Beispiel #1
class _BaseLinksTest(TransactionalTestCase):

    GEORGE1st = "george the grey"
    GEORGE2nd = "george"

    def _initialize_two_projects(self):
        Creates a user, an algorithm and 2 projects
        Project src_project will have an operation and 2 datatypes
        Project dest_project will be empty.
        Initializes a flow and a project service
        self.datatype_factory_src = DatatypesFactory()
        self.src_project = self.datatype_factory_src.project
        self.src_usr_id =

        self.red_datatype = self.datatype_factory_src.create_simple_datatype(subject=self.GEORGE1st)
        self.blue_datatype = self.datatype_factory_src.create_datatype_with_storage(subject=self.GEORGE2nd)

        # create the destination project
        self.datatype_factory_dest = DatatypesFactory()
        self.dest_project = self.datatype_factory_dest.project
        self.dest_usr_id =

        self.flow_service = FlowService()
        self.project_service = ProjectService()

    def setUp(self):

    def tearDown(self):

    def red_datatypes_in(self, project_id):
        return self.flow_service.get_available_datatypes(project_id, Datatype1)[1]

    def blue_datatypes_in(self, project_id):
        return self.flow_service.get_available_datatypes(project_id, Datatype2)[1]
Beispiel #2
    def setUpTVB(self):
        Creates a user, an algorithm and 2 projects
        Project src_project will have an operation and 2 datatypes
        Project dest_project will be empty.
        Initializes a flow and a project service
        datatype_factory = DatatypesFactory()
        self.user = datatype_factory.user
        self.src_project = datatype_factory.project

        self.red_datatype = datatype_factory.create_simple_datatype(subject=self.GEORGE1st)
        self.blue_datatype = datatype_factory.create_datatype_with_storage(subject=self.GEORGE2nd)

        # create the destination project
        self.dest_project = TestFactory.create_project(admin=datatype_factory.user, name="destination")

        self.flow_service = FlowService()
        self.project_service = ProjectService()
class ExportersTest(TransactionalTestCase):
    Test export functionality.
    TVB_EXPORTER = "TVBExporter"

    def setUp(self):
        self.export_manager = ExportManager()
        self.datatypeFactory = DatatypesFactory()
        self.project = self.datatypeFactory.get_project()

    def tearDown(self):
        Clean-up tests data
        project = self.datatypeFactory.get_project()

        # Remove EXPORT folder
        export_folder = os.path.join(TvbProfile.current.TVB_STORAGE,
        if os.path.exists(export_folder):

    def test_get_exporters_for_data(self):
        Test retrieval of exporters that can be used for a given data.
        datatype = self.datatypeFactory.create_simple_datatype()
        exporters = self.export_manager.get_exporters_for_data(datatype)

        # Only TVB export can export any type of data type
        self.assertEqual(1, len(exporters), "Incorrect number of exporters.")

    def test_get_exporters_for_data_with_no_data(self):
        Test retrieval of exporters when data == None.
                          self.export_manager.get_exporters_for_data, None)

    def test_tvb_export_of_simple_datatype(self):
        Test export of a data type which has no data stored on file system
        datatype = self.datatypeFactory.create_simple_datatype()
        file_name, file_path, _ = self.export_manager.export_data(
            datatype, self.TVB_EXPORTER, self.project)

        self.assertTrue(file_name is not None,
                        "Export process should return a file name")
        self.assertTrue(file_path is not None,
                        "Export process should return path to export file")
                        "Could not find export file: %s on disk." % file_path)

    def test_tvb_export_of_datatype_with_storage(self):
        Test export of a data type which has no data stored on file system
        datatype = self.datatypeFactory.create_datatype_with_storage()
        file_name, file_path, _ = self.export_manager.export_data(
            datatype, self.TVB_EXPORTER, self.project)

        self.assertTrue(file_name is not None,
                        "Export process should return a file name")
        self.assertTrue(file_path is not None,
                        "Export process should return path to export file")
                        "Could not find export file: %s on disk." % file_path)

    def test_tvb_export_for_datatype_group(self):
        This method checks export of a data type group
        datatype_group = self.datatypeFactory.create_datatype_group()
        file_name, file_path, _ = self.export_manager.export_data(
            datatype_group, self.TVB_EXPORTER, self.project)

        self.assertTrue(file_name is not None,
                        "Export process should return a file name")
        self.assertTrue(file_path is not None,
                        "Export process should return path to export file")
                        "Could not find export file: %s on disk." % file_path)

        # Now check if the generated file is a correct ZIP file
                        "Generated file is not a valid ZIP file")

        with closing(zipfile.ZipFile(file_path)) as zip_file:
            list_of_files = zip_file.namelist()

            count_datatypes = dao.count_datatypes_in_group(

            # Check if ZIP files contains files for data types + operation
                count_datatypes * 2, len(list_of_files),
                "Should have 2 x nr datatypes files, one for operations one for datatypes"

    def test_export_with_invalid_data(self):
        Test scenarios when data provided to export method is invalid
        # Test with no datatype
                          self.export_manager.export_data, None,
                          self.TVB_EXPORTER, self.project)

        # Test with no exporter
        datatype = self.datatypeFactory.create_datatype_with_storage()
        self.assertRaises(ExportException, self.export_manager.export_data,
                          datatype, None, self.project)

        # test with wrong exporter
        self.assertRaises(ExportException, self.export_manager.export_data,
                          datatype, "wrong_exporter", self.project)

        # test with no project folder
        self.assertRaises(ExportException, self.export_manager.export_data,
                          datatype, self.TVB_EXPORTER, None)

    def test_export_project_failure(self):
        This method tests export of project with None data
        self.assertRaises(ExportException, self.export_manager.export_project,

    def tet_export_project(self):
        Test export of a project
        project = self.datatypeFactory.get_project()
        export_file = self.export_manager.export_project(project)

        self.assertTrue(export_file is not None,
                        "Export process should return path to export file")
            "Could not find export file: %s on disk." % export_file)
        # Now check if the generated file is a correct ZIP file
                        "Generated file is not a valid ZIP file")
Beispiel #4
class TVBImporterTest(TransactionalTestCase):
    Unit-tests for TVB importer.
    TVB_EXPORTER = "TVBExporter"

    def setUp(self):
        Sets up the environment for running the tests;
        creates a test user, a test project, a datatype and a datatype_group;
        export_manager = ExportManager()

        self.datatypeFactory = DatatypesFactory()
        self.test_project = self.datatypeFactory.get_project()

        # Generate simple data type and export it to H5 file
        self.datatype = self.datatypeFactory.create_datatype_with_storage()
        _, exported_h5_file, _ = export_manager.export_data(
            self.datatype, self.TVB_EXPORTER, self.test_project)
        # Copy H5 file to another location since the original one / exported
        # will be deleted with the project
        _, h5_file_name = os.path.split(exported_h5_file)
        shutil.copy(exported_h5_file, TvbProfile.current.TVB_TEMP_FOLDER)
        self.h5_file_path = os.path.join(TvbProfile.current.TVB_TEMP_FOLDER,

                        "Simple data type was not exported correct")

        # Generate data type group and export it to ZIP file
        self.datatype_group = self.datatypeFactory.create_datatype_group()
        _, self.zip_file_path, _ = export_manager.export_data(
            self.datatype_group, self.TVB_EXPORTER, self.test_project)
                        "Data type group was not exported correct")


        # Recreate project, but a clean one where to import data
        self.datatypeFactory = DatatypesFactory()
        self.test_project = self.datatypeFactory.get_project()
        self.test_user = self.datatypeFactory.get_user()

    def _import(self, import_file_path=None):
        This method is used for importing data in TVB format
        :param import_file_path: absolute path of the file to be imported
        ### Retrieve Adapter instance
        importer = TestFactory.create_adapter(
            'tvb.adapters.uploaders.tvb_importer', 'TVBImporter')
        args = {'data_file': import_file_path}

        ### Launch import Operation
        FlowService().fire_operation(importer, self.test_user,
                           , **args)

    def test_zip_import(self):
            This method tests import of TVB data in zip format (which imply multiple data types
            in the same zip file - exported from a group)
        count = FlowService().get_available_datatypes(
            self.datatype.module + "." + self.datatype.type)[1]
        self.assertEqual(9, count,
                         "9 datatypes should have been imported from group.")

    def test_h5_import(self):
            This method tests import of TVB data in h5 format. Single data type / import

        data_types = FlowService().get_available_datatypes(
            self.datatype.module + "." + self.datatype.type)[0]
        self.assertEqual(1, len(data_types),
                         "Project should contain only one data type.")

        data_type_entity = ABCAdapter.load_entity_by_gid(data_types[0][2])
        self.assertTrue(data_type_entity is not None,
                        "Datatype should not be none")
        self.assertEqual(self.datatype.gid, data_type_entity.gid,
                         "Imported datatype should have the same gid")

    def test_import_invalid_file(self):
        This method tests import of a file which does not exists or does not
        have a supported format.
                "System should throw an exception if trying to import an invalid file"
        except OperationException:
            # Expected

        # Now try to generate a file on disk with wrong format and import that
        file_path = os.path.join(TvbProfile.current.TVB_TEMP_FOLDER,
        with open(file_path, "w") as f:
            f.write("dummy text")

                "System should throw an exception if trying to import a file with wrong format"
        except OperationException:
            # Expected
class TVBImporterTest(TransactionalTestCase):
    Unit-tests for TVB importer.
    TVB_EXPORTER = "TVBExporter"

    def setUp(self):
        Sets up the environment for running the tests;
        creates a test user, a test project, a datatype and a datatype_group;
        export_manager = ExportManager()

        self.datatypeFactory = DatatypesFactory()
        self.test_project = self.datatypeFactory.get_project()

        # Generate simple data type and export it to H5 file
        self.datatype = self.datatypeFactory.create_datatype_with_storage()
        _, exported_h5_file, _ = export_manager.export_data(self.datatype, self.TVB_EXPORTER, self.test_project)
        # Copy H5 file to another location since the original one / exported 
        # will be deleted with the project
        _, h5_file_name = os.path.split(exported_h5_file)
        shutil.copy(exported_h5_file, TvbProfile.current.TVB_TEMP_FOLDER)
        self.h5_file_path = os.path.join(TvbProfile.current.TVB_TEMP_FOLDER, h5_file_name)

        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.h5_file_path), "Simple data type was not exported correct")

        # Generate data type group and export it to ZIP file
        self.datatype_group = self.datatypeFactory.create_datatype_group()
        _, self.zip_file_path, _ = export_manager.export_data(self.datatype_group, self.TVB_EXPORTER, self.test_project)
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.zip_file_path), "Data type group was not exported correct")


        # Recreate project, but a clean one where to import data
        self.datatypeFactory = DatatypesFactory()
        self.test_project = self.datatypeFactory.get_project()
        self.test_user = self.datatypeFactory.get_user()

    def _import(self, import_file_path=None):
        This method is used for importing data in TVB format
        :param import_file_path: absolute path of the file to be imported
        ### Retrieve Adapter instance 
        importer = TestFactory.create_adapter('tvb.adapters.uploaders.tvb_importer', 'TVBImporter')
        args = {'data_file': import_file_path}

        ### Launch import Operation
        FlowService().fire_operation(importer, self.test_user,, **args)

    def test_zip_import(self):
            This method tests import of TVB data in zip format (which imply multiple data types
            in the same zip file - exported from a group)
        count = FlowService().get_available_datatypes(,
                                                      self.datatype.module + "." + self.datatype.type)[1]
        self.assertEqual(9, count, "9 datatypes should have been imported from group.")

    def test_h5_import(self):
            This method tests import of TVB data in h5 format. Single data type / import

        data_types = FlowService().get_available_datatypes(,
                                                           self.datatype.module + "." + self.datatype.type)[0]
        self.assertEqual(1, len(data_types), "Project should contain only one data type.")

        data_type_entity = ABCAdapter.load_entity_by_gid(data_types[0][2])
        self.assertTrue(data_type_entity is not None, "Datatype should not be none")
        self.assertEqual(self.datatype.gid, data_type_entity.gid, "Imported datatype should have the same gid")

    def test_import_invalid_file(self):
        This method tests import of a file which does not exists or does not
        have a supported format.
  "System should throw an exception if trying to import an invalid file")
        except OperationException:
            # Expected

        # Now try to generate a file on disk with wrong format and import that
        file_path = os.path.join(TvbProfile.current.TVB_TEMP_FOLDER, "dummy_file.txt")
        with open(file_path, "w") as f:
            f.write("dummy text")

  "System should throw an exception if trying to import a file with wrong format")
        except OperationException:
            # Expected
class ExportersTest(TransactionalTestCase):
    Test export functionality.
    TVB_EXPORTER = "TVBExporter"
    def setUp(self):
        self.export_manager = ExportManager()
        self.datatypeFactory = DatatypesFactory()
        self.project = self.datatypeFactory.get_project()

    def tearDown(self):
        Clean-up tests data
        project = self.datatypeFactory.get_project()
        # Remove EXPORT folder
        export_folder = os.path.join(TvbProfile.current.TVB_STORAGE, ExportManager.EXPORT_FOLDER_NAME)
        if os.path.exists(export_folder):
    def test_get_exporters_for_data(self):
        Test retrieval of exporters that can be used for a given data.
        datatype = self.datatypeFactory.create_simple_datatype()       
        exporters = self.export_manager.get_exporters_for_data(datatype)
        # Only TVB export can export any type of data type
        self.assertEqual(1, len(exporters), "Incorrect number of exporters.")
    def test_get_exporters_for_data_with_no_data(self):
        Test retrieval of exporters when data == None.
        self.assertRaises(InvalidExportDataException, self.export_manager.get_exporters_for_data, None)
    def test_tvb_export_of_simple_datatype(self):
        Test export of a data type which has no data stored on file system
        datatype = self.datatypeFactory.create_simple_datatype()       
        file_name, file_path, _ = self.export_manager.export_data(datatype, self.TVB_EXPORTER, self.project)
        self.assertTrue(file_name is not None, "Export process should return a file name")
        self.assertTrue(file_path is not None, "Export process should return path to export file")
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(file_path), "Could not find export file: %s on disk." % file_path)

    def test_tvb_export_of_datatype_with_storage(self):
        Test export of a data type which has no data stored on file system
        datatype = self.datatypeFactory.create_datatype_with_storage()       
        file_name, file_path, _ = self.export_manager.export_data(datatype, self.TVB_EXPORTER, self.project)
        self.assertTrue(file_name is not None, "Export process should return a file name")
        self.assertTrue(file_path is not None, "Export process should return path to export file")
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(file_path), "Could not find export file: %s on disk." % file_path)

    def test_tvb_export_for_datatype_group(self):
        This method checks export of a data type group
        datatype_group = self.datatypeFactory.create_datatype_group()       
        file_name, file_path, _ = self.export_manager.export_data(datatype_group, self.TVB_EXPORTER, self.project)
        self.assertTrue(file_name is not None, "Export process should return a file name")
        self.assertTrue(file_path is not None, "Export process should return path to export file")
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(file_path), "Could not find export file: %s on disk." % file_path)
        # Now check if the generated file is a correct ZIP file
        self.assertTrue(zipfile.is_zipfile(file_path), "Generated file is not a valid ZIP file")
        with closing(zipfile.ZipFile(file_path)) as zip_file:
            list_of_files = zip_file.namelist()
            count_datatypes = dao.count_datatypes_in_group(
            # Check if ZIP files contains files for data types + operation
            self.assertEqual(count_datatypes * 2, len(list_of_files), 
                             "Should have 2 x nr datatypes files, one for operations one for datatypes")

    def test_export_with_invalid_data(self):
        Test scenarios when data provided to export method is invalid
        # Test with no datatype
        self.assertRaises(InvalidExportDataException, self.export_manager.export_data, 
                          None, self.TVB_EXPORTER, self.project)
        # Test with no exporter 
        datatype = self.datatypeFactory.create_datatype_with_storage()  
        self.assertRaises(ExportException, self.export_manager.export_data, datatype, None, self.project)
        # test with wrong exporter
        self.assertRaises(ExportException, self.export_manager.export_data, datatype, "wrong_exporter", self.project)
        # test with no project folder
        self.assertRaises(ExportException, self.export_manager.export_data, datatype, self.TVB_EXPORTER, None)

    def test_export_project_failure(self):
        This method tests export of project with None data
        self.assertRaises(ExportException, self.export_manager.export_project, None)

    def tet_export_project(self):
        Test export of a project
        project = self.datatypeFactory.get_project()
        export_file = self.export_manager.export_project(project)
        self.assertTrue(export_file is not None, "Export process should return path to export file")
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(export_file), "Could not find export file: %s on disk." % export_file)
        # Now check if the generated file is a correct ZIP file
        self.assertTrue(zipfile.is_zipfile(export_file), "Generated file is not a valid ZIP file")