Beispiel #1
def setEditable(ctl, state):
    Add an intermediate xform node to a control.  The control's editable
    state can be toggled, and transformation differences to the 'editor' node
    will be flushed down to the shape level and recorded in the control data
    @param ctl: the control to make editable
    @type ctl: str
    @param state: True or False
    @type state: bool

    @return: True if state was changed, else False
    editor = getEditor(ctl)
    if editor and state:
        return False
    elif not editor and not state:
        return False

    info  = getInfo(ctl)
    if state:
        editor = MC.createNode('transform', name='%s_editor' % ctl, parent=None)

        if nodeTag.hasTag(ctl, '%s_editor' % LOCKS_TAG_NAME):
            tag = nodeTag.getTag(ctl, '%s_editor' % LOCKS_TAG_NAME)
            nodeTag.rmTag(ctl, '%s_editor' % LOCKS_TAG_NAME)
            nodeTag.setTag(editor, LOCKS_TAG_NAME, tag)

        MC.parent(editor, ctl)
        MC.setAttr('%s.t' % editor, *info['t'], type='double3')
        MC.setAttr('%s.r' % editor, *info['r'], type='double3')
        MC.setAttr('%s.s' % editor, *info['s'], type='double3')
        MC.setAttr("%s.shear" % editor, 0,0,0, type='double3')
        utils.parentShape(editor, ctl, deleteChildXform=False)

        if nodeTag.hasTag(editor, LOCKS_TAG_NAME):
            editorLocks = nodeTag.getTag(editor, LOCKS_TAG_NAME)
            nodeTag.setTag(ctl, '%s_editor' % LOCKS_TAG_NAME, editorLocks)

        setInfo(ctl, info)
        utils.parentShape(ctl, editor, deleteChildXform=True)
    return True
Beispiel #2
def makeControl(name, xformType=None, **kwargs):
    Create a control object
    @param name: the control name
    @param xformType: if creating a new xform, use this node type.  Defaults
    to transform
    @keyword t: offset the position of the handle shape.
    @keyword r: offset the rotation of the handle shape.
    @keyword s: offset the scale of the handle shape.
    @note: offsets are applied in the control xform's local space
    @raise RuntimeError: if the control exists, and xformType is supplied but does
    not match the current node's xform type

    #see if the object exists, and create it if not
    editor = None
    if MC.objExists(name):
        if xformType and xformType != MC.objectType(name):
            raise RuntimeError('control exists and is not of type %s' % xformType)
        editor = getEditor(name)
        if editor:
            setEditable(name, False)
        if not xformType:
            xformType = 'transform'

        name = MC.createNode(xformType, name=name, parent=None)

    xform = name

    #delete any shapes that exist
    for shape in MC.listRelatives(xform, type='geometryShape', pa=1) or []:

    #create an attribute to store handle info
    handleData = _argHandleData(**kwargs)

    #snap the tmp shape to the xform
    tmpXform = _importShape(handleData['shape'])

    utils.snap(xform, tmpXform, scale=True)

    #apply transformations
    MC.parent(tmpXform, xform)
    MC.setAttr('%s.t' % tmpXform, *handleData['t'], type='double3')
    MC.setAttr('%s.r' % tmpXform, *handleData['r'], type='double3')
    MC.setAttr('%s.s' % tmpXform, *handleData['s'], type='double3')
    MC.parent(tmpXform, world=True)

    utils.parentShape(xform, tmpXform)
    if handleData.get('type') != 'surface':
        _setColor(xform, handleData['color'])

    #set the handle info
    _logger.debug("handle data: %r" % handleData)
    setInfo(xform, handleData)

    if editor:
        setEditable(xform, True)

    return xform