.radius))
        distance_vector = obj.pos - self.pos

        if distance_vector.length < obj.pos - self.pos:
            distance_vector.length = self.radius + obj.radius
            obj._pos = self._pos + distance_vector
        Logger.debug("KINEMATICS: correct_position_post_collision distance_vector=%s self.radius=%s obj.radius=%s",
                     str(distance_vector), str(self.radius), str(obj.radius))
Beispiel #9
    def __init__(self, x, y_center, width):
        define constructor of class Goal. If the value will not be equal 'L' or 'R', the function raise the ValueError
        :param x: x position
        :param y_center: y coordinate of the center of goal
        :param width: width of goal which is measured along y axis.
        :param goal_type: 'l' for left and 'r' for right goal
        :return: none
        :raise: WrongTypeException if v is not type of int

        self.j_min = y_center - 0.5 * width
        self.j_max = y_center + 0.5 * width
        self.i = x

        Logger.debug("GOAL: init(jmin=%s, jmax=%s, width=%s)", str(self.j_min),
                     str(self.j_max), str(self.i))
Beispiel #10
 def correct_position_in_borders(self):
     """ Dislodges objects stuck in the pitch borders """
     x_min, x_max = self._borders[0]
     y_min, y_max = self._borders[1]
     log = False
     if self.pos.x - self.radius < x_min:
         self.pos.x = x_min + self.radius
         log = True
     if self.pos.x + self.radius > x_max:
         self.pos.x = x_max - self.radius
         log = True
     if self.pos.y - self.radius < y_min:
         self.pos.y = y_min + self.radius
         log = True
     if self.pos.y + self.radius > y_max:
         self.pos.y = y_max - self.radius
         log = True
     if log:
         Logger.debug("KINEMATICS: correct_position_in_borders pos.x=%s pos.y=%s", str(self.pos.x), str(self.pos.y))
Beispiel #11
    def circle_collision(self, object):
        from scripts.gamecomponents.Disc import Disc
        if self._pos.get_distance(
                object.pos) <= self._radius + object.radius:  # impact
                "KINEMATICS: border_collision distance=%s self.radius=%s object.radius=%s",
                str(self._pos.get_distance(object.pos)), str(self._radius),
            vec_pos_diff = object.pos - self._pos
            vec_to = self._vel.projection(vec_pos_diff)
            obj_vec_to = object._vel.projection(vec_pos_diff)

            vec_side = self._vel - vec_to
            obj_vec_side = object._vel - obj_vec_to

            after_vec_to = (vec_to * (self._mass - object._mass) +
                            (2 * object._mass * obj_vec_to)) / (self._mass +
            after_obj_vec_to = (obj_vec_to * (object._mass - self._mass) +
                                (2 * self._mass * vec_to)) / (self._mass +

            dx = self._pos[0] - object._pos[0]
            dy = self._pos[1] - object._pos[1]
            distance = math.hypot(dx, dy)
            tangent = math.atan2(dy, dx)
            # self._radius = 2*tangent - self._radius
            # object._radius = 2*tangent - object._radius
            (self._vel, object._vel) = (object._vel, self._vel)
            angle = 0.5 * math.pi + tangent

            # Change velocity only if it is Disc
            if isinstance(self, Disc):
                self._vel = after_vec_to + vec_side
            if isinstance(object, Disc):
                object._vel = after_obj_vec_to + obj_vec_side

            self._pos[0] += math.sin(angle)
            self._pos[1] -= math.cos(angle)
            object._pos[0] -= math.sin(angle)
            object._pos[1] += math.cos(angle)
Beispiel #12
 def load_image(self, image1, image2):
     Method used to load sprite for Mallet according to Player.
     :return: None
     from Player import Player
     if self._player.playerColor == Player.PLAYER_BLUE:
         Logger.debug("MALLET: load_image playerColor = PLAYER_BLUE")
         image = image1
     elif self._player.playerColor == Player.PLAYER_RED:
         Logger.debug("MALLET: load_image playerColor = PLAYER_RED")
         image = image2
         Logger.error("MALLET: Invalid value for player (" +
                      self._player.playerColor + ")")
         raise ValueError('Invalid value for player (' +
                          self._player.playerColor + ')')
     self._image = pygame.transform.scale(
         (int(2 * self.radius), int(2 * self.radius)))
Beispiel #13
 def apply_speed_limit(self):
     from scripts.gamecomponents.Disc import Disc
     from scripts.gamecomponents.Mallet import Mallet
     Logger.debug("KINEMATICS: apply_speed_limit MAX_DISC_VELOCITY=%s MAX_MALLET_VELOCITY=%s vel=%s",
                  str(self.MAX_DISC_VELOCITY), str(self.MAX_MALLET_VELOCITY), str(self._vel.length))
     if isinstance(self, Disc) and self._vel.length > self.MAX_DISC_VELOCITY:
         Logger.debug("KINEMATICS: apply_speed_limit is a Disc")
         self._vel.length = self.MAX_DISC_VELOCITY
     if isinstance(self, Mallet) and self._vel.length > self.MAX_MALLET_VELOCITY:
         Logger.debug("KINEMATICS: apply_speed_limit is a Mallet")
         self._vel.length = self.MAX_MALLET_VELOCITY
Beispiel #14
    def move_to(self, x, y):
        from scripts.gamecomponents.Kinematics import Vector
        Logger.debug("MALLET: move_to(%s,%s) pos before =%s", str(x), str(y),
        move_vector = Vector(x, y) - self._pos
        if move_vector.length > PhysicsObject.MAX_MALLET_VELOCITY:
            move_vector.length = PhysicsObject.MAX_MALLET_VELOCITY
        self.pos.state = (self._pos.x + move_vector.x,
                          self._pos.y + move_vector.y)
        Logger.debug("MALLET: move_to(%s,%s) pos after =%s", str(x), str(y),

        Logger.debug("MALLET: move_to(%s,%s) pos after position correction=%s",
                     str(x), str(y), str(self._pos))
Beispiel #15
    def is_border_collision(self, object):
        check a collision between disk and a border of the pitch
        :param object: object with x,y,radius parameters
        :return: 'x' or 'y' if the collision between a disk/mallet and the border of pitch have taken place, false - if it haven't
        :raise: WrongTypeException if object is not type of disc/mallet
        # TODO: Is there a way to do it better ?

        if not isinstance(object, Disc) and not isinstance(object, Mallet):
            Logger.error("PITCH: is_border_collision raised WrongTypeException")
            raise WrongTypeException
        if object.pos.x - object.radius < self.i_min or object.pos.x + object.radius > self.i_max:
            Logger.debug("PITCH: is_border_collision return x")
            return 'x'
        if object.pos.y - object.radius < self.j_min or object.pos.y + object.radius > self.j_max:
            Logger.debug("PITCH: is_border_collision return y")
            return 'y'
        Logger.debug("PITCH: is_border_collision return False")
        return False
Beispiel #16
 def friction(self):
     Logger.debug("KINEMATICS: friction vel before = %s", str(self._vel))
     self._vel.length *= self.COEFFICIENT_OF_FRICTION
     self._vel.length = 0 if self._vel.length < self.STOPPING_VELOCITY else self._vel.length
     Logger.debug("KINEMATICS: friction vel after = %s", str(self._vel))