def test_ExternalFileHandle():
    # Tests shouldn't have external dependencies, but this is a pretty picture of Singapore
    singapore_url = ''
    singapore = File(singapore_url, parent=project, synapseStore=False)
    singapore =

    # Verify the file handle
    fileHandle = syn._getFileHandle(singapore.dataFileHandleId)
    assert_equals(fileHandle['concreteType'], 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.file.ExternalFileHandle')
    assert_equals(fileHandle['externalURL'], singapore_url)

    # The download should occur only on the client side
    singapore = syn.get(singapore, downloadFile=True)
    assert_equals(singapore.externalURL, singapore_url)

    # Update external URL
    singapore_2_url = ''
    singapore.externalURL = singapore_2_url
    singapore =
    s2 = syn.get(singapore, downloadFile=False)
    assert_equal(s2.externalURL, singapore_2_url)
def test_ExternalFileHandle(syn, project, schedule_for_cleanup):
    # Tests shouldn't have external dependencies, but this is a pretty picture of Singapore
    singapore_url = ''  # noqa
    singapore = File(singapore_url, parent=project, synapseStore=False)
    singapore =

    # Verify the file handle
    fileHandle = syn._get_file_handle_as_creator(singapore.dataFileHandleId)
    assert fileHandle['concreteType'] == 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.file.ExternalFileHandle'
    assert fileHandle['externalURL'] == singapore_url

    # The download should occur only on the client side
    singapore = syn.get(singapore, downloadFile=True)
    assert singapore.path is not None
    assert singapore.externalURL == singapore_url
    assert os.path.exists(singapore.path)

    # Update external URL
    singapore_2_url = ''
    singapore.externalURL = singapore_2_url
    singapore =
    s2 = syn.get(singapore, downloadFile=False)
    assert s2.externalURL == singapore_2_url
def test_ExternalFileHandle():
    # Tests shouldn't have external dependencies, but this is a pretty picture of Singapore
    singapore_url = ''
    singapore = File(singapore_url, parent=project, synapseStore=False)
    singapore =

    # Verify the file handle
    fileHandle = syn._getFileHandle(singapore.dataFileHandleId)
    assert fileHandle['concreteType'] == 'org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.file.ExternalFileHandle'
    assert fileHandle['externalURL']  == singapore_url

    # The download should occur only on the client side
    singapore = syn.get(singapore, downloadFile=True)
    assert singapore.path is not None
    assert singapore.externalURL == singapore_url
    assert os.path.exists(singapore.path)

    # Update external URL
    singapore_2_url = ''
    singapore.externalURL = singapore_2_url
    singapore =
    s2 = syn.get(singapore, downloadFile=False)
    assert s2.externalURL == singapore_2_url