class child(twf.TableForm): action = 'post_edit' id = twf.HiddenField() subject = twf.LabelField() exam = twf.LabelField() timestamp = twf.LabelField() notes = twf.TextArea(validator=twc.StringLengthValidator(max=2048), rows=10, cols=40) class operator(twf.TableLayout): uid = twf.SingleSelectField(label="SUNetID", options=twc.Deferred(user_list), validator=twc.Any( twc.StringLengthValidator(min=0, max=0), UserExists())) class subject(twf.TableLayout): id = twf.HiddenField() code = twf.TextField(validator=twc.StringLengthValidator(max=31)) firstname = twf.TextField( label="First Name", validator=twc.StringLengthValidator(max=63)) lastname = twf.TextField( label="Last Name", validator=twc.StringLengthValidator(max=63)) dob = twf.TextField( label="Date of Birth", validator=twc.DateTimeValidator(format="%m/%d/%Y"))
class NewTrackHub(twf.TableForm): #fields name = twf.TextField(label_text="Name : ", help_text="no space, use '_'") assembly = twf.LabelField( help_text=" is the assembly related to these files") files = twf.MultipleSelectField(label_text="Files used : ") extension = twf.LabelField( help_text=" is your files extensions for this TrackHub") submit = twf.SubmitButton(value="Visualise")
class EditMeas(twf.TableForm): #fields IDselected = twf.HiddenField(label_text="ID selected :") name = twf.TextField(label_text="Name :", placeholder="Measurement name...", validator=twc.Required) description = twf.TextArea(label_text="Description :") samples = twf.MultipleSelectField( label_text="Your samples : ", help_text="You can add some of your existing data to this project.") status_type = twf.CheckBox( label_text="Privacy : ", help_text= "Check it if you want a public data (available for UCSC visualisation)" ) type = twf.CheckBox(label_text="Raw data : ", help_text="Check it is a raw data") #parents management parents = twf.MultipleSelectField( label_text="Parents : ", help_text="Parent(s) of this measurement.") uploaded = twf.LabelField( help_text= "is attached to this measurement. If you want to change, it's better to delete this measurement and create a new one." ) url_path = twf.TextField(label_text="File's url", placeholder="http://www....") submit = twf.SubmitButton(value="Edit my measurement")
def build_form_edit_th(t_length): form_widget = MyForm() form_widget.submit = twf.SubmitButton(value="Edit the colors") all_fields = [] cpt = 1 for i in range(t_length / 2): all_fields.append(twf.LabelField(id="Track_name_" + str(cpt))) all_fields.append( twf.TextField(id="Color_Track_" + str(cpt), help_text=" (R,G,B colors)")) cpt += 1 form_widget.children = all_fields return form_widget
class child(twf.TableForm): action = 'post_edit' id = twf.HiddenField() series = twf.LabelField() acq = twf.LabelField() description = twf.TextArea(validator=twc.StringLengthValidator( max=255)) notes = twf.LabelField() psd = twf.LabelField() physio_flag = twf.LabelField() tr = twf.LabelField() te = twf.LabelField() flip_angle = twf.LabelField() num_timepoints = twf.LabelField() num_slices = twf.LabelField() protocol_name = twf.LabelField() scan_type = twf.LabelField() num_bands = twf.LabelField() prescribed_duration = twf.LabelField() mm_per_vox = twf.LabelField() fov = twf.LabelField() acquisition_matrix = twf.LabelField() phase_encode_undersample = twf.LabelField() slice_encode_undersample = twf.LabelField()
class child(twf.GridLayout): extra_reps = 0 id = twf.LinkField(link='detail?id=$', text='View', label=None) a = twf.LabelField() b = twf.LabelField()
class child(twf.GridLayout): id = twf.LinkField(link='order?id=$', text='Edit', label=None) name = twf.LabelField() status = twf.LabelField() customer = twf.LabelField() assignee = twf.LabelField()
def edit_form(user_lab, owner, id_object): ''' to edit dynamic form ''' lab = DBSession.query(Labs).filter( == user_lab).first() #static lists list_static_samples = [ twf.HiddenField(id="IDselected", label_text="ID selected :"), twf.SingleSelectField( id="project", label_text="Your projects : ", help_text="the project which contains your sample is selected", prompt_text=None), twf.TextField(id="name", label_text="Name :", validator=twc.Required), twf.SingleSelectField(id="type", label_text="Type : ", help_text="What technique do you use ?", prompt_text=None), twf.TextArea( id="protocole", label_text="Protocole :", ), twf.MultipleSelectField(id="measurements", label_text="Attached measurement(s) : ") ] list_static_measurements = [ twf.HiddenField(id="IDselected", label_text="ID selected :"), twf.TextField(id="name", label_text="Name :", placeholder="Measurement name...", validator=twc.Required), twf.TextArea(id="description", label_text="Description :"), twf.MultipleSelectField( id="samples", label_text="Your samples : ", help_text="You can add some of your existing data to this project." ), twf.CheckBox( id="status_type", label_text="Privacy : ", help_text= "Check to have it available from outside EPFL (required for UCSC visualisation)" ), twf.CheckBox(id="type", label_text="Raw data : ", help_text="Check if raw data"), twf.MultipleSelectField(id="parents", label_text="Parents : ", help_text="Parent(s) of this measurement."), twf.LabelField( id="uploaded", help_text= "is attached to this measurement. If you want to change, it's better to delete this measurement and create a new one." ), twf.TextField( id="url_path", help_text= "If you want to add a new URL, your old URL will be stored into the description", placeholder="http://www...") #twf.CheckBox(id="url_up", label_text="I want to upload the file from this URL : ", #help_text="tick it if you want to download it in BioRepo") ] list_dynamic_samples = [] list_dynamic_measurements = [] if lab is None: print "----- no dynamic fields detected ---------" list_fields = [ list_static_samples, list_dynamic_samples, list_static_measurements, list_dynamic_measurements ] return list_fields else: if owner == "sample": object_edited = DBSession.query(Samples).filter( == int(id_object)).first() list_dynamic = list_dynamic_samples tag = "samples" elif owner == "meas": object_edited = DBSession.query(Measurements).filter( == int(id_object)).first() list_dynamic = list_dynamic_measurements tag = "measurements" else: print "----------------- owner error : ", owner, " <----owner --------------------" raise if object_edited is not None: list_dynamic_attributes = object_edited.attributs for att in list_dynamic_attributes: if att.deprecated == False: twf_type = convert_widget(att.widget) = att.key list_a_values = att.values if att.widget == "textfield" or att.widget == "textarea" or att.widget == "hiding_textfield" or att.widget == "hiding_textarea": for v in list_a_values: if hasattr(v, tag): value_object = getattr(v, tag) if object_edited in value_object: twf_type.value = v.value list_dynamic.append(twf_type) elif att.widget == "checkbox" or att.widget == "hiding_checkbox": for v in list_a_values: if hasattr(v, tag): value_object = getattr(v, tag) if object_edited in value_object: #dynamic boolean are stored in varchar in the db, we have to cast them in boolean for the display value_2_display = check_boolean(v.value) twf_type.value = value_2_display list_dynamic.append(twf_type) elif att.widget == "multipleselectfield" or att.widget == "hiding_multipleselectfield": list_possible_values = [] for v in list_a_values: list_possible_values.append(v.value) twf_type.options = list_possible_values selected_values = [] for v in list_a_values: if hasattr(v, tag): value_object = getattr(v, tag) if object_edited in value_object: selected_values.append(v.value) twf_type.value = selected_values list_dynamic.append(twf_type) elif att.widget == "singleselectfield" or att.widget == "hiding_singleselectfield": list_possible_values = [] for v in list_a_values: if v.value not in list_possible_values: list_possible_values.append(v.value) twf_type.options = list_possible_values for v in list_a_values: if hasattr(v, tag): value_object = getattr(v, tag) if object_edited in value_object: twf_type.value = v.value list_dynamic.append(twf_type) else: print "Your ", owner, " was not found. ID problem. id :", id_object raise list_fields = [ list_static_samples, list_dynamic_samples, list_static_measurements, list_dynamic_measurements ] return list_fields
class child(twf.TableForm): action = 'post_edit' id = twf.HiddenField() owner = twf.SingleSelectField(options=twc.Deferred(get_owners), validator=twc.Required) name = twf.TextField(validator=twc.All(twc.StringLengthValidator(min=1), ExperimentDoesntExist('owner'))) timestamp = twf.LabelField()
class child(twf.TableForm): action = 'post_edit' uid = twf.LabelField(label='SUNet ID', validator=None) firstname = twf.TextField(label='First Name', validator=twc.StringLengthValidator(min=1)) lastname = twf.TextField(label='Last Name', validator=twc.StringLengthValidator(min=1))