def insertInputOutput(self,line, lineCount, collection, type, isTrain):

        print(" processing insertInputOutput: " + line)

        # Declaring StringTokenizer
        st = line.split(",")

        for attName in st:
            attName = str(attName.strip())
            print("attrName: " + attName)
            for att in attributes:
                print("att name is :"+str(att.getName()))
            #print("numbers of items that attributes:"+str(len(attributes)))
            if ( attrItem == None):
                print("Attributes.getAttribute == None")
                # If this attribute has not been declared, generate error
                er = ErrorInfo(ErrorInfo.InputTestAttributeNotDefined, 0, lineCount, 0, 0, isTrain,
                               ("The attribute " + attName + " defined in @" + type +
                                " in test, it has not been defined in @inputs in its train dataset. It will be ignored"))

                for itemCollection in collection:
                    print("Item in collection is "+itemCollection)
                print("Attributes.getAttribute != None")
                print("   > " + str(type) + " attribute considered: " + attName)
                if(attName not in collection):
                    print("attName:" +attName+" is not in collection")
    def getOriginalHeaderWithoutInOut(self):

        line = ""
        attrs = []

        # Getting the relation name and the attributes
        if (self.storeAttributesAsNonStatic and self.attributes != None):
            line = "@relation " + self.attributes.getRelationName() + "\n"
            attrs = self.attributes.getAttributes()

            line = "@relation " + Attributes.getRelationName() + "\n"
            attrs = Attributes.getAttributes()

        for i in range(0, len(attrs)):
            line = line + str(attrs[i]) + "\n"
        return line