Beispiel #1

def gcode_Export(path, e):
    #Converts a list of vectors to a gcode file for the path. e is the scalar relating E coordinates to distance moved.
    #Outputs gcode to the file output.gcode, with the file start.gcode at the beginning and end.gcode at the end.
    output = open('output.gcode', 'w')
    start = open('start.gcode', 'r')
    end = open('end.gcode', 'r')
    for line in start:
    output.write(G1([path[0][1][0], path[0][1][1], path[0][1][2], 0]) + '\n')
    ePos = 0
    for v in path:
        ePos += e * Basics.vlength(v[0])
        output.write(G1(v[0] + v[1], ePos) + '\n')
    for line in end:

def G1(p, e=0):
    #Returns a gcode of the form G1 X(p[0]) Y(p[1]) Z(p[2]) E(e)
    return 'G1 X' + str(p[0]) + ' Y' + str(p[1]) + ' Z' + str(
        p[2]) + ' E' + str(e)

w1 = surfaces.wave(1, 1, 0, 0)
v1 = sp.array([[0, 2, 0], [0.08, 0, 0]])
gcode_Export(w1.vectorWrap(v1, 0.1), 1)

#Currently not functional pending some changes to earlier parts of the code.
Beispiel #2
#This may or may not be where the actual main program ends up. For now it just imports everything so i can test.
import scipy as sp
import display
import stl_importer
import path
import surfaces
#import mesh

w1 = surfaces.wave(5, 30, 0, 0)
test = stl_importer.stl_import('model.stl')
#test = test.tesselate(2)
#test = w1.meshShift(test,-1)
layers = test.chop(3)
layers = layers[:-1]
for layer in layers:
    path.order(layer), 0.75, layer)
    path.wrapLayer(layer, w1, 4)

chain = []
for layer in layers:
    for shellGroup in layer.shells:
        for shell in shellGroup:
Beispiel #3
#This may or may not be where the actual main program ends up. For now it just imports everything so i can test.
import scipy as sp
import display
import stl_importer
import path
import surfaces
#import mesh

w1 = surfaces.wave(5,30,0,0)
test = stl_importer.stl_import('model.stl')
#test = test.tesselate(2)
#test = w1.meshShift(test,-1)
layers = test.chop(3)
layers = layers[:-1]
for layer in layers:

chain = []
for layer in layers:
    for shellGroup in layer.shells:
        for shell in shellGroup:
def gcode_Export(path,e):
    #Converts a list of vectors to a gcode file for the path. e is the scalar relating E coordinates to distance moved. 
    #Outputs gcode to the file output.gcode, with the file start.gcode at the beginning and end.gcode at the end.
    output = open('output.gcode','w')
    start = open('start.gcode','r')
    end = open('end.gcode','r')
    for line in start:
    output.write(G1([path[0][1][0],path[0][1][1],path[0][1][2],0]) + '\n')
    ePos = 0
    for v in path:
        ePos +=e*Basics.vlength(v[0])
        output.write(G1(v[0]+v[1],ePos) + '\n')
    for line in end:

def G1(p,e=0):
       #Returns a gcode of the form G1 X(p[0]) Y(p[1]) Z(p[2]) E(e)
    return 'G1 X'+str(p[0]) + ' Y' + str(p[1]) + ' Z' + str(p[2])+ ' E' + str(e)

w1 = surfaces.wave(1,1,0,0)
v1 = sp.array([[0,2,0],[0.08,0,0]])

#Currently not functional pending some changes to earlier parts of the code.