def test_context_manager(self): with xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(URL) as server: server.add(2, 3) self.assertNotEqual(server('transport')._connection, (None, None)) self.assertEqual(server('transport')._connection, (None, None))
def test_context_manager_method_error(self): try: with xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(URL) as server: server.add(2, "a") except xmlrpclib.Fault: pass self.assertEqual(server('transport')._connection, (None, None))
def __init__(self, port, loglevel, *controls): global LOGLEVEL LOGLEVEL = loglevel # need to set for the debug function self.port = port # port to serv on xmlrpc.setLogLevel(loglevel) # set the module logging level usage = USAGE # usage string self.killed = 0 # true if we've been killed self.contrl = [] # list of our control objects self.cmdlist = { # our command list 'getclient' : self.cgetclient, 'kill' : self.ckill, 'leave' : self.cleave, 'ping' : self.cping, 'usage' : self.cusage, } for cont in controls: (self.cmdlist, usage) =, usage) self.contrl.append(cont) self.usage = usage self.server = xmlrpc.server() self.server.addMethods(self.cmdlist) if sys.platform[:5] != 'linux': return # cause this doesn't work on windows self.stdin = xmlrpc.source(sys.stdin.fileno()) self.stdin.setCallback(self.cstdin, xmlrpc.ACT_INPUT, self.server) self.server.addSource(self.stdin)
def exampleCallback(): src = xmlrpc.source(sys.stdin.fileno()) print dir(src) serv = xmlrpc.server() serv.bindAndListen(2343) src.setCallback(stdinHandler, xmlrpc.ACT_INPUT, serv) serv.addSource(src)
def exampleError(): s = xmlrpc.server() s.bindAndListen(PORT) s.setOnErr(errorHandler) while 1: try: # you could set a timeout if desired except: e = sys.exc_info() if e[0] in (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise e[0], e[1], e[2] traceback.print_exc()
def main(): METHODS = { 'validator1.arrayOfStructsTest' : arrayOfStructsTest, 'validator1.countTheEntities' : countTheEntities, 'validator1.easyStructTest' : easyStructTest, 'validator1.echoStructTest' : echoStructTest, 'validator1.manyTypesTest' : manyTypesTest, 'validator1.moderateSizeArrayCheck' : moderateSizeArrayCheck, 'validator1.simpleStructReturnTest' : simpleStructReturnTest, 'validator1.nestedStructTest' : nestedStructTest } s = xmlrpc.server() s.addMethods(METHODS) s.bindAndListen(PORT) while 1: try: except: traceback.print_exc()
def main(): METHODS = { 'interopEchoTests.echoString' : echoStringTest, 'interopEchoTests.echoInteger' : echoIntegerTest, 'interopEchoTests.echoFloat' : echoFloatTest, 'interopEchoTests.echoStruct' : echoStructTest, 'interopEchoTests.echoBase64' : echoBase64Test, 'interopEchoTests.echoDate' : echoDateTest, 'interopEchoTests.echoStringArray' : echoStringArrayTest, 'interopEchoTests.echoIntegerArray' : echoIntegerArrayTest, 'interopEchoTests.echoFloatArray' : echoFloatArrayTest, 'interopEchoTests.echoStructArray' : echoStructArrayTest, } s = xmlrpc.server() s.addMethods(METHODS) s.bindAndListen(PORT) while 1: try: except: traceback.print_exc()
def exampleServer(): global exitFlag exitFlag = 0 s = xmlrpc.server() xmlrpc.setLogLevel(9) # s.setAuth(authenticate) s.addMethods({ 'echo' : echoMethod, 'exit' : exitMethod, 'fault' : faultMethod, 'postpone' : postponeMethod }) s.bindAndListen(PORT) while 1: try: # you could set a timeout if desired except: e = sys.exc_info() if e[0] in (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise e[0], e[1], e[2] traceback.print_exc() if exitFlag: break
def Execute(self, opt, args): if = if > 1: soft_limit, _ = _rlimit_nofile() = min(, (soft_limit - 5) / 3) if opt.network_only and opt.detach_head: print('error: cannot combine -n and -d', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if opt.network_only and opt.local_only: print('error: cannot combine -n and -l', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if opt.manifest_name and opt.smart_sync: print('error: cannot combine -m and -s', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if opt.manifest_name and opt.smart_tag: print('error: cannot combine -m and -t', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if opt.manifest_server_username or opt.manifest_server_password: if not (opt.smart_sync or opt.smart_tag): print('error: -u and -p may only be combined with -s or -t', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if None in [ opt.manifest_server_username, opt.manifest_server_password ]: print('error: both -u and -p must be given', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if opt.manifest_name: self.manifest.Override(opt.manifest_name) if opt.smart_sync or opt.smart_tag: if not self.manifest.manifest_server: print( 'error: cannot smart sync: no manifest server defined in' 'manifest', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) manifest_server = self.manifest.manifest_server if not '@' in manifest_server: username = None password = None if opt.manifest_server_username and opt.manifest_server_password: username = opt.manifest_server_username password = opt.manifest_server_password else: try: info = netrc.netrc() except IOError: print( '.netrc file does not exist or could not be opened', file=sys.stderr) else: try: parse_result = urllib.parse(manifest_server) if parse_result.hostname: username, _account, password = \ info.authenticators(parse_result.hostname) except TypeError: # TypeError is raised when the given hostname is not present # in the .netrc file. print('No credentials found for %s in .netrc' % parse_result.hostname, file=sys.stderr) except netrc.NetrcParseError as e: print('Error parsing .netrc file: %s' % e, file=sys.stderr) if username and password: manifest_server = manifest_server.replace( '://', '://%s:%s@' % (username, password), 1) try: server = xmlrpc.server(manifest_server) if opt.smart_sync: p = self.manifest.manifestProject b = p.GetBranch(p.CurrentBranch) branch = b.merge if branch.startswith(R_HEADS): branch = branch[len(R_HEADS):] env = os.environ.copy() if ('TARGET_PRODUCT' in env and 'TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT' in env): target = '%s-%s' % (env['TARGET_PRODUCT'], env['TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT']) [success, manifest_str ] = server.GetApprovedManifest(branch, target) else: [success, manifest_str] = server.GetApprovedManifest(branch) else: assert (opt.smart_tag) [success, manifest_str] = server.GetManifest(opt.smart_tag) if success: manifest_name = "smart_sync_override.xml" manifest_path = os.path.join( self.manifest.manifestProject.worktree, manifest_name) try: f = open(manifest_path, 'w') try: f.write(manifest_str) finally: f.close() except IOError: print('error: cannot write manifest to %s' % manifest_path, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) self.manifest.Override(manifest_name) else: print('error in getting manifest: %s' % manifest_str, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) except (socket.error, IOError, xmlrpc.client.Fault) as e: print('error: cannot connect to manifest server %s:\n%s' % (self.manifest.manifest_server, e), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) except xmlrpc.client.ProtocolError as e: print('error: cannot connect to manifest server %s:\n%d %s' % (self.manifest.manifest_server, e.errcode, e.errmsg), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) rp = self.manifest.repoProject rp.PreSync() mp = self.manifest.manifestProject mp.PreSync() if opt.repo_upgraded: _PostRepoUpgrade(self.manifest, quiet=opt.quiet) if not opt.local_only: mp.Sync_NetworkHalf(quiet=opt.quiet, current_branch_only=opt.current_branch_only) if mp.HasChanges: syncbuf = SyncBuffer(mp.config) mp.Sync_LocalHalf(syncbuf) if not syncbuf.Finish(): sys.exit(1) self.manifest._Unload() if is None: = self.manifest.default.sync_j if not portable.isPosix(): # fix broken manifest.xml link pass all_projects = self.GetProjects(args, missing_ok=True, submodules_ok=opt.fetch_submodules) self._fetch_times = _FetchTimes(self.manifest) if not opt.local_only: to_fetch = [] now = time.time() if _ONE_DAY_S <= (now - rp.LastFetch): to_fetch.append(rp) to_fetch.extend(all_projects) to_fetch.sort(key=self._fetch_times.Get, reverse=True) fetched = self._Fetch(to_fetch, opt) _PostRepoFetch(rp, opt.no_repo_verify) if opt.network_only: # bail out now; the rest touches the working tree return # Iteratively fetch missing and/or nested unregistered submodules previously_missing_set = set() while True: self.manifest._Unload() all_projects = self.GetProjects( args, missing_ok=True, submodules_ok=opt.fetch_submodules) missing = [] for project in all_projects: if project.gitdir not in fetched: missing.append(project) if not missing: break # Stop us from non-stopped fetching actually-missing repos: If set of # missing repos has not been changed from last fetch, we break. missing_set = set( for p in missing) if previously_missing_set == missing_set: break previously_missing_set = missing_set fetched.update(self._Fetch(missing, opt)) if self.manifest.IsMirror: # bail out now, we have no working tree return if self.UpdateProjectList(): sys.exit(1) syncbuf = SyncBuffer(mp.config, detach_head=opt.detach_head) pm = Progress('Syncing work tree', len(all_projects)) for project in all_projects: pm.update() if project.worktree: if p = GitCommand( project, ['log', '--pretty=%h %s (%cn, %ar)', 'HEAD..m/master'], capture_stdout=True) if p.Wait() != 0: print("Failed to create report") else: if len(p.stdout): print('\n' + + ':\n') print(portable.stream2str(p.stdout)[:-1]) print('\n') if not opt.dry_run: project.Sync_LocalHalf(syncbuf) pm.end() print(file=sys.stderr) if not syncbuf.Finish(): sys.exit(1) # If there's a notice that's supposed to print at the end of the sync, print # it now... if self.manifest.notice: print(self.manifest.notice)
def Execute(self, opt, args): if = if > 1: soft_limit, _ = _rlimit_nofile() = min(, (soft_limit - 5) / 3) if opt.network_only and opt.detach_head: print('error: cannot combine -n and -d', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if opt.network_only and opt.local_only: print('error: cannot combine -n and -l', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if opt.manifest_name and opt.smart_sync: print('error: cannot combine -m and -s', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if opt.manifest_name and opt.smart_tag: print('error: cannot combine -m and -t', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if opt.manifest_server_username or opt.manifest_server_password: if not (opt.smart_sync or opt.smart_tag): print('error: -u and -p may only be combined with -s or -t', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if None in [opt.manifest_server_username, opt.manifest_server_password]: print('error: both -u and -p must be given', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if opt.manifest_name: self.manifest.Override(opt.manifest_name) if opt.smart_sync or opt.smart_tag: if not self.manifest.manifest_server: print('error: cannot smart sync: no manifest server defined in' 'manifest', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) manifest_server = self.manifest.manifest_server if not '@' in manifest_server: username = None password = None if opt.manifest_server_username and opt.manifest_server_password: username = opt.manifest_server_username password = opt.manifest_server_password else: try: info = netrc.netrc() except IOError: print('.netrc file does not exist or could not be opened', file=sys.stderr) else: try: parse_result = urllib.parse(manifest_server) if parse_result.hostname: username, _account, password = \ info.authenticators(parse_result.hostname) except TypeError: # TypeError is raised when the given hostname is not present # in the .netrc file. print('No credentials found for %s in .netrc' % parse_result.hostname, file=sys.stderr) except netrc.NetrcParseError as e: print('Error parsing .netrc file: %s' % e, file=sys.stderr) if username and password: manifest_server = manifest_server.replace('://', '://%s:%s@' % (username, password), 1) try: server = xmlrpc.server(manifest_server) if opt.smart_sync: p = self.manifest.manifestProject b = p.GetBranch(p.CurrentBranch) branch = b.merge if branch.startswith(R_HEADS): branch = branch[len(R_HEADS):] env = os.environ.copy() if ('TARGET_PRODUCT' in env and 'TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT' in env): target = '%s-%s' % (env['TARGET_PRODUCT'], env['TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT']) [success, manifest_str] = server.GetApprovedManifest(branch, target) else: [success, manifest_str] = server.GetApprovedManifest(branch) else: assert (opt.smart_tag) [success, manifest_str] = server.GetManifest(opt.smart_tag) if success: manifest_name = "smart_sync_override.xml" manifest_path = os.path.join(self.manifest.manifestProject.worktree, manifest_name) try: f = open(manifest_path, 'w') try: f.write(manifest_str) finally: f.close() except IOError: print('error: cannot write manifest to %s' % manifest_path, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) self.manifest.Override(manifest_name) else: print('error in getting manifest: %s' % manifest_str, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) except (socket.error, IOError, xmlrpc.client.Fault) as e: print('error: cannot connect to manifest server %s:\n%s' % (self.manifest.manifest_server, e), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) except xmlrpc.client.ProtocolError as e: print('error: cannot connect to manifest server %s:\n%d %s' % (self.manifest.manifest_server, e.errcode, e.errmsg), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) rp = self.manifest.repoProject rp.PreSync() mp = self.manifest.manifestProject mp.PreSync() if opt.repo_upgraded: _PostRepoUpgrade(self.manifest, quiet=opt.quiet) if not opt.local_only: mp.Sync_NetworkHalf(quiet=opt.quiet, current_branch_only=opt.current_branch_only) if mp.HasChanges: syncbuf = SyncBuffer(mp.config) mp.Sync_LocalHalf(syncbuf) if not syncbuf.Finish(): sys.exit(1) self.manifest._Unload() if is None: = self.manifest.default.sync_j if not portable.isPosix(): # fix broken manifest.xml link pass all_projects = self.GetProjects(args, missing_ok=True, submodules_ok=opt.fetch_submodules) self._fetch_times = _FetchTimes(self.manifest) if not opt.local_only: to_fetch = [] now = time.time() if _ONE_DAY_S <= (now - rp.LastFetch): to_fetch.append(rp) to_fetch.extend(all_projects) to_fetch.sort(key=self._fetch_times.Get, reverse=True) fetched = self._Fetch(to_fetch, opt) _PostRepoFetch(rp, opt.no_repo_verify) if opt.network_only: # bail out now; the rest touches the working tree return # Iteratively fetch missing and/or nested unregistered submodules previously_missing_set = set() while True: self.manifest._Unload() all_projects = self.GetProjects(args, missing_ok=True, submodules_ok=opt.fetch_submodules) missing = [] for project in all_projects: if project.gitdir not in fetched: missing.append(project) if not missing: break # Stop us from non-stopped fetching actually-missing repos: If set of # missing repos has not been changed from last fetch, we break. missing_set = set( for p in missing) if previously_missing_set == missing_set: break previously_missing_set = missing_set fetched.update(self._Fetch(missing, opt)) if self.manifest.IsMirror: # bail out now, we have no working tree return if self.UpdateProjectList(): sys.exit(1) syncbuf = SyncBuffer(mp.config, detach_head=opt.detach_head) pm = Progress('Syncing work tree', len(all_projects)) for project in all_projects: pm.update() if project.worktree: if p = GitCommand(project, ['log', '--pretty=%h %s (%cn, %ar)', 'HEAD..m/master'], capture_stdout=True) if p.Wait() != 0: print("Failed to create report") else: if len(p.stdout): print('\n' + + ':\n') print(portable.stream2str(p.stdout)[:-1]) print('\n') if not opt.dry_run: project.Sync_LocalHalf(syncbuf) pm.end() print(file=sys.stderr) if not syncbuf.Finish(): sys.exit(1) # If there's a notice that's supposed to print at the end of the sync, print # it now... if self.manifest.notice: print(self.manifest.notice)