def getNewHeader(self):
        line = ""
        attrs = []

        # Getting the relation name and the attributes
        if (self.storeAttributesAsNonStatic == True and self.attributes != None):
            line = "@relation " + self.attributes.getRelationName() + "\n"
            attrs = self.attributes.getInputAttributes(Attributes)
            line = "@relation " + Attributes.getRelationName() + "\n"
            attrs = Attributes.getInputAttributes(Attributes)

        for i in range(0, attrs.length):
            line += attrs[i].toString() + "\n"
            # Gettin all the outputs attributes
        if (self.storeAttributesAsNonStatic and self.attributes != None):
            attrs = self.attributes.getOutputAttributes()
            line += attrs[0].toString() + "\n"
            # Getting @inputs and @outputs
            line += self.attributes.getInputHeader() + "\n"
            line += self.attributes.getOutputHeader() + "\n"

            attrs = Attributes.getOutputAttributes()
            line += str(attrs[0]) + "\n"

        # Getting @inputs and @outputs
        line += Attributes.getInputHeader() + "\n"
        line += Attributes.getOutputHeader() + "\n"

        return line
    def getOriginalHeaderWithoutInOut(self):

        line = ""
        attrs = []

        # Getting the relation name and the attributes
        if (self.storeAttributesAsNonStatic and self.attributes != None):
            line = "@relation " + self.attributes.getRelationName() + "\n"
            attrs = self.attributes.getAttributes()

            line = "@relation " + Attributes.getRelationName() + "\n"
            attrs = Attributes.getAttributes()

        for i in range(0, len(attrs)):
            line = line + str(attrs[i]) + "\n"
        return line
    def copyHeader(self):

        p = ""
        print("copyHeader begin...., P is :" + p)
        p = "@relation " + Attributes.getRelationName(Attributes) + "\n"
        print(" after relation P is :" + p)
        p += Attributes.getInputAttributesHeader(Attributes)
        print(" after getInputAttributesHeader P is :" + p)
        p += Attributes.getOutputAttributesHeader(Attributes)
        print(" after getOutputAttributesHeader P is :" + p)
        p += Attributes.getInputHeader(Attributes) + "\n"
        print(" after getInputHeader P is :" + p)
        p += Attributes.getOutputHeader(Attributes) + "\n"
        print(" after getOutputHeader P is :" + p)
        p += "@data\n"

        print("P is :" + p)
        return p