Beispiel #1
def synthetic_stack(
        num_hyb: int=DEFAULT_NUM_HYB,
        num_ch: int=DEFAULT_NUM_CH,
        num_z: int=DEFAULT_NUM_Z,
        tile_height: int=DEFAULT_HEIGHT,
        tile_width: int=DEFAULT_WIDTH,
        tile_data_provider: Callable[[int, int, int, int, int], np.ndarray]=default_tile_data_provider,
        tile_extras_provider: Callable[[int, int, int], Any]=default_tile_extras_provider
) -> ImageStack:
    """generate a synthetic ImageStack

    ImageStack :
        imagestack containing a tensor of (2, 3, 4, 30, 20) whose values are all 1.

    img = TileSet(
        {Coordinates.X, Coordinates.Y, Indices.HYB, Indices.CH, Indices.Z},
            Indices.HYB: num_hyb,
            Indices.CH: num_ch,
            Indices.Z: num_z,
        default_tile_shape=(tile_height, tile_width),
    for hyb in range(num_hyb):
        for ch in range(num_ch):
            for z in range(num_z):
                tile = Tile(
                        Coordinates.X: (0.0, 0.001),
                        Coordinates.Y: (0.0, 0.001),
                        Coordinates.Z: (0.0, 0.001),
                        Indices.HYB: hyb,
                        Indices.CH: ch,
                        Indices.Z: z,
                    extras=tile_extras_provider(hyb, ch, z),
                tile.numpy_array = tile_data_provider(hyb, ch, z, tile_height, tile_width)


    stack = ImageStack(img)
    return stack
Beispiel #2
def synthesize() -> Tuple[Stack, list]:
    """Synthesize synthetic spatial image-based transcriptomics data

    Stack :
        starfish Stack containing synthetic spots
    list :
        codebook matching the synthetic data


    # set random seed so that data is consistent across tests

    NUM_HYB = 4
    NUM_CH = 2
    NUM_Z = 1
    HEIGHT = 100
    WIDTH = 100

    assert WIDTH == HEIGHT  # for compatibility with the parameterization of the code

    def choose(n, k):
        if n == k:
            return [[1] * k]
        subsets = [[0] + a for a in choose(n - 1, k)]
        if k > 0:
            subsets += [[1] + a for a in choose(n - 1, k - 1)]
        return subsets

    def graham_sloane_codes(n):
        # n is length of codeword
        # number of on bits is 4
        def code_sum(codeword):
            return sum([i * c for i, c in enumerate(codeword)]) % n
        return [c for c in choose(n, 4) if code_sum(c) == 0]

    p = {
        # number of on bits (not used with current codebook)
        'N_high': 4,
        # length of barcode
        'N_barcode': NUM_CH * NUM_HYB,
        # mean number of flourophores per transcripts - depends on amplification strategy (e.g HCR, bDNA)
        'N_flour': 200,
        # mean number of photons per flourophore - depends on exposure time, bleaching rate of dye
        'N_photons_per_flour': 50,
        # mean number of background photons per pixel - depends on tissue clearing and autoflourescence
        'N_photon_background': 1000,
        # quantum efficiency of the camera detector units number of electrons per photon
        'detection_efficiency': .25,
        # camera read noise per pixel in units electrons
        'N_background_electrons': 1,
        # number of RNA puncta; keep this low to reduce overlap probability
        'N_spots': 20,
        # height and width of image in pixel units
        'N_size': WIDTH,
        # standard devitation of gaussian in pixel units
        'psf': 2,
        # dynamic range of camera sensor 37,000 assuming a 16-bit AD converter
        'graylevel': 37000.0 / 2 ** 16,
        # 16-bit AD converter
        'bits': 16

    codebook = graham_sloane_codes(p['N_barcode'])

    def generate_spot(p):
        position = rand(2)
        gene = random.choice(range(len(codebook)))
        barcode = array(codebook[gene])
        photons = [poisson(p['N_photons_per_flour']) * poisson(p['N_flour']) * b for b in barcode]
        return DataFrame({'position': [position], 'barcode': [barcode], 'photons': [photons], 'gene': gene})

    # right now there is no jitter on x-y positions of the spots, we might want to make it a vector
    spots = concat([generate_spot(p) for _ in range(p['N_spots'])])  # type: ignore

    image = zeros((p['N_barcode'], p['N_size'], p['N_size'],))

    for s in spots.itertuples():
        image[:, int(p['N_size'] * s.position[0]), int(p['N_size'] * s.position[1])] = s.photons

    image_with_background = image + poisson(p['N_photon_background'], size=image.shape)
    filtered = array([gaussian(im, p['psf']) for im in image_with_background])
    filtered = filtered * p['detection_efficiency'] + normal(scale=p['N_background_electrons'], size=filtered.shape)
    signal = np.array([(x / p['graylevel']).astype(int).clip(0, 2 ** p['bits']) for x in filtered])

    def select_uint_dtype(array):
        """choose appropriate dtype based on values of an array"""
        max_val = np.max(array)
        for dtype in [np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64]:
            if max_val <= dtype(-1):
                return array.astype(dtype)
        raise ValueError('value exceeds dynamic range of largest numpy type')

    corrected_signal = select_uint_dtype(signal)
    rescaled_signal: np.ndarray = rescale_intensity(corrected_signal)

    # set up the tile set
    image_data = TileSet(
        {Coordinates.X, Coordinates.Y, Indices.HYB, Indices.CH, Indices.Z},
            Indices.HYB: NUM_HYB,
            Indices.CH: NUM_CH,
            Indices.Z: NUM_Z,
        default_tile_shape=(HEIGHT, WIDTH),

    # fill the TileSet
    experiment_indices = list(product(range(NUM_HYB), range(NUM_CH), range(NUM_Z)))
    for i, (hyb, ch, z) in enumerate(experiment_indices):

        tile = Tile(
                Coordinates.X: (0.0, 0.001),
                Coordinates.Y: (0.0, 0.001),
                Coordinates.Z: (0.0, 0.001),
                Indices.HYB: hyb,
                Indices.CH: ch,
                Indices.Z: z,
        tile.numpy_array = rescaled_signal[i]


    data_stack = ImageStack(image_data)

    # make a max projection and pretend that's the dots image, which we'll create another ImageStack for this
    dots_data = TileSet(
        {Coordinates.X, Coordinates.Y, Indices.HYB, Indices.CH, Indices.Z},
            Indices.HYB: 1,
            Indices.CH: 1,
            Indices.Z: 1,
        default_tile_shape=(HEIGHT, WIDTH),
    tile = Tile(
            Coordinates.X: (0.0, 0.001),
            Coordinates.Y: (0.0, 0.001),
            Coordinates.Z: (0.0, 0.001),
            Indices.HYB: 0,
            Indices.CH: 0,
            Indices.Z: 0,

    tile.numpy_array = np.max(rescaled_signal, 0)

    dots_stack = ImageStack(dots_data)

    # TODO can we mock up a nuclei image somehow?

    # put the data together into a top-level Stack
    results = Stack.from_data(data_stack, aux_dict={'dots': dots_stack})

    # make the codebook(s)
    codebook = []
    for _, code_record in spots.iterrows():
        codeword = []
        for code_value, (hyb, ch, z) in zip(code_record['barcode'], experiment_indices):
            if code_value != 0:
                    Indices.HYB: hyb,
                    Indices.CH: ch,
                    Indices.Z: z,
                    "v": code_value
                'codeword': codeword,
                'gene_name': code_record['gene']

    return results, codebook