def prim(graph: UndirectedGraph) -> UndirectedGraph:
    Prim's algorithm is a greedy algorithm that finds a minimum spanning tree for a weighted undirected graph.
    This means it finds a subset of the edges that forms a tree that includes every vertex
    O(E + V log V)
    current_vertex = graph.get_vertices()[0]

    new_graph = UndirectedGraph()

    heap = FibonacciHeap(map(lambda x: (x, current_vertex), graph.get_outgoing_edges(current_vertex)))

    vertices = {current_vertex}

    while not heap.is_empty():

        edge, current_vertex = heap.pop()

        next_vertex = edge.a if edge.a != current_vertex else edge.b

        if next_vertex in vertices:

        # Add edge to the minimum spanning tree
        new_graph.add_edge(current_vertex, next_vertex, edge.weight)

        # Add all edges from this new point to the heap
        [heap.insert((edge, next_vertex)) for edge in graph.get_outgoing_edges(next_vertex)]

    return new_graph