Beispiel #1
    def testGetDBFInfo(self):
	"""Fetch dbf information from shapefile"""
        sf = mapscript.shapefileObj('../../../../tests/polygon.shp')
	assert sf.getDBF() != None, sf.getDBF()
	assert sf.getDBF().nFields == 2, sf.getDBF().nFields
	assert sf.getDBF().getFieldName(0) == 'FID', sf.getDBF().getFieldName(0)
	assert sf.getDBF().getFieldName(1) == 'FNAME', sf.getDBF().getFieldName(1)
Beispiel #2
 def testGetDBFInfo(self):
     """Fetch dbf information from shapefile"""
     pth = os.path.join(TESTS_PATH, "polygon.shp")
     sf = mapscript.shapefileObj(pth)
     assert sf.getDBF() != None, sf.getDBF()
     assert sf.getDBF().nFields == 2, sf.getDBF().nFields
     assert sf.getDBF().getFieldName(0) == 'FID', sf.getDBF().getFieldName(0)
     assert sf.getDBF().getFieldName(1) == 'FNAME', sf.getDBF().getFieldName(1)
Beispiel #3
 def testGetDBFInfo(self):
     """Fetch dbf information from shapefile"""
     sf = mapscript.shapefileObj('../../../../tests/polygon.shp')
     assert sf.getDBF() != None, sf.getDBF()
     assert sf.getDBF().nFields == 2, sf.getDBF().nFields
     assert sf.getDBF().getFieldName(0) == 'FID', sf.getDBF().getFieldName(
     assert sf.getDBF().getFieldName(
         1) == 'FNAME', sf.getDBF().getFieldName(1)
Beispiel #4
 def testAddEmpty(self):
     """expect an error rather than segfault when adding an empty shape"""
     # See bug 1201
     sf = mapscript.shapefileObj('testAddDud.shp', 1)
     so = mapscript.shapeObj(mapscript.MS_SHAPE_POINT)
     self.assertRaises(mapscript.MapServerError, sf.add, so)
Beispiel #5
 def testAddEmpty(self):
     """expect an error rather than segfault when adding an empty shape"""
     # See bug 1201
     sf = mapscript.shapefileObj('testAddDud.shp', 1)
     so = mapscript.shapeObj(mapscript.MS_SHAPE_POINT)
     self.assertRaises(mapscript.MapServerError, sf.add, so)
Beispiel #6
from random import random
from testing import mapscript

# Get Number of shapes from the command line
    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'n:')
except getopt.GetoptError:

numshapes = 100 # default to 100
for o, a in opts:
    if o == '-n':
        numshapes = int(a)

# The shapefileObj
shpfile = mapscript.shapefileObj('timing.shp', mapscript.MS_SHAPEFILE_POLYGON)

# Inline feature layer
ilayer = mapscript.layerObj()
ilayer.type = mapscript.MS_LAYER_POLYGON
ilayer.status = mapscript.MS_DEFAULT
ilayer.connectiontype = mapscript.MS_INLINE

print numshapes, "shapes"

i = 0
while i < numshapes:
    # The shape to add is randomly generated
    xc = 4.0*(random() - 0.5)
    yc = 4.0*(random() - 0.5)