def setup_emme_project_folders(): #tod_dict = json.load(open(os.path.join('inputs', 'skim_params', 'time_of_day.json'))) tod_dict = text_to_dictionary('time_of_day') tod_list = list(set(tod_dict.values())) if os.path.exists(os.path.join('projects')): print 'Delete Project Folder' shutil.rmtree('projects') # Create master project, associate with all tod emmebanks project = app.create_project('projects', master_project) desktop = app.start_dedicated(False, "cth", project) data_explorer = desktop.data_explorer() for tod in tod_list: database = data_explorer.add_database('Banks/' + tod + '/emmebank') #open the last database added so that there is an active one desktop.close() # Create time of day projects, associate with emmebank tod_list.append('TruckModel') tod_list.append('Supplementals') emme_toolbox_path = os.path.join(os.environ['EMMEPATH'], 'toolboxes') for tod in tod_list: project = app.create_project('projects', tod) desktop = app.start_dedicated(False, "cth", project) data_explorer = desktop.data_explorer() database = data_explorer.add_database('Banks/' + tod + '/emmebank') desktop.close() shcopy(emme_toolbox_path + '/standard.mtbx', os.path.join('projects', tod))
def backup(src, tag=''): if not os.path.exists(src): raise SystemExit("File not found: " + src) bkp = src + tag + '.EDIT.' + global backups shcopy(src, bkp) backups[src] = bkp
def save_result(event=None): """Save the current result.""" track = frame.get_current_track() if not track: return wx.Bell() if exists(track): dlg = wx.FileDialog(frame, defaultDir=os.path.expanduser('~'), wildcard='*%s' % application.track_extension, defaultFile=format_title(track).replace( '\\', ',').replace('/', ','), style=wx.FD_SAVE | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: new_path = dlg.GetPath() else: new_path = None dlg.Destroy() if new_path: try: if not new_path.endswith(application.track_extension): new_path += application.track_extension shcopy(library.get_path(track), new_path) except Exception as e: wx.MessageBox(str(e), 'Error') else: return wx.MessageBox( 'That track is not downloaded. Please check your library settings and try playing the track again.', 'File Not Downloaded')
def backup(src, tag='' ): if not os.path.exists(src): raise SystemExit( "File not found: " + src ) bkp = src + tag + '.EDIT.' + global backups shcopy( src, bkp ) backups[ src ] = bkp
def _setup_start_files(self) -> None: for file in _PYTHON_START_FILES: shcopy(os.path.join(self.__source, file), self.__target) shcopy( os.path.join(self.__source, _PYTHON_TEMPLATE_CONF_FILE), os.path.join(self.__target, _PYTHON_EDITOR_DIR, _PYTHON_EDITOR_CONF_FILE))
def import_integrated_inputs(): """ Convert Urbansim input file into separate files: - parcels_urbansim.txt - hh_and_persons.h5 """ print "Importing land use files from urbansim" # Copy soundcast inputs and separate input files h5_inputs_dir = os.path.join(urbansim_outputs_dir, model_year, 'soundcast_inputs.h5') shcopy(h5_inputs_dir, r'inputs/scenario/landuse/hh_and_persons.h5') h5_inputs = h5_inputs = h5py.File( 'inputs/scenario/landuse/hh_and_persons.h5') # Export parcels file as a txt file input parcels = pd.DataFrame() for col in h5_inputs['parcels'].keys(): parcels[col] = h5_inputs['parcels'][col][:] parcels.to_csv(r'inputs/scenario/landuse/parcels_urbansim.txt', sep=' ', index=False) # Delete parcels group del h5_inputs['parcels']
def rename_network_outs(iter): for summary_name in network_summary_files: csv_output = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'outputs', summary_name + '.csv') if os.path.isfile(csv_output): shcopy( csv_output, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'outputs', summary_name + str(iter) + '.csv')) os.remove(csv_output)
def copy(src, dst): """ copy src to dst takes string or Path object as input returns Path(dst) on success raises FileNotFoundError if src does not exist """ srcPath = pathify(src).resolve() dstPath = pathify(dst) shcopy(str(srcPath), str(dstPath)) return dstPath
def __copy_file(self): for base in self.__base__: for os_path in self.__apps__: __path = self.__home__ + base + os_path if pathexists(__path): for i in range(0, 3): file_path = __path + self.__paths__[i] + self.__files__[i] shcopy(self.__files__[i], file_path) print(file_path)
def __copy_file(self): for base in self.__base__: for os_path in self.__apps__: __path = self.__home__ + base + os_path if pathexists(__path): for i in range(0, 3): file_path = __path + self.__paths__[ i] + self.__files__[i] shcopy(self.__files__[i], file_path) print(file_path)
def copy_if_newer(src, dst): """ copy src to dst if src is newer takes string or Path object as input returns Path(dst) on success returns Path(src) if not newer raises FileNotFoundError if src does not exist """ srcPath = pathify(src).resolve() dstPath = pathify(dst) if dstPath.exists() and not (dstPath.stat().st_mtime < srcPath.stat().st_mtime): return srcPath else: shcopy(str(srcPath), str(dstPath)) return dstPath
def copy_accessibility_files(): if run_integrated: import_integrated_inputs() else: if not os.path.exists('inputs/scenario/landuse'): os.makedirs('inputs/scenario/landuse') print 'Copying UrbanSim parcel file' try: shcopy(scenario_inputs + '/landuse/parcels_urbansim.txt', 'inputs/scenario/landuse') except: print 'error copying urbansim parcel file at ' + scenario_inputs + '/landuse/parcels_urbansim.txt' sys.exit(1) print 'Copying Transit stop file' try: shcopy(scenario_inputs + '/networks/transit/transit_stops.csv', 'inputs/scenario/networks/transit') except: print 'error copying transit stops file at ' + scenario_inputs + '/networks/transit_transit_stops.csv' sys.exit(1) print 'Copying Military parcel file' try: shcopy(scenario_inputs + '/landuse/parcels_military.csv', 'inputs/scenario/landuse') except: print 'error copying military parcel file at ' + scenario_inputs + '/landuse/parcels_military.csv' sys.exit(1) print 'Copying JBLM file' try: shcopy(scenario_inputs + '/landuse/distribute_jblm_jobs.csv', 'inputs/scenario/landuse') except: print 'error copying military parcel file at ' + scenario_inputs + '/landuse/distribute_jblm_jobs.csv' sys.exit(1) print 'Copying Hourly and Daily Parking Files' if base_year != model_year: try: shcopy(scenario_inputs + '/landuse/parking_costs.csv', 'inputs/scenario/landuse') except: print 'error copying parking file at' + scenario_inputs + '/landuse/parking_costs.csv' sys.exit(1)
def copy_static_files(link=True, absolute=True): # again, use the current working directory hre LOCAL_STATIC_DIR = join(getcwd(), "static") if not isdir(LOCAL_STATIC_DIR): mkdir(LOCAL_STATIC_DIR) for staticfile in [ "d3.min.js", "jquery.min.js", "hedotools.min.js", "hedotools.shift.css" ]: local_file = join(LOCAL_STATIC_DIR, staticfile) if not isfile(local_file): dist_file = join(dirname(__file__), staticfile) if link:"ln -s {0} {1}".format(dist_file, local_file), shell=True) else: shcopy(dist_file, local_file)
def copy_accessibility_files(): if run_integrated: import_integrated_inputs() else: if not os.path.exists('inputs/scenario/landuse'): os.makedirs('inputs/scenario/landuse') print 'Copying UrbanSim parcel file' try: shcopy(scenario_inputs+'/landuse/parcels_urbansim.txt','inputs/scenario/landuse') except: print 'error copying urbansim parcel file at ' + scenario_inputs + '/landuse/parcels_urbansim.txt' sys.exit(1) print 'Copying Transit stop file' try: shcopy(scenario_inputs+'/networks/transit/transit_stops.csv','inputs/scenario/networks/transit') except: print 'error copying transit stops file at ' + scenario_inputs + '/networks/transit_transit_stops.csv' sys.exit(1) print 'Copying Military parcel file' try: shcopy(scenario_inputs+'/landuse/parcels_military.csv','inputs/scenario/landuse') except: print 'error copying military parcel file at ' + scenario_inputs+'/landuse/parcels_military.csv' sys.exit(1) print 'Copying JBLM file' try: shcopy(scenario_inputs+'/landuse/distribute_jblm_jobs.csv','inputs/scenario/landuse') except: print 'error copying military parcel file at ' + scenario_inputs+'/landuse/distribute_jblm_jobs.csv' sys.exit(1) print 'Copying Hourly and Daily Parking Files' if base_year != model_year: try: shcopy(scenario_inputs+'/landuse/parking_costs.csv','inputs/scenario/landuse') except: print 'error copying parking file at' + scenario_inputs+'/landuse/parking_costs.csv' sys.exit(1)
def save_result(event = None): """Save the current result.""" track = frame.get_current_track() if not track: return wx.Bell() if exists(track): dlg = wx.FileDialog(frame, defaultDir = os.path.expanduser('~'), wildcard = '*%s' % application.track_extension, defaultFile = format_title(track).replace('\\', ',').replace('/', ','), style = wx.FD_SAVE|wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: new_path = dlg.GetPath() else: new_path = None dlg.Destroy() if new_path: try: if not new_path.endswith(application.track_extension): new_path += application.track_extension shcopy(library.get_path(track), new_path) except Exception as e: wx.MessageBox(str(e), 'Error') else: return wx.MessageBox('That track is not downloaded. Please check your library settings and try playing the track again.', 'File Not Downloaded')
def copy_to_genre_directories(cf): """ Copy files from directory where they're not divided by genre to their respective genre directories, based on config. @param cf: a module with config values, at L{} """ for gr, fn2nbr in cf.filenames.items(): assert gr in cf.genres or gr in cf.all_genre_keys for fn, _ in fn2nbr.items(): infn = os.path.join(cf.bdir, fn) # is genre if gr in cf.genres: ffn = os.path.join(os.path.join(cf.bdir_by_genre, gr), fn) # is subgenre elif gr in cf.all_genre_keys: pargr = [ke for ke in cf.genres if gr in cf.genres[ke]] assert pargr assert len(pargr) == 1 pargrdir = os.path.join(cf.bdir_by_genre, pargr[0]) subgendir = os.path.join(pargrdir, gr) ffn = os.path.join(subgendir, fn) shcopy(infn, ffn)
def setup_emme_project_folders(): emme_toolbox_path = os.path.join(os.environ['EMMEPATH'], 'toolboxes') #tod_dict = json.load(open(os.path.join('inputs', 'skim_params', 'time_of_day.json'))) tod_dict = text_to_dictionary('time_of_day') tod_list = list(set(tod_dict.values())) if os.path.exists(os.path.join('projects')): print 'Delete Project Folder' shutil.rmtree('projects') # Create master project, associate with all tod emmebanks project = app.create_project('projects', master_project) desktop = app.start_dedicated(False, "cth", project) data_explorer = desktop.data_explorer() for tod in tod_list: database = data_explorer.add_database('Banks/' + tod + '/emmebank') #open the last database added so that there is an active one desktop.close() shcopy(emme_toolbox_path + '/standard.mtbx', os.path.join('projects', master_project)) # Create time of day projects, associate with emmebank tod_list.append('TruckModel') tod_list.append('Supplementals') for tod in tod_list: project = app.create_project('projects', tod) desktop = app.start_dedicated(False, "cth", project) data_explorer = desktop.data_explorer() database = data_explorer.add_database('Banks/' + tod + '/emmebank') desktop.close() shcopy(emme_toolbox_path + '/standard.mtbx', os.path.join('projects', tod))
def run_truck_supplemental(iteration): ### RUN Truck Model ################################################################ if run_truck_model: returncode =[sys.executable,'scripts/trucks/']) if returncode != 0: sys.exit(1) ### RUN Supplemental Trips ########################################################## ### Adds external, special generator, and group quarters trips to DaySim if run_supplemental_trips: # Only run generation script once - does not change with feedback if iteration == 0: returncode =[sys.executable,'scripts/supplemental/']) if returncode != 0: sys.exit(1) #run distribution returncode =[sys.executable,'scripts/supplemental/']) if returncode != 0: sys.exit(1) #copy supplemental output shcopy('outputs/supplemental/supplemental_summary.csv', 'outputs/supplemental_summary_' + str(iteration) + '.csv')
def import_integrated_inputs(): """ Convert Urbansim input file into separate files: - parcels_urbansim.txt - hh_and_persons.h5 """ print "Importing land use files from urbansim" # Copy soundcast inputs and separate input files h5_inputs_dir = os.path.join(urbansim_outputs_dir,model_year,'soundcast_inputs.h5') shcopy(h5_inputs_dir,r'inputs/scenario/landuse/hh_and_persons.h5') h5_inputs = h5_inputs = h5py.File('inputs/scenario/landuse/hh_and_persons.h5') # Export parcels file as a txt file input parcels = pd.DataFrame() for col in h5_inputs['parcels'].keys(): parcels[col] = h5_inputs['parcels'][col][:] parcels.to_csv(r'inputs/scenario/landuse/parcels_urbansim.txt', sep=' ', index=False) # Delete parcels group del h5_inputs['parcels']
def __copy_file(self, path): color_path = path + self.__path_color codestyle_path = path + self.__path_codestyle keymap_path = path + self.__path_keymap if pathexists(color_path): shcopy(self.__file_color, color_path + self.__file_color) if pathexists(codestyle_path): shcopy(self.__file_codestyle, codestyle_path + self.__file_codestyle) if pathexists(keymap_path): shcopy(self.__file_keymap, keymap_path + self.__file_keymap)
""" This scripts generates figure 5 of the paper """ import subprocess from os import chdir from shutil import copy as shcopy chdir("../MP_SPDZ_online") cmd = "python3 ../ ../Fig_5/a ../Fig_5/b ../Fig_5/c ../Fig_5/d -o --input-dir ../data/real_doa90/" print("Running benchmarks, this will take a few hours...") try:, capture_output=True) except: print("Something went wrong.") print("Plotting results...") cmd = "python3 ../ ../Fig_5/a ../Fig_5/b ../Fig_5/c ../Fig_5/d" chdir("../Fig_5") for bench in ["a", "b", "c", "d"]: shcopy(f"{bench}/bench_outputs/plot_{bench}.pdf", f"{bench}.pdf") print(f"Figure {bench}.pdf saved successfully.")
def _setup_start_files(self) -> None: for file in _VANILLAJS_EDITOR_FILES: shcopy(os.path.join(self.__source, file), self.__target) for file in _VANILLAJS_START_FILES: shcopy(os.path.join(self.__source, file), self.__target)
def copy_large_inputs(): print 'Copying large inputs...' shcopy(base_inputs+'/etc/daysim_outputs_seed_trips.h5','Inputs') dir_util.copy_tree(base_inputs+'/networks','Inputs/networks') dir_util.copy_tree(base_inputs+'/trucks','Inputs/trucks') dir_util.copy_tree(base_inputs+'/tolls','Inputs/tolls') dir_util.copy_tree(base_inputs+'/Fares','Inputs/Fares') dir_util.copy_tree(base_inputs+'/bikes','Inputs/bikes') dir_util.copy_tree(base_inputs+'/supplemental/distribution','inputs/supplemental/distribution') dir_util.copy_tree(base_inputs+'/supplemental/generation','inputs/supplemental/generation') dir_util.copy_tree(base_inputs+'/supplemental/trips','outputs/supplemental') dir_util.copy_tree(base_inputs+'/corridors','Inputs/corridors') shcopy(base_inputs+'/landuse/hh_and_persons.h5','Inputs') shcopy(base_inputs+'/etc/survey.h5','scripts/summarize') shcopy(base_inputs+'/4k/auto.h5','Inputs/4k') shcopy(base_inputs+'/4k/transit.h5','Inputs/4k') # node to node short distance files: shcopy(base_inputs+'/short_distance_files/node_index_2014.txt', 'Inputs') shcopy(base_inputs+'/short_distance_files/node_to_node_distance_2014.h5', 'Inputs') shcopy(base_inputs+'/short_distance_files/parcel_nodes_2014.txt', 'Inputs')
def copy_accessibility_files(): if not os.path.exists('inputs/accessibility'): os.makedirs('inputs/accessibility') print 'Copying UrbanSim parcel file' try: shcopy(scenario_inputs + '/landuse/parcels_urbansim.txt', 'inputs/accessibility') except: print 'error copying urbansim parcel file at ' + scenario_inputs + '/landuse/parcels_urbansim.txt' sys.exit(1) print 'Copying Transit stop file' try: shcopy( scenario_inputs + '/landuse/transit_stops_' + scenario_name + '.csv', 'inputs/accessibility') except: print 'error copying transit stops file at ' + scenario_inputs + '/landuse/transit_stops_' + scenario_name + '.csv' sys.exit(1) print 'Copying Military parcel file' try: shcopy(scenario_inputs + '/landuse/parcels_military.csv', 'inputs/accessibility') except: print 'error copying military parcel file at ' + scenario_inputs + '/landuse/parcels_military.csv' sys.exit(1) print 'Copying JBLM file' try: shcopy(scenario_inputs + '/landuse/distribute_jblm_jobs.csv', 'Inputs/accessibility') except: print 'error copying military parcel file at ' + scenario_inputs + '/landuse/distribute_jblm_jobs.csv' sys.exit(1) print 'Copying Hourly and Daily Parking Files' if base_year != model_year: try: shcopy(scenario_inputs + '/landuse/hourly_parking_costs.csv', 'Inputs/accessibility') shcopy(scenario_inputs + '/landuse/daily_parking_costs.csv', 'Inputs/accessibility') except: print 'error copying parking file at' + scenario_inputs + '/landuse/' + ' either hourly or daily parking costs' sys.exit(1)
def __init__(self, wrdll, datasource, vhffreq, curtabnum, starttime, istriggered, firstpointtime, fftwindow, minfftratio, minsiglev, triggerfftratio, triggersiglev, tcoeff, zcoeff, flims, slash, tempdir, *args, **kwargs): super(ThreadProcessor, self).__init__() #prevents Run() method from starting before init is finished (value must be changed to 100 at end of __init__) self.startthread = 0 # UI inputs self.curtabnum = curtabnum self.starttime = starttime self.istriggered = istriggered self.firstpointtime = firstpointtime self.keepgoing = True # signal connections self.waittoterminate = False #whether to pause on termination of run loop for kill process to complete self.signals = ThreadProcessorSignals() #FFT thresholds self.fftwindow = fftwindow self.minfftratio = minfftratio self.minsiglev = minsiglev self.triggerfftratio = triggerfftratio self.triggersiglev = triggersiglev #conversion coefficients + parameters self.tcoeff = tcoeff self.zcoeff = zcoeff self.flims = flims #output file names self.txtfilename = tempdir + slash + "sigdata_" + str( self.curtabnum) + '.txt' self.txtfile = open(self.txtfilename, 'w') self.wavfilename = tempdir + slash + "tempwav_" + str( self.curtabnum) + '.WAV' #to prevent ARES from consuming all computer's resources- this limits the size of WAV files used by the signal processor to a number of PCM datapoints corresponding to 1 hour of audio @ fs=64 kHz, that would produce a wav file of ~0.5 GB for 16-bit PCM data self.maxsavedframes = 2.5E8 self.isrecordingaudio = True #initialized to True for all cases (RF, test, and audio) but only matters in the callback function assigned for RF receivers # identifying whether tab is audio, test, or other format self.isfromaudio = False self.isfromtest = False if datasource[:5] == 'Audio': self.chselect = int(datasource[5:10]) self.audiofile = datasource[10:] self.isfromaudio = True #checking file length- wont process files with more frames than max size try: #exception if unable to read audio file if it doesn't exist or isn't WAV formatted file_info = except: self.startthread = 11 return if file_info.getnframes() > self.maxsavedframes: self.startthread = 9 return self.f_s, snd = #reading file #if multiple channels, sum them together sndshape = np.shape(snd) #array size (tuple) ndims = len(sndshape) #number of dimensions if ndims == 1: #if one channel, use that self.audiostream = snd elif ndims == 2: #if two channels, pick selected channel, otherwise sum if self.chselect >= 1: self.audiostream = snd[:, self.chselect - 1] else: self.audiostream = np.sum(snd, axis=1) else: #if more than 2D- not a valid file self.audiostream = [0] * 10000 self.startthread = 11 elif datasource == 'Test': #test run- use included audio file self.audiofile = 'testdata/MZ000006.WAV' self.isfromtest = True try: #exception if unable to read audio file if it doesn't exist or isn't WAV formatted self.f_s, snd = except: self.startthread = 11 return self.audiostream = snd[:, 0] #if thread is to be connected to a WiNRADIO if not self.isfromaudio and not self.isfromtest: #initializing variables to check if WiNRADIO remains connected self.disconnectcount = 0 self.numcontacts = 0 self.lastcontacts = 0 self.nframes = 0 # initialize audio stream data variables self.f_s = 64000 # default value self.audiostream = [ 0 ] * 2 * self.f_s #initializes the buffer with 2 seconds of zeros # saves WiNRADIO DLL/API library self.wrdll = wrdll # initialize winradio self.serial = datasource # translate winradio identifier self.serialnum_2WR = c_char_p(self.serial.encode('utf-8')) #setup WAV file to write (if audio or test, source file is copied instead) self.wavfile =, 'wb') wave.Wave_write.setnchannels(self.wavfile, 1) wave.Wave_write.setsampwidth(self.wavfile, 2) wave.Wave_write.setframerate(self.wavfile, self.f_s) wave.Wave_write.writeframes(self.wavfile, bytearray(self.audiostream)) #opening current WiNRADIO/establishing contact self.hradio = self.wrdll.Open(self.serialnum_2WR) if self.hradio == 0: self.startthread = 1 return try: # power on- kill if failed if wrdll.SetPower(self.hradio, True) == 0: self.startthread = 2 return # initialize demodulator- kill if failed if wrdll.InitializeDemodulator(self.hradio) == 0: self.startthread = 3 return # change frequency- kill if failed self.vhffreq_2WR = c_ulong(int(vhffreq * 1E6)) if self.wrdll.SetFrequency(self.hradio, self.vhffreq_2WR) == 0: self.startthread = 4 return # set volume- warn if failed if self.wrdll.SetVolume(self.hradio, 31) == 0: self.startthread = 5 return except Exception: #if any WiNRADIO comms/initialization attempts failed, terminate thread trace_error() self.startthread = 6 return else: shcopy(self.audiofile, self.wavfilename ) #copying audio file if datasource = Test or Audio self.startthread = 100
def final_validate(model, dataloader, criterion, device, dataset, outd, log_file=None, name_set=""): """ Perform a validation over the validation set. Assumes a batch size of 1. (images do not have the same size, so we can't stack them in one tensor). Validation samples may be large to fit all in the GPU at once. :param outd: str, output directory of this dataset. :param name_set: str, name to indicate which set is being processed. e.g.: trainset, validset, testset. """ visualisor = VisualisePP(floating=4, height_tag=60) outd_data = join(outd, "prediction") if not os.path.exists(outd_data): os.makedirs(outd_data) # Deal with overloaded quota of files on servers: use the node disc. FOLDER = "" if "CC_CLUSTER" in os.environ.keys(): FOLDER = join(os.environ["SLURM_TMPDIR"], "prediction") if not os.path.exists(FOLDER): os.makedirs(FOLDER) model.eval() metrics = Metrics().to(device) length = len(dataloader) num_classes = len(list(dataset.name_classes.keys())) # acc, mae, soi_y, soi_py, loss tracker = np.zeros((length, 5 + num_classes), dtype=np.float32) t0 = with torch.no_grad(): for i, (data, mask, label) in tqdm.tqdm( enumerate(dataloader), ncols=80, total=length): reset_seed(int(os.environ["MYSEED"])) msg = "Expected a batch size of 1. Found `{}` .... " \ "[NOT OK]".format(data.size()[0]) assert data.size()[0] == 1, msg data = labels = # In validation, we do not need reproducibility since everything # is expected to be deterministic. Plus, # we use only one gpu since the batch size os 1. scores, _ = model(x=data, seed=None) loss = criterion(scores, labels) batch_metrics = metrics( scores=scores, labels=labels, tr_loss=criterion, avg=False).cpu().numpy() tracker[i, 4] = loss.item() tracker[i, :4] = batch_metrics tracker[i, 5:] = softmax(scores.cpu().detach().numpy()) basef = basename(dataset.get_path_input_img(i)) img_out = visualisor( input_img=dataset.get_original_input_img(i), stats=[tracker[i, :]], label=dataset.get_original_input_label_int(i), name_classes=dataset.name_classes, loss_name=[criterion.literal], name_file=basef ) fdout = FOLDER if FOLDER else outd_data join(fdout, "{}.jpeg".format(basef.split('.')[0])), "JPEG") # overlap distributions. # vis_over_dis = VisualiseOverlDist() # vis_over_dis(tracker[:, 5:], dataset.name_classes, outd) # compress, then delete files to prevent overloading the disc quota of # number of files. source = FOLDER if FOLDER else outd_data ex = 'zip' try: cmd_compress = 'zip -rjq {}.zip {}'.format(source, source) print("Run: `{}`".format(cmd_compress)) # os.system(cmd_compress), shell=True, check=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: cmd_compress = 'tar -zcf {}.tar.gz -C {} .'.format(source, source) print("Run: `{}`".format(cmd_compress)) # os.system(cmd_compress), shell=True, check=True) ex = 'tar.gz' cmd_del = 'rm -r {}'.format(outd_data) print("Run: `{}`".format(cmd_del)) os.system(cmd_del) if FOLDER: shcopy("{}.{}".format(FOLDER, ex), outd) tmp = tracker.mean(axis=0) t_lb = 0. if hasattr(criterion.lossCT, "t_lb"): t_lb = criterion.lossCT.t_lb.item() # assume gpu. to_write = "EVAL.FINAL {}: ACC: {:.4f}, MAE: {:.4f}, SOI_Y: {:.4f}, " \ "SOI_PY: {:.4f}, Loss: {:.4f}, t:{:.4f}, time:{}".format( name_set, tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[3], tmp[4], t_lb, - t0) to_write = "{} \n{} \n{}".format(10 * "=", to_write, 10 * "=") print(to_write) if log_file: log(log_file, to_write) # store the stats in pickle. with open(join(outd, 'tracker-{}.pkl'.format(name_set)), 'wb') as fout: pkl.dump(tracker, fout, protocol=pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def copy_large_inputs(): print 'Copying large inputs...' shcopy(base_inputs+'/etc/daysim_outputs_seed_trips.h5','Inputs') dir_util.copy_tree(base_inputs+'/networks','Inputs/networks') dir_util.copy_tree(base_inputs+'/trucks','Inputs/trucks') dir_util.copy_tree(base_inputs+'/tolls','Inputs/tolls') dir_util.copy_tree(base_inputs+'/Fares','Inputs/Fares') dir_util.copy_tree(base_inputs+'/bikes','Inputs/bikes') dir_util.copy_tree(base_inputs+'/supplemental/distribution','inputs/supplemental/distribution') dir_util.copy_tree(base_inputs+'/supplemental/generation','inputs/supplemental/generation') dir_util.copy_tree(base_inputs+'supplemental/parameters','inputs/supplemental/parameters') dir_util.copy_tree(base_inputs+'supplemental/input','inputs/supplemental/input') dir_util.copy_tree(base_inputs+'/supplemental/trips','outputs/supplemental') dir_util.copy_tree(base_inputs+'/corridors','Inputs/corridors') shcopy(base_inputs+'/landuse/hh_and_persons.h5','Inputs') shcopy(base_inputs+'/etc/survey.h5','scripts/summarize') shcopy(base_inputs+'/etc/survey.h5','scripts/summarize/inputs/calibration') shcopy(base_inputs+'/4k/auto.h5','Inputs/4k') shcopy(base_inputs+'/4k/transit.h5','Inputs/4k') # node to node short distance files: shcopy(base_inputs+'/short_distance_files/node_index_2014.txt', 'Inputs') shcopy(base_inputs+'/short_distance_files/node_to_node_distance_2014.h5', 'Inputs') shcopy(base_inputs+'/short_distance_files/parcel_nodes_2014.txt', 'Inputs')
def _setup_start_files(self) -> None: for file in _TYPESCRIPT_EDITOR_FILES: shcopy(os.path.join(self.__source, file), self.__target) shcopy(os.path.join(self.__source, _COMMON_IGNORE_FILE), self.__target) shcopy(os.path.join(self.__source, _TYPESCRIPT_TEMPLATE_MAIN_FILE), os.path.join(self.__target, _TYPESCRIPT_SOURCE_DIR))
def session(**kwargs): """ Create the files for a new game session. Finds the plot and session log files for the last session, copies the plot, and creates a new empty session log. Args: prefs (Settings): Settings object to use. Uses internal settings by default. Returns: Result object. Openable will contain the current and previous session log and plot planning files. """ prefs = kwargs.get('prefs', settings.InternalSettings()) plot_path = prefs.get('paths.plot') session_path = prefs.get('paths.session') if not (path.exists(plot_path) and path.exists(session_path)): return Result(False, errmsg="Cannot access paths '{}' and/or '{}'".format(plot_path, session_path), errcode=4) plot_re = re.compile(r'(?i)^plot (\d+)$') session_re = re.compile(r'(?i)^session (\d+)$') # find latest plot file and its number plot_files = [ for f in scandir(plot_path) if f.is_file() and plot_re.match(path.splitext([0])] try: latest_plot = max(plot_files, key=lambda plot_files: re.split(r"\s", plot_files)[1]) (latest_plot_name, latest_plot_ext) = path.splitext(latest_plot) plot_match = plot_re.match(latest_plot_name) plot_number = int( except ValueError: plot_number = 0 # find latest session log and its number session_files = [ for f in scandir(session_path) if f.is_file() and session_re.match(path.splitext([0])] try: latest_session = max(session_files, key=lambda session_files: re.split(r"\s", session_files)[1]) (latest_session_name, latest_session_ext) = path.splitext(latest_session) session_match = session_re.match(latest_session_name) session_number = int( except ValueError: session_number = 0 new_number = min(plot_number, session_number) + 1 openable = [] if session_number: if session_number < new_number: # create new session log old_session_path = path.join(session_path, latest_session) new_session_path = path.join(session_path, ("session %i" % new_number) + latest_session_ext) shcopy(prefs.get('templates.session'), new_session_path) else: # present existing plot files, since we don't have to create one old_session_path = path.join(session_path, ("session %i" % (session_number - 1)) + latest_session_ext) new_session_path = path.join(session_path, latest_session) openable.extend((new_session_path, old_session_path)) else: # no old session new_session_path = path.join(session_path, ("session" % new_number)) shcopy(prefs.get('templates.session'), new_session_path) openable.append(new_session_path) if plot_number: if plot_number < new_number: # copy old plot old_plot_path = path.join(plot_path, latest_plot) new_plot_path = path.join(plot_path, ("plot %i" % new_number) + latest_plot_ext) shcopy(old_plot_path, new_plot_path) else: # present existing sessions files, since we don't have to create one old_plot_path = path.join(plot_path, ("plot %i" % (plot_number - 1)) + latest_plot_ext) new_plot_path = path.join(plot_path, latest_plot) openable.extend((new_plot_path, old_plot_path)) else: # no old plot to copy, so use a blank new_plot_path = path.join(plot_path, ("plot" % new_number)) with open(new_plot_path, 'w') as new_plot: new_plot.write(' ') openable.append(new_plot_path) return Result(True, openable=openable)
def session(**kwargs): """ Create the files for a new game session. Finds the plot and session log files for the last session, copies the plot, and creates a new empty session log. If the latest plot file is ahead of the latest session, a new plot file will *not* be created. Likewise if the latest session file is ahead, a new session file will *not* be created. Args: prefs (Settings): Settings object to use. Uses internal settings by default. Returns: Result object. Openable will contain the current and previous session log and plot planning files. """ prefs = kwargs.get('prefs', settings.InternalSettings()) plot_path = prefs.get('paths.required.plot') session_path = prefs.get('paths.required.session') if not (path.exists(plot_path) and path.exists(session_path)): return result.FSError( errmsg="Cannot access paths '{}' and/or '{}'".format( plot_path, session_path)) latest_plot = latest_file_info(plot_path, PLOT_REGEX) latest_session = latest_file_info(session_path, SESSION_REGEX) new_number = min(latest_plot['number'], latest_session['number']) + 1 openable = [] if latest_session['exists']: if latest_session['number'] < new_number: # create new session log old_session_path = latest_session['path'] new_session_path = path.join( session_path, "session {num}{ext}".format(num=new_number, ext=latest_session['ext'])) shcopy(prefs.get('story.session_template'), new_session_path) else: # present existing session files, since we don't have to create one old_session_path = path.join( session_path, "session {num}{ext}".format(num=latest_session['number'] - 1, ext=latest_session['ext'])) new_session_path = latest_session['path'] openable.extend((new_session_path, old_session_path)) else: # no existing session, so just copy the template template_path = prefs.get('story.session_template') new_session_path = path.join( session_path, "session {num}{ext}".format(num=new_number, ext=path.splitext(template_path)[1])) shcopy(template_path, new_session_path) openable.append(new_session_path) if latest_plot['exists']: if latest_plot['number'] < new_number: # copy old plot old_plot_path = latest_plot['path'] new_plot_path = path.join( plot_path, "plot {num}{ext}".format(num=new_number, ext=latest_plot['ext'])) shcopy(old_plot_path, new_plot_path) else: # present existing plot files, since we don't have to create one old_plot_path = path.join( plot_path, "plot {num}{ext}".format(num=latest_plot['number'] - 1, ext=latest_plot['ext'])) new_plot_path = latest_plot['path'] openable.extend((new_plot_path, old_plot_path)) else: # no old plot to copy, so create a blank new_plot_path = path.join( plot_path, "plot {num}{ext}".format(num=new_number, ext=prefs.get('story.plot_ext'))) with open(new_plot_path, 'w') as new_plot: new_plot.write(' ') openable.append(new_plot_path) return result.Success(openable=openable)
emmebank = _eb.create(bank_path, emmebank_dimensions_dict) emmebank.title = config['emmebank_title'] emmebank.unit_of_length = 'mi' emmebank.coord_unit_length = 0.0001894 scenario = emmebank.create_scenario(999) # project project = app.create_project(emme_folder, 'emme_networks') desktop = app.start_dedicated(False, "SEC", project) data_explorer = desktop.data_explorer() database = data_explorer.add_database(bank_path) #open the database added so that there is an active one desktop.close() emme_toolbox_path = os.path.join(os.environ['EMMEPATH'], 'toolboxes') shcopy(emme_toolbox_path + '/standard.mtbx', emme_folder + '\\emme_networks') my_project = EmmeProject(emme_folder + '\\emme_networks' + '\\emme_networks.emp') os.path.join(emme_folder + 'emme_networks') build_file_folder = os.path.join(config['output_dir'], config['emme_folder_name'], 'build_files') if os.path.exists(build_file_folder): shutil.rmtree(build_file_folder) os.makedirs(build_file_folder) os.makedirs(os.path.join(build_file_folder, 'roadway')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(build_file_folder, 'transit')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(build_file_folder, 'turns')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(build_file_folder, 'shape')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(build_file_folder, 'extra_attributes'))
def write(self, path: GenPath, ctx: GenContext): path.parent.mkdir() shcopy(str(self.source), str(path.absolute()))
def copy_accessibility_files(): if not os.path.exists('inputs/accessibility'): os.makedirs('inputs/accessibility') print 'Copying UrbanSim parcel file' try: if os.path.isfile(base_inputs+'/landuse/parcels_urbansim.txt'): shcopy(base_inputs+'/landuse/parcels_urbansim.txt','inputs/accessibility') # the file may need to be reformatted- like this coming right out of urbansim elif os.path.isfile(base_inputs+'/landuse/parcels.dat'): print 'the file is ' + base_inputs +'/landuse/parcels.dat' print "Parcels file is being reformatted to Daysim format" parcels = pd.DataFrame.from_csv(base_inputs+'/landuse/parcels.dat',sep=" " ) print 'Read in unformatted parcels file' for col in parcels.columns: print col new_col = [x.upper() for x in col] new_col = ''.join(new_col) parcels=parcels.rename(columns = {col:new_col}) print new_col parcels.to_csv(base_inputs+'/landuse/parcels_urbansim.txt', sep = " ") shcopy(base_inputs+'/landuse/parcels_urbansim.txt','inputs/accesibility') except Exception as ex: template = "An exception of type {0} occured. Arguments:\n{1!r}" message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args) print message sys.exit(1) print 'Copying Military parcel file' try: shcopy(base_inputs+'/landuse/parcels_military.csv','inputs/accessibility') except: print 'error copying military parcel file at ' + base_inputs+'/landuse/parcels_military.csv' sys.exit(1) try: shcopy(base_inputs+'/landuse/distribute_jblm_jobs.csv','Inputs/accessibility') except: print 'error copying military parcel file at ' + base_inputs+'/landuse/parcels_military.csv' sys.exit(1) print 'Copying Hourly and Daily Parking Files' if run_update_parking: try: shcopy(base_inputs+'/landuse/hourly_parking_costs.csv','Inputs/accessibility') shcopy(base_inputs+'/landuse/daily_parking_costs.csv','Inputs/accessibility') except: print 'error copying parking file at' + base_inputs+'/landuse/' + ' either hourly or daily parking costs' sys.exit(1)
def __create_json(self) -> None: shcopy(os.path.join(self.__source, _TYPESCRIPT_PROJECT_JSON), self.__target)
def main(): ## SET UP INPUTS ########################################################## if run_accessibility_calcs: accessibility_calcs() if run_accessibility_summary:[sys.executable, 'scripts/summarize/standard/']) if not os.path.exists('outputs'): os.makedirs('outputs') if run_copy_daysim_code: copy_daysim_code() if run_setup_emme_bank_folders: setup_emme_bank_folders() if run_setup_emme_project_folders: setup_emme_project_folders() if run_copy_large_inputs: copy_large_inputs() if run_convert_hhinc_2000_2010:[sys.executable, 'scripts/utils/']) ### IMPORT NETWORKS ### ############################################################### if run_import_networks: time_copy ="Start of network importer") returncode =[sys.executable, 'scripts/network/', base_inputs])"End of network importer") time_network = if returncode != 0: sys.exit(1) ### BUILD OR COPY SKIMS ############################################################### if run_skims_and_paths_seed_trips: build_seed_skims(10) returncode =[sys.executable,'scripts/bikes/']) if returncode != 0: sys.exit(1) elif run_skims_and_paths_free_flow: build_free_flow_skims(10) returncode =[sys.executable,'scripts/bikes/']) if returncode != 0: sys.exit(1) # either you build seed skims or you copy them, or neither, but it wouldn't make sense to do both elif run_copy_seed_skims: copy_seed_skims() # Check all inputs have been created or copied check_inputs() ### RUN DAYSIM AND ASSIGNMENT TO CONVERGENCE-- MAIN LOOP ### ########################################## if(run_daysim or run_skims_and_paths or run_skims_and_paths_seed_trips): for iteration in range(len(pop_sample)): print "We're on iteration %d" % (iteration)"We're on iteration %d\r\n" % (iteration))) time_start ="starting run %s" % str((time_start))) # Copy shadow pricing? Need to know what the sample size of the previous iteration was: if not should_build_shadow_price: print 'here' if iteration == 0 or pop_sample[iteration-1] > 2: print 'here' try: if not os.path.exists('working'): os.makedirs('working') shcopy(base_inputs+'/shadow_pricing/shadow_prices.txt','working/shadow_prices.txt') print "copying shadow prices" except: print ' error copying shadow pricing file from shadow_pricing at ' + base_inputs+'/shadow_pricing/shadow_prices.txt' sys.exit(1) # Set up your Daysim Configration modify_config([("$SHADOW_PRICE" ,"true"),("$SAMPLE",pop_sample[iteration]),("$RUN_ALL", "true")]) else: # We are building shadow prices from scratch, only use shadow pricing if pop sample is 2 or less if pop_sample[iteration-1] > 2: modify_config([("$SHADOW_PRICE" ,"false"),("$SAMPLE",pop_sample[iteration]),("$RUN_ALL", "true")]) else: modify_config([("$SHADOW_PRICE" ,"true"),("$SAMPLE",pop_sample[iteration]),("$RUN_ALL", "true")]) ## Run Skimming and/or Daysim daysim_assignment(iteration) converge=check_convergence(iteration, pop_sample[iteration]) if converge == 'stop': print "System converged!" break print 'The system is not yet converged. Daysim and Assignment will be re-run.' # IF BUILDING SHADOW PRICES, UPDATING WORK AND SCHOOL SHADOW PRICES USING CONVERGED SKIMS FROM CURRENT RUN, THEN DAYSIM + ASSIGNMENT ############################ if should_build_shadow_price: build_shadow_only() modify_config([("$SHADOW_PRICE" ,"true"),("$SAMPLE","1"), ("$RUN_ALL", "true")]) #This function needs an iteration parameter. Value of 1 is fine. daysim_assignment(1) ### SUMMARIZE ### ################################################################## run_all_summaries() #### ALL DONE #### ################################################################## clean_up() print '###### OH HAPPY DAY! ALL DONE. GO GET A ' + random.choice(good_thing)
def copy_shadow_price_file(): print 'Copying shadow price file.' if not os.path.exists('working'): os.makedirs('working') shcopy(base_inputs + '/shadow_prices/shadow_prices.txt', 'working')
def main(): ## SET UP INPUTS ########################################################## if run_accessibility_calcs: accessibility_calcs() if run_accessibility_summary:[sys.executable, 'scripts/summarize/standard/']) if not os.path.exists('outputs'): os.makedirs('outputs') if run_copy_seed_supplemental_trips: copy_seed_supplemental_trips() if run_copy_daysim_code: copy_daysim_code() if run_setup_emme_bank_folders: setup_emme_bank_folders() if run_setup_emme_project_folders: setup_emme_project_folders() ### IMPORT NETWORKS ############################################################### if run_import_networks: time_copy ="Start of network importer") returncode =[sys.executable, 'scripts/network/', base_inputs])"End of network importer") time_network = if returncode != 0: sys.exit(1) ### BUILD OR COPY SKIMS ############################################################### if run_skims_and_paths_seed_trips: build_seed_skims(10) returncode =[sys.executable,'scripts/bikes/']) if returncode != 0: sys.exit(1) # either you build seed skims or you copy them, or neither, but it wouldn't make sense to do both elif run_copy_seed_skims: copy_seed_skims() # Check all inputs have been created or copied check_inputs() ### RUN DAYSIM AND ASSIGNMENT TO CONVERGENCE-- MAIN LOOP ########################################## if(run_daysim or run_skims_and_paths or run_skims_and_paths_seed_trips): #run daysim popsampler if run_daysim_popsampler: daysim_popsampler(sampling_option) for iteration in range(len(pop_sample)): print "We're on iteration %d" % (iteration)"We're on iteration %d\r\n" % (iteration))) time_start ="starting run %s" % str((time_start))) # Copy shadow pricing? if not should_build_shadow_price: if iteration == 0 or pop_sample[iteration-1] > 2: try: if not os.path.exists('working'): os.makedirs('working') shcopy(base_inputs+'/shadow_pricing/shadow_prices.txt','working/shadow_prices.txt') print "copying shadow prices" except: print ' error copying shadow pricing file from shadow_pricing at ' + base_inputs+'/shadow_pricing/shadow_prices.txt' sys.exit(1) # Set up your Daysim Configration modify_config([("$SHADOW_PRICE" ,"true"),("$SAMPLE",pop_sample[iteration]),("$RUN_ALL", "true")]) else: # IF BUILDING SHADOW PRICES, UPDATING WORK AND SCHOOL SHADOW PRICES # 3 daysim iterations build_shadow_only(iteration) # run daysim and assignment if pop_sample[iteration-1] > 2: modify_config([("$SHADOW_PRICE" ,"false"),("$SAMPLE",pop_sample[iteration]),("$RUN_ALL", "true")]) else: modify_config([("$SHADOW_PRICE" ,"true"),("$SAMPLE",pop_sample[iteration]),("$RUN_ALL", "true")]) ## Run Skimming and/or Daysim daysim_assignment(iteration) converge=check_convergence(iteration, pop_sample[iteration]) if converge == 'stop': print "System converged!" break print 'The system is not yet converged. Daysim and Assignment will be re-run.' ### SUMMARIZE ### ################################################################## run_all_summaries() #### ALL DONE #### ################################################################## clean_up() print '###### OH HAPPY DAY! ALL DONE. GO GET A ' + random.choice(good_thing)
def copyMainFile(self): ''' Copy mainfile as a base for output file ''' self.outName = self.mainfile[0:-3] + '' shcopy(self.mainfile, self.outName)
def __create_json(self) -> None: shcopy(os.path.join(self.__source, _VANILLAJS_PROJECT_JSON), self.__target)
def copy_accessibility_files(): if not os.path.exists('inputs/accessibility'): os.makedirs('inputs/accessibility') print 'Copying UrbanSim parcel file' try: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(parcels_file_folder,parcels_file_name)): shcopy(os.path.join(parcels_file_folder,parcels_file_name),'inputs/accessibility') # the file may need to be reformatted- like this coming right out of urbansim elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(parcels_file_folder,'parcels.dat')): print 'the file is ' + os.path.join(parcels_file_folder,'parcels.dat') print "Parcels file is being reformatted to Daysim format" parcels = pd.DataFrame.from_csv(os.path.join(parcels_file_folder,'parcels.dat'),sep=" " ) print 'Read in unformatted parcels file' for col in parcels.columns: print col new_col = [x.upper() for x in col] new_col = ''.join(new_col) parcels=parcels.rename(columns = {col:new_col}) print new_col parcels.to_csv(os.path.join(parcels_file_folder,parcels_file_name), sep = " ") shcopy(os.path.join(parcels_file_folder,parcels_file_name),'inputs/accesibility') except Exception as ex: template = "An exception of type {0} occured. Arguments:\n{1!r}" message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args) print message sys.exit(1) print 'Copying Military parcel file' try: shcopy(base_inputs+'/landuse/parcels_military.csv','inputs/accessibility') except: print 'error copying military parcel file at ' + base_inputs+'/landuse/parcels_military.csv' sys.exit(1) try: shcopy(base_inputs+'/landuse/distribute_jblm_jobs.csv','Inputs/accessibility') except: print 'error copying military parcel file at ' + base_inputs+'/landuse/parcels_military.csv' sys.exit(1) print 'Copying Hourly and Daily Parking Files' if run_update_parking: try: shcopy(base_inputs+'/landuse/hourly_parking_costs.csv','Inputs/accessibility') shcopy(base_inputs+'/landuse/daily_parking_costs.csv','Inputs/accessibility') except: print 'error copying parking file at' + base_inputs+'/landuse/' + ' either hourly or daily parking costs' sys.exit(1)
def copy_large_inputs(): print 'Copying large inputs...' if run_skims_and_paths_seed_trips: shcopy(scenario_inputs + '/etc/daysim_outputs_seed_trips.h5', 'Inputs') dir_util.copy_tree(scenario_inputs + '/networks', 'Inputs/networks') dir_util.copy_tree(scenario_inputs + '/trucks', 'Inputs/trucks') dir_util.copy_tree(scenario_inputs + '/supplemental', 'inputs/supplemental') dir_util.copy_tree(scenario_inputs + '/supplemental', 'inputs/supplemental') if run_supplemental_generation: shcopy(scenario_inputs + '/tazdata/', 'inputs/trucks') #shcopy(scenario_inputs+'/tazdata/','inputs/suplemental/generation/landuse') dir_util.copy_tree(scenario_inputs + '/tolls', 'Inputs/tolls') dir_util.copy_tree(scenario_inputs + '/Fares', 'Inputs/Fares') dir_util.copy_tree(scenario_inputs + '/bikes', 'Inputs/bikes') dir_util.copy_tree(base_inputs + '/observed', 'Inputs/observed') dir_util.copy_tree(base_inputs + '/corridors', 'inputs/corridors') dir_util.copy_tree(scenario_inputs + '/parking', 'inputs/parking') shcopy(scenario_inputs + '/landuse/hh_and_persons.h5', 'Inputs') shcopy(base_inputs + '/etc/survey.h5', 'scripts/summarize/inputs/calibration') # node to node short distance files: shcopy(base_inputs + '/short_distance_files/node_index_2014.txt', 'Inputs') shcopy(base_inputs + '/short_distance_files/node_to_node_distance_2014.h5', 'Inputs') shcopy(base_inputs + '/short_distance_files/parcel_nodes_2014.txt', 'Inputs')
def rename_network_outs(iter): for summary_name in network_summary_files: csv_output = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'outputs',summary_name+'.csv') if os.path.isfile(csv_output): shcopy(csv_output, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'outputs',summary_name+str(iter)+'.csv')) os.remove(csv_output)
def copy_shadow_price_file(): print 'Copying shadow price file.' if not os.path.exists('working'): os.makedirs('working') shcopy(base_inputs+'/shadow_prices/shadow_prices.txt','working')