Ejemplo n.º 1
 def resetTimer(self, initial = False):
   if self.timerObj:
     self.timerObj.cancel() #Does not care if timer is alive
   #if initial will try to set it to the firstTime today
   if initial:
     self.nextTrigger = self.firstTime
     self.nextTrigger = self.nextTrigger + self.timedelta
   if self.nextTrigger < datetime.now(): #If the trigger is in the past
     raise ValueError("Next PeriodicUpdater is in the past! \nDelta: "+repr(self.timedelta)+" nextTrigger: " + repr(self.nextTrigger))
   log.event("Setting new trigger for", str(self.nextTrigger))
   #Express the difference in time between the next trigger and now as an integer for the timer to wait
   difference = int((self.nextTrigger - datetime.now()).total_seconds())+1 #+1 because it rounds down to 23 hours 59 mins, 59 seconds
   log.event.debug("Trigger will fire in",str(timedelta(seconds = difference)))
   #First stop tracking this one
   del self.timerObj
   #And track the next one once it is made
   self.timerObj = threading.Timer(difference, self.startFunction)
   self.timerObj.daemon = True #We don't want this thread blocking system exit
   self.timerObj.start() #Starts the timer
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def startFunction(self):
   log.event("PeriodicUpdater acquiring thread to run function")
   lock = getLockObject()
   lock.acquire() #Wait for whatever other function is executing now to finish
     self.function(*self.arg, **self.kwarg)
   finally: #Whether or not it errors we need to release the lock and reset the function
     self.resetTimer() #Sets the next iteration
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def saveAll(self, final = False):
     if len(self._objects): # if != 0
       log.event("Saving all messages for",len(self._objects),"group"+("s" if len(self._objects) > 1 else ""))
       while len(self._objects): #While there are still objects in the list
         object = self._objects.pop() #Take it off and use it
         object._save() #_save must be a function that DOES NOT CALL addObject
   finally: #Whether or not we are successful, add another timer
     if not final:
Ejemplo n.º 4
def stopAllTimers():
  log.event("Stopping all timers")
  for thread in _threadList: