def addConnections(self, connections): global delta, Wmin, Wmax, awe self.connections = self.connections + connections i=0 for i, c in enumerate(connections): j = self.i + i # Weights self.weights.append( theano.shared( sp.csc_matrix( np.asarray( c.generateConnectionMatrix(self.o_shape, generate), dtype=self.input.dtype) ), name ='Wi_' + str(j))) self.Wmax.append( theano.shared( sp.csc_matrix( np.asarray( np.ones((sizeFromShape(c.i_shape),sizeFromShape(self.o_shape)))*Wmax, dtype=self.input.dtype) ), name ='WM_' + str(i))) self.Wmin.append( theano.shared( sp.csc_matrix( np.asarray( np.ones((sizeFromShape(c.i_shape),sizeFromShape(self.o_shape)))*Wmin, dtype=self.input.dtype) ), name ='WM_' + str(i))) # yw # out: nx1 # Wi: mxn # outT x WiT : 1xm self.yw.append( sparse.structured_dot( sparse.transpose(self.output), sparse.transpose(self.weights[j]))) # x_yw # in: nx1 self.x_yw.append( sparse.sub( sparse.transpose(c.input), self.yw[j])) print len(self.weights) print self.weights[i].type print self.weights[i].type.ndim print if self.weights: auxX=sparse.sub(self.Wmax[j], self.weights[i]) auxY=sparse.sub(self.weights[i], self.Wmin[j]) self.LR.append(delta*( sparse.sub( sparse.structured_pow( sparse.sub(self.Wmax[j], self.weights[i]), 1), sparse.structured_pow( sparse.sub(self.Wmin[j], self.weights[i]), 1)))) self.xy.append( self.LR[i]*sparse.structured_dot( c.input, sparse.transpose(self.output))) self.AWW.append( awe*delta*sparse.structured_pow( sparse.sub(self.Wmax[j], self.weights[i]), 1)*self.weights[i]) self.i +=i self.params[2] = self.weights
def propagate_thy_beliefs(self): ''' Call this function to receive a string containing the path of the belief propagation algorithm. We implement the algorithm listed in the paper mentioned in the comments above Pseudocode: -> Create an empty theano vector whose definitions will be iteratively changed. -> Call compile_message_node_to_factor from the o node of the head predicate. -> Let the functions recursively call each other -> Collect their things somehow. @TODO: how. what format. Shall we use theano variables altogether or what -> Return said stuff. ''' # print "graph:bp: Starting belief propagation." equation = self._comiple_message_node_(self.head_predicate.o, "Fictional Label") symbols = self._comiple_message_symbols_node_(self.head_predicate.o, "Fictional Label") #Define an empty dvector to be used as the 'y' label (which will later contain n hot information about desired entities) y = sparse.csr_dmatrix('y') # Do a softmax over the final BP Equation equation = sparse.structured_exp(equation) equation = sparse.row_scale(equation, 1.0 / sparse.sp_sum(equation, axis=1)) # Collect all the parameters (shared vars), found in the factors of this graph. #parameters is a list of matrices (relation) parameters = [x.M for x in symbols] #Cross entropy loss # loss = - y * T.log(equation) + (y - 1)*T.log(1-equation) # unregularized cross-entropy loss in theano a = sparse.mul(y, sparse.structured_log(equation)) b = sparse.mul( sparse.structured_add(y, -1.0), sparse.structured_log(sparse.structured_add(equation, -1.0))) loss = sparse.sub(b, a) # Unregularied Loss loss_dense = sparse.dense_from_sparse(loss) cost = loss_dense.mean() # cost = sparse.sp_sum(loss, axis = 1)/float(ne) gradients = theano.grad(cost, parameters) updated_matrices = [ sparse.sub(parameters[i], 0.1 * gradients[i]) for i in range(len(parameters)) ] # updated_matrices = [sparse.sub(parameters[i], sparse.row_scale(gradients[i], 0.1)) for i in range(len(parameters))] # updated_matrices = [parameters[i] - 0.1 * gradients[i] for i in range(len(parameters))] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # DEBUG # print "Equation: ", equation # print "Type of equation: ",type(equation) # print "Symbols: ", symbols # print "graph:bp: Belief propagation complete." # print "Parameters are" # for p in parameters: # print p," and the type is :",type(p) # print gradients # print "Updated Matrices are :", type(updated_matrices[0]) # print colored(type(self.head_predicate.i.u),'red') # print "Inputs: \n" # print type(self.head_predicate.i.u) # print type(y) # print [ type(x) for x in parameters ] # raw_input("Verify Symbols and Gradients ") # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ function = theano.function( inputs=[self.head_predicate.i.u, y] + parameters, #Inputs to this is the head predicates' symbolic var, and another dvector # inputs = [self.head_predicate.i.u,parameters[0]], #Inputs to this is the head predicates' symbolic var, and another dvector # outputs = updated_matrices #Output to this thing is the BP algorithm's output expression outputs=[equation] + updated_matrices # mode=theano.compile.MonitorMode( # pre_func=self.inspect_inputs, # post_func=self.inspect_outputs) #Output to this thing is the BP algorithm's output expression # updates=tuple([(parameters[i], parameters[i] - 0.1 * gradients[i]) for i in range(len(parameters))]) #Updates are the gradients of cost wrt parameters ) return function, symbols
def __init__(self, input, filter_shape, sigma,i_shape,o_shape, Wi = False, Wr = False): global generate # Mean neuron density ~80k/mm^3 in V2 (skoglund 1996) # Synapse length follow a power law () # Synapse length for feedback interareal ~10-40mm, feedforward same, but less connections # Synapse lengths is found by Sholl analysis. # Ahould compare RF data with Van den Bergh 2010 # Initialize weights as a shared variable #n_col=input.shape[1] try: if generate: np.load('asd') else: Wi=np.load(i_file) print '[info] Weights loaded from file!' print 'Shape = ' + str(Wi.shape) except IOError: print "[info] Weights file wasn't found. Generating new connections" kern1 = gkern2(filter_shape,sigma) Wi = kernel2connection(kern1, i_shape, o_shape) #Wi /= np.sum(Wi,1).reshape((Wi.shape[0],1))*15 print 'Shape = ' + str(Wi.shape),Wi) try: if generate: np.load('asd') else: Wr=np.load(r_file) print 'Weights loaded from file!' except IOError: print "Weights file wasn't found. Generating new connections" kern2 = gkern2(filter_shape,sigma) Wr = kernel2connection(kern2, o_shape,o_shape) #Wr /= np.sum(Wi,1),Wr) if np.sum(Wi,1)[0] != 1: Wi /= np.sum(Wi,1).reshape((Wi.shape[0],1))*5 if np.sum(Wr,1)[0] != 1: Wr /= np.sum(Wr,1).reshape((Wr.shape[0],1)) print np.sum(Wi,0) print np.sum(Wi,1) plt.plot(Wi[1,:]) self.Wi= theano.shared( sp.csc_matrix( np.asarray( Wi, dtype=input.dtype) ), name ='Wi') self.Wr = theano.shared( sp.csc_matrix( np.asarray( Wr, dtype=input.dtype) ), name ='Wr') # Output of the layer is the sigmoid of the convolved network self.state = theano.shared( sp.csc_matrix( np.asarray( np.zeros((o_shape[0]*o_shape[1],1)), dtype=input.dtype) ), name ='St') self.input = input # I could do the same with biases if needed #print self.input.get_value().shape #print self.Wi.get_value().shape self.output = theano.shared( sp.csc_matrix( np.asarray( np.zeros((o_shape[0]*o_shape[1],1)), dtype=input.dtype) ), name ='Out') #sparse.structured_sigmoid(sparse.structured_dot(self.input, self.Wi)), self.Wi)) # input = external + recursive (from layer) # self.input =, self.Wi) #+ T.sum(,self.Wr),1) # out: nx1 # Wi: mxn # outT x WiT : 1xm self.yw = sparse.structured_dot( sparse.transpose(self.output), sparse.transpose(self.Wi)) # in: nx1 self.x_yw = sparse.sub( sparse.transpose(self.input), self.yw) # optional: self.output = T.nnet.sigmoid(conv_out+self.output) self.params = [self.Wi, self.Wr, self.state, self.output]
def sparse_mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred): _assert_sparse_module() T.mean return sparse_mean(th_sparse_module.sqr( th_sparse_module.sub(y_true, y_pred)), axis=-1)