Ejemplo n.º 1
def CreateCompositeFromScan(wdname,sf,scannumber,background=None,roi=((0,0),(512,512))):
	Create a composite image of a large 2D nparray obtained during a mesh or a scan
	@param     wdname: working directory name
	@type      wdname: string
	@param         sf: specfile object
	@type          sf: specfile object
	@param scannumber: number of the scan to use
	@type  scannumber: string or integer
	@param background: set a background image compatible with the images size of the scan
	@type  background: numpy 2D array
	@param        roi: tuple of region of interest in the image
	@type         roi: tuple of 2 tuple of integer
	# TODO : display a statut bar on file number to display or else 
	# TODO : arrange to get the binning value in the roi
	# TODO : arrange this to fill in the composite according to positions
	# TODO : create an optional parameter roic (region of interest centered) with 3 parameters Xc, Yc, Radius pixels
	print 'Calculating composite of scan ',scannumber, '...'
	# Create the list of the specified scan :
	filelist = CreateScanDataFileList(wdname,sf,scannumber)
	#print filelist[0]
	#print filelist[-1]
	# Retrieve the size of the image :
	ImShape = fabio.open(filelist[0]).data.shape
	print '    . Image complete size =', ImShape
	# Handle background image :
	if background == None:
		print "    . No background specified !"
		background = numpy.zeros(ImShape)
	ImSize = ImShape #Necessary for ROI implementation
	# TODO create the definition of ROI
	print '    . Image localized size =',ImSize 
	# Definition of the composite :
	scan_command_field = SpecTools.get_ScanCommandField(sf,scannumber)
	scan_command_type = scan_command_field.split()[2]
	if scan_command_type == 'mesh':
		#    Define the composite shape according to the scan command :
		CompositeShape = (int(scan_command_field.split()[6])+1,int(scan_command_field.split()[10])+1)
	elif scan_command_type == 'ascan':
		#    Detect if it is a verticel or horizontal scan to define correctly the mesh :
		Motor = scan_command_field.split()[3]
		if Motor == 'nny' or 'stry':# Case of horizontal scan
			CompositeShape = (1,int(scan_command_field.split()[6])+1)
		elif Motor == 'nnz' or 'strz':# Case of vetical scan
			CompositeShape = (int(scan_command_field.split()[6])+1,1)
	print '    . Composite shape =', CompositeShape
	# Initialization of the composite image :
	CompositeArray = numpy.empty((CompositeShape[0]*ImSize[0],CompositeShape[1]*ImSize[1]))
	print '    . Composite size =',CompositeArray.shape
	# Fill in the composite image :
	if scan_command_type == 'mesh':
		#     Get the positions of each image along Motor1 and Motor2
		#     TODO : chek the orientation of mesh. Actually Motor1 is supposed to be horizontal (nny) and Motor2 vertical
		Motor1   = scan_command_field.split()[3]
		Motor2   = scan_command_field.split()[7]
		print '    . Motor used =',(Motor1,Motor2)
		SpecimenPosition1 = SpecTools.get_ScanMeasurement(sf,scannumber,Motor1)
		SpecimenPosition2 = SpecTools.get_ScanMeasurement(sf,scannumber,Motor2)
		SpecimenPosition = [SpecimenPosition1,SpecimenPosition2]
		Min1 = min(SpecimenPosition1)
		Max1 = max(SpecimenPosition1)
		Min2 = min(SpecimenPosition2)
		Max2 = max(SpecimenPosition2)
		Delta1 = round((Max1-Min1)/(CompositeShape[0]-1),3)# [nm]
		Delta2 = round((Max2-Min2)/(CompositeShape[1]-1),3)# [nm]
		print '    . Step between images [um] =',(Delta1*1e3,Delta2*1e3)
		idx = 0# Number of the file in the list
		for impath in filelist[0::]:
			#TODO verify this definitions is SpecimenPosition are in positive values 
			Deltax1 = round(SpecimenPosition1[idx] - min(SpecimenPosition1),3)
			Deltax2 = round(SpecimenPosition2[idx] - min(SpecimenPosition2),3)
			idx1 = int(Deltax1 / Delta1)
			idx2 = int(Deltax2 / Delta2)
			imdata = fabio.open(impath).data
			#TODO : verify this definition (+1 strange !)
			#TODO : backgournd have to be roi selected to correspond to imdata size
			CompositeArray[0+idx1*ImSize[0]:(ImSize[0]-1)+idx1*ImSize[0]+1,0+idx2*ImSize[1]:(ImSize[1]-1)+idx2*ImSize[1]+1] = imdata - background
			idx = idx+1
	elif scan_command_type == 'ascan':
		if Motor == 'nny' or 'stry':#Case of horizontal scan
			SpecimenPosition = SpecTools.get_ScanMeasurement(sf,scannumber,Motor)
			idx = 0
			if SpecimenPosition[1] - SpecimenPosition[0] > 0:# Specimen moving from left to right from beam point of view
				for impath in filelist:
					imdata = fabio.open(impath).data
					CompositeArray[0:ImSize[0],idx*ImSize[1]:ImSize[1]+idx*ImSize[1]] = imdata
					idx = idx+1
			elif SpecimenPosition[1] - SpecimenPosition[0] < 0:
				CompositeArray = fabio.open(filelist[0]).data
				#for impath in filelist[0::]:
				#	imdata = fabio.open(impath).data
				#	CompositeArray = numpy.hstack([imdata,CompositeArray])
		if Motor == 'nnz' or 'strz':
			# Case of vertical scan : 
			SpecimenPosition = SpecTools.get_ScanMeasurement(sf,scannumber,Motor)
			if SpecimenPosition[1] - SpecimenPosition[0] > 0:
				CompositeArray = fabio.open(filelist[0]).data
				for impath in filelist[0::]:
					imdata = fabio.open(impath).data
					CompositeArray = numpy.vstack([CompositeArray,imdata])
			elif SpecimenPosition[1] - SpecimenPosition[0] < 0:
				CompositeArray = fabio.open(filelist[0]).data
				for impath in filelist[0::]:
					imdata = fabio.open(impath).data
					CompositeArray = numpy.vstack([imdata,CompositeArray])
	print 'Calculation of composite finished !'
	return SpecimenPosition,CompositeArray
Ejemplo n.º 2
def CreateCompositeFromScan(wdname,
                            roi=((0, 0), (512, 512))):
	Create a composite image of a large 2D nparray obtained during a mesh or a scan
	@param     wdname: working directory name
	@type      wdname: string
	@param         sf: specfile object
	@type          sf: specfile object
	@param scannumber: number of the scan to use
	@type  scannumber: string or integer
	@param background: set a background image compatible with the images size of the scan
	@type  background: numpy 2D array
	@param        roi: tuple of region of interest in the image
	@type         roi: tuple of 2 tuple of integer
    # TODO : display a statut bar on file number to display or else
    # TODO : arrange to get the binning value in the roi
    # TODO : arrange this to fill in the composite according to positions
    # TODO : create an optional parameter roic (region of interest centered) with 3 parameters Xc, Yc, Radius pixels
    print 'Calculating composite of scan ', scannumber, '...'
    # Create the list of the specified scan :
    filelist = CreateScanDataFileList(wdname, sf, scannumber)
    #print filelist[0]
    #print filelist[-1]
    # Retrieve the size of the image :
    ImShape = fabio.open(filelist[0]).data.shape
    print '    . Image complete size =', ImShape
    # Handle background image :
    if background == None:
        print "    . No background specified !"
        background = numpy.zeros(ImShape)
    ImSize = ImShape  #Necessary for ROI implementation
    # TODO create the definition of ROI
    print '    . Image localized size =', ImSize
    # Definition of the composite :
    scan_command_field = SpecTools.get_ScanCommandField(sf, scannumber)
    scan_command_type = scan_command_field.split()[2]
    if scan_command_type == 'mesh':
        #    Define the composite shape according to the scan command :
        CompositeShape = (int(scan_command_field.split()[6]) + 1,
                          int(scan_command_field.split()[10]) + 1)
    elif scan_command_type == 'ascan':
        #    Detect if it is a verticel or horizontal scan to define correctly the mesh :
        Motor = scan_command_field.split()[3]
        if Motor == 'nny' or 'stry':  # Case of horizontal scan
            CompositeShape = (1, int(scan_command_field.split()[6]) + 1)
        elif Motor == 'nnz' or 'strz':  # Case of vetical scan
            CompositeShape = (int(scan_command_field.split()[6]) + 1, 1)
    print '    . Composite shape =', CompositeShape
    # Initialization of the composite image :
    CompositeArray = numpy.empty(
        (CompositeShape[0] * ImSize[0], CompositeShape[1] * ImSize[1]))
    print '    . Composite size =', CompositeArray.shape
    # Fill in the composite image :
    if scan_command_type == 'mesh':
        #     Get the positions of each image along Motor1 and Motor2
        #     TODO : chek the orientation of mesh. Actually Motor1 is supposed to be horizontal (nny) and Motor2 vertical
        Motor1 = scan_command_field.split()[3]
        Motor2 = scan_command_field.split()[7]
        print '    . Motor used =', (Motor1, Motor2)
        SpecimenPosition1 = SpecTools.get_ScanMeasurement(
            sf, scannumber, Motor1)
        SpecimenPosition2 = SpecTools.get_ScanMeasurement(
            sf, scannumber, Motor2)
        SpecimenPosition = [SpecimenPosition1, SpecimenPosition2]
        Min1 = min(SpecimenPosition1)
        Max1 = max(SpecimenPosition1)
        Min2 = min(SpecimenPosition2)
        Max2 = max(SpecimenPosition2)
        Delta1 = round((Max1 - Min1) / (CompositeShape[0] - 1), 3)  # [nm]
        Delta2 = round((Max2 - Min2) / (CompositeShape[1] - 1), 3)  # [nm]
        print '    . Step between images [um] =', (Delta1 * 1e3, Delta2 * 1e3)
        idx = 0  # Number of the file in the list
        for impath in filelist[0::]:
            #TODO verify this definitions is SpecimenPosition are in positive values
            Deltax1 = round(SpecimenPosition1[idx] - min(SpecimenPosition1), 3)
            Deltax2 = round(SpecimenPosition2[idx] - min(SpecimenPosition2), 3)
            idx1 = int(Deltax1 / Delta1)
            idx2 = int(Deltax2 / Delta2)
            imdata = fabio.open(impath).data
            #TODO : verify this definition (+1 strange !)
            #TODO : backgournd have to be roi selected to correspond to imdata size
            CompositeArray[0 + idx1 * ImSize[0]:(ImSize[0] - 1) +
                           idx1 * ImSize[0] + 1,
                           0 + idx2 * ImSize[1]:(ImSize[1] - 1) +
                           idx2 * ImSize[1] + 1] = imdata - background
            idx = idx + 1
    elif scan_command_type == 'ascan':
        if Motor == 'nny' or 'stry':  #Case of horizontal scan
            SpecimenPosition = SpecTools.get_ScanMeasurement(
                sf, scannumber, Motor)
            idx = 0
            if SpecimenPosition[1] - SpecimenPosition[
                    0] > 0:  # Specimen moving from left to right from beam point of view
                for impath in filelist:
                    imdata = fabio.open(impath).data
                    CompositeArray[0:ImSize[0], idx * ImSize[1]:ImSize[1] +
                                   idx * ImSize[1]] = imdata
                    idx = idx + 1
			elif SpecimenPosition[1] - SpecimenPosition[0] < 0:
				CompositeArray = fabio.open(filelist[0]).data
				#for impath in filelist[0::]:
				#	imdata = fabio.open(impath).data
				#	CompositeArray = numpy.hstack([imdata,CompositeArray])
		if Motor == 'nnz' or 'strz':
			# Case of vertical scan : 
			SpecimenPosition = SpecTools.get_ScanMeasurement(sf,scannumber,Motor)
			if SpecimenPosition[1] - SpecimenPosition[0] > 0:
				CompositeArray = fabio.open(filelist[0]).data
				for impath in filelist[0::]:
					imdata = fabio.open(impath).data
					CompositeArray = numpy.vstack([CompositeArray,imdata])
			elif SpecimenPosition[1] - SpecimenPosition[0] < 0:
				CompositeArray = fabio.open(filelist[0]).data
				for impath in filelist[0::]:
					imdata = fabio.open(impath).data
					CompositeArray = numpy.vstack([imdata,CompositeArray])
    print 'Calculation of composite finished !'
    return SpecimenPosition, CompositeArray