Beispiel #1
    def visit_Call(self, node):
        full_name = str(anno.getanno(node.func, anno.Basic.QN, default=''))
        function_context_name = self.state[_Function].context_name
        node = self.generic_visit(node)

        # TODO(mdan): Refactor converted_call as a 'Call' operator.

        # Calls to the internal 'ag__' module are never converted (though their
        # arguments might be).
        if full_name.startswith('ag__.'):
            return node

        # Calls to the function context manager (inserted by function_scopes) are
        # also safe.
        if full_name.startswith(function_context_name + '.'):
            return node

        # Calls to pdb.set_trace or ipdb.set_trace are never converted. We don't use
        # the normal mechanisms to bypass these literals because they are sensitive
        # to the frame they are being called from.
        # TODO(mdan): Generalize this to a "static whitelist" config.
        if full_name in ('pdb.set_trace', 'ipdb.set_trace', 'breakpoint'):
            global set_trace_warned
            if not set_trace_warned:
                # TODO(mdan): Update and shorten once available on
                    'Detected `pdb.set_trace()` in converted code. The code'
                    ' generated by AutoGraph is not optimized for step-by-step'
                    ' debugging. See'
                set_trace_warned = True
            return node

        if (full_name == 'print' and not self.ctx.program.options.uses(
            return node

        template = """
      ag__.converted_call(func, args, kwargs, function_ctx)
        new_call = templates.replace_as_expression(

        return new_call
Beispiel #2
  def _verify_ineffcient_unroll(self):
    """Checks for possibly-inefficient creation of ops in a Python loop."""
    assert self.ops_before_iteration is not None
    ops_after_iteration = self._get_ops()
    new_ops = tuple(
        op for op in ops_after_iteration if op not in self.ops_before_iteration)

    if len(new_ops) < INEFFICIENT_UNROLL_MIN_OPS:
      return False

    # TODO(mdan): Add location information.
        'TensorFlow ops are being created in a Python loop with large number'
        ' of iterations. This can lead to slow startup. Did you mean to use a'
        ' TensorFlow loop? For example, `while True:` is a Python loop, and'
        ' `while tf.constant(True):` is a TensorFlow loop. The following'
        ' ops were created after iteration %s: %s', self.iterations, new_ops)
    return True
Beispiel #3
  def _verify_ineffcient_unroll(self):
    """Checks for possibly-inefficient creation of ops in a Python loop."""
    assert self.ops_before_iteration is not None
    ops_after_iteration = self._get_ops()
    new_ops = tuple(
        op for op in ops_after_iteration if op not in self.ops_before_iteration)

    if len(new_ops) < INEFFICIENT_UNROLL_MIN_OPS:
      return False

    # TODO(mdan): Add location information.
        'TensorFlow ops are being created in a Python loop with large number'
        ' of iterations. This can lead to slow startup. Did you mean to use a'
        ' TensorFlow loop? For example, `while True:` is a Python loop, and'
        ' `while tf.constant(True):` is a TensorFlow loop. The following'
        ' ops were created after iteration %s: %s', self.iterations, new_ops)
    return True
Beispiel #4
def _fall_back_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options, exc):
  """Falls back to calling the function unconverted, in case of error."""
  # TODO(mdan): Consider adding an internal metric.
  warning_template = (
      'AutoGraph could not transform %s and will run it as-is.\n'
      'Cause: %s\n'
      'To silence this warning, decorate the function with'
      ' @tf.autograph.experimental.do_not_convert')
  if isinstance(exc, errors.UnsupportedLanguageElementError):
    if not conversion.is_in_whitelist_cache(f, options):
      logging.warn(warning_template, f, '', exc)
    file_bug_message = (
        'Please report this to the TensorFlow team. When filing the bug, set'
        ' the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and'
        ' attach the full output.\n')
    logging.warn(warning_template, f, file_bug_message, exc)

  return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options)
Beispiel #5
    def _verify_ineffcient_unroll(self):
        """Checks for possibly-inefficient creation of ops in a Python loop."""
        assert self.ops_before_iteration is not None
        ops_after_iteration = self._get_ops()
        new_ops = tuple(op for op in ops_after_iteration
                        if op not in self.ops_before_iteration)

        if len(new_ops) < INEFFICIENT_UNROLL_MIN_OPS:
            return False

        # TODO(mdan): Add location information.
            'Large unrolled loop detected. Did you mean to use a TF loop?'
            ' The following ops were created after iteration %s: %s\n.'
            '', self.iterations, new_ops)
        return True
Beispiel #6
def is_unsupported(o):
    """Checks whether an entity is supported by AutoGraph at all."""

    # TODO(b/122265385): Remove this bypass.
    if (_is_known_loaded_type(o, 'wrapt', 'FunctionWrapper')
            or _is_known_loaded_type(o, 'wrapt', 'BoundFunctionWrapper')):
            '{} appears to be decorated by wrapt, which is not yet supported'
            ' by AutoGraph. The function will run as-is.'
            ' You may still apply AutoGraph before the wrapt decorator.'.
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently allowed: %s: wrapt decorated', o)
        return True

    if _is_known_loaded_type(o, 'functools', '_lru_cache_wrapper'):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently allowed: %s: lru_cache', o)
        return True

    # Constructors are permanently allowed.
    # TODO(mdan): Toggle as experimental feature instead.
    # TODO(b/124016764): Remove this limitation.
    if inspect_utils.isconstructor(o):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently allowed: %s: constructor', o)
        return True

    # Other built-in modules are permanently allowed.
    # TODO(mdan): Figure out how to do this consistently for all stdlib modules.
    if any(
            _is_of_known_loaded_module(o, m)
            for m in ('collections', 'pdb', 'copy', 'inspect', 're')):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently allowed: %s: part of builtin module', o)
        return True

    # Custom ops and kernels are also permanently allowed.
    # See tensorflow.framework.load_library.
    if (hasattr(o, '__module__')
            and hasattr(o.__module__, '_IS_TENSORFLOW_PLUGIN')):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently allowed: %s: TensorFlow plugin', o)
        return True

    return False
Beispiel #7
def converted_call(f,
  """Compiles a function call inline.

  For internal use only.

  Note: The argument list is optimized for readability of generated code, which
  may look like this:

    ag__.converted_call(f, (arg1, arg2), None, fscope)
    ag__.converted_call(f, (), dict(arg1=val1, **kwargs), fscope)
    ag__.converted_call(f, (arg1, arg2) + varargs, dict(**kwargs), lscope)

    f: The function to convert.
    args: Tuple, the original positional arguments of f
    kwargs: Optional[Dict], the original keyword arguments of f
    caller_fn_scope: Optional[function_wrappers.FunctionScope], the function
      scope of the converted function in which this call was originally made.
    options: Optional[converter.ConversionOptions], conversion options. If not
      specified, the value of caller_fn_scope.callopts is used. Either options
      or caller_fn_scope must be present.

    Any, the result of executing a possibly-converted `f` with the given
  logging.log(1, 'Converted call: %s\n    args: %s\n    kwargs: %s\n', f, args,

  if options is None:
    if caller_fn_scope is None:
      raise ValueError('either caller_fn_scope or options must have a value')
    options = caller_fn_scope.callopts

  if conversion.is_in_whitelist_cache(f, options):
    logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted %s: from cache', f)
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options, False)

  if ag_ctx.control_status_ctx().status == ag_ctx.Status.DISABLED:
    logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: AutoGraph is disabled in context', f)
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options, False)

  if is_autograph_artifact(f):
    logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: AutoGraph artifact', f)
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options)

  # If this is a partial, unwrap it and redo all the checks.
  if isinstance(f, functools.partial):
    new_kwargs = {}
    if f.keywords is not None:
      # Use copy to avoid mutating the underlying keywords.
      new_kwargs = f.keywords.copy()
    if kwargs is not None:
    new_args = f.args + args
    logging.log(3, 'Forwarding call of partial %s with\n%s\n%s\n', f, new_args,
    return converted_call(

  if inspect_utils.isbuiltin(f):
    if f is eval:
      return py_builtins.eval_in_original_context(f, args, caller_fn_scope)
    if f is super:
      return py_builtins.super_in_original_context(f, args, caller_fn_scope)
    if kwargs:
      return py_builtins.overload_of(f)(*args, **kwargs)
      return py_builtins.overload_of(f)(*args)

  # TODO(b/122265385): Remove this bypass.
  if (_is_known_loaded_type(f, 'wrapt', 'FunctionWrapper') or
      _is_known_loaded_type(f, 'wrapt', 'BoundFunctionWrapper')):
        '{} appears to be decorated by wrapt, which is not yet supported'
        ' by AutoGraph. The function will run as-is.'
        ' You may still apply AutoGraph before the wrapt decorator.'.format(f))
    logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: wrapt decorated', f)
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options)

  if _is_known_loaded_type(f, 'functools', '_lru_cache_wrapper'):
    logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: lru_cache', f)
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options)

  # Constructors are permanently whitelisted.
  # TODO(mdan): Toggle as experimental feature instead.
  # TODO(b/124016764): Remove this limitation.
  if inspect_utils.isconstructor(f):
    logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: constructor', f)
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options)

  # Other built-in modules are permanently whitelisted.
  # TODO(mdan): Figure out how to do this consistently for all stdlib modules.
  if any(
      f in m.__dict__.values() for m in (collections, pdb, copy, inspect, re)):
    logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: part of builtin module', f)
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options)

  # Custom ops and kernels are also permanently whitelisted.
  # See tensorflow.framework.load_library.
  if (hasattr(f, '__module__') and
      hasattr(f.__module__, '_IS_TENSORFLOW_PLUGIN')):
    logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: TensorFlow plugin', f)
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options)

  if not options.user_requested and conversion.is_whitelisted(f):
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options)

  # internal_convert_user_code is for example turned off when issuing a dynamic
  # call conversion from generated code while in nonrecursive mode. In that
  # case we evidently don't want to recurse, but we still have to convert
  # things like builtins.
  if not options.internal_convert_user_code:
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options)

    if inspect.ismethod(f) or inspect.isfunction(f):
      target_entity = f
      effective_args = args

      f_self = getattr(f, '__self__', None)
      if f_self is not None:
        if isinstance(f_self, function.TfMethodTarget):
          f_self =
        effective_args = (f_self,) + effective_args

    elif hasattr(f, '__class__') and hasattr(f.__class__, '__call__'):
      # Callable objects. Dunder methods have special lookup rules, see:
      # TODO(mdan): Recurse into converted_call to simplify other verifications.
      # This should be handled in the same way as partials.
      target_entity = f.__class__.__call__
      effective_args = (f,) + args

      target_entity = f
      raise NotImplementedError('unknown callable type "%s"' % type(f))

  except Exception as e:  # pylint:disable=broad-except
    logging.log(1, 'Error transforming entity %s', target_entity, exc_info=True)
    if is_autograph_strict_conversion_mode():
    return _fall_back_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options, e)

  if not hasattr(target_entity, '__code__'):
    logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: native binding',
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options)
  elif (hasattr(target_entity.__code__, 'co_filename') and
        target_entity.__code__.co_filename == '<string>'):
    # TODO(mdan): __globals__['txt'] might work in Py3.
    logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: dynamic code (exec?)',
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options)

    program_ctx = converter.ProgramContext(
        options=options, autograph_module=tf_inspect.getmodule(converted_call))
    converted_f = conversion.convert(target_entity, program_ctx)
    if logging.has_verbosity(2):
      _log_callargs(converted_f, effective_args, kwargs)
  except Exception as e:  # pylint:disable=broad-except
    logging.log(1, 'Error transforming entity %s', target_entity, exc_info=True)
    if is_autograph_strict_conversion_mode():
    return _fall_back_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options, e)

  with StackTraceMapper(converted_f), tf_stack.CurrentModuleFilter():
      if kwargs is not None:
        result = converted_f(*effective_args, **kwargs)
        result = converted_f(*effective_args)
    except Exception as e:
      _attach_metadata(e, converted_f)

  return result
Beispiel #8
def is_whitelisted(o,
    """Checks whether an entity is whitelisted for use in graph mode.

  Examples of whitelisted entities include all members of the tensorflow

    o: A Python entity.
    check_call_override: Reserved for internal use. When set to `False`, it
      disables the rule according to which classes are whitelisted if their
      __call__ method is whitelisted.
    allow_namedtuple_subclass: Reserved for internal use. When `True`,
      namedtuple subclasses are not whitelisted.

    # TODO(b/120224672): Fix this.
    if isinstance(o, functools.partial):
        # tf_inspect.getmodule(functools.partial(...)) otherwise returns None since
        # functools.partial objects do not have a __module__ attribute.
        m = functools
        m = tf_inspect.getmodule(o)

    # Examples of callables that lack a __module__ property include builtins.
    if hasattr(m, '__name__'):
        for rule in config.CONVERSION_RULES:
            action = rule.get_action(m)
            if action == config.Action.CONVERT:
                logging.log(2, 'Not whitelisted: %s: %s', o, rule)
                return False
            elif action == config.Action.DO_NOT_CONVERT:
                logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: %s', o, rule)
                return True

    if tf_inspect.isgeneratorfunction(o):
            'Entity %s appears to be a generator function. It will not be converted'
            ' by AutoGraph.', o)
                    'Whitelisted: %s: generator functions are not converted',
        return True

    if (check_call_override and not tf_inspect.isclass(o)
            and hasattr(o, '__call__')):
        # Callable objects: whitelisted if their __call__ method is.
        # The type check avoids infinite recursion around the __call__ method
        # of function objects.
        if (type(o) != type(o.__call__)) and is_whitelisted(o.__call__):  # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
            logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: object __call__ whitelisted', o)
            return True

    owner_class = None
    if tf_inspect.ismethod(o):
        # Methods of whitelisted classes are also whitelisted, even if they are
        # bound via user subclasses.
        # For example, suppose `tf.Foo` has a method called `bar`, and `baz` is
        # defined as below. `tf.Foo` is whitelisted. Then `` is also
        # whitelisted.
        #   class Custom(tf.Foo):
        #     pass
        #   baz = Custom()
        # For the example above, if `Custom` did overload `bar`, then it would no
        # longer be whitelisted.

        owner_class = inspect_utils.getmethodclass(o)
        if owner_class is function.TfMethodTarget:
            owner_class = o.__self__.target_class
        if owner_class is not None:
            if issubclass(owner_class, unittest.TestCase):
                logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: method of TestCase subclass',
                return True

            owner_class = inspect_utils.getdefiningclass(o, owner_class)
            if is_whitelisted(owner_class,
                logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: owner is whitelisted %s', o,
                return True

    if inspect_utils.isnamedtuple(o):
        # Due to the way they're constructed, namedtuple types cannot be converted
        # because they don't expose source code. But we assume they are safe for
        # graph mode since they are just containers.
        if allow_namedtuple_subclass:
            if not any(
                    inspect_utils.isnamedtuple(base) for base in o.__bases__):
                logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: named tuple', o)
                return True
            logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: named tuple or subclass', o)
            return True

    logging.log(2, 'Not whitelisted: %s: default rule', o)
    return False
Beispiel #9
def converted_call(f, owner, options, args, kwargs):
  """Compiles a function call inline. For internal use only."""
              'Converted call: %s; owner: %s\n    args: %s\n    kwargs: %s\n',
              f, owner, args, kwargs)

  if owner is not None:
    if not isinstance(f, str):
      raise ValueError(
          'When owner is specified, the function name must be specified as'
          ' a string: {}'.format(f))

    # Special case when the owner is a 'super' object. In that case lookups of
    # dynamic attributes won't work. See
    # inspect_utils.SuperWrapperForDynamicAttrs.
    if isinstance(owner, super):
      owner = inspect_utils.SuperWrapperForDynamicAttrs(owner)

    f = getattr(owner, f)

  if inspect_utils.isbuiltin(f):
    return py_builtins.overload_of(f)(*args, **kwargs)

  # TODO(b/122265385): Remove this bypass.
  if (_is_known_loaded_type(f, 'wrapt', 'FunctionWrapper') or
      _is_known_loaded_type(f, 'wrapt', 'BoundFunctionWrapper')):
        'Entity {} appears to be decorated by wrapt, which is not yet supported'
        ' by AutoGraph. The function will be called without transformation.'
        ' You may however apply AutoGraph before the decorator.'.format(f))
    logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: wrapt decorated', f)
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

  # Constructors are permanently whitelisted.
  # TODO(mdan): Toggle as experimental feature instead.
  # TODO(b/124016764): Remove this limitation.
  if tf_inspect.isclass(f):
    logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: constructor', f)
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

  # Other built-in modules are permanently whitelisted.
  # TODO(mdan): Figure out how to do this consistently for all stdlib modules.
  # Note: TF linter disallows importing inspect.
  if any(f in m.__dict__.values()
         for m in (collections, pdb, copy, tf_inspect._inspect)):  # pylint:disable=protected-access
    logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: part of builtin module', f)
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

  if not options.force_conversion and conversion.is_whitelisted_for_graph(f):
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

  # internal_convert_user_code is for example turned off when issuing a dynamic
  # call conversion from generated code while in nonrecursive mode. In that
  # case we evidently don't want to recurse, but we still have to convert
  # things like builtins.
  if not options.internal_convert_user_code:
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

  # TODO(mdan): Move this entire block inside to_graph.
  try:  # Begin of transformation error guards

    # Unwrap functools.partial objects
    # TODO(mdan): Consider sharing unwrapping logic with tf_inspect.
    while isinstance(f, functools.partial):
      args = f.args + args
      new_kwargs = {}
      if f.keywords is not None:
      kwargs = new_kwargs
      f = f.func

    if tf_inspect.isfunction(f) or tf_inspect.ismethod(f):
      # Regular functions
      target_entity = f
      arg_map_target = f
      f_self = inspect_utils.getmethodself(f)

      # TODO(b/119246461): This may be more elegantly handled using __get__?
      if f_self is not None:
        # If this is a method call, it may or may not include self.
        # Example when self is included:
        #   converted_call(to_graph(, foo)
        # Example when self is not included:
        #   super(...).foo(args)
        if owner is not None and (not args or args[0] is not owner):
          effective_args = (owner,) + args
          # When the owner is not specified, use the result of
          # inspect_utils.getmethodclass.
          # TODO(b/119246461): Make sure an owner is always specified.
          if not args or args[0] is not f_self:
            effective_args = (f_self,) + args
            effective_args = (f_self,) + args[1:]
        partial_types = (f_self,)
        effective_args = args
        partial_types = ()

    elif tf_inspect.isclass(f):
      # Constructors
      # Note: Until we support class constructurs, and enable whole-class
      # conversion with an experimental flag, this branch is dead code.
      # TODO(mdan): Consider removing unless there is a compelling use case.
      target_entity = f
      arg_map_target = f.__init__
      effective_args = args
      partial_types = ()

    elif hasattr(f, '__call__') and hasattr(f, '__class__'):
      # Callable objects
      target_entity = f.__call__
      arg_map_target = f.__call__
      effective_args = (f,) + args
      partial_types = (f.__class__,)

      raise NotImplementedError('unknown callable type "%s"' % type(f))

    arg_values = tf_inspect.getcallargs(arg_map_target, *args, **kwargs)
    arg_types = {}
    for name, arg in arg_values.items():
      arg_class = arg.__class__
      arg_types[name] = (arg_class.__name__, arg_class)

    # When called from within a decorator, this is the only indication that
    # the function is a method - it appears that the decorator is applied
    # before the method is bound.
    if not partial_types:
      if 'self' in arg_values:
        if tf_inspect.isclass(arg_values['self'].__class__):
          partial_types = (arg_values['self'].__class__,)
      elif 'cls' in arg_values:
        if tf_inspect.isclass(arg_values['cls']):
          partial_types = (arg_values['cls'],)

    logging.log(3, 'Partial types in conversion of %s: %s', target_entity,

    converted_f = to_graph(

    if logging.has_verbosity(2):
      logging.log(2, 'Defaults of %s : %s', converted_f,
      callargs = tf_inspect.getcallargs(converted_f, *effective_args, **kwargs)
      formatted_callargs = '\n'.join(
          '    {}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in callargs.items())
      logging.log(2, 'Calling %s with\n%s\n', converted_f, formatted_callargs)

  # TODO(mdan): Reduce this list.
  except (errors.AutoGraphError, AssertionError, AttributeError, IndexError,
          KeyError, NameError, NotImplementedError, SyntaxError, TypeError,
          ValueError, IOError) as e:
    logging.log(1, 'Error transforming entity %s', target_entity, exc_info=True)
        'Entity %s could not be transformed and will be staged without change.'
        ' Error details can be found in the logs when running with the env'
        ' variable AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY >= 1. Please report this to the'
        ' AutoGraph team. Cause: %s', target_entity, e)

    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

  result = converted_f(*effective_args, **kwargs)

  # The converted function's closure is simply inserted into the function's
  # module __dict__. Since modules are permanently cached, that results in
  # leaking the entire closure.
  # Normally, it's not safe to delete the module because that may release said
  # closure as well. However, in the case of converted_call we are certain the
  # function will not be executed again, so the closure should no longer be
  # needed so long as the function doesn't return any executable code.
  # TODO(mdan): Attach the closure properly, using cells.
  if all(map(_is_not_callable, nest.flatten(result))):
    del sys.modules[converted_f.__module__]

  return result
Beispiel #10
    def visit_Call(self, node):
        full_name = str(anno.getanno(node.func, anno.Basic.QN, default=''))
        function_context_name = self.state[_Function].context_name
        node = self.generic_visit(node)

        # TODO(mdan): Refactor converted_call as a 'Call' operator.

        # Calls to the internal 'ag__' module are never converted (though their
        # arguments might be).
        if full_name.startswith('ag__.'):
            return node

        # Calls to the function context manager (inserted by function_scopes) are
        # also safe.
        if full_name.startswith(function_context_name + '.'):
            return node

        # Calls to pdb.set_trace or ipdb.set_trace are never converted. We don't use
        # the normal mechanisms to bypass these literals because they are sensitive
        # to the frame they are being called from.
        # TODO(mdan): Generalize this to a "static whitelist" config.
        if full_name in ('pdb.set_trace', 'ipdb.set_trace', 'breakpoint'):
            global set_trace_warned
            if not set_trace_warned:
                # TODO(mdan): Update and shorten once available on
                    'Detected `pdb.set_trace()` in converted code. The code'
                    ' generated by AutoGraph is not optimized for step-by-step'
                    ' debugging. See'
                set_trace_warned = True
            return node

        if (full_name == 'print' and not self.ctx.program.options.uses(
            return node

        func = node.func

        starred_arg = None
        normal_args = []
        for a in node.args:
            if isinstance(a, gast.Starred):
                assert starred_arg is None, 'Multiple *args should be impossible.'
                starred_arg = a
        if starred_arg is None:
            args = templates.replace_as_expression('(args,)', args=normal_args)
            args = templates.replace_as_expression('(args,) + tuple(stararg)',

        kwargs_arg = None
        normal_keywords = []
        for k in node.keywords:
            if k.arg is None:
                assert kwargs_arg is None, 'Multiple **kwargs should be impossible.'
                kwargs_arg = k
        if kwargs_arg is None:
            if not normal_keywords:
                kwargs = parser.parse_expression('None')
                kwargs = ast_util.keywords_to_dict(normal_keywords)
            kwargs = templates.replace_as_expression(
                'dict(kwargs, **keywords)',

        template = """
      ag__.converted_call(func, options, args, kwargs, function_ctx)
        new_call = templates.replace_as_expression(
            options=parser.parse_expression(function_context_name +

        return new_call
Beispiel #11
def converted_call(f, owner, options, args, kwargs):
    """Compiles a function call inline. For internal use only."""
        1, 'Converted call: %s; owner: %s\n    args: %s\n    kwargs: %s\n', f,
        owner, args, kwargs)

    if owner is not None:
        if not isinstance(f, str):
            raise ValueError(
                'When owner is specified, the function name must be specified as'
                ' a string: {}'.format(f))

        # Special case when the owner is a 'super' object. In that case lookups of
        # dynamic attributes won't work. See
        # inspect_utils.SuperWrapperForDynamicAttrs.
        if isinstance(owner, super):
            owner = inspect_utils.SuperWrapperForDynamicAttrs(owner)

        f = getattr(owner, f)

    if inspect_utils.isbuiltin(f):
        if kwargs:
            return py_builtins.overload_of(f)(*args, **kwargs)
            return py_builtins.overload_of(f)(*args)

    if _is_known_loaded_type(f, 'weakref', 'ref'):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: weakref', f)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    # TODO(b/122265385): Remove this bypass.
    if (_is_known_loaded_type(f, 'wrapt', 'FunctionWrapper')
            or _is_known_loaded_type(f, 'wrapt', 'BoundFunctionWrapper')):
            'Entity {} appears to be decorated by wrapt, which is not yet supported'
            ' by AutoGraph. The function will be called without transformation.'
            ' You may however apply AutoGraph before the decorator.'.format(f))
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: wrapt decorated', f)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    # Constructors are permanently whitelisted.
    # TODO(mdan): Toggle as experimental feature instead.
    # TODO(b/124016764): Remove this limitation.
    if tf_inspect.isclass(f):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: constructor', f)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    # Other built-in modules are permanently whitelisted.
    # TODO(mdan): Figure out how to do this consistently for all stdlib modules.
    # Note: TF linter disallows importing inspect.
    if any(f in m.__dict__.values()
           for m in (collections, pdb, copy, tf_inspect._inspect)):  # pylint:disable=protected-access
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: part of builtin module',
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    if not options.force_conversion and conversion.is_whitelisted_for_graph(f):
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    # internal_convert_user_code is for example turned off when issuing a dynamic
    # call conversion from generated code while in nonrecursive mode. In that
    # case we evidently don't want to recurse, but we still have to convert
    # things like builtins.
    if not options.internal_convert_user_code:
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    # TODO(mdan): Move this entire block inside to_graph.
    try:  # Begin of transformation error guards

        # Unwrap functools.partial objects
        # TODO(mdan): Consider sharing unwrapping logic with tf_inspect.
        while isinstance(f, functools.partial):
            args = f.args + args
            new_kwargs = {}
            if f.keywords is not None:
            if kwargs is not None:
            kwargs = new_kwargs
            f = f.func

        if tf_inspect.isfunction(f) or tf_inspect.ismethod(f):
            # Regular functions
            target_entity = f
            f_self = inspect_utils.getmethodself(f)

            # TODO(b/119246461): This may be more elegantly handled using __get__?
            if f_self is not None:
                effective_args = (f_self, ) + args
                effective_args = args

        elif tf_inspect.isclass(f):
            # Constructors
            # Note: Until we support class constructurs, and enable whole-class
            # conversion with an experimental flag, this branch is dead code.
            # TODO(mdan): Consider removing unless there is a compelling use case.
            target_entity = f
            effective_args = args

        elif hasattr(f, '__call__') and hasattr(f, '__class__'):
            # Callable objects
            target_entity = f.__call__
            effective_args = (f, ) + args

            target_entity = f
            raise NotImplementedError('unknown callable type "%s"' % type(f))

        converted_f = to_graph(

        if logging.has_verbosity(2):
            logging.log(2, 'Defaults of %s : %s', converted_f,
            if kwargs is not None:
                callargs = tf_inspect.getcallargs(converted_f, *effective_args,
                callargs = tf_inspect.getcallargs(converted_f, *effective_args)
            formatted_callargs = '\n'.join('    {}: {}'.format(k, v)
                                           for k, v in callargs.items())
            logging.log(2, 'Calling %s with\n%s\n', converted_f,

    # TODO(mdan): Reduce this list.
    except (errors.AutoGraphError, AssertionError, AttributeError, IndexError,
            KeyError, NameError, NotImplementedError, SyntaxError, TypeError,
            ValueError, IOError) as e:

                    'Error transforming entity %s',

        if is_autograph_strict_conversion_mode():

            'Entity %s could not be transformed and will be executed as-is.'
            ' Some features (e.g. tensor-dependent conditionals and loops) may not'
            ' work as expected.'
            ' Error details can be found in the logs when running with the env'
            ' variable AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY >= 1. Please report this to the'
            ' AutoGraph team. Cause: %s', target_entity, e)

        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    if kwargs is not None:
        result = converted_f(*effective_args, **kwargs)
        result = converted_f(*effective_args)

    return result
Beispiel #12
def converted_call(f, owner, options, args, kwargs):
  """Compiles a function call inline. For internal use only."""
  if owner is not None:
    if not isinstance(f, str):
      raise ValueError(
          'When owner is specified, the function name must be specified as'
          ' a string: {}'.format(f))
    owner_attr = f

    # Special case when the owner is a 'super' object. In that case lookups of
    # dynamic attributes won't work. See
    # inspect_utils.SuperWrapperForDynamicAttrs.
    if isinstance(owner, super):
      owner = inspect_utils.SuperWrapperForDynamicAttrs(owner)

    f = getattr(owner, f)

  if logging.has_verbosity(1):
    if owner is not None:
      composite_desc = '("{}" attr of {})'.format(owner_attr, owner)
      composite_desc = ''

                'Converted call: %s %s\n    args: %s\n    kwargs: %s\n',
                f, composite_desc, args, kwargs)

  if inspect_utils.isbuiltin(f):
    if kwargs:
      return py_builtins.overload_of(f)(*args, **kwargs)
      return py_builtins.overload_of(f)(*args)

  # TODO(b/122265385): Remove this bypass.
  if (_is_known_loaded_type(f, 'wrapt', 'FunctionWrapper') or
      _is_known_loaded_type(f, 'wrapt', 'BoundFunctionWrapper')):
        'Entity {} appears to be decorated by wrapt, which is not yet supported'
        ' by AutoGraph. The function will be called without transformation.'
        ' You may however apply AutoGraph before the decorator.'.format(f))
    logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: wrapt decorated', f)
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

  if _is_known_loaded_type(f, 'functools', '_lru_cache_wrapper'):
    logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: lru_cache', f)
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

  # Constructors are permanently whitelisted.
  # TODO(mdan): Toggle as experimental feature instead.
  # TODO(b/124016764): Remove this limitation.
  if tf_inspect.isclass(f):
    logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: constructor', f)
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

  # Other built-in modules are permanently whitelisted.
  # TODO(mdan): Figure out how to do this consistently for all stdlib modules.
  if any(f in m.__dict__.values() for m in (collections, pdb, copy, inspect)):
    logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: part of builtin module', f)
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

  if not options.force_conversion and conversion.is_whitelisted_for_graph(f):
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

  # internal_convert_user_code is for example turned off when issuing a dynamic
  # call conversion from generated code while in nonrecursive mode. In that
  # case we evidently don't want to recurse, but we still have to convert
  # things like builtins.
  if not options.internal_convert_user_code:
    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

  # TODO(mdan): Move this entire block inside to_graph.
  try:  # Begin of transformation error guards

    # Unwrap functools.partial objects
    # TODO(mdan): Consider sharing unwrapping logic with tf_inspect.
    while isinstance(f, functools.partial):
      args = f.args + args
      new_kwargs = {}
      if f.keywords is not None:
      if kwargs is not None:
      kwargs = new_kwargs
      f = f.func

    if tf_inspect.isfunction(f) or tf_inspect.ismethod(f):
      # Regular functions
      target_entity = f
      f_self = inspect_utils.getmethodself(f)

      # TODO(b/119246461): This may be more elegantly handled using __get__?
      if f_self is not None:
        effective_args = (f_self,) + args
        effective_args = args

    elif tf_inspect.isclass(f):
      # Constructors
      # Note: Until we support class constructurs, and enable whole-class
      # conversion with an experimental flag, this branch is dead code.
      # TODO(mdan): Consider removing unless there is a compelling use case.
      target_entity = f
      effective_args = args

    elif hasattr(f, '__call__') and hasattr(f, '__class__'):
      # Callable objects
      target_entity = f.__call__
      effective_args = (f,) + args

      target_entity = f
      raise NotImplementedError('unknown callable type "%s"' % type(f))

    if (not tf_inspect.isclass(target_entity) and
        not hasattr(target_entity, '__code__')):
          2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: native binding', target_entity)
      return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    converted_f = to_graph(

    if logging.has_verbosity(2):
      logging.log(2, 'Defaults of %s : %s', converted_f,
      if kwargs is not None:
        callargs = tf_inspect.getcallargs(
            converted_f, *effective_args, **kwargs)
        callargs = tf_inspect.getcallargs(converted_f, *effective_args)
      formatted_callargs = '\n'.join(
          '    {}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in callargs.items())
      logging.log(2, 'Calling %s with\n%s\n', converted_f, formatted_callargs)

  # TODO(mdan): Reduce this list.
  except (errors.AutoGraphError, AssertionError, AttributeError, IndexError,
          KeyError, NameError, NotImplementedError, SyntaxError, TypeError,
          ValueError, IOError) as e:

    logging.log(1, 'Error transforming entity %s', target_entity, exc_info=True)

    if is_autograph_strict_conversion_mode():

        'Entity %s could not be transformed and will be executed as-is.'
        ' Some features (e.g. tensor-dependent conditionals and loops) may not'
        ' work as expected.'
        ' Error details can be found in the logs when running with the env'
        ' variable AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY >= 1. Please report this to the'
        ' AutoGraph team. Cause: %s', target_entity, e)

    return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

  if kwargs is not None:
    result = converted_f(*effective_args, **kwargs)
    result = converted_f(*effective_args)

  return result
Beispiel #13
def is_whitelisted_for_graph(o):
  """Checks whether an entity is whitelisted for use in graph mode.

  Examples of whitelisted entities include all members of the tensorflow

    o: A Python entity.

  # TODO(b/120224672): Fix this.
  if isinstance(o, functools.partial):
    # tf_inspect.getmodule(functools.partial(...)) otherwise returns None since
    # functools.partial objects do not have a __module__ attribute.
    m = functools
    m = tf_inspect.getmodule(o)

  if hasattr(m, '__name__'):
    # Builtins typically have unnamed modules.
    for prefix, in config.DEFAULT_UNCOMPILED_MODULES:
      if m.__name__.startswith(prefix):
        logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: name starts with "%s"', o, prefix)
        return True

    # Temporary -- whitelist tensorboard modules.
    # TODO(b/122731813): Remove.
    if m.__name__ == 'tensorboard' or '.tensorboard' in m.__name__:
      logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: name contains "tensorboard"', o)
      return True

  if hasattr(o, 'autograph_info__') or hasattr(o, '__ag_compiled'):
    logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: already converted', o)
    return True

  if tf_inspect.isgeneratorfunction(o):
        'Entity {} appears to be a generator function. It will not be converted'
        ' by AutoGraph.'.format(o), 1)
    logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: generator functions are not converted', o)
    return True

  if hasattr(o, '__call__'):
    # Callable objects: whitelisted if their __call__ method is.
    # The type check avoids infinite recursion around the __call__ method
    # of function objects.
    if (type(o) != type(o.__call__)) and is_whitelisted_for_graph(o.__call__):  # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
      logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: object __call__ whitelisted', o)
      return True

  owner_class = None
  if tf_inspect.ismethod(o):
    # Methods of whitelisted classes are also whitelisted, even if they are
    # bound via user subclasses.
    # For example, suppose `tf.Foo` has a method called `bar`, and `baz` is
    # defined as below. `tf.Foo` is whitelisted. Then `` is also
    # whitelisted.
    #   class Custom(tf.Foo):
    #     pass
    #   baz = Custom()
    # For the example above, if `Custom` did overload `bar`, then it would no
    # longer be whitelisted.

    owner_class = inspect_utils.getmethodclass(o)
    if owner_class is not None:
      if issubclass(owner_class, unittest.TestCase):
        logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: method of TestCase subclass', o)
        return True

      owner_class = inspect_utils.getdefiningclass(o, owner_class)
      if is_whitelisted_for_graph(owner_class):
        logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: owner is whitelisted %s', o,
        return True

  if inspect_utils.isnamedtuple(o):
    # Due to the way they're constructed, namedtuple types cannot be converted
    # because they don't expose source code. But we assume they are safe for
    # graph mode since they are just containers.
    if tf_inspect.isclass(o) and len(o.__bases__) > 1:
          'Entity {} looks like a namedtuple subclass. Its constructor will'
          ' not be converted by AutoGraph, but if it has any custom methods,'
          ' those will be.'.format(o), 1)
    logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: named tuple', o)
    return True

  logging.log(2, 'Not whitelisted: %s: default rule', o)
  return False
Beispiel #14
def converted_call(f, options, args, kwargs, caller_fn_scope=None):
    """Compiles a function call inline.

  For internal use only.

    f: The function to convert.
    options: converter.ConversionOptions
    args: Tuple, the original positional arguments of f
    kwargs: Dict, the original keyword arguments of f
    caller_fn_scope: Optional[function_wrappers.FunctionScope], the function
      scope of the converted function in which this call was originally made.

    Any, the result of executing a possibly-converted `f` with the given
    logging.log(1, 'Converted call: %s\n    args: %s\n    kwargs: %s\n', f,
                args, kwargs)

    if conversion.check_cached_unconverted(f, options):
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options, False)

    if inspect_utils.isbuiltin(f):
        if f is eval:
            return py_builtins.eval_in_original_context(
                f, args, caller_fn_scope)
        if f is super:
            return py_builtins.super_in_original_context(
                f, args, caller_fn_scope)
        if kwargs:
            return py_builtins.overload_of(f)(*args, **kwargs)
            return py_builtins.overload_of(f)(*args)

    # TODO(mdan): Clean up the naming inconsistency.
    if hasattr(f, 'autograph_info__') or hasattr(f, '__ag_compiled'):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: already converted', f)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options)

    # TODO(b/122265385): Remove this bypass.
    if (_is_known_loaded_type(f, 'wrapt', 'FunctionWrapper')
            or _is_known_loaded_type(f, 'wrapt', 'BoundFunctionWrapper')):
            '{} appears to be decorated by wrapt, which is not yet supported'
            ' by AutoGraph. The function will run as-is.'
            ' You may still apply AutoGraph before the wrapt decorator.'.
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: wrapt decorated', f)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options)

    if _is_known_loaded_type(f, 'functools', '_lru_cache_wrapper'):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: lru_cache', f)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options)

    # Constructors are permanently whitelisted.
    # TODO(mdan): Toggle as experimental feature instead.
    # TODO(b/124016764): Remove this limitation.
    if tf_inspect.isclass(f):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: constructor', f)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options)

    # Other built-in modules are permanently whitelisted.
    # TODO(mdan): Figure out how to do this consistently for all stdlib modules.
    if any(f in m.__dict__.values()
           for m in (collections, pdb, copy, inspect, re)):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: part of builtin module',
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options)

    # Custom ops and kernels are also permanently whitelisted.
    # See tensorflow.framework.load_library.
    if (hasattr(f, '__module__')
            and hasattr(f.__module__, '_IS_TENSORFLOW_PLUGIN')):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: TensorFlow plugin', f)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options)

    if not options.user_requested and conversion.is_whitelisted_for_graph(f):
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options)

    # internal_convert_user_code is for example turned off when issuing a dynamic
    # call conversion from generated code while in nonrecursive mode. In that
    # case we evidently don't want to recurse, but we still have to convert
    # things like builtins.
    if not options.internal_convert_user_code:
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options)

    # TODO(mdan): Move this entire block inside to_graph.
    try:  # Begin of transformation error guards

        # Unwrap functools.partial objects
        # TODO(mdan): Consider sharing unwrapping logic with tf_inspect.
        # TODO(b/120224672): This unwrapping should be done before the checks above.
        while isinstance(f, functools.partial):
            args = f.args + args
            new_kwargs = {}
            if f.keywords is not None:
            if kwargs is not None:
            kwargs = new_kwargs
            f = f.func

        if tf_inspect.isfunction(f) or tf_inspect.ismethod(f):
            # Regular functions
            target_entity = f
            f_self = inspect_utils.getmethodself(f)

            # TODO(b/119246461): This may be more elegantly handled using __get__?
            if f_self is not None:
                effective_args = (f_self, ) + args
                effective_args = args

        elif hasattr(f, '__call__') and hasattr(f, '__class__'):
            # Callable objects
            target_entity = f.__call__
            effective_args = (f, ) + args

        elif tf_inspect.isclass(f):
            # Constructors
            # Note: Until we support class constructurs, and enable whole-class
            # conversion with an experimental flag, this branch is dead code.
            # TODO(mdan): Consider removing unless there is a compelling use case.
            target_entity = f
            effective_args = args

            target_entity = f
            raise NotImplementedError('unknown callable type "%s"' % type(f))

        if not tf_inspect.isclass(target_entity):
            if not hasattr(target_entity, '__code__'):
                logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: native binding',
                return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options)
            elif (hasattr(target_entity.__code__, 'co_filename')
                  and target_entity.__code__.co_filename == '<string>'):
                # TODO(mdan): __globals__['txt'] might work in Py3.
                    2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: dynamic code (exec?)',
                return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options)

        program_ctx = converter.ProgramContext(
        converted_f = conversion.convert(target_entity, program_ctx)

        if logging.has_verbosity(2):
            logging.log(2, 'Defaults of %s : %s', converted_f,
            if six.PY3:
                logging.log(2, 'KW defaults of %s : %s', converted_f,

            if kwargs is not None:
                callargs = tf_inspect.getcallargs(converted_f, *effective_args,
                callargs = tf_inspect.getcallargs(converted_f, *effective_args)

            formatted_callargs = '\n'.join('    {}: {}'.format(k, v)
                                           for k, v in callargs.items())
            logging.log(2, 'Calling %s with\n%s\n', converted_f,

    except Exception as e:  # pylint:disable=broad-except
                    'Error transforming entity %s',
        if is_autograph_strict_conversion_mode():
        if _errors_are_normally_possible(target_entity, e):
                'AutoGraph could not transform %s and will run it as-is.\n'
                'Cause: %s', target_entity, e)
                'AutoGraph could not transform %s and will run it as-is.\n'
                'Please report this to the TensorFlow team. When filing the bug, set'
                ' the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and'
                ' attach the full output.\n'
                'Cause: %s', target_entity, e)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs, options)

    with StackTraceMapper(converted_f), tf_stack.CurrentModuleFilter():
            if kwargs is not None:
                result = converted_f(*effective_args, **kwargs)
                result = converted_f(*effective_args)
        except Exception as e:
            _attach_metadata(e, converted_f, True)

    return result
Beispiel #15
def converted_call(f, owner, options, args, kwargs):
    """Compiles a function call inline. For internal use only."""
    if owner is not None:
        if not isinstance(f, str):
            raise ValueError(
                'When owner is specified, the function name must be specified as'
                ' a string: {}'.format(f))
        owner_attr = f

        # Special case when the owner is a 'super' object. In that case lookups of
        # dynamic attributes won't work. See
        # inspect_utils.SuperWrapperForDynamicAttrs.
        if isinstance(owner, super):
            owner = inspect_utils.SuperWrapperForDynamicAttrs(owner)

        f = getattr(owner, f)

    if logging.has_verbosity(1):
        if owner is not None:
            composite_desc = '("{}" attr of {})'.format(owner_attr, owner)
            composite_desc = ''

        logging.log(1, 'Converted call: %s %s\n    args: %s\n    kwargs: %s\n',
                    f, composite_desc, args, kwargs)

    if inspect_utils.isbuiltin(f):
        if kwargs:
            return py_builtins.overload_of(f)(*args, **kwargs)
            return py_builtins.overload_of(f)(*args)

    # TODO(mdan): Clean up the naming inconsistency.
    if hasattr(f, 'autograph_info__') or hasattr(f, '__ag_compiled'):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: already converted', f)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    # TODO(b/122265385): Remove this bypass.
    if (_is_known_loaded_type(f, 'wrapt', 'FunctionWrapper')
            or _is_known_loaded_type(f, 'wrapt', 'BoundFunctionWrapper')):
            'Entity {} appears to be decorated by wrapt, which is not yet supported'
            ' by AutoGraph. The function will be called without transformation.'
            ' You may however apply AutoGraph before the decorator.'.format(f))
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: wrapt decorated', f)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    if _is_known_loaded_type(f, 'functools', '_lru_cache_wrapper'):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: lru_cache', f)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    # Constructors are permanently whitelisted.
    # TODO(mdan): Toggle as experimental feature instead.
    # TODO(b/124016764): Remove this limitation.
    if tf_inspect.isclass(f):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: constructor', f)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    # Other built-in modules are permanently whitelisted.
    # TODO(mdan): Figure out how to do this consistently for all stdlib modules.
    if any(f in m.__dict__.values()
           for m in (collections, pdb, copy, inspect, re)):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: part of builtin module',
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    # Custom ops and kernels are also permanently whitelisted.
    # See tensorflow.framework.load_library.
    if (hasattr(f, '__module__')
            and hasattr(f.__module__, '_IS_TENSORFLOW_PLUGIN')):
        logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: TensorFlow plugin', f)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    if not options.force_conversion and conversion.is_whitelisted_for_graph(f):
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    # internal_convert_user_code is for example turned off when issuing a dynamic
    # call conversion from generated code while in nonrecursive mode. In that
    # case we evidently don't want to recurse, but we still have to convert
    # things like builtins.
    if not options.internal_convert_user_code:
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    # TODO(mdan): Move this entire block inside to_graph.
    try:  # Begin of transformation error guards

        # Unwrap functools.partial objects
        # TODO(mdan): Consider sharing unwrapping logic with tf_inspect.
        while isinstance(f, functools.partial):
            args = f.args + args
            new_kwargs = {}
            if f.keywords is not None:
            if kwargs is not None:
            kwargs = new_kwargs
            f = f.func

        if tf_inspect.isfunction(f) or tf_inspect.ismethod(f):
            # Regular functions
            target_entity = f
            f_self = inspect_utils.getmethodself(f)

            # TODO(b/119246461): This may be more elegantly handled using __get__?
            if f_self is not None:
                effective_args = (f_self, ) + args
                effective_args = args

        elif tf_inspect.isclass(f):
            # Constructors
            # Note: Until we support class constructurs, and enable whole-class
            # conversion with an experimental flag, this branch is dead code.
            # TODO(mdan): Consider removing unless there is a compelling use case.
            target_entity = f
            effective_args = args

        elif hasattr(f, '__call__') and hasattr(f, '__class__'):
            # Callable objects
            target_entity = f.__call__
            effective_args = (f, ) + args

            target_entity = f
            raise NotImplementedError('unknown callable type "%s"' % type(f))

        if not tf_inspect.isclass(target_entity):
            if not hasattr(target_entity, '__code__'):
                logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: native binding',
                return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)
            elif (hasattr(target_entity.__code__, 'co_filename')
                  and target_entity.__code__.co_filename == '<string>'):
                # TODO(mdan): __globals__['txt'] might work in Py3.
                    2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: dynamic code (exec?)',
                return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

        converted_f = to_graph(

        if logging.has_verbosity(2):
            logging.log(2, 'Defaults of %s : %s', converted_f,
            if six.PY3:
                logging.log(2, 'KW defaults of %s : %s', converted_f,

            if kwargs is not None:
                callargs = tf_inspect.getcallargs(converted_f, *effective_args,
                callargs = tf_inspect.getcallargs(converted_f, *effective_args)

            formatted_callargs = '\n'.join('    {}: {}'.format(k, v)
                                           for k, v in callargs.items())
            logging.log(2, 'Calling %s with\n%s\n', converted_f,

    except Exception as e:  # pylint:disable=broad-except
                    'Error transforming entity %s',
        if is_autograph_strict_conversion_mode():
            'Entity %s could not be transformed and will be executed as-is.'
            ' Please report this to the AutoGraph team. When filing the bug, set'
            ' the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and'
            ' attach the full output. Cause: %s', target_entity, e)
        return _call_unconverted(f, args, kwargs)

    with StackTraceMapper(converted_f), tf_stack.CurrentModuleFilter():
            if kwargs is not None:
                result = converted_f(*effective_args, **kwargs)
                result = converted_f(*effective_args)
        except Exception as e:
            _attach_metadata(e, converted_f, True)

    return result
Beispiel #16
def is_whitelisted_for_graph(o, check_call_override=True):
    """Checks whether an entity is whitelisted for use in graph mode.

  Examples of whitelisted entities include all members of the tensorflow

    o: A Python entity.
    check_call_override: Reserved for internal use. When set to `False`, it
      disables the rule according to which classes are whitelisted if their
      __call__ method is whitelisted.

    # TODO(b/120224672): Fix this.
    if isinstance(o, functools.partial):
        # tf_inspect.getmodule(functools.partial(...)) otherwise returns None since
        # functools.partial objects do not have a __module__ attribute.
        m = functools
        m = tf_inspect.getmodule(o)

    if hasattr(m, '__name__'):
        # Builtins typically have unnamed modules.
        for prefix, in config.DEFAULT_UNCOMPILED_MODULES:
            if m.__name__.startswith(prefix + '.') or m.__name__ == prefix:
                logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: name starts with "%s"', o,
                return True

    if hasattr(o, 'autograph_info__') or hasattr(o, '__ag_compiled'):
        logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: already converted', o)
        return True

    if tf_inspect.isgeneratorfunction(o):
            'Entity {} appears to be a generator function. It will not be converted'
            ' by AutoGraph.'.format(o), 1)
                    'Whitelisted: %s: generator functions are not converted',
        return True

    if check_call_override and hasattr(o, '__call__'):
        # Callable objects: whitelisted if their __call__ method is.
        # The type check avoids infinite recursion around the __call__ method
        # of function objects.
        if (type(o) != type(o.__call__)) and is_whitelisted_for_graph(
                o.__call__):  # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
            logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: object __call__ whitelisted', o)
            return True

    owner_class = None
    if tf_inspect.ismethod(o):
        # Methods of whitelisted classes are also whitelisted, even if they are
        # bound via user subclasses.
        # For example, suppose `tf.Foo` has a method called `bar`, and `baz` is
        # defined as below. `tf.Foo` is whitelisted. Then `` is also
        # whitelisted.
        #   class Custom(tf.Foo):
        #     pass
        #   baz = Custom()
        # For the example above, if `Custom` did overload `bar`, then it would no
        # longer be whitelisted.

        owner_class = inspect_utils.getmethodclass(o)
        if owner_class is not None:
            if issubclass(owner_class, unittest.TestCase):
                logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: method of TestCase subclass',
                return True

            owner_class = inspect_utils.getdefiningclass(o, owner_class)
            is_call_override = (o.__name__ == '__call__')
            if is_whitelisted_for_graph(
                    owner_class, check_call_override=not is_call_override):
                logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: owner is whitelisted %s', o,
                return True

    if inspect_utils.isnamedtuple(o):
        # Due to the way they're constructed, namedtuple types cannot be converted
        # because they don't expose source code. But we assume they are safe for
        # graph mode since they are just containers.
        if tf_inspect.isclass(o) and len(o.__bases__) > 1:
                'Entity {} looks like a namedtuple subclass. Its constructor will'
                ' not be converted by AutoGraph, but if it has any custom methods,'
                ' those will be.'.format(o), 1)
        logging.log(2, 'Whitelisted: %s: named tuple', o)
        return True

    logging.log(2, 'Not whitelisted: %s: default rule', o)
    return False
Beispiel #17
def converted_call(f, owner, options, args, kwargs):
  """Compiles a function call inline. For internal use only."""
              'Converted call: %s; owner: %s\n    args: %s\n    kwargs: %s\n',
              f, owner, args, kwargs)

  if owner is not None:
    if not isinstance(f, str):
      raise ValueError(
          'When owner is specified, the function name must be specified as'
          ' a string: {}'.format(f))

    # Special case when the owner is a 'super' object. In that case lookups of
    # dynamic attributes won't work. See
    # inspect_utils.SuperWrapperForDynamicAttrs.
    if isinstance(owner, super):
      owner = inspect_utils.SuperWrapperForDynamicAttrs(owner)

    f = getattr(owner, f)

  if inspect_utils.isbuiltin(f):
    return py_builtins.overload_of(f)(*args, **kwargs)

  # TODO(b/122265385): Remove this bypass.
  if ('wrapt' in sys.modules and
      hasattr(sys.modules['wrapt'], 'FunctionWrapper') and
      isinstance(f, sys.modules['wrapt'].FunctionWrapper)):
        'Entity {} appears to be decorated by wrapt, which is not yet supported'
        ' by AutoGraph. The function will be called without transformation.'
        ' You may however apply AutoGraph before the decorator.'.format(f), 1)
    logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: wrapt decorated', f)
    return f(*args, **kwargs)

  # Constructors are permanently whitelisted.
  # TODO(mdan): Toggle as experimental feature instead.
  # TODO(b/124016764): Remove this limitation.
  if tf_inspect.isclass(f):
    logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: constructor', f)
    return f(*args, **kwargs)

  # Other built-in modules are permanently whitelisted.
  # TODO(mdan): Figure out how to do this consistently for all stdlib modules.
  if (f in collections.__dict__.values() or f in pdb.__dict__.values() or
      f in copy.__dict__.values()):
    logging.log(2, 'Permanently whitelisted: %s: part of builtin module', f)
    return f(*args, **kwargs)

  # TODO(mdan): This needs cleanup.
  if not options.force_conversion and conversion.is_whitelisted_for_graph(f):

    # TODO(mdan): This may be inconsistent in certain situations.
    # If the function had already been annotated with @tf.function, it
    # may be bound to the incorrect object. It's unclear if those situations
    # are possible, but if they happen, we need to check if f is bound
    # to a shim like WeakrefSelf and unpack it.

    # Args typically include `self`, as required by the conversion process.
    # When conversion is skipped, `self` is not necessary, because the
    # original bound method is being executed. This code removes it.
    if tf_inspect.ismethod(f) and args:
      f_self = inspect_utils.getmethodself(f)
      if args[0] is f_self:
        args = args[1:]

    return f(*args, **kwargs)

  # internal_convert_user_code is for example turned off when issuing a dynamic
  # call conversion from generated code while in nonrecursive mode. In that
  # case we evidently don't want to recurse, but we still have to convert
  # things like builtins.
  if not options.internal_convert_user_code:
    return f(*args, **kwargs)

  # TODO(mdan): Move this entire block inside to_graph.
  try:  # Begin of transformation error guards

    # Unwrap functools.partial objects
    # TODO(mdan): Consider sharing unwrapping logic with tf_inspect.
    while isinstance(f, functools.partial):
      args = f.args + args
      new_kwargs = {}
      if f.keywords is not None:
      kwargs = new_kwargs
      f = f.func

    if tf_inspect.isfunction(f) or tf_inspect.ismethod(f):
      # Regular functions
      target_entity = f
      arg_map_target = f
      f_self = inspect_utils.getmethodself(f)

      # TODO(b/119246461): This may be more elegantly handled using __get__?
      if f_self is not None:
        # If this is a method call, it may or may not include self.
        # Example when self is included:
        #   converted_call(to_graph(, foo)
        # Example when self is not included:
        #   super(...).foo(args)
        if owner is not None and (not args or args[0] is not owner):
          effective_args = (owner,) + args
          # When the owner is not specified, use the result of
          # inspect_utils.getmethodclass.
          # TODO(b/119246461): Make sure an owner is always specified.
          if not args or args[0] is not f_self:
            effective_args = (f_self,) + args
            effective_args = (f_self,) + args[1:]
        partial_types = (f_self,)
        effective_args = args
        partial_types = ()

    elif tf_inspect.isclass(f):
      # Constructors
      # Note: Until we support class constructurs, and enable whole-class
      # conversion with an experimental flag, this branch is dead code.
      # TODO(mdan): Consider removing unless there is a compelling use case.
      target_entity = f
      arg_map_target = f.__init__
      effective_args = args
      partial_types = ()

    elif hasattr(f, '__call__') and hasattr(f, '__class__'):
      # Callable objects
      target_entity = f.__call__
      arg_map_target = f.__call__
      effective_args = (f,) + args
      partial_types = (f.__class__,)

      raise NotImplementedError('unknown callable type "%s"' % type(f))

    arg_values = tf_inspect.getcallargs(arg_map_target, *args, **kwargs)
    arg_types = {}
    for name, arg in arg_values.items():
      arg_class = arg.__class__
      arg_types[name] = (arg_class.__name__, arg_class)

    # When called from within a decorator, this is the only indication that
    # the function is a method - it appears that the decorator is applied
    # before the method is bound.
    if not partial_types:
      if 'self' in arg_values:
        if tf_inspect.isclass(arg_values['self'].__class__):
          partial_types = (arg_values['self'].__class__,)
      elif 'cls' in arg_values:
        if tf_inspect.isclass(arg_values['cls']):
          partial_types = (arg_values['cls'],)

    logging.log(3, 'Partial types in conversion of %s: %s', target_entity,

    converted_f = to_graph(

    if logging.has_verbosity(2):
      logging.log(2, 'Defaults of %s : %s', converted_f,
      callargs = tf_inspect.getcallargs(converted_f, *effective_args, **kwargs)
      formatted_callargs = '\n'.join(
          '    {}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in callargs.items())
      logging.log(2, 'Calling %s with\n%s\n', converted_f, formatted_callargs)

  # TODO(mdan): Reduce this list.
  except (errors.AutoGraphError, AssertionError, AttributeError, IndexError,
          KeyError, NameError, NotImplementedError, SyntaxError, TypeError,
          ValueError, IOError) as e:
    logging.log(1, 'Error transforming entity %s', target_entity, exc_info=True)
        'Entity %s could not be transformed and will be staged without change.'
        ' Error details can be found in the logs when running with the env'
        ' variable AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=5. Please report this to the AutoGraph'
        ' team. Cause: %s', target_entity, e)

    return f(*args, **kwargs)

  result = converted_f(*effective_args, **kwargs)

  # The converted function's closure is simply inserted into the function's
  # module __dict__. Since modules are permanently cached, that results in
  # leaking the entire closure.
  # Normally, it's not safe to delete the module because that may release said
  # closure as well. However, in the case of converted_call we are certain the
  # function will not be executed again, so the closure should no longer be
  # needed so long as the function doesn't return any executable code.
  # TODO(mdan): Attach the closure properly, using cells.
  if all(map(_is_not_callable, nest.flatten(result))):
    del sys.modules[converted_f.__module__]

  return result