 def procHierSCOS(self):
     # Check for file existence
     src = '%s/%s/%s' % (self.ib.shareDir,self.outDir,self.ib.outFile)
     r = fu.fileExists(src)
     if r == False : 
         self.log.error('File %s does not exist' % src)
         return 1
     # Move File to output dir
     dt  = su.getTodayDtStr('%y%m%d')
     self.outFile  = 'SCS_Org_Hierarchy%s.csv' % dt
     outFile = '%s/%s/%s/%s' % (self.ib.shareDir,self.outDir,self.ib.outDirname,self.outFile)
     r = fu.moveFile(src,outFile)
     if r != 0 : 
         self.log.error("Could not move %s to %s " % (src,outFile))
     self.log.debug('Moved  src = %s to self.outFile = %s RC = %s' % (src,outFile,r))
     # Archive File .
     arcfn = '%s/%s/%s/%s-%s' % (self.ib.shareDir,self.outDir,self.outArchDir,self.ts,self.outFile)
     r     = fu.copyFile(outFile,arcfn)
     if r != 0 : 
         self.log.error("Could not copy %s to %s " % (outFile,arcfn))
     self.log.debug('Copied src = %s to racfn = %s RC = %s' % (outFile,arcfn,r))
     return 0
 def _chkInfaRdyMthly(self,job):
     rs = self._chkInfaRdy(job)
     if rs is None or len(rs) != 1 : return -1
     d = rs[0][0]; dt = d[:-2]
     todm  = su.getTodayDtStr('%Y%m')
     self.log.debug('d = %s dt = %s todm = %s' % (d,dt,todm))
     if  dt == todm : return 0
     return 1
    def _chkInfaRdyDly(self,job):
        rs = self._chkInfaRdy(job)
        if rs is None or len(rs) != 1 : return -1
        dt = rs[0][0]

        todm  = su.getTodayDtStr('%Y%m%d')
        self.log.debug('dt = %s todm = %s' % (dt,todm))
        if  dt == todm : return 0
        return 1
 def chkMssqlRdyDly(self,job):
     qryStr = ds.selMssqlPredQry % job
     self.log.debug('qryStr = %s' % qryStr)
     rs = self._chkMssqlRdy(qryStr)
     if rs is None or len(rs) != 1 : return -1
     dt = rs[0][0]
     todm  = su.getTodayDtStr('%Y%m%d')
     self.log.debug('dt = %s todm = %s' % (dt,todm))
     if  dt == todm : return 0
     return 1
 def getLastWorkDay(self,lwd):
     mtyr = su.getTodayDtStr(fmt='%m%Y')
     m = mtyr[:2] ; y = mtyr[2:]  
     qry = ds.lastworkDay % (m,y,m,y,lwd)
     self.log.debug('qry = %s ' % qry)
     rs   = self._getNZDS(qry)
     self.log.debug('rs' , rs)
     if rs is None      : return None
     if len(rs)    != 1 : return -1
     if len(rs[0]) != 1 : return -4
     return rs[0][0] 
    def isLastWorkDayWarn(self):
        rc = -2
        w  = self.getLastWorkDay(self.ib.lastworkday)
        if w is None :
            self.log.error(' wkday = %s : Please check DB connectivity table' % w)
            return -5 

        wd = su.getDtStr(w,'%Y-%m-%d')
        self.log.debug('self.ib.lastworkday = %s date_day = %s today = %s' % (self.ib.lastworkday,w,d))
        if d == wd : rc = 0
        else       : rc = RET_WARN
        return rc
 def _updLeaseCrdTbl(self,pdate):
     if pdate is None or len(pdate) != 10 : 
         self.log.debug('Invalid  pdate %s ' % (pdate))
         return 1  
     cdate = su.getTodayDtStr(fmt='%Y-%m-%d')
     if cdate == pdate:
         self.log.debug('curr_date %s = pdate %s. No need to update table.' % (cdate,pdate))
         return 0
     self.log.info("Updating table setting curr_date %s to pdate = %s " % (cdate, pdate))
     rc =self._getNZDS(da.updLCRStgCortExtQry % (pdate,cdate) , po='UPD')
     self.log.info('Update Qry returned %s' % rc)
     if rc > 0 : return 0
     return 2
 def _build2XML(self, grpbl):
     root = ET.Element('PROC_GRP')  
     comment = ET.Comment('For Recovery PID %s. Generated on %s ' % (self.pid, su.getTodayDtStr('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')))
     for g in grpbl:
         self.log.debug(" name = " , g.name , " order =  ", g.order , " active= ", g.active , " exit_on_err = " , g.exitErr)
         root.append(ET.Comment('Group %s' % g.name))
         group = ET.SubElement(root, 'group', name = g.name, order = '%s' % g.order, active= '%s' % g.active, exit_on_err = '%s' % g.exitErr )
         for p in g.pipelines:   
             self.log.debug("\t name = " , p.name , " order =  ", p.order , " active= ", p.active , " exit_on_err = " , p.exitErr)         
             pipel = ET.SubElement(group, 'pipeline',name = p.name, order = '%s' % p.order, active= '%s' % p.active, exit_on_err = '%s' % p.exitErr )
             for t in p.tasks:
     return root
    def _chkSrcReady(self):
        qryStr = "select max(MeasureDate) MonthDate , 1 isServiceCallsReady  from dbo.edw_ServiceCalls"

        self.ib.user = self.ib.ms_user; self.ib.pwd = self.ib.ms_pwd;  self.ib.dbserver = self.ib.ms_dbserver ; self.ib.db = self.ib.ms_db
        rs = self._getMSSQLNatDS(qryStr)
        self.log.debug('qryStr = ',  qryStr , ' rs ', rs)  
        if rs is None or len(rs) != 1 : return -1
        isRdy = rs[0][1]
        rdtm  = su.getDtStr(rs[0][0],'%m%Y')
        todm  = su.getTodayDtStr('%m%Y')
        nmth  = su.getMonthPlusStr(1,rdtm,'%m%Y')
        self.log.debug("isRdy = %s rdtm=%s todm=%s nmth=%s" % (isRdy,rdtm,todm,nmth))
        if isRdy == 1 and  nmth == todm : # and sysdate - 1 
            self.log.info ("Ready to Proceed : rdtm = %s isRdy = %s " % (rdtm,isRdy))
            return 0
        return 1
 def _getROPOPred(self,tbn):
     qryStr = ds.selFinRCOpenROPOQry % tbn
     rs = self._chkMssqlRdy(qryStr)
     self.log.debug('rs = ' , rs)
     # rs = [(u'ConsolidatedSHPOD   ', '20150310', 6240165)]
     if rs is None or len(rs) < 1 or len(rs[0]) != 3   : return -1
     tbn = rs[0][0]; dt = rs[0][1] ; rowc = rs[0][2] ;
     self.log.info('tbn = %s dt = %s rowc = %s ' % (tbn,dt,rowc))
     # Check if date current date 
     todm  = su.getTodayDtStr('%Y%m%d')
     self.log.debug('dt = %s todm = %s' % (dt,todm))
     if  dt != todm : return 1
     # Check if number of rows for today are > 0 
     irowc = su.toInt(rowc)
     self.log.debug('irowc = %s' % (irowc))
     if  irowc is None or irowc < 1   : return 2
     return 0
 def _chkSrcReady(self):
     qryStr = """ select MonthDate, CAST(isSourcingReady AS int) 
                  from dbo.DataReady
                  WHERE MonthDate = (select MAX(MonthDate) from dbo.DataReady)"""     
     self.ib.user = self.ib.ms_user; self.ib.pwd = self.ib.ms_pwd;  self.ib.dbserver = self.ib.ms_dbserver ; self.ib.db = self.ib.ms_db
     rs = self._getMSSQLNatDS(qryStr)
     self.log.debug('qryStr = ',  qryStr , ' rs ', rs)  
     if len(rs) != 1 : return -1
     isRdy = rs[0][1]
     rdtm  = su.getDtStr(rs[0][0],'%m%Y')
     todm  = su.getTodayDtStr('%m%Y')
     nmth  = su.getMonthPlusStr(1,rdtm,'%m%Y')
     self.log.debug("isRdy = %s rdtm=%s todm=%s nmth=%s" % (isRdy,rdtm,todm,nmth))
     if isRdy == 1 and  nmth == todm : # and sysdate - 1 = dt 
         self.log.info ("Ready to Proceed : rdtm = %s isRdy = %s " % (rdtm,isRdy))
         return 0
     return 1
    def _chkHeader(self,fnp,rdoff):
        RUN_DATE = su.getTodayDtStr(fmt='%y%m%d')
        rdayoffset = su.toInt(rdoff)
        hdr   = fu.readFile(fnp)
        if len(hdr) != 14 :
            self.log.error('Invalid len= %d  for %s. Need to be 14\nhdr=%s' % (len(hdr),fnp,hdr))
            return 1
        rowc     = su.toInt(hdr[0:8])
        hdr_date = hdr[8:]                  # Run Date from file.
        dt = su.getDayMinusStr(rdayoffset, RUN_DATE, '%Y%m%d')

        # Check run date.
        if dt != hdr_date:
            self.log.warn('fn %s === \tInvalid Header ran date of %s. Should be %s  ' % (fnp,dt,hdr_date))
        if rdayoffset < 1 : 
            self.log.error('Could not attempt next day since rdayoffset is %s < 1' % rdayoffset)
            return 2
        dt = su.getDayMinusStr(rdayoffset - 1, RUN_DATE, '%Y%m%d')
        # Check run date + 1.
        if dt != hdr_date:
            self.log.error('fn %s === \tInvalid Header ran date of %s. Should be %s  ' % (fnp,dt,hdr_date))
            return 3
        # Check Number of lines 
        ln  = fu.getLines(fnp)      # Number of lines w/o trailer.
        dc =  int(ln) - rowc        # ln file has 2 extra lines header/trailer, but at this point trailer rec had been removed.
        self.log.debug('fn %s === \tFile record count %s trailer = %s diff %s' % (fnp,ln,rowc,dc))
        if  dc != 0 :
            self.log.error('fn %s === \tFile record count %s do not match trailer = %s # of records diff = %d!' % (fnp,ln,rowc,dc))
            return 4
        return 0
from apps.infbaseapp       import _InfaBaseApp

# Mandatory to define self.cmdStep
# method _getNextRunDate is sensitive to schedule changes ! 

RUN_PER_DAY = 1  # Daily runs.
DP_LEN      = len('YYYYMMDD')  
# Schedules
#SCH_FREQ = 'WDay'
SCH_FREQ = 'Cust'
sch = ('Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat')

cur_dayr   = su.getTodayDtStr('%Y%m%d')

class VehFifthWkday(_InfaBaseApp):  
    exitOnError = True
    def __init__(self):
        self.landDir    = 'SrcFiles/vehicle'
        self.incFileSet = []    # Incoming Files. Contains full path name.
        self.incFiles   = []
        self.workFiles  = []    # Files that were moved to the working dir (ideally same than incSetFile). 
        self.RowCnt     = -1
        self.srcFile    = ('PO225D15.dat','PO875D30.dat')   # File that Informatica expects. Alphabetical.
        self.ib.fileName = r"'P.PO225D15.UMPK(0)','P.PO875D30.WHOUSE.CURR.STD'"
        self.checkNextRunFlg  = False
import os  #, os.path
import sys
import socket
import time
import logging

import common.simpmail as sm
import common.lockfile as lck
import utils.fileutils as fu
import utils.strutils as su

from common.loghdl import getLogHandler

RET_WARN = 101
RUN_DATE = su.getTodayDtStr(fmt='%Y%m%d')

# Empty Container
class BaseAppBean:

class _BaseApp(object):
    hostname = socket.gethostname()

    def __init__(self):
        self.appName = self.__class__.__name__.lower()

        self.log = logging.getLogger(self.appName)
        self.suf = 'cfg'
import utils.fileutils as fu
import utils.strutils as su
import utils.filetransf as ft
import procdata.procinfa as pi

from apps.infbaseapp import _InfaBaseApp

# Mandatory to define self.cmdStep
# method _getNextRunDate is sensitive to schedule changes !
RUN_PER_DAY = 1  # Daily runs.
DP_LEN = len("YYYYMM")

# Schedules
SCH_FREQ = "Mthly"
sch = ()
cur_dayr = su.getTodayDtStr("%Y%m")

class EmpBenefitonDem(_InfaBaseApp):
    exitOnError = True

    def __init__(self):
        super(EmpBenefitonDem, self).__init__()
        self.landDir = "SrcFiles/employee"
        self.incFileSet = []  # Incoming Files. Contains full path name.
        self.incFiles = []
        self.workFiles = []  # Files that were moved to the working dir (ideally same than incSetFile).

        self.RowCnt = -1
        self.srcFile = ("hp400jnm_sap_dwext.dat", "hrcoord5.csv")  # File that Informatica expects. Alphabetical.
        self.ib.fileName = r"'P.HP400JNM.SAP.DW.EXTRACT',hrcoord5.csv"
    def __init__(self):
        super(TalentMap, self).__init__()
        self.landDir = "SrcFiles/talentmap"
        self.incFileSet = []  # Incoming Files. Contains full path name.
        self.workFiles = []  # Files that were moved to the working dir (ideally same than incFiles).

        self.RowCnt = -1
        self.ib.fld = "TalentMap"
        self.ib.wkf = "wkf_talentMap"
        self.ib.srcFile = (
        )  # File that Informatica expects. Alphabetical.
        self.ib.FileColCnt = {
            "All_Training.txt": 12,
            "All_Training_Providers.txt": 2,
            "Transcripts_OpsRegion_Canada.txt": 18,
            "Transcripts_OpsRegion_Central.txt": 18,
            "Transcripts_OpsRegion_Northeast.txt": 18,
            "Transcripts_OpsRegion_Southeast.txt": 18,
            "Transcripts_OpsRegion_West.txt": 18,
            "Tops_Plan_Current.csv": 13,
            "FMS_Qualifications.csv": 8,
        self.ib.opsRegHdrRow = ""

        self.fileDate = ""
        self.FILE_SET_LEN = 4
        self.procCort = {}
        self.procBuReg = {}

        self.renameFtpFilesTgtFlg = False

        self.ts = su.getTimeSTamp()
        # Allowable commands for this application. Make sure to Set
        self.cmdStep = {
            "A": self.getLock,
            "B": self.renFtpFilesTgtFlg,
            "C": self.getTMapftpFiles,  # FTP Files based on regex.
            "D": self.getIncSetFiles,  # Populates self.incSetFiles. Incoming Files.
            "E": self.setIncFilePvt,  # Run after setting self.incFiles
            "F": self.cpFileToWorkDir,  # Copies FileSet and sets self.workFiles (full path)
            "G": self.archFiles,
            "H": self.chkFileColsFlg,
            "I": self.preProcTMapFiles,  # Check that headers/record count, number of fields.
            "J": self.procTMapFiles,
            "K": self.procCustFiles,
            "L": self.crtTrigFile,
            "M": self.wkfTalentMapProc,
        # Infa Environmental variables/
        self.infaEnvVar = {
            "PMCMD": "mg.pmcmd",
            "INFA_USER": "******",
            "INFA_XPWD": "self.ib.rep_xpwd",
            "DOMAIN": "self.ib.dom_name",
            "INT_SERV": "self.ib.IS",
            "INFA_SHARE": "self.ib.shareDir",
            "INFA_APP_CFG": "self.ib.cfgDir",
            "INFA_APP_LCK": "self.ib.lckDir",
            "INFA_APP_CTL": "self.ib.ctlDir",

        self.fnd = su.getTodayDtStr("%m_%d_%Y")
        # FTP is expecting the following env variables, which should not be in a config file.
        # os.environ['RXFILE'   ] =  '.*_[0-9]*_[0-9]*_[0-9]*_[0-9]*_[0-9]*_[0-9]*.TXT'  # data file(s). Use for MGET
        os.environ["FILE"] = "Name of control file"  # data file(s). Use for GET
        os.environ["RXFILE"] = (
            "Transcripts_OpsRegion_.*_[0-9]*_%s_[0-9]*_[0-9]*.TXT" % self.fnd
        )  # data file(s). Use for MGET

import common.log4py    as log4py 
import common.simpmail  as sm
import common.lockfile  as lck
import utils.fileutils  as fu
import utils.strutils   as su
import datastore.dbapp  as ds
import mainglob         as mg    # Do not remove.

from datastore.dbutil  import NZODBC, MSSQLODBC,MSSQLNat, DBOracle, getDSConnStr

from common.loghdl     import getLogHandler

RET_WARN = 101
RUN_DATE = su.getTodayDtStr(fmt='%Y%m%d')

# Empty Container   
class InfaBaseAppBean:

class _InfaBaseApp(object):
    # Set of diagnostics commands to run
    hostname = socket.gethostname()
    exitOnError = False   # default.
    def __init__(self):
        self.appName = self.__class__.__name__.lower()