Beispiel #1
def test_duplicate_warning(recwarn):
    """Test warning triggers if duplicate component in CSV.
    w = recwarn.pop()
    assert issubclass(w.category, UserWarning)
    assert 'duplicate' in str(w.message)
    assert w.lineno
Beispiel #2
def test_duplicate_warning(recwarn):
    """Test warning triggers if duplicate component in CSV.
    w = recwarn.pop()
    assert issubclass(w.category, UserWarning)
    assert 'duplicate' in str(w.message)
    assert w.lineno
Beispiel #3
def test_error():
    """Test errors are raised.
    rock = Component(r)

    # No component
    with pytest.raises(LegendError):
        Decor({'colour': 'red'})

    # No decoration
    with pytest.raises(LegendError):
        Decor({'component': rock})

    # Bad colour
    with pytest.raises(LegendError):
        Decor({'colour': 'blurple', 'component': rock})

    # Adding incompatible things
    legend = Legend.from_csv(csv_text)
    with pytest.raises(LegendError):
        legend + rock

    # Tolerance not allowed.
    with pytest.raises(LegendError):
        legend.get_component('#f7e9a7', tolerance=-1)
Beispiel #4
def test_error():
    """Test errors are raised.
    rock = Component(r)

    # No component
    with pytest.raises(LegendError):
        Decor({'colour': 'red'})

    # No decoration
    with pytest.raises(LegendError):
        Decor({'component': rock})

    # Bad colour
    with pytest.raises(LegendError):
        Decor({'colour': 'blurple',
               'component': rock})

    # Adding incompatible things
    legend = Legend.from_csv(csv_text)
    with pytest.raises(LegendError):
        legend + rock

    # Tolerance not allowed.
    with pytest.raises(LegendError):
        legend.get_component('#f7e9a7', tolerance=-1)
Beispiel #5
def test_legend():

    legend = Legend.from_csv(csv_text)
    assert legend[0].colour == '#f7e9a6'
    assert legend.max_width == 5
    assert legend.__str__() != ''
    assert legend.__repr__() != ''

    rock = Component(r)
    assert legend.get_colour(rock) == '#eeeeee'

    rock3 = Component(r3)
    assert legend.get_colour(rock3) == '#ffdbba'
    assert legend.get_width(rock3) == 3.0

    c = legend.get_component('#f7e9a6')
    assert c.lithology == 'sandstone'

    colours = [d.colour for d in legend]
    assert len(colours) == 8

    l = Legend.random([rock, rock3])
    assert l != legend
    assert getattr(l[-1], 'colour') != ''
    assert l.to_csv() != ''

    summed = legend + l
    assert len(summed) == 10
Beispiel #6
def test_legend():
    """Test all the basics.
    legend = Legend.from_csv(csv_text)
    assert legend[0].colour == '#f7e9a6'
    assert legend.max_width == 5
    assert legend.__str__() != ''
    assert legend.__repr__() != ''

    assert len(legend[[3, 4]]) == 2
    assert len(legend[3:5]) == 2

    rock = Component(r)
    assert legend.get_colour(rock) == '#eeeeee'
    assert rock not in legend

    d = Decor({'colour': 'red',
               'component': rock})
    length = len(legend)
    legend[3] = d
    assert len(legend) == length
    assert legend[3].component == rock
    assert d in legend

    rock3 = Component(r3)
    assert legend.get_colour(rock3) == '#ffdbba'
    assert legend.get_width(rock3) == 3.0

    c = legend.get_component('#f7e9a6')
    assert c.lithology == 'sandstone'
    c2 = legend.get_component('#f7e9a7', tolerance=30)
    assert c2.lithology == 'sandstone'

    colours = [d.colour for d in legend]
    assert len(colours) == 8

    assert Legend.random(rock3)[0].colour != ''

    l = Legend.random([rock, rock3])
    assert len(l) == 2
    assert getattr(l[-1], 'colour') != ''
    assert l.to_csv() != ''
    assert l.max_width == 0

    l = Legend.random([rock, rock3], width=True, colour='#abcdef')
    assert getattr(l[0], 'colour') == '#abcdef'

    # Test sums.
    summed = legend + l
    assert len(summed) == 10

    summed_again = legend + d
    assert len(summed_again) == 9

    summed_again_again = d + legend
    assert len(summed_again_again) == 9

    # Test equality.
    assert not d == legend
Beispiel #7
def test_legend():
    """Test all the basics.
    legend = Legend.from_csv(text=csv_text)
    assert legend[0].colour == '#f7e9a6'
    assert legend.max_width == 5
    assert legend.__str__() != ''
    assert legend.__repr__() != ''

    assert len(legend[[3, 4]]) == 2
    assert len(legend[3:5]) == 2

    rock = Component(r)
    assert legend.get_colour(rock) == '#eeeeee'
    assert rock not in legend

    d = Decor({'colour': 'red', 'component': rock})
    length = len(legend)
    legend[3] = d
    assert len(legend) == length
    assert legend[3].component == rock
    assert d in legend

    rock3 = Component(r3)
    assert legend.get_colour(rock3) == '#ffdbba'
    assert legend.get_width(rock3) == 3.0

    c = legend.get_component('#f7e9a6')
    assert c.lithology == 'sandstone'
    c2 = legend.get_component('#f7e9a7', tolerance=30)
    assert c2.lithology == 'sandstone'

    colours = [d.colour for d in legend]
    assert len(colours) == 8

    assert Legend.random(rock3)[0].colour != ''

    l = Legend.random([rock, rock3])
    assert len(l) == 2
    assert getattr(l[-1], 'colour') != ''
    assert l.to_csv() != ''
    assert l.max_width == 0

    l = Legend.random([rock, rock3], width=True, colour='#abcdef')
    assert getattr(l[0], 'colour') == '#abcdef'

    # Test sums.
    summed = legend + l
    assert len(summed) == 10

    summed_again = legend + d
    assert len(summed_again) == 9

    summed_again_again = d + legend
    assert len(summed_again_again) == 9

    # Test equality.
    assert not d == legend
Beispiel #8
def test_tolerance_warning(recwarn):
    """Test warning triggers if tolerance too low.
    legend = Legend.from_csv(text=csv_text)
    legend.get_component('#f7e9a7', tolerance=0)
    w = recwarn.pop()
    assert issubclass(w.category, UserWarning)
    assert 'tolerance of 0' in str(w.message)
    assert w.lineno
Beispiel #9
def test_warning(recwarn):
    """Test warning triggers if tolerance too low.
    legend = Legend.from_csv(csv_text)
    legend.get_component('#f7e9a7', tolerance=0)
    w = recwarn.pop()
    assert issubclass(w.category, UserWarning)
    assert 'tolerance of 0' in str(w.message)
    assert w.lineno
Beispiel #10
def test_error():
    """Test errors are raised.
    rock = Component(r)

    # Adding incompatible things
    legend = Legend.from_csv(text=csv_text)
    with pytest.raises(LegendError):
        _ = legend + rock
        assert _

    # Tolerance not allowed.
    with pytest.raises(LegendError):
        legend.get_component('#f7e9a7', tolerance=-1)
Beispiel #11
def test_error():
    """Test errors are raised.
    rock = Component(r)

    # Adding incompatible things
    legend = Legend.from_csv(csv_text)
    with pytest.raises(LegendError):
        _ = legend + rock
        assert _

    # Tolerance not allowed.
    with pytest.raises(LegendError):
        legend.get_component('#f7e9a7', tolerance=-1)
Beispiel #12
def test_legend():
    """Test all the basics.
    legend = Legend.from_csv(csv_text)
    assert legend[0].colour == '#f7e9a6'
    assert legend.max_width == 5
    assert legend.__str__() != ''
    assert legend.__repr__() != ''

    assert len(legend[[3, 4]]) == 2
    assert len(legend[3:5]) == 2

    rock = Component(r)
    assert legend.get_colour(rock) == '#eeeeee'
    assert rock not in legend

    d = Decor({'colour': 'red', 'component': rock})
    length = len(legend)
    legend[3] = d
    assert len(legend) == length
    assert legend[3].component == rock
    assert d in legend

    rock3 = Component(r3)
    assert legend.get_colour(rock3) == '#ffdbba'
    assert legend.get_width(rock3) == 3.0

    c = legend.get_component('#f7e9a6')
    assert c.lithology == 'sandstone'
    c2 = legend.get_component('#f7e9a7', tolerance=30)
    assert c2.lithology == 'sandstone'

    colours = [d.colour for d in legend]
    assert len(colours) == 8

    l = Legend.random([rock, rock3])
    assert l != legend
    assert getattr(l[-1], 'colour') != ''
    assert l.to_csv() != ''

    summed = legend + l
    assert len(summed) == 10
Beispiel #13
    return 'data:image/png;base64,{}'.format(encoded_image.decode())

app = Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=[dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP])
# Create server variable with Flask server object for use with gunicorn
server = app.server

# Get las files
path = 'data/Poseidon_data/las/'  # direct link to specific data
lasfiles = glob(path + '*.LAS')

# Get striplog files
path2 = 'data/Poseidon_data/tops/'  # direct link to specific data
stripfiles = glob(path2 + '*.csv')

legend = Legend.from_csv(filename='data/Poseidon_data/tops_legend.csv'
                         )  # direct link to specific data

p = Project.from_las(
    'data/Poseidon_data/las/*.LAS')  # direct link to specific data
well_uwi = [w.uwi for w in p
            ]  ##gets the well uwi data for use in the well-selector tool

# Add striplogs to Project
# Striplog must have the same name as LAS file.
# e.g. Torosa-1.LAS and Torosa-1.csv
for w in p:
    name = Path(w.fname).stem
    strip = Striplog.from_csv(
        f'data/Poseidon_data/tops/{name}.csv')  # direct link to specific data['tops'] = strip
print('\n LAS PATH:', path, '\n')
lasfiles = glob(path + '*.LAS')
for fname in lasfiles:
    print(' '*5, fname)

# Get striplog files
path2 = 'data/Poseidon_data/tops/'
print('\n STRIP PATH:', path2, '\n')
stripfiles = glob(path2 + '*.csv')
for fname in stripfiles:
    print(' '*5, fname)

tops_legend = Legend.from_csv(filename='data/Poseidon_data/tops_legend.csv')

p = Project.from_las('data/Poseidon_data/las/*.LAS')
well_uwi = [w.uwi for w in p] ##gets the well uwi data for use in the well-selector tool

# Add striplogs to Project
# Striplog must have the same name as LAS file.
# e.g. Torosa-1.LAS and Torosa-1.csv
for w in p:
    name = Path(w.fname).name.split('.')[0]
    new_path = f'data/Poseidon_data/tops/{name}.csv'
    print(name, new_path)
    strip = Striplog.from_csv(f'data/Poseidon_data/tops/{name}.csv')['tops'] = strip

Beispiel #15
def test_error():
    legend = Legend.from_csv(csv_text)
    rock = Component(r)
    with pytest.raises(LegendError):
        legend + rock