Beispiel #1
 def procHierSCOS(self):
     # Check for file existence
     src = '%s/%s/%s' % (self.ib.shareDir,self.outDir,self.ib.outFile)
     r = fu.fileExists(src)
     if r == False : 
         self.log.error('File %s does not exist' % src)
         return 1
     # Move File to output dir
     dt  = su.getTodayDtStr('%y%m%d')
     self.outFile  = 'SCS_Org_Hierarchy%s.csv' % dt
     outFile = '%s/%s/%s/%s' % (self.ib.shareDir,self.outDir,self.ib.outDirname,self.outFile)
     r = fu.moveFile(src,outFile)
     if r != 0 : 
         self.log.error("Could not move %s to %s " % (src,outFile))
     self.log.debug('Moved  src = %s to self.outFile = %s RC = %s' % (src,outFile,r))
     # Archive File .
     arcfn = '%s/%s/%s/%s-%s' % (self.ib.shareDir,self.outDir,self.outArchDir,self.ts,self.outFile)
     r     = fu.copyFile(outFile,arcfn)
     if r != 0 : 
         self.log.error("Could not copy %s to %s " % (outFile,arcfn))
     self.log.debug('Copied src = %s to racfn = %s RC = %s' % (outFile,arcfn,r))
     return 0
Beispiel #2
 def _chkInfaRdyMthly(self,job):
     rs = self._chkInfaRdy(job)
     if rs is None or len(rs) != 1 : return -1
     d = rs[0][0]; dt = d[:-2]
     todm  = su.getTodayDtStr('%Y%m')
     self.log.debug('d = %s dt = %s todm = %s' % (d,dt,todm))
     if  dt == todm : return 0
     return 1
Beispiel #3
    def _chkInfaRdyDly(self,job):
        rs = self._chkInfaRdy(job)
        if rs is None or len(rs) != 1 : return -1
        dt = rs[0][0]

        todm  = su.getTodayDtStr('%Y%m%d')
        self.log.debug('dt = %s todm = %s' % (dt,todm))
        if  dt == todm : return 0
        return 1
Beispiel #4
 def chkMssqlRdyDly(self,job):
     qryStr = ds.selMssqlPredQry % job
     self.log.debug('qryStr = %s' % qryStr)
     rs = self._chkMssqlRdy(qryStr)
     if rs is None or len(rs) != 1 : return -1
     dt = rs[0][0]
     todm  = su.getTodayDtStr('%Y%m%d')
     self.log.debug('dt = %s todm = %s' % (dt,todm))
     if  dt == todm : return 0
     return 1
Beispiel #5
 def getLastWorkDay(self,lwd):
     mtyr = su.getTodayDtStr(fmt='%m%Y')
     m = mtyr[:2] ; y = mtyr[2:]  
     qry = ds.lastworkDay % (m,y,m,y,lwd)
     self.log.debug('qry = %s ' % qry)
     rs   = self._getNZDS(qry)
     self.log.debug('rs' , rs)
     if rs is None      : return None
     if len(rs)    != 1 : return -1
     if len(rs[0]) != 1 : return -4
     return rs[0][0] 
Beispiel #6
    def isLastWorkDayWarn(self):
        rc = -2
        w  = self.getLastWorkDay(self.ib.lastworkday)
        if w is None :
            self.log.error(' wkday = %s : Please check DB connectivity table' % w)
            return -5 

        wd = su.getDtStr(w,'%Y-%m-%d')
        self.log.debug('self.ib.lastworkday = %s date_day = %s today = %s' % (self.ib.lastworkday,w,d))
        if d == wd : rc = 0
        else       : rc = RET_WARN
        return rc
Beispiel #7
 def _updLeaseCrdTbl(self,pdate):
     if pdate is None or len(pdate) != 10 : 
         self.log.debug('Invalid  pdate %s ' % (pdate))
         return 1  
     cdate = su.getTodayDtStr(fmt='%Y-%m-%d')
     if cdate == pdate:
         self.log.debug('curr_date %s = pdate %s. No need to update table.' % (cdate,pdate))
         return 0
 "Updating table setting curr_date %s to pdate = %s " % (cdate, pdate))
     rc =self._getNZDS(da.updLCRStgCortExtQry % (pdate,cdate) , po='UPD')'Update Qry returned %s' % rc)
     if rc > 0 : return 0
     return 2
Beispiel #8
 def _build2XML(self, grpbl):
     root = ET.Element('PROC_GRP')  
     comment = ET.Comment('For Recovery PID %s. Generated on %s ' % (, su.getTodayDtStr('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')))
     for g in grpbl:
         self.log.debug(" name = " , , " order =  ", g.order , " active= ", , " exit_on_err = " , g.exitErr)
         root.append(ET.Comment('Group %s' %
         group = ET.SubElement(root, 'group', name =, order = '%s' % g.order, active= '%s' %, exit_on_err = '%s' % g.exitErr )
         for p in g.pipelines:   
             self.log.debug("\t name = " , , " order =  ", p.order , " active= ", , " exit_on_err = " , p.exitErr)         
             pipel = ET.SubElement(group, 'pipeline',name =, order = '%s' % p.order, active= '%s' %, exit_on_err = '%s' % p.exitErr )
             for t in p.tasks:
     return root
Beispiel #9
    def _chkSrcReady(self):
        qryStr = "select max(MeasureDate) MonthDate , 1 isServiceCallsReady  from dbo.edw_ServiceCalls"

        self.ib.user = self.ib.ms_user; self.ib.pwd = self.ib.ms_pwd;  self.ib.dbserver = self.ib.ms_dbserver ; self.ib.db = self.ib.ms_db
        rs = self._getMSSQLNatDS(qryStr)
        self.log.debug('qryStr = ',  qryStr , ' rs ', rs)  
        if rs is None or len(rs) != 1 : return -1
        isRdy = rs[0][1]
        rdtm  = su.getDtStr(rs[0][0],'%m%Y')
        todm  = su.getTodayDtStr('%m%Y')
        nmth  = su.getMonthPlusStr(1,rdtm,'%m%Y')
        self.log.debug("isRdy = %s rdtm=%s todm=%s nmth=%s" % (isRdy,rdtm,todm,nmth))
        if isRdy == 1 and  nmth == todm : # and sysdate - 1 
   ("Ready to Proceed : rdtm = %s isRdy = %s " % (rdtm,isRdy))
            return 0
        return 1
Beispiel #10
 def _getROPOPred(self,tbn):
     qryStr = ds.selFinRCOpenROPOQry % tbn
     rs = self._chkMssqlRdy(qryStr)
     self.log.debug('rs = ' , rs)
     # rs = [(u'ConsolidatedSHPOD   ', '20150310', 6240165)]
     if rs is None or len(rs) < 1 or len(rs[0]) != 3   : return -1
     tbn = rs[0][0]; dt = rs[0][1] ; rowc = rs[0][2] ;'tbn = %s dt = %s rowc = %s ' % (tbn,dt,rowc))
     # Check if date current date 
     todm  = su.getTodayDtStr('%Y%m%d')
     self.log.debug('dt = %s todm = %s' % (dt,todm))
     if  dt != todm : return 1
     # Check if number of rows for today are > 0 
     irowc = su.toInt(rowc)
     self.log.debug('irowc = %s' % (irowc))
     if  irowc is None or irowc < 1   : return 2
     return 0
Beispiel #11
 def _chkSrcReady(self):
     qryStr = """ select MonthDate, CAST(isSourcingReady AS int) 
                  from dbo.DataReady
                  WHERE MonthDate = (select MAX(MonthDate) from dbo.DataReady)"""     
     self.ib.user = self.ib.ms_user; self.ib.pwd = self.ib.ms_pwd;  self.ib.dbserver = self.ib.ms_dbserver ; self.ib.db = self.ib.ms_db
     rs = self._getMSSQLNatDS(qryStr)
     self.log.debug('qryStr = ',  qryStr , ' rs ', rs)  
     if len(rs) != 1 : return -1
     isRdy = rs[0][1]
     rdtm  = su.getDtStr(rs[0][0],'%m%Y')
     todm  = su.getTodayDtStr('%m%Y')
     nmth  = su.getMonthPlusStr(1,rdtm,'%m%Y')
     self.log.debug("isRdy = %s rdtm=%s todm=%s nmth=%s" % (isRdy,rdtm,todm,nmth))
     if isRdy == 1 and  nmth == todm : # and sysdate - 1 = dt  ("Ready to Proceed : rdtm = %s isRdy = %s " % (rdtm,isRdy))
         return 0
     return 1
Beispiel #12
    def _chkHeader(self,fnp,rdoff):
        RUN_DATE = su.getTodayDtStr(fmt='%y%m%d')
        rdayoffset = su.toInt(rdoff)
        hdr   = fu.readFile(fnp)
        if len(hdr) != 14 :
            self.log.error('Invalid len= %d  for %s. Need to be 14\nhdr=%s' % (len(hdr),fnp,hdr))
            return 1
        rowc     = su.toInt(hdr[0:8])
        hdr_date = hdr[8:]                  # Run Date from file.
        dt = su.getDayMinusStr(rdayoffset, RUN_DATE, '%Y%m%d')

        # Check run date.
        if dt != hdr_date:
            self.log.warn('fn %s === \tInvalid Header ran date of %s. Should be %s  ' % (fnp,dt,hdr_date))
        if rdayoffset < 1 : 
            self.log.error('Could not attempt next day since rdayoffset is %s < 1' % rdayoffset)
            return 2
        dt = su.getDayMinusStr(rdayoffset - 1, RUN_DATE, '%Y%m%d')
        # Check run date + 1.
        if dt != hdr_date:
            self.log.error('fn %s === \tInvalid Header ran date of %s. Should be %s  ' % (fnp,dt,hdr_date))
            return 3
        # Check Number of lines 
        ln  = fu.getLines(fnp)      # Number of lines w/o trailer.
        dc =  int(ln) - rowc        # ln file has 2 extra lines header/trailer, but at this point trailer rec had been removed.
        self.log.debug('fn %s === \tFile record count %s trailer = %s diff %s' % (fnp,ln,rowc,dc))
        if  dc != 0 :
            self.log.error('fn %s === \tFile record count %s do not match trailer = %s # of records diff = %d!' % (fnp,ln,rowc,dc))
            return 4
        return 0
Beispiel #13
from apps.infbaseapp       import _InfaBaseApp

# Mandatory to define self.cmdStep
# method _getNextRunDate is sensitive to schedule changes ! 

RUN_PER_DAY = 1  # Daily runs.
DP_LEN      = len('YYYYMMDD')  
# Schedules
#SCH_FREQ = 'WDay'
SCH_FREQ = 'Cust'
sch = ('Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat')

cur_dayr   = su.getTodayDtStr('%Y%m%d')

class VehFifthWkday(_InfaBaseApp):  
    exitOnError = True
    def __init__(self):
        self.landDir    = 'SrcFiles/vehicle'
        self.incFileSet = []    # Incoming Files. Contains full path name.
        self.incFiles   = []
        self.workFiles  = []    # Files that were moved to the working dir (ideally same than incSetFile). 
        self.RowCnt     = -1
        self.srcFile    = ('PO225D15.dat','PO875D30.dat')   # File that Informatica expects. Alphabetical.
        self.ib.fileName = r"'P.PO225D15.UMPK(0)','P.PO875D30.WHOUSE.CURR.STD'"
        self.checkNextRunFlg  = False
Beispiel #14
import os  #, os.path
import sys
import socket
import time
import logging

import common.simpmail as sm
import common.lockfile as lck
import utils.fileutils as fu
import utils.strutils as su

from common.loghdl import getLogHandler

RET_WARN = 101
RUN_DATE = su.getTodayDtStr(fmt='%Y%m%d')

# Empty Container
class BaseAppBean:

class _BaseApp(object):
    hostname = socket.gethostname()

    def __init__(self):
        self.appName = self.__class__.__name__.lower()

        self.log = logging.getLogger(self.appName)
        self.suf = 'cfg'
Beispiel #15
import utils.fileutils as fu
import utils.strutils as su
import utils.filetransf as ft
import procdata.procinfa as pi

from apps.infbaseapp import _InfaBaseApp

# Mandatory to define self.cmdStep
# method _getNextRunDate is sensitive to schedule changes !
RUN_PER_DAY = 1  # Daily runs.
DP_LEN = len("YYYYMM")

# Schedules
SCH_FREQ = "Mthly"
sch = ()
cur_dayr = su.getTodayDtStr("%Y%m")

class EmpBenefitonDem(_InfaBaseApp):
    exitOnError = True

    def __init__(self):
        super(EmpBenefitonDem, self).__init__()
        self.landDir = "SrcFiles/employee"
        self.incFileSet = []  # Incoming Files. Contains full path name.
        self.incFiles = []
        self.workFiles = []  # Files that were moved to the working dir (ideally same than incSetFile).

        self.RowCnt = -1
        self.srcFile = ("hp400jnm_sap_dwext.dat", "hrcoord5.csv")  # File that Informatica expects. Alphabetical.
        self.ib.fileName = r"'P.HP400JNM.SAP.DW.EXTRACT',hrcoord5.csv"
Beispiel #16
    def __init__(self):
        super(TalentMap, self).__init__()
        self.landDir = "SrcFiles/talentmap"
        self.incFileSet = []  # Incoming Files. Contains full path name.
        self.workFiles = []  # Files that were moved to the working dir (ideally same than incFiles).

        self.RowCnt = -1
        self.ib.fld = "TalentMap"
        self.ib.wkf = "wkf_talentMap"
        self.ib.srcFile = (
        )  # File that Informatica expects. Alphabetical.
        self.ib.FileColCnt = {
            "All_Training.txt": 12,
            "All_Training_Providers.txt": 2,
            "Transcripts_OpsRegion_Canada.txt": 18,
            "Transcripts_OpsRegion_Central.txt": 18,
            "Transcripts_OpsRegion_Northeast.txt": 18,
            "Transcripts_OpsRegion_Southeast.txt": 18,
            "Transcripts_OpsRegion_West.txt": 18,
            "Tops_Plan_Current.csv": 13,
            "FMS_Qualifications.csv": 8,
        self.ib.opsRegHdrRow = ""

        self.fileDate = ""
        self.FILE_SET_LEN = 4
        self.procCort = {}
        self.procBuReg = {}

        self.renameFtpFilesTgtFlg = False

        self.ts = su.getTimeSTamp()
        # Allowable commands for this application. Make sure to Set
        self.cmdStep = {
            "A": self.getLock,
            "B": self.renFtpFilesTgtFlg,
            "C": self.getTMapftpFiles,  # FTP Files based on regex.
            "D": self.getIncSetFiles,  # Populates self.incSetFiles. Incoming Files.
            "E": self.setIncFilePvt,  # Run after setting self.incFiles
            "F": self.cpFileToWorkDir,  # Copies FileSet and sets self.workFiles (full path)
            "G": self.archFiles,
            "H": self.chkFileColsFlg,
            "I": self.preProcTMapFiles,  # Check that headers/record count, number of fields.
            "J": self.procTMapFiles,
            "K": self.procCustFiles,
            "L": self.crtTrigFile,
            "M": self.wkfTalentMapProc,
        # Infa Environmental variables/
        self.infaEnvVar = {
            "PMCMD": "mg.pmcmd",
            "INFA_USER": "******",
            "INFA_XPWD": "self.ib.rep_xpwd",
            "DOMAIN": "self.ib.dom_name",
            "INT_SERV": "self.ib.IS",
            "INFA_SHARE": "self.ib.shareDir",
            "INFA_APP_CFG": "self.ib.cfgDir",
            "INFA_APP_LCK": "self.ib.lckDir",
            "INFA_APP_CTL": "self.ib.ctlDir",

        self.fnd = su.getTodayDtStr("%m_%d_%Y")
        # FTP is expecting the following env variables, which should not be in a config file.
        # os.environ['RXFILE'   ] =  '.*_[0-9]*_[0-9]*_[0-9]*_[0-9]*_[0-9]*_[0-9]*.TXT'  # data file(s). Use for MGET
        os.environ["FILE"] = "Name of control file"  # data file(s). Use for GET
        os.environ["RXFILE"] = (
            "Transcripts_OpsRegion_.*_[0-9]*_%s_[0-9]*_[0-9]*.TXT" % self.fnd
        )  # data file(s). Use for MGET
Beispiel #17

import common.log4py    as log4py 
import common.simpmail  as sm
import common.lockfile  as lck
import utils.fileutils  as fu
import utils.strutils   as su
import datastore.dbapp  as ds
import mainglob         as mg    # Do not remove.

from datastore.dbutil  import NZODBC, MSSQLODBC,MSSQLNat, DBOracle, getDSConnStr

from common.loghdl     import getLogHandler

RET_WARN = 101
RUN_DATE = su.getTodayDtStr(fmt='%Y%m%d')

# Empty Container   
class InfaBaseAppBean:

class _InfaBaseApp(object):
    # Set of diagnostics commands to run
    hostname = socket.gethostname()
    exitOnError = False   # default.
    def __init__(self):
        self.appName = self.__class__.__name__.lower()