Beispiel #1
def set_random_leds():
    """A random walk of the leds"""
    for i in range(0, 10):
        r = random.randint(0, 255)
        g = random.randint(0, 255)
        b = random.randint(0, 255)
        set_led(i, (r, g, b))
Beispiel #2
def set_wave_leds(t):
    """An wave travelling along the strip"""
    for i in range(0, 10):
        r = int(255*sin((i/10.0-t/10.0)*2*pi)**2)
        g = int(255*sin((i/10.0+t/10.0)*2*pi)**2)
        b = int(255*sin((i/15.0-t/5.0)*2*pi)**2)
        set_led(i, (r, g, b))
Beispiel #3
def set_leds(robot_pose, robot_speed, robot_distance, human_pose):
    """Map robot's state to leds"""
    # This is the entry point for Isabella's code.
    # Extend this function to implement the interface.

    # Here is just one example

    x, y, theta = robot_pose
    set_led(0, [int(x*100), 0, 0])
    set_led(1, [0, int(y*100), 0])
    set_led(2, [0, 0, int(theta*100)])
    set_led(3, [0, 0, int(robot_distance*100)])