class Model(object):
    def __init__(self, params):
        self.model_class = params['class']
        self.model = {}
        self.feature_constructor = None
        self.all_possible_decisions = []
        self.X = []
        self.y = []
        self.buffer = 0
        self.base_folder_name = params['base_folder_name']
        self.design_matrix_cache = {}
        self.exists = False

    def finish(self):
        "Let's pickle only if we are running vw"
        if self.model_class == 'vw_python':
            # Want python object for later use
            self.X = [ex.finish() for ex in self.X]
            self.X = None
            self.y = None
            self.model = None
            self.design_matrix_cache = {}
            with open(self.base_folder_name + '/model_obs.pkl',
                      mode='wb') as model_file:
                pickle.dump(self, model_file)

    def initialize(self):
        if self.model_class == 'scikit':
            self.model = SGDRegressor(loss='squared_loss',
            self.feature_constructor = FeatureHasher(n_features=200,

        elif self.model_class == 'lookup':
            self.model = {}

        # This thing crawls,, too much python overhead for subprocess and pipe
        elif self.model_class == 'vw':
            self.model = None
            self.model_path = self.base_folder_name + "/model.vw"
            self.cache_path = self.base_folder_name + "/temp.cache"
            self.f1 = open(self.base_folder_name + "/train.vw", 'a')

            self.train_vw_cmd = [
                '/usr/local/bin/vw', '--save_resume', '--holdout_off', '-c',
                '--cache_file', self.cache_path, '-f', self.model_path,
                '--passes', '20', '--loss_function', 'squared'
            self.train_vw_resume_cmd = [
                '/usr/local/bin/vw', '--save_resume', '-i', self.model_path,
                '-f', self.model_path

            # self.remove_vw_files()

        elif self.model_class == 'vw_python':
            # TODO interactions, lrq, dropout etc commands go here
            # TODO Need to pass model path and throw finish somewhere to store the final model
            self.model_path = self.base_folder_name + "/model.vw"
            self.cache_path = self.base_folder_name + "/temp.cache"
            #self.f1 = open(self.base_folder_name + "/train.vw", 'a')
            self.model = pyvw.vw(quiet=True,

    def remove_vw_files(self):
        if os.path.isfile(self.cache_path): os.remove(self.cache_path)
        if os.path.isfile(self.f1): os.remove(self.f1)
        if os.path.isfile(self.model_path): os.remove(self.model_path)

    # def if_model_exists(self):
    #     exists = False
    #     if self.model_class == 'lookup_table':
    #         if self.model:
    #             self.exists = True
    #     elif self.model_class == 'scikit':
    #         if hasattr(self.model, 'intercept_'):
    #             self.exists = True
    #     elif self.model_class == 'vw':
    #         if os.path.isfile(self.model_path):
    #             self.exists = True
    #     elif self.model_class == 'vw_python':
    #         return self.exists
    #     return exists

    def clean_buffer(self):
        self.X = []
        self.y = []
        self.buffer = 0

    # TODO Store design matrix in cache so we don't have to compute it all the time
    # @do_profile
    def return_design_matrix(self, decision_state, reward=None):
        Design matrix can simply return catesian product of state and decision
        For now all categorical features
        # TODO Kill game specific features
        if self.model_class == 'lookup_table':
            return decision_state, reward

            train_test_mode = 'train' if reward else 'test'
            cache_key = (decision_state, train_test_mode)
            if cache_key in self.design_matrix_cache:
                fv, reward = self.design_matrix_cache[cache_key]

                state, decision_taken = decision_state
                # Decision pixel tuple is our design matrix
                # TODO Do interaction via vw namespaces may be?
                # Right now features are simply state X decision interaction + single interaction feature representing state
                    _ = len(state[0])
                    all_features = [
                        'feature' + str(idx) + '-' +
                        '-'.join(str(x) for x in obs) + '-' + decision_taken
                        for idx, obs in enumerate(state)

                # Hmm design matrix for blackjack is different
                except TypeError:
                    all_features = [
                        '-'.join([i, str(j), decision_taken])
                        for i, j in zip(state._fields, state)

                tag = '_'.join(all_features)
                all_features_with_interaction = all_features + [tag]

                if self.model_class == 'scikit':
                    tr = {
                        fea_value: 1
                        for fea_value in all_features_with_interaction
                    fv = self.feature_constructor.transform([tr]).toarray()
                    fv = fv[0]

                elif self.model_class == 'vw' or self.model_class == 'vw_python':
                    input = " ".join(all_features_with_interaction)
                    if reward:
                        output = str(reward)  #+ " " + tag
                        fv = output + " |sd " + input + '\n'
                        fv = " |sd " + input + '\n'

                    if self.model_class == 'vw_python':
                        fv = self.model.example(fv)

                # Store only training examples
                # TODO: pyvw for blackjack is somehow still screwed up for cache
                # TODO Something is messed here NEED TO FIX HOw COME ONLY blackjack fails?
                if 'hit' not in self.all_possible_decisions:
                    self.design_matrix_cache[cache_key] = (fv, reward)

            return fv, reward

    def fit(self, X, y):
        if self.model_class == 'scikit':
            # X, y = self.shuffle_data(X, y)
            self.model.partial_fit(X, y)
            print self.model.score(X, y)
            self.exists = True

        elif self.model_class == 'lookup_table':
            for decision_state in X:
                if decision_state not in self.model:
                    for d in self.all_possible_decisions:
                                    d)] = bandit.DecisionState()

                self.model[decision_state].count += 1
                updated_value = self.model[decision_state].value_estimate + (
                    1.0 / self.model[decision_state].count) * (
                        y - self.model[decision_state].value_estimate)
                self.model[decision_state].value_estimate = updated_value
            self.exists = True

        elif self.model_class == 'vw':
            # if model file exists do --save resume
            with NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
                cmd = self.train_vw_resume_cmd if os.path.isfile(
                    self.model_path) else self.train_vw_cmd
                p = Popen(cmd, stdout=f, stdin=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
                tr = '\n'.join(X)
                res = p.communicate(tr)
                res =
                print res
            self.exists = True

        elif self.model_class == 'vw_python':
            # TODO create example and fit
            # TODO Remember X is list of examples (not a single example) SO How to go about that?
            # TODO Or just use Scott's awesome scikit learn interface
            # vw = pyvw.vw(quiet=True, lrq='aa7', lrqdropout=True, l2=0.01)
            # Let's use vw as good'old sgd solver
            for _ in xrange(10):
                # May be shuffling not necessary here
                res = [fv.learn() for fv in X]
            self.exists = True
            #print 'done'

    # @do_profile
    def predict(self, test):
        if self.model_class == 'scikit':
            test = test.reshape(1, -1)  # Reshape for single sample
            return self.model.predict(test)[0]

        elif self.model_class == 'lookup_table':
            if test not in self.model:
                for d in self.all_possible_decisions:
                    self.model[(test[0], d)] = bandit.DecisionState()
            return self.model[test].value_estimate

        elif self.model_class == 'vw':
            with NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
                cmd = [
                    '/usr/local/bin/vw', '-t', '-i', self.model_path, '-p',
                    '/dev/stdout', '--quiet'
                p = Popen(cmd, stdout=f, stdin=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
                res = p.communicate(test)
                res = f.readline().strip()
                return float(res)

        elif self.model_class == 'vw_python':
            # TODO Create example and fit
            )  # Little wierd that we have to call learn at all for a prediction
            res = test.get_simplelabel_prediction()
            return res

    def shuffle_data(a, b):
        assert len(a) == len(b)
        p = np.random.permutation(len(a))
        return a[p], b[p]