Beispiel #1
    def open(self, uri, etag=None):
        p = parse.urlparse(uri)
        netloc = p.hostname
        if p.port:
            netloc += ":" + p.port
        uri = parse.urlunparse((p.scheme, netloc, p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5]))

        req = request.Request(uri)

        if p.username and p.password:
            header = base64.encodestring("%s:%s" % (p.username, p.password))
            req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic " + header)

        if etag:
            req.add_header("If-None-Match", etag)

            fp = request.urlopen(req)

        except request.URLError as exc:
            raise NotFound("URL '%s' not found (URLError)" % uri)

        except request.HTTPError as exc:
            if exc.code == 304:
                raise NotModified("URL '%s' has not been modified" % uri)
            raise NotFound(
                "URL '%s' could not be found (HTTP response %s)" % (uri, exc.code))

        class Resource(FpAdaptor):

            def etag(self):
                info =
                if "etag" in info:
                    return info["etag"]
                return None

            def len(self):
                return int(['content-length'])

            def labels(self):
                return ()

            uri = uri

        return Resource(fp)
Beispiel #2
 def _scheme(self, uri):
     parsed = parse.urlparse(uri)
     return parsed.scheme