def position(self, t=None): """ Args: t (float, optional): time [s] Returns: Value of self._position if t is None and if self._position is not None. Otherwise the actual position is calculated as function of time [m, m, m] Note: The calculated position is NOT stored as 'self._position' """ if t is None and self._position is not None: return self._position if self._wayPoints is None: return self._position if t is None or t < 0.: t = 0. if t >= self._wayPoints[-1].t: P = self._wayPoints[-1] return xyz(P.x, P.y, P.z) # P = P' + (P"-P') * (t-t') / (t"-t') iAhead = self.iWayPointAhead(t) DP = self._wayPoints[iAhead] - self._wayPoints[iAhead - 1] dt = t - self._wayPoints[iAhead - 1].t Dt = self._wayPoints[iAhead].t - self._wayPoints[iAhead - 1].t P = self._wayPoints[iAhead - 1] + DP * (dt / Dt) return xyz(P.x, P.y, P.z)
def getSphereCoord(x, y): global width global height global r coordx = x - width/2 coordy = height/2 - y if coordx * coordx + coordy * coordy <= r * r: result = xyz(coordx, coordy, math.sqrt(r * r - coordx * coordx - coordy * coordy)) return result else: try: tempx = math.sqrt((r * r) / (1 + (coordy * coordy) / (coordx * coordx))) except: tempx = 0 try: tempy = math.sqrt((r * r) / (1 + (coordx * coordx) / (coordy * coordy))) except: tempy = 0 if coordx >= 0 and coordy >= 0: return xyz(tempx, tempy, 0.0) elif coordx >= 0 and coordy < 0: return xyz(tempx, (-1)*tempy, 0.0) elif coordx < 0 and coordy >= 0: return xyz((-1) * tempx, tempy, 0.0) elif coordx < 0 and coordy < 0: return xyz((-1) * tempx, (-1) * tempy, 0.0)
def rdata(l, Al): x = xyz(l, Al)[0] y = xyz(l, Al)[1] t = tem(x, y) if t <= 5000: a, b, c = np.loadtxt("fm.csv", delimiter=",", usecols=(0, 1, 2), unpack=True, skiprows=1) elif t <= 10000: a, b, c = np.loadtxt("fm.csv", delimiter=",", usecols=(3, 4, 5), unpack=True, skiprows=1) else: a, b, c = np.loadtxt("fm.csv", delimiter=",", usecols=(6, 7, 8), unpack=True, skiprows=1) ur = fm(a[0], b[0], c[0], t) vr = fm(a[1], b[1], c[1], t) Uri = [] Vri = [] Wri = [] for ui in range(2, 10): Uri.append(fm(a[ui], b[ui], c[ui], t)) for vi in range(16, 24): Vri.append(fm(a[vi], b[vi], c[vi], t)) for wi in range(30, 38): Wri.append(fm(a[wi], b[wi], c[wi], t)) return [ur, vr, Uri, Vri, Wri]
def uvkt(l, Al): x = xyz(l, Al)[0] y = xyz(l, Al)[1] uk = 4 * x / (-2 * x + 12 * y + 3) vk = 6 * y / (-2 * x + 12 * y + 3) t = tem(x, y) return [uk, vk, t]
def ki(l, Al): a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8 = np.loadtxt("β.csv", delimiter=",", usecols=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), unpack=True) xd, yd, zd = np.loadtxt("xyz.csv", delimiter=",", usecols=(1, 2, 3), unpack=True) aall = [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8] p = xyz(l, Al)[-1] k = xyz(l, Al)[-2] uki = [] vki = [] Yki = [] for i in range(8): g = aall[i] Xk = 0 Yk = 0 Zk = 0 for t in range(len(p)): d = k * g[t] * p[t] * xd[t] * 5 e = k * g[t] * p[t] * yd[t] * 5 f = k * g[t] * p[t] * zd[t] * 5 Xk = Xk + d Yk = Yk + e Zk = Zk + f uk = 4 * Xk / (Xk + 15 * Yk + 3 * Zk) vk = 6 * Yk / (Xk + 15 * Yk + 3 * Zk) uki.append(uk) vki.append(vk) Yki.append(Yk) return [uki, vki, Yki]
def setTrajectory(self, way, rot=None, speed=None, tBegin=0, tEnd=None): """ Defines list of waypoints Args: way (array_like of xyz or xyzt): way points in 3D space [m, m, m] or [m, m, m, s] rot (array_like of xyz): rotation of waypoints in 3D space [rad], size can be 0, 1, or length of wayPoints speed (float, optional): constant magnitude of object velocity [m/s] tBegin (float, optional): start time [s] tEnd (float, optional): end time [s] """ self._wayPoints = list(way) if len(self._wayPoints) <= 1: return self._wayPoints = [xyzt(point=P) for P in self._wayPoints] way = [0.] for i in range(1, len(self._wayPoints)): Dl = (self._wayPoints[i] - self._wayPoints[i - 1]).magnitude() way.append(way[i - 1] + Dl) if rot is None or len(rot) == 0: rot = [xyz()] assert len(rot) == 1 or len(rot) == len(self._wayPoints) if len(rot) == 1: self._rotations = rot * len(self._wayPoints) else: self._rotations = [xyz(point=r) for r in rot] if speed is None: if tEnd is None or isclose(tEnd, 0.): for P in self._wayPoints: P.t = 0. return speed = way[-1] / tEnd self._wayPoints[0].t = tBegin for i in range(1, len(self._wayPoints)): dt = (way[i] - way[i - 1]) / speed self._wayPoints[i].t = self._wayPoints[i - 1].t + dt self._position = self._wayPoints[0] self._velocity = self.velocity(0) self._rotation = self.rotation(0) del way
def __init__(self, identifier='Move'): super().__init__(identifier=identifier) self._wayPoints = None # array of wayPoints [m, m, m, s] self._rotations = None # rotations in 3D space [rad] self._position = xyz() # object position in 3D space [m] self._velocity = xyz() # velocity in 3D space [m/s] self._rotation = xyz() # rotation in 3D space [rad] self._iLastWayPoint = 0 # index of last passed way point self._trajectoryHistory = None # plot data
def display(): global globalTranslate global splinePoints1 global splinePoints2 global eye glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) loadGlobalCoord() glPushMatrix() glTranslatef(globalTranslate.x, globalTranslate.y, globalTranslate.z) drawCrossSections(splinePoints1) drawCatmullRomSections(splinePoints2) c1 = cube(xyz(-25, 10, 10), xyz(-25, 10, -10), xyz(-5, 10, -10), xyz(-5, 10, 10), xyz(-25, -10, 10), xyz(-25, -10, -10), xyz(-5, -10, -10), xyz(-5, -10, 10)) s1 = c1.getSortedSurfaces(eye) drawMaterialSurfaces(s1) c2 = cube(xyz(5, 10, 10), xyz(5, 10, -10), xyz(25, 10, -10), xyz(25, 10, 10), xyz(5, -10, 10), xyz(5, -10, -10), xyz(25, -10, -10), xyz(25, -10, 10)) s2 = c2.getSortedSurfaces(eye) drawTranslucentSurfaces(s2) glPopMatrix() lightOff() lightOn() glutSwapBuffers()
def translate(x1, y1, x2, y2): global globalTranslate xyz1 = xyz(x1 - width/2, height/2 - y1, 0) xyz2 = xyz(x2 - width/2, height/2 - y2, 0) xyz1 = getRealCoord(xyz1) xyz2 = getRealCoord(xyz2) globalTranslate.x += 0.1 * (xyz2.x - xyz1.x) globalTranslate.y += 0.1 * (xyz2.y - xyz1.y) globalTranslate.z += 0.1 * (xyz2.z - xyz1.z) glutPostRedisplay()
def scaleRotatePosition(crossSections): result = [] for crossSection in crossSections: controllPoints = crossSection['controllPoints'] scale = crossSection['scale'] rotate = crossSection['rotation'] position = crossSection['position'] tempResult = [] for controllPoint in controllPoints: realControllPoint = xyz(controllPoint.x * scale, controllPoint.y * scale, controllPoint.z * scale) realControllPoint = quaternion.rotate(rotate, realControllPoint) realControllPoint = xyz(realControllPoint.x + position.x, realControllPoint.y + position.y, realControllPoint.z + position.z) tempResult.append(realControllPoint) result.append(tempResult) return result
def toBsplinePoints(realControllPoint): i = 0 result = [] p = copy.deepcopy(realControllPoint) p.append(p[0]) p.append(p[1]) p.append(p[2]) while i + 4 <= len(p): t = 0 while t <= 1.0: it = 1.0 - t b0 = it * it * it / 6 b1 = (3 * t * t * t - 6 * t * t + 4) / 6 b2 = (-3 * t * t * t + 3 * t * t + 3 * t + 1) / 6 b3 = t * t * t / 6 x = b0 * p[i].x + b1 * p[i + 1].x + b2 * p[i + 2].x + b3 * p[i + 3].x y = b0 * p[i].y + b1 * p[i + 1].y + b2 * p[i + 2].y + b3 * p[i + 3].y z = b0 * p[i].z + b1 * p[i + 1].z + b2 * p[i + 2].z + b3 * p[i + 3].z result.append(xyz(x, y, z)) t += 0.3333 i += 1 return result
def toCatmullRomPoints(realControllPoint): i = 0 result = [] p = copy.deepcopy(realControllPoint) p.append(p[0]) p.append(p[1]) p.append(p[2]) while i + 4 <= len(p): t = 0 while t <= 1.0: t2 = t * t t3 = t2 * t x = ((2 * p[i + 1].x) + ((-p[i].x + p[i + 2].x) * t) + ((2 * p[i].x - 5 * p[i + 1].x + 4 * p[i + 2].x - p[i + 3].x) * t2) + ((-p[i].x + 3 * p[i + 1].x - 3 * p[i + 2].x + p[i + 3].x) * t3)) * 0.5 y = ((2 * p[i + 1].y) + ((-p[i].y + p[i + 2].y) * t) + ((2 * p[i].y - 5 * p[i + 1].y + 4 * p[i + 2].y - p[i + 3].y) * t2) + ((-p[i].y + 3 * p[i + 1].y - 3 * p[i + 2].y + p[i + 3].y) * t3)) * 0.5 z = ((2 * p[i + 1].z) + ((-p[i].z + p[i + 2].z) * t) + ((2 * p[i].z - 5 * p[i + 1].z + 4 * p[i + 2].z - p[i + 3].z) * t2) + ((-p[i].z + 3 * p[i + 1].z - 3 * p[i + 2].z + p[i + 3].z) * t3)) * 0.5 result.append(xyz(x, y, z)) t += 0.3333 i += 1 return result
def toCatmullRomSurface(crossSections): result = [] sections = copy.deepcopy(crossSections) i = 0 while i + 4 <= len(sections): t = 0 controllPoints = [] scale = None rotation = None position = None while t <= 1.0: t2 = t * t t3 = t2 * t for p0, p1, p2, p3 in zip(sections[i]["controllPoints"], sections[i+1]["controllPoints"], sections[i+2]["controllPoints"], sections[i+3]["controllPoints"]): x = ((2 * p1.x) + ((-p0.x + p2.x) * t) + ((2 * p0.x - 5 * p1.x + 4 * p2.x - p3.x) * t2) + ((-p0.x + 3 * p1.x - 3 * p2.x + p3.x) * t3)) * 0.5 y = ((2 * p1.y) + ((-p0.y + p2.y) * t) + ((2 * p0.y - 5 * p1.y + 4 * p2.y - p3.y) * t2) + ((-p0.y + 3 * p1.y - 3 * p2.y + p3.y) * t3)) * 0.5 z = ((2 * p1.z) + ((-p0.z + p2.z) * t) + ((2 * p0.z - 5 * p1.z + 4 * p2.z - p3.z) * t2) + ((-p0.z + 3 * p1.z - 3 * p2.z + p3.z) * t3)) * 0.5 controllPoints.append(xyz(x, y, z)) scale = ((2 * sections[i+1]["scale"]) + ((-sections[i]["scale"] + sections[i+2]["scale"]) * t) + ((2 * sections[i]["scale"] - 5 * sections[i+1]["scale"] + 4 * sections[i+2]["scale"] - sections[i+3]["scale"]) * t2) + ((-sections[i]["scale"] + 3 * sections[i+1]["scale"] - 3 * sections[i+2]["scale"] + sections[i+3]["scale"]) * t3)) * 0.5 position = ((sections[i+1]["position"] * 2) + ((sections[i]["position"] * (-1) + sections[i+2]["position"]) * t) + ((sections[i]["position"] * 2 - sections[i+1]["position"] * 5 + sections[i+2]["position"] * 4 - sections[i+3]["position"]) * t2) + ((sections[i]["position"] * (-1) + sections[i+1]["position"] * 3 - sections[i+2]["position"] * 3 + sections[i+3]["position"]) * t3)) * 0.5 rotation = ((sections[i+1]["rotation"] * 2) + ((sections[i]["rotation"] * (-1) + sections[i+2]["rotation"]) * t) + ((sections[i]["rotation"] * 2 - sections[i+1]["rotation"] * 5 + sections[i+2]["rotation"] * 4 - sections[i+3]["rotation"]) * t2) + ((sections[i]["rotation"] * (-1) + sections[i+1]["rotation"] * 3 - sections[i+2]["rotation"] * 3 + sections[i+3]["rotation"]) * t3)) * 0.5 result.append({ "controllPoints": controllPoints, "scale": scale, "rotation": rotation, "position": position, }) t += 0.33 i += 1 return result
def toAngleAxis(self): angle = 2 * math.acos(self.w) tempx = self.x / math.sqrt(1 - self.w * self.w) tempy = self.y / math.sqrt(1 - self.w * self.w) tempz = self.z / math.sqrt(1 - self.w * self.w) axis = xyz(tempx, tempy, tempz) return (angle, axis)
def velocity(self, t=None): """ Args: t (float, optional): time [s] Returns: (xyz): Value of self._velocity if 't' is None and self._velocity is not None. Otherwise the actual velocity is calculated as function of time [m/s] Note: The calculated velocity is NOT stored as 'self._velocity' """ if t is None: if self._velocity is not None: return self._velocity t = 0. if self._wayPoints is None: return xyz() iAhead = self.iWayPointAhead(t) DP = self._wayPoints[iAhead] - self._wayPoints[iAhead - 1] Dt = self._wayPoints[iAhead].t - self._wayPoints[iAhead - 1].t return DP * (1 / Dt)
def rotation(self, t=None): """ Args: t (float, optional): time [s] Returns: Value of self._rotations if t is None and if self._rotations is not None. Otherwise the actual rotation is calculated as function of time [rad] Note: The calculated rotation is NOT stored as 'self._rotation' """ if t is None and self._rotations is not None: return self._rotations if self._wayPoints is None: return xyz() if t is None or t < 0.: t = 0. if t >= self._wayPoints[-1].t: return self._rotations[-1] # R = R' + (R"-R') * (t-t') / (t"-t') iAhead = self.iWayPointAhead(t) DR = self._rotations[iAhead] - self._rotations[iAhead - 1] dt = t - self._wayPoints[iAhead - 1].t Dt = self._wayPoints[iAhead].t - self._wayPoints[iAhead - 1].t return self._rotations[iAhead - 1] + DR * (dt / Dt)
def initialCondition(self): """ Initializes object positionm velocity and rotation """ super().initialCondition() if self._wayPoints is not None: self._position = self._wayPoints[0] self._velocity = self.velocity(0) self._rotation = self.rotation(0) else: self._position = xyz() self._velocity = xyz() self._rotation = xyz() if self.silent: self._trajectoryHistory = None else: self._trajectoryHistory = \ [[self._position.x], [self._position.y], [self._position.z], [self._velocity.x], [self._velocity.y], [self._velocity.z], [self._rotation.x], [self._rotation.y], [self._rotation.z]]
def ra(l, Al): rd = rdata(l, Al) kd = WUV(l, Al) Uri = rd[2] Vri = rd[3] Wri = rd[4] Uki = kd[0] Vki = kd[1] Wki = kd[2] ris = [] for i in range(len(Uri)): u = (Uri[i] - Uki[i])**2 v = (Vri[i] - Vki[i])**2 w = (Wri[i] - Wki[i])**2 e = math.sqrt(u + v + w) ri = 100 - 4.6 * e ris.append(ri) Ra = sum(ris) / 8 x = xyz(l, Al)[0] y = xyz(l, Al)[1] t = tem(x, y) return Ra, t, x, y
async def on_message(message): if == 365975655608745985: with open('settings.json') as s: settings = json.load(s) if in settings['allowed_channels_ids']: if message.embeds: if 'Guess' in message.embeds[0].description: url = message.embeds[0].image.url name = xyz(url).start() timer = settings['timer'] await asyncio.sleep(timer) await'p!catch {name}') await client.process_commands(message)
angles='xy', scale_units='xy') plt.xlim(0, ) plt.xlabel('y') plt.ylabel('z') plt.grid() # Examples #################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': ALL = 1 # y way = [ xyz(.0, .0, .0), # ^ xyz(.1, .1, .0), # +1| /\ xyz(.2, .2, .0), # | / \ xyz(.3, .1, .0), # | / \ 0.8 xyz(.4, .0, .0), # 0 |/----0.2-----\----0.6-----/--> xyz(.5, -.1, .0), # | 0.4\ / x xyz(.6, -.2, .0), # | \ / xyz(.7, -.1, .0), # -1| \/ xyz(.8, .0, .0) ] # | trajectory W=W(t) rot = [ xyz(20 * np.sin(i * 3), 4 * i - 20, i * i - 30) for i in range(len(way)) ] print(len(rot), [str(rot[i]) for i in range(9)])
def getRealCoord(coord): global rq global rq_ p = quaternion(0, coord.x, coord.y, coord.z) p = rq * p * rq_ return xyz(p.x, p.y, p.z)
if x5 > xbs: l4s.append(0.1 * 2**i) if ok2 == 0: l4 = l4s[0] while True: j = (l3 + l4) / 2 x5 = twomix(p1, p2, j)[0] if xbr < x5 < xbs: ok2 = j break else: if x5 < xbr: l3 = j if x5 > xbs: l4 = j # 以上求出b的比例参数 return [ok2, 1, ok1] if __name__ == '__main__': start = time.clock() al = twoopt([460, 25, 540, 36, 615, 13], [0.28, 0.35], 0.00001) end = time.clock() r = ra([460, 25, 540, 36, 615, 13], al) p = xyz([460, 25, 540, 36, 615, 13], al)[-1] kl = ler(p) print(r) print(al) print(kl) print(end - start)
def twoopt(l, g, r): xb = xyz(l[0:2], [1])[0] yb = xyz(l[0:2], [1])[1] xg = xyz(l[2:4], [1])[0] yg = xyz(l[2:4], [1])[1] xr = xyz(l[4:6], [1])[0] yr = xyz(l[4:6], [1])[1] c1 = g[0] c2 = g[1] a = (c1 - xb)**2 - r**2 b = 2 * (yb - c2) * (c1 - xb) c = (yb - c2)**2 - r**2 if xs(a, b, c): k1, k2 = xs(a, b, c) else: return None k3 = (yg - yr) / (xg - xr) x1 = (yr - yb + k1 * xb - k3 * xr) / (k1 - k3) x2 = (yr - yb + k2 * xb - k3 * xr) / (k2 - k3) if x1 < x2: xp = x1 xq = x2 else: xp = x2 xq = x1 # 以上,求出xp,xq,下面求ok1即r的比例参数 l2s = [] l1 = 0 ok1 = 0 for i in range(10): x0 = xyz(l[2:6], [1, 0.1 * 2**i])[0] if xp < x0 < xq: ok1 = 0.1 * 2**i else: if x0 < xp: l1 = 0.1 * 2**i if x0 > xq: l2s.append(0.1 * 2**i) if ok1 == 0: l2 = l2s[0] while True: j = (l1 + l2) / 2 x0 = xyz(l[2:6], [1, j])[0] if xp < x0 < xq: ok1 = j break else: if x0 < xp: l1 = j if x0 > xq: l2 = j # 以上,求出g,r的比例参数,下面求b的比例参数 xp0 = xyz(l[2:6], [1, ok1])[0] yp0 = xyz(l[2:6], [1, ok1])[1] p1 = xyz(l[2:6], [1, ok1])[-1] p2 = xyz(l[0:2], [1])[-1] kb = (yb - yp0) / (xb - xp0) a1 = 1 + kb**2 b1 = 2 * kb * (yb - c2 - kb * xb) - 2 * c1 d1 = (yb - c2 - kb * xb)**2 - r**2 + c1**2 if xs(a1, b1, d1): x3, x4 = xs(a1, b1, d1) else: return None if x3 > x4: xbr = x4 xbs = x3 else: xbr = x3 xbs = x4 # 以上求出xbr和xbs,下面求b的比例参数 l4s = [] l3 = 0 ok2 = 0 for i in range(10): x5 = twomix(p1, p2, 0.1 * 2**i)[0] if xbr < x5 < xbs: ok2 = 0.1 * 2**i else: if x5 < xbr: l3 = 0.1 * 2**i if x5 > xbs: l4s.append(0.1 * 2**i) if ok2 == 0: l4 = l4s[0] while True: j = (l3 + l4) / 2 x5 = twomix(p1, p2, j)[0] if xbr < x5 < xbs: ok2 = j break else: if x5 < xbr: l3 = j if x5 > xbs: l4 = j # 以上求出b的比例参数 return [ok2, 1, ok1]
def helio_jd(date, ra, dec, b1950=False, time_diff=False): """ NAME: HELIO_JD PURPOSE: Convert geocentric (reduced) Julian date to heliocentric Julian date EXPLANATION: This procedure correct for the extra light travel time between the Earth and the Sun. An online calculator for this quantity is available at CALLING SEQUENCE: jdhelio = HELIO_JD( date, ra, dec, /B1950, /TIME_DIFF) INPUTS date - reduced Julian date (= JD - 2400000), scalar or vector, MUST be double precision ra,dec - scalars giving right ascension and declination in DEGREES Equinox is J2000 unless the /B1950 keyword is set OUTPUTS: jdhelio - heliocentric reduced Julian date. If /TIME_DIFF is set, then HELIO_JD() instead returns the time difference in seconds between the geocentric and heliocentric Julian date. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS /B1950 - if set, then input coordinates are assumed to be in equinox B1950 coordinates. /TIME_DIFF - if set, then HELIO_JD() returns the time difference (heliocentric JD - geocentric JD ) in seconds EXAMPLE: What is the heliocentric Julian date of an observation of V402 Cygni (J2000: RA = 20 9 7.8, Dec = 37 09 07) taken June 15, 1973 at 11:40 UT? IDL> juldate, [1973,6,15,11,40], jd ;Get geocentric Julian date IDL> hjd = helio_jd( jd, ten(20,9,7.8)*15., ten(37,9,7) ) ==> hjd = 41848.9881 Wayne Warren (Raytheon ITSS) has compared the results of HELIO_JD with the FORTRAN subroutines in the STARLINK SLALIB library (see Time Diff (sec) Date RA(2000) Dec(2000) STARLINK IDL 1999-10-29T00:00:00.0 21 08 25. -67 22 00. -59.0 -59.0 1999-10-29T00:00:00.0 02 56 33.4 +00 26 55. 474.1 474.1 1940-12-11T06:55:00.0 07 34 41.9 -00 30 42. 366.3 370.2 1992-02-29T03:15:56.2 12 56 27.4 +42 10 17. 350.8 350.9 2000-03-01T10:26:31.8 14 28 36.7 -20 42 11. 243.7 243.7 2100-02-26T09:18:24.2 08 26 51.7 +85 47 28. 104.0 108.8 PROCEDURES CALLED: bprecess, xyz REVISION HISTORY: Algorithm from the book Astronomical Photometry by Henden, p. 114 Written, W. Landsman STX June, 1989 Make J2000 default equinox, add B1950, /TIME_DIFF keywords, compute variation of the obliquity W. Landsman November 1999 Converted to python Sergey Koposov July 2010 """ #Because XYZ uses default B1950 coordinates, we'll convert everything to B1950 if not b1950: ra1, dec1 = bprecess(ra, dec) else: ra1 = ra dec1 = dec delta_t = (array(date).astype(float) - 33282.42345905e0) / 36525.0e0 epsilon_sec = poly1d([44.836e0, -46.8495, -0.00429, 0.00181][::-1])(delta_t) epsilon = deg2rad(23.433333e0 + epsilon_sec / 3600.0e0) ra1 = deg2rad(ra1) dec1 = deg2rad(dec1) x, y, z, tmp, tmp, tmp = xyz(date) #Find extra distance light must travel in AU, multiply by 1.49598e13 cm/AU, #and divide by the speed of light, and multiply by 86400 second/year time = -499.00522e0 * (cos(dec1) * cos(ra1) * x + (tan(epsilon) * sin(dec1) + cos(dec1) * sin(ra1)) * y) if time_diff: return time else: return array(date).astype(float) + time / 86400.0e0
def processInputFile(): global splinePoints1 global splinePoints2 f = open('myinput.txt', 'r') lines = f.readlines() # parse for idx, line in enumerate(lines): lines[idx] = line.split('#')[0] i = 0 while i < len(lines): if lines[i].isspace() or lines[i] == '': lines.remove(lines[i]) else: i += 1 for idx, line in enumerate(lines): if line.isspace() or line == '': lines.remove(line) curveType = lines[0].split()[0] crossSectionNum = int(lines[1].split()[0]) controllPointNum = int(lines[2].split()[0]) crossSections = [] for i in range(0, crossSectionNum): controllPoints = [] for j in range(0, controllPointNum): x = float(lines[3 + i * (controllPointNum + 3) + j].split()[0]) z = float(lines[3 + i * (controllPointNum + 3) + j].split()[1]) controllPoint = xyz(x, 0, z) controllPoints.append(controllPoint) scaleFactor = float(lines[3 + i * (controllPointNum + 3) + controllPointNum].split()[0]) theta = float(lines[3 + i * (controllPointNum + 3) + controllPointNum + 1].split()[0]) x = float(lines[3 + i * (controllPointNum + 3) + controllPointNum + 1].split()[1]) y = float(lines[3 + i * (controllPointNum + 3) + controllPointNum + 1].split()[2]) z = float(lines[3 + i * (controllPointNum + 3) + controllPointNum + 1].split()[3]) rotation = quaternion(math.cos(0.5 * theta), x * math.sin(0.5 * theta), y * math.sin(0.5 * theta), z * math.sin(0.5 * theta)) x = float(lines[3 + i * (controllPointNum + 3) + controllPointNum + 2].split()[0]) y = float(lines[3 + i * (controllPointNum + 3) + controllPointNum + 2].split()[1]) z = float(lines[3 + i * (controllPointNum + 3) + controllPointNum + 2].split()[2]) position = xyz(x, y, z) crossSections.append({ "controllPoints": controllPoints, "scale": scaleFactor, "rotation": rotation, "position": position, }) crossSections.insert(0, crossSections[0]) crossSections.append(crossSections[len(crossSections) - 1]) realControllPoints = scaleRotatePosition(crossSections) if curveType == 'BSPLINE': for realControllPoint in realControllPoints: splinePoints1.append(toBsplinePoints(realControllPoint)) elif curveType == 'CATMULL_ROM': for realControllPoint in realControllPoints: splinePoints1.append(toCatmullRomPoints(realControllPoint)) catmullRomCrossSections = toCatmullRomSurface(crossSections) realControllPoints = scaleRotatePosition(catmullRomCrossSections) if curveType == 'BSPLINE': for realControllPoint in realControllPoints: splinePoints2.append(toBsplinePoints(realControllPoint)) elif curveType == 'CATMULL_ROM': for realControllPoint in realControllPoints: splinePoints2.append(toCatmullRomPoints(realControllPoint))
def rotate(rotateQuaternion, point): pointQuaternion = quaternion(0, point.x, point.y, point.z) rotateQuaternion_ = rotateQuaternion.conjugate() result = rotateQuaternion * pointQuaternion * rotateQuaternion_ return xyz(result.x, result.y, result.z)
import math import json import copy import OpenGL from OpenGL.GL import * from OpenGL.GLU import * from OpenGL.GLUT import * from xyz import xyz from quaternion import quaternion from cube import cube width = 1200 height = 800 r = 340 perspectiveAngle = 45.0 eye = xyz(0.0, 0.0, 100.0) ori = xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) up = xyz(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) rotMatrix = [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ] mousePosX = -1 mousePosY = -1 leftButton = False translating = False dolly = False zoom = False
# Script: # Purpose: convert a LAMMPS dump file to XYZ format # Syntax: dumpfile Nid Ntype Nx Ny Nz xyzfile # dumpfile = LAMMPS dump file in native LAMMPS format # Nid,Ntype,Nx,Ny,Nz = columns #s for ID,type,x,y,z # (usually 1,2,3,4,5) # xyzfile = new XYZ file # Author: Steve Plimpton (Sandia), sjplimp at import sys,os path = os.environ["LAMMPS_PYTHON_TOOLS"] sys.path.append(path) from dump import dump from xyz import xyz if len(sys.argv) != 8: raise StandardError, "Syntax: dumpfile Nid Ntype Nx Ny Nz xyzfile" dumpfile = sys.argv[1] nid = int(sys.argv[2]) ntype = int(sys.argv[3]) nx = int(sys.argv[4]) ny = int(sys.argv[5]) nz = int(sys.argv[6]) xyzfile = sys.argv[7] d = dump(dumpfile),"id",ntype,"type",nx,"x",ny,"y",nz,"z") x = xyz(d)
import sys import math import json import copy import OpenGL from OpenGL.GL import * from OpenGL.GLU import * from OpenGL.GLUT import * from xyz import xyz from quaternion import quaternion width = 1200 height = 800 r = 340 perspectiveAngle = 45.0 eye = xyz(0.0, 0.0, 100.0) ori = xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) up = xyz(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) rotMatrix = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] mousePosX = -1 mousePosY = -1 leftButton = False translating = False dolly = False zoom = False rq = quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0) rq_ = quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0) globalTranslate = xyz(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) splinePoints1 = [] splinePoints2 = []
def target(self): from xyz import xyz, gtk _xyz = xyz(self.qin, self.qout, title=self.title) gtk.main()