Ejemplo n.º 1
 def loadGenFiles(cls):
   log.web("Loading generated files for",cls.__name__)
   cls.genFiles = []
   for method in dir(cls): #We just go through all the methods available in the class
     if method.startswith("do_"):
       function = getattr(cls, method)
       if hasattr(function, "_supportedExtensions"):
         extList = function._supportedExtensions
         extList = ["html",]
       for ext in extList: #Adds all the pages to look out for
         #These should look like "do_page" --> "page.html"
         #The "if ext else"... because we can have no extension as well
         cls.genFiles.append(method.replace("do_","",1)+("." if ext else "")+ext)
   log.web("Files available:", cls.genFiles)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():

  """Initialize All Modules"""
  tokenList = Files.getTokenList() #[0] should be mine, and [1] should be my alt for group creation
  #Just my user id and token
  put = ("27094908", tokenList[0])
  #Totally Not The NSA Token
  Groups.Group.overlord = tokenList[1]
  #Just things
  log.network.debug.disable() #Suppress the return value of every message
  #log.command.low.enable() #For going through all the commands every time we get a command
  #log.user.low.enable() #For going through all the users every time we search for a user
  if Events.IS_TESTING:
  #First load all the groups
  log.info("========== PRE-INIT (LOAD) ==========")
  toLoadList = []
  for folder in Files.getDirsInDir():
    if "Group " in folder: #If it a folder containing a group to load
      number = int(folder.split(" ")[-1])
      obj = (number, folder,) #Tuple of number and folder name
      flag = True
      for i in range(len(toLoadList)): #Sort the list
        if number < toLoadList[i][0]:
          toLoadList.insert(i, obj)
          flag = False
      if flag: #If did not insert anywhere else
  #Loadsd the groups guarenteed in order
  for group in toLoadList:
  log.info("Groups: ", Groups.getSortedList())
  #Do init and post-init
  log.info("========== INIT ==========")
  for group in list(Groups.getSortedList()): group.init()
  ### Named groups should be made after INIT to avoid duplicated initial users
  testGroup = makeNamedGroup(1, "23199161", put)
  toriGroup = makeNamedGroup(15, "23317842", put, "DLARulez")
  groupFam  = makeNamedGroup(2, "13972393", put, "easier")
  groupOldRocket  = makeNamedGroup(10, "26730422", put, "password")
  rocketMainGroup = makeCollective(20, "33057510", put)
  electronicsGroup = makeCollector(21, "33057523", put, rocketMainGroup)
  designAndMGroup = makeCollector(22, "33058451", put, rocketMainGroup)
  propulsionGroup = makeCollector(23, "33058488", put, rocketMainGroup)
  civGroup = makeCollective(30, "36614847", put, classType = Groups.Group) #Just a collective because I'm lazy in properly naming things. Is a normal group

  try: #This is so we can have our finally block remove any extra threads in case of error
    log.info("========== POST-INIT ==========")
    for group in list(Groups.getSortedList()): 
      try: group.postInit()
      except AssertionError: pass
    log.info("========== GROUP CLEANUP ==========")
    deletionList = Groups.getSortedList()
    for i in deletionList.copy():
      if i.markedForDeletion:
        log.info("Deleting group", i)
        del i
    del deletionList
    def postEarlyMorningFact():
      joke = Jokes.funFacts.getJoke()
      if type(joke) == tuple:
        return Jokes.funFacts._postJoke(groupFam, ("Oh boy 3 A.M.!\n"+joke[0], joke[1]))
      return Jokes.funFacts._postJoke(groupFam, "Oh boy 3 A.M.!\n" + joke)
    def updateAllMsgLists():
      for searcher in MsgSearch._searcherList: #We could also probably get from all active groups instead of the searcher list
    def postCivReminder():
      civGroup.handler.write("Don't forget to do your civ turn!")
    server = Server(('', Network.SERVER_CONNECTION_PORT), ServerHandler)
    #Update things for the groups every day at 5 a.m.
    log.info("Starting daily triggers")
    updaterDaily      = Events.DailyUpdater( time(5, 0), Groups.groupDailyDuties)
    updaterWebsite    = Events.DailyUpdater( time(4,58), Website.securityPurge) #Just do this seperately
    earlyMorningFacts = Events.DailyUpdater( time(3, 0), postEarlyMorningFact)
    monthlyMsgRefresh = Events.WeeklyUpdater(time(5,10), Events.WEEKDAY.SATURDAY, updateAllMsgLists, unitDifference = 4) #Once a month
    dailyCivReminder  = Events.DailyUpdater( time(15,0), postCivReminder)
    log.info("========== BEGINNING SERVER RECEIVING ==========")
      log.web("Starting server on port",Network.SERVER_CONNECTION_PORT)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    if server.exitValue != None: #Value of none means exited due to KeyboardInterrupt or something else
      log.info("Server shutting down from user input")
      if server.exitValue: #Exit value true means restart
        return 0;
      else: #False means shutdown
        raise AssertionError("Signal to main that we are done")
    if Events.IS_TESTING:
      import traceback
      while True:
        print("> ", end = "")
          statement = input()
          if statement.lower() == "quit":
          elif "=" in statement:
        except Exception as e:
          if isinstance(e, KeyboardInterrupt) or isinstance(e, EOFError):
            from os import _exit
            _exit(0) #Screw this crap, just get out of here. It's only for testing
    raise AssertionError("Signal to main that we are done")
  #We need to kill all threads before exiting
    Events.SyncSave().saveAll(final = True)
Ejemplo n.º 3
  def do_searchResults(self):
    log.web.debug("Starting search results")
    toSend = self.loadFile(self.PAGE_DEF_GEN)
    group = self.groupObj
    if group:
      numFound = 0
      maxResults = 250
      numAround  = 2 #Number on either side of found
      nameLimit = 20 #Characters for a group name
      #We are going to be yielding data so we do not need to buffer
      if 'query' in self.params:
        query = self.params["query"][0]
        permissiveSearch = "strict" in self.params and (self.params["strict"][0] == "false")
        log.web("Starting search results for query: ",query)
        #This will be copied and modified by every search result
        mainMessage = """<tr class="SearchContainer {subclass}" id="{resultNum}{position}">
          <td class="SearchLeft"><div style="text-align:center;padding=0px;margin=px">{userName}</div>{groupName}<br>{date}</td>
          <td class="SearchPicture"><a href="searchResults.html?query={text}&strict=true"><img class = "SearchPicture" src="{avatar}"></a></td>
          <td class="SearchRight"><div class="SearchResults">
        pictureText = """<br><img width=75% style="padding-top:10px" src="{}">"""

        #Send top part of html
        self.writeText(toSend.split(self.STR_CONTENT)[0].replace(self.STR_TITLE, "Search Results"))
        #Write initial scripts
        self.writeText('''<script src="util.js"></script>
                          <script src="searchClickScript.js"></script>
                          <form action="search.html"><button style="display:inline-block;width:100%;">Do another search!</button></form>
                          <p>Your Search: {query}</p><br>
                          <table border="5" width="100%" sytle="table-layout:fixed">'''.format(query = query))
        searcher = MsgSearch.getSearcher(group)
        for message in searcher:
          i += 1
          #Iterates through all words of prompt if permissive, otherwise through a tuple containing only the query
          for word in (re.split("\W+", query) if permissiveSearch else (query,)):
            #Searches for the word(s) in each message (text can be None)
            if message.text and re.search(re.escape(word), message.text, re.IGNORECASE):
              #And the message and surrounding ones
              #This directly sends each search result as its generated
              lowerBound = max(i-numAround, 0)
              upperBound = min(i+numAround+1, len(searcher)-1)
              index = lowerBound #Index starts at this bound, and increases to upperBound-1
              for message in searcher[lowerBound : upperBound]:
                #Get user's name (or system) for display
                userName = message.getUserString()
                if message.isUser():
                  user = group.users.getUserFromID(message.user_id)
                  if user:
                    userName = user.getName()
                #Just directly writes this part as soon as its done
                  #Only the main result should be visible
                  subclass = ("" if index == i else "Hidden"), \
                  #The result number on the page
                  resultNum = str(numFound), \
                  #If not the initial value, sets the index to the difference in index and lower bound, then subtracts another if it is after the intitial value
                  position = ("" if index == i else (" "+str(index-lowerBound-int(index >= i)))), \
                  #User's name or "calendar" or "system" or whatever
                  userName  = userName, 
                  #The group's name (shortened)
                  groupName = (group.getName()[:nameLimit] + ("..." if len(group.getName()) >= nameLimit else "")), 
                  #Add date message was sent
                  date = datetime.date.fromtimestamp(int(message["created_at"])).strftime("%m/%d/%y"), \
                  #The user's avatar url (if none it will put the icon of it)
                  avatar = (message['avatar_url'] or self.PAGE_ICON), \
                  #The actual message text
                  text = (message['text'] or "").replace("\n","<br>"), \
                  #The optional image (if there is one)
                  image = (pictureText.format(message['attachments'][0]['url']) if (len(message['attachments']) > 0 and message['attachments'][0]['type'] == "image") else "") \
                index += 1 #Increment index
              numFound += 1 #Add that we have found another matched
              break #Don't want to generate multiple results from the same message
          if numFound > maxResults: #So people don't break the server
        if numFound == 0:
          self.writeText("No messages matched your search")
        if numFound > maxResults:
          self.writeText("Too Many Results...")
        #Send bottom part of html
        self.writeText(toSend.split(self.STR_CONTENT, 1)[1]) #Split with max split size of 1
        self.sendResponse() #Then send all the data
        self.sendError("No query found in search!")
        raise RuntimeError("No query in search") #Gets picked up to send error