Beispiel #1
def Construct_WT_ntwrkX_Modularity(year):

    dirPre = dm.set_dir_tree()

    ## (1) Load country names that align with 3 letter acronyms used in origin destination file
    countriesLL = dm.load_country_lat_lon_csv(dirPre)
    num_countries = countriesLL.shape[0]

    # (2) Obtain accurate directory locations for both input and output files.

    dirIn = str(dirPre + 'adjacency_ntwrk_npz_files/')
    dirOut = str(dirPre + 'modularity_ntwrkX_npz_files/')

    ## (4) First the adjacency matrix is loaded from the adj_npz.
    # Then the adj_matrix is converted into a NetworkX DiGraph object.
    # Finally the DiGraph is used to create a modularity matrix, using the built in NetworkX
    # modularity_matrix function.
    adj_npz = dm.load_adjacency_npz_year(dirIn, year, num_countries)
    adj_graph = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_npz[0], create_using=nx.DiGraph())
    mod_mtrx = nx.directed_modularity_matrix(adj_graph)

    np.savez(str(dirOut + 'modularity_ntwrkX_' + str(year) + '_' +
                 str(num_countries) + 'countries.npz'),

    return mod_mtrx
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self, year, method, flg_sym, norm="norm", is_gcc=False):
     self.year = year
     if flg_sym:
         self.flg_sym = 'sym'
         self.flg_sym = ''
     self.G = nm.construct_ntwrkX_Graph(self.dirPre, self.year,
     self.gcc = max(nx.connected_components(self.G), key=len)
     self.num_gcc = len(self.gcc)
     self.trade_ntwrk_graph, self.imports, self.exports =\
         dm.load_adjacency_npz_year(self.dirIn, year, self.num_countries,
     assert np.any(np.sum(self.trade_ntwrk_graph, axis=0) ==
                   self.imports), 'Imports are Weird'
     assert np.any(np.sum(self.trade_ntwrk_graph, axis=1) ==
                   self.exports), 'Exports are Weird'
     if method is "Laplacian":
         self.trade_ntwrk = nm.networkX_laplacian(self.G, self.flg_sym,
         self.trade_ntwrk = nm.construct_ntwrk_method(
             self.trade_ntwrk_graph, method)
     if is_gcc:
         self.trade_ntwrk = nm.convert_adjacency_to_giant_component(
             self.G, self.trade_ntwrk)
     self.labels = None
countriesLL = dm.load_country_lat_lon_csv(dirPre)
num_countries = countriesLL.shape[0]

## (2) Load in names and codes for types of goods traded
#goods = dm.load_products(dirPre)

# (4). Loop through, load and plot all previously saved adjacency matrix files.
years = range(
    1962, 2015)  # np.array([1962]) # years for which we have world trade data.

for y in years:

    dirIn = str(dirPre + 'adjacency_ntwrk_npz_files/')
        trade_ntwrk, imports, exports = dm.load_adjacency_npz_year(
            dirIn, y, num_countries)
        print('Can not find adjacency file')

    # (4). Check that Imports are just the column sums and Exports are row sums
    assert np.any(np.sum(trade_ntwrk, axis=0) == imports), 'Imports are Weird'
    assert np.any(np.sum(trade_ntwrk, axis=1) == exports), 'Exports are Weird'
    #print('Everything checks out with sums, imports and exports.')

    # (5c). Compute Normalized Laplacian (For Asymmetric, use_out_degree can use imports or exports)
    trade_ntwrk = nm.construct_ntwrk_method(trade_ntwrk, method)

    # (5b). Find Cuthill-McKee reordering of Adjacency Matrix (requires sparse matrices and scipy's sparse library).
    # Q: Does it make sense to do this on Laplacian & Modularity? How do things change?
    if True:
Beispiel #4
    continent = np.append(continent, reg[0:2])
conts = set(continent)  # this is a 'set object' (all the different countries)
conts = list(conts)  # convert 'set object' to a list that I can iterate over.
conts = np.sort(conts)
node_colors_by_continent = np.zeros(len(continent))
for i in range(0, len(conts)):
    node_colors_by_continent[np.array(continent == conts[i])] = i

# (-) Loop through different years and compute modularity using NetworkX
for year in range(1962, 1963):

    ## (-) First the adjacency matrix is loaded from the adj_npz.
    # Then the adj_matrix is converted into a NetworkX DiGraph object.
    # Finally the DiGraph is used to create a laplacian matrix, using the  NetworkX
    # laplacian_matrix functions, selected in our network manipulation suit.
    adj_npz, _, _ = dm.load_adjacency_npz_year(dirIn, year, num_countries, sym)
    adj_graph = nm.construct_ntwrkX_Graph(dirPre, year, sym)
    lap_ntwkX = nm.networkX_laplacian(adj_graph, sym, norm, weight)

    # (-) Uncomment these lines to check if Our implemented modularity matches results of NetworkX version.
    # dirLap = str(dirPre + 'laplacian_ntwrk_npz_files/')
    # lap_npz = dm.load_laplacian_npz_year(dirLap, year, num_countries, sym)
    # diff = lap_ntwkX - lap_npz
    # claim = (diff).any()
    # print('Claim differences in 2 laplacian calcs.', claim )
    # if claim:
    # 	plt.imshow(diff)
    # 	plt.colorbar()
    if False:
        np.savez(str(dirOut + file_name + str(year) + '_' +
def construct_ntwrkX_Graph(dirPre, year, sym):
    ## (1). Make a NetworkX Graph Object from an Adjacency matrix. It is a directed network with edge weights
    # equal to the amount of goods sent from country i to country j (or vice versa). Nodes are tagged
    # information about country name, Lat & Lon, continent, total imports & total exports. The resulting
    # Graph object will be saved as a gpickle file.

    if (sym=='sym'):
        G = nx.Graph()  # create the weighted undirected (ie. symmetric) graph.
        G = nx.DiGraph()  # create the weighted directed graph.

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # (A). Get latitude and longitude information from a pickle UTF8 file created from a csv and set them
    # construct nodes with attributes of name.
    countriesLL = dm.load_country_lat_lon_csv(dirPre)
    num_countries = countriesLL.shape[0]
    country_indx = list(range(num_countries))

    continent =  [countriesLL['id'][row][:2] for row in range(num_countries)]
    countryId3 = [countriesLL['id_3char'][row] for row in range(num_countries)]
    countryName = [countriesLL['name'][row] for row in range(num_countries)]
    LonLat = [ (countriesLL['longitude'][row], countriesLL['latitude'][row]) for row in range(num_countries)]

    dirAdj = str( dirPre + 'adjacency_ntwrk_npz_files/' )
        # load in adjacency for a given year.
        A, I, E = dm.load_adjacency_npz_year(dirAdj, year, num_countries, sym)
        print('Adjacency File not found.')

    for a in range(num_countries):
        G.add_nodes_from( [country_indx[a]], LatLon=LonLat[a], countryId3=countryId3[a], countryName=countryName[a],
                          continent=continent[a], imports=I[a], exports=E[a] )

        for b in range(num_countries):
            if A[a, b] > 0:
                G.add_weighted_edges_from( [(a, b, A[a, b])] )  # create the weighted directed graph.

    # # Note: To access data for each node or edge, do:

    # (C). Save a gpickle file containing the networkAdj constructed in
    nx.write_gpickle(G, str(dirPre + 'adjacency_ntwrkX_pickle_files/' + sym + 'trade_ntwrkX_' + str(year) + '.gpickle'))

    # # (D). Save a gexf file containing the networkAdj to use with Gephi toolbox
    # nx.write_gexf( G, str(dirPre + 'adjacency_gexf_network_files/' + sym + 'trade_ntwrkX_' + str(year) + '.gexf'), encoding='utf-8', prettyprint=True, version='1.2draft')
    # # Note: Graph Data File Used for Gephi not working currently. Come back.

    return G
Beispiel #6
if flg_symmetric_network:
    sym = 'sym'
    sym = ''

# (4). Loop through, load and plot all previously saved adjacency matrix files.
years = range(
    1962, 1963)  # years for which we have world trade data. range(1962,2015)

for y in years:

    dirIn = str(dirPre + 'adjacency_ntwrk_npz_files/')
        trade_ntwrk, imports, exports = dm.load_adjacency_npz_year(
            dirIn, y, num_countries, flg_symmetric_network)
        print('Can not find adjacency file')

    # # (3). Plot adjacency matrix and total imports / exports from each country.
    # if False:
    # 	fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,15))
    # 	plt.subplot(2,1,1)
    # 	plt.imshow( np.log(trade_ntwrk), interpolation='none' )
    # 	plt.title( str('Global Trade Network in ' + str(y)) )
    # 	plt.colorbar(fraction=0.046, pad=0.04)
    # 	plt.xticks( range(0,num_countries), countriesLL.id_3char[0:num_countries] )
    # 	plt.yticks( range(0,num_countries), countriesLL.id_3char[0:num_countries] )

    # 	plt.subplot(2,2,3)
Beispiel #7
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sys
import networkx as nx
import utils.data_manipulation as dm  # utils is a package I am putting together of useful functions
from utils.network_manipulation import modularity

dirPre = dm.set_dir_tree()
dirIn = str(dirPre + 'adjacency_ntwrk_npz_files/')

adj = dm.load_adjacency_npz_year(dirIn, 1969, 263)
adj_mtrx = adj[0]
adj_graph = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_mtrx, create_using=nx.DiGraph())

nodelist = list(adj_graph)

A = nx.to_scipy_sparse_matrix(adj_graph,

A_prime = nx.to_numpy_matrix(adj_graph)

if (A.todense() == adj_mtrx).all():
    print('Scipy_Sparse is equal to our npz')
    print('nx.to_scipy_sparce_matrix is different than npz adj')
Key note for nx.directed_modularity_matrix use.  This uses the nx.to_scipy_sparce_matrix call, which creates a csr matrix.
To preserve the adjacency matrix weights, we need to set nodelist and weight parameters as seen below.
nodelist is just list(G) and weight is the string 'weight.'

		figG.savefig(str( '../out_figures/trade_maps/' + str(y) + '_trade_map.png' ), bbox_inches='tight')

	# (6). Imshow and save figure of Adjacency Matrix - another way to visualize changes in network
	if flg_imshow_adjacency:

		trade_ntwrkA, imports, exports = dm.load_adjacency_npz_year(str( dirPre + 'adjacency_ntwrk_npz_files/'), y, num_countries)
		#trade_ntwrkA = out[0]

		figA = plt.figure(figsize=(15,15))

		pf.plot_labels(figA, str( 'Global Trade Adjacency : ' + str(y) ), 'Country', 'Country', 20) # title, xlabel, ylabel and plot ticks formatting

		figA.savefig(str( dirPre + 'out_figures/adjacency_mats/' + str(y) + '_adj_mat.png' ))