コード例 #1
def Construct_WT_ntwrkX_Modularity(year):

    dirPre = dm.set_dir_tree()

    ## (1) Load country names that align with 3 letter acronyms used in origin destination file
    countriesLL = dm.load_country_lat_lon_csv(dirPre)
    num_countries = countriesLL.shape[0]

    # (2) Obtain accurate directory locations for both input and output files.

    dirIn = str(dirPre + 'adjacency_ntwrk_npz_files/')
    dirOut = str(dirPre + 'modularity_ntwrkX_npz_files/')

    ## (4) First the adjacency matrix is loaded from the adj_npz.
    # Then the adj_matrix is converted into a NetworkX DiGraph object.
    # Finally the DiGraph is used to create a modularity matrix, using the built in NetworkX
    # modularity_matrix function.
    adj_npz = dm.load_adjacency_npz_year(dirIn, year, num_countries)
    adj_graph = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_npz[0], create_using=nx.DiGraph())
    mod_mtrx = nx.directed_modularity_matrix(adj_graph)

    np.savez(str(dirOut + 'modularity_ntwrkX_' + str(year) + '_' +
                 str(num_countries) + 'countries.npz'),

    return mod_mtrx
コード例 #2
 def __init__(self, year, method, flg_sym, norm="norm", is_gcc=False):
     self.year = year
     if flg_sym:
         self.flg_sym = 'sym'
         self.flg_sym = ''
     self.G = nm.construct_ntwrkX_Graph(self.dirPre, self.year,
     self.gcc = max(nx.connected_components(self.G), key=len)
     self.num_gcc = len(self.gcc)
     self.trade_ntwrk_graph, self.imports, self.exports =\
         dm.load_adjacency_npz_year(self.dirIn, year, self.num_countries,
     assert np.any(np.sum(self.trade_ntwrk_graph, axis=0) ==
                   self.imports), 'Imports are Weird'
     assert np.any(np.sum(self.trade_ntwrk_graph, axis=1) ==
                   self.exports), 'Exports are Weird'
     if method is "Laplacian":
         self.trade_ntwrk = nm.networkX_laplacian(self.G, self.flg_sym,
         self.trade_ntwrk = nm.construct_ntwrk_method(
             self.trade_ntwrk_graph, method)
     if is_gcc:
         self.trade_ntwrk = nm.convert_adjacency_to_giant_component(
             self.G, self.trade_ntwrk)
     self.labels = None
countriesLL = dm.load_country_lat_lon_csv(dirPre)
num_countries = countriesLL.shape[0]

## (2) Load in names and codes for types of goods traded
#goods = dm.load_products(dirPre)

# (4). Loop through, load and plot all previously saved adjacency matrix files.
years = range(
    1962, 2015)  # np.array([1962]) # years for which we have world trade data.

for y in years:

    dirIn = str(dirPre + 'adjacency_ntwrk_npz_files/')
        trade_ntwrk, imports, exports = dm.load_adjacency_npz_year(
            dirIn, y, num_countries)
        print('Can not find adjacency file')

    # (4). Check that Imports are just the column sums and Exports are row sums
    assert np.any(np.sum(trade_ntwrk, axis=0) == imports), 'Imports are Weird'
    assert np.any(np.sum(trade_ntwrk, axis=1) == exports), 'Exports are Weird'
    #print('Everything checks out with sums, imports and exports.')

    # (5c). Compute Normalized Laplacian (For Asymmetric, use_out_degree can use imports or exports)
    trade_ntwrk = nm.construct_ntwrk_method(trade_ntwrk, method)

    # (5b). Find Cuthill-McKee reordering of Adjacency Matrix (requires sparse matrices and scipy's sparse library).
    # Q: Does it make sense to do this on Laplacian & Modularity? How do things change?
    if True:
コード例 #4
    continent = np.append(continent, reg[0:2])
conts = set(continent)  # this is a 'set object' (all the different countries)
conts = list(conts)  # convert 'set object' to a list that I can iterate over.
conts = np.sort(conts)
node_colors_by_continent = np.zeros(len(continent))
for i in range(0, len(conts)):
    node_colors_by_continent[np.array(continent == conts[i])] = i

# (-) Loop through different years and compute modularity using NetworkX
for year in range(1962, 1963):

    ## (-) First the adjacency matrix is loaded from the adj_npz.
    # Then the adj_matrix is converted into a NetworkX DiGraph object.
    # Finally the DiGraph is used to create a laplacian matrix, using the  NetworkX
    # laplacian_matrix functions, selected in our network manipulation suit.
    adj_npz, _, _ = dm.load_adjacency_npz_year(dirIn, year, num_countries, sym)
    adj_graph = nm.construct_ntwrkX_Graph(dirPre, year, sym)
    lap_ntwkX = nm.networkX_laplacian(adj_graph, sym, norm, weight)

    # (-) Uncomment these lines to check if Our implemented modularity matches results of NetworkX version.
    # dirLap = str(dirPre + 'laplacian_ntwrk_npz_files/')
    # lap_npz = dm.load_laplacian_npz_year(dirLap, year, num_countries, sym)
    # diff = lap_ntwkX - lap_npz
    # claim = (diff).any()
    # print('Claim differences in 2 laplacian calcs.', claim )
    # if claim:
    # 	plt.imshow(diff)
    # 	plt.colorbar()
    # 	plt.show()
    if False:
        np.savez(str(dirOut + file_name + str(year) + '_' +
コード例 #5
def construct_ntwrkX_Graph(dirPre, year, sym):
    ## (1). Make a NetworkX Graph Object from an Adjacency matrix. It is a directed network with edge weights
    # equal to the amount of goods sent from country i to country j (or vice versa). Nodes are tagged
    # information about country name, Lat & Lon, continent, total imports & total exports. The resulting
    # Graph object will be saved as a gpickle file.

    if (sym=='sym'):
        G = nx.Graph()  # create the weighted undirected (ie. symmetric) graph.
        G = nx.DiGraph()  # create the weighted directed graph.

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # (A). Get latitude and longitude information from a pickle UTF8 file created from a csv and set them
    # construct nodes with attributes of name.
    countriesLL = dm.load_country_lat_lon_csv(dirPre)
    num_countries = countriesLL.shape[0]
    country_indx = list(range(num_countries))

    continent =  [countriesLL['id'][row][:2] for row in range(num_countries)]
    countryId3 = [countriesLL['id_3char'][row] for row in range(num_countries)]
    countryName = [countriesLL['name'][row] for row in range(num_countries)]
    LonLat = [ (countriesLL['longitude'][row], countriesLL['latitude'][row]) for row in range(num_countries)]

    dirAdj = str( dirPre + 'adjacency_ntwrk_npz_files/' )
        # load in adjacency for a given year.
        A, I, E = dm.load_adjacency_npz_year(dirAdj, year, num_countries, sym)
        print('Adjacency File not found.')

    for a in range(num_countries):
        G.add_nodes_from( [country_indx[a]], LatLon=LonLat[a], countryId3=countryId3[a], countryName=countryName[a],
                          continent=continent[a], imports=I[a], exports=E[a] )

        for b in range(num_countries):
            if A[a, b] > 0:
                G.add_weighted_edges_from( [(a, b, A[a, b])] )  # create the weighted directed graph.

    # # Note: To access data for each node or edge, do:
    # G.nodes.data('LatLon')[0]
    # G.nodes.data('countryId3')[0]
    # G.nodes.data('countryName')[0]
    # G.nodes.data('continent')[0]
    # G.nodes.data('imports')[0]
    # G.nodes.data('exports')[0]
    # G.edges.data('weight')

    # (C). Save a gpickle file containing the networkAdj constructed in
    nx.write_gpickle(G, str(dirPre + 'adjacency_ntwrkX_pickle_files/' + sym + 'trade_ntwrkX_' + str(year) + '.gpickle'))

    # # (D). Save a gexf file containing the networkAdj to use with Gephi toolbox
    # nx.write_gexf( G, str(dirPre + 'adjacency_gexf_network_files/' + sym + 'trade_ntwrkX_' + str(year) + '.gexf'), encoding='utf-8', prettyprint=True, version='1.2draft')
    # # Note: Graph Data File Used for Gephi not working currently. Come back.

    return G
コード例 #6
if flg_symmetric_network:
    sym = 'sym'
    sym = ''

# (4). Loop through, load and plot all previously saved adjacency matrix files.
years = range(
    1962, 1963)  # years for which we have world trade data. range(1962,2015)

for y in years:

    dirIn = str(dirPre + 'adjacency_ntwrk_npz_files/')
        trade_ntwrk, imports, exports = dm.load_adjacency_npz_year(
            dirIn, y, num_countries, flg_symmetric_network)
        print('Can not find adjacency file')

    # # (3). Plot adjacency matrix and total imports / exports from each country.
    # if False:
    # 	fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,15))
    # 	plt.subplot(2,1,1)
    # 	plt.imshow( np.log(trade_ntwrk), interpolation='none' )
    # 	plt.title( str('Global Trade Network in ' + str(y)) )
    # 	plt.colorbar(fraction=0.046, pad=0.04)
    # 	plt.xticks( range(0,num_countries), countriesLL.id_3char[0:num_countries] )
    # 	plt.yticks( range(0,num_countries), countriesLL.id_3char[0:num_countries] )

    # 	plt.subplot(2,2,3)
コード例 #7
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sys
import networkx as nx
import utils.data_manipulation as dm  # utils is a package I am putting together of useful functions
from utils.network_manipulation import modularity

dirPre = dm.set_dir_tree()
dirIn = str(dirPre + 'adjacency_ntwrk_npz_files/')

adj = dm.load_adjacency_npz_year(dirIn, 1969, 263)
adj_mtrx = adj[0]
adj_graph = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_mtrx, create_using=nx.DiGraph())

nodelist = list(adj_graph)

A = nx.to_scipy_sparse_matrix(adj_graph,

A_prime = nx.to_numpy_matrix(adj_graph)

if (A.todense() == adj_mtrx).all():
    print('Scipy_Sparse is equal to our npz')
    print('nx.to_scipy_sparce_matrix is different than npz adj')
Key note for nx.directed_modularity_matrix use.  This uses the nx.to_scipy_sparce_matrix call, which creates a csr matrix.
To preserve the adjacency matrix weights, we need to set nodelist and weight parameters as seen below.
nodelist is just list(G) and weight is the string 'weight.'
コード例 #8

		figG.savefig(str( '../out_figures/trade_maps/' + str(y) + '_trade_map.png' ), bbox_inches='tight')


	# (6). Imshow and save figure of Adjacency Matrix - another way to visualize changes in network
	if flg_imshow_adjacency:

		trade_ntwrkA, imports, exports = dm.load_adjacency_npz_year(str( dirPre + 'adjacency_ntwrk_npz_files/'), y, num_countries)
		#trade_ntwrkA = out[0]

		figA = plt.figure(figsize=(15,15))

		pf.plot_labels(figA, str( 'Global Trade Adjacency : ' + str(y) ), 'Country', 'Country', 20) # title, xlabel, ylabel and plot ticks formatting

		figA.savefig(str( dirPre + 'out_figures/adjacency_mats/' + str(y) + '_adj_mat.png' ))
