def load_cached_mouse_hist2d_segments(hist2d_tarf,outlines_tarf,SHAPE,return_sizes=False,check_lengths=True, \ **kwargs): msize_out = os.path.splitext(hist2d_tarf)[0]+'-mouse_sizes.list' if os.path.exists(hist2d_tarf) and (not check_lengths or (len( == len( \ and (not return_sizes or os.path.exists(msize_out)): mm_hists = Util.tar2ar_all(,SHAPE,int) print >> sys.stderr, '%s mouse location histograms loaded, max counts: %s' % (len(mm_hists),max([m.max() for m in mm_hists]) ) if return_sizes: svec = eval(open(msize_out).read()) print >> sys.stderr, '%s mouse size values loaded; mean %s' % (len(svec),numpy.mean(svec)) else: if return_sizes: print >> sys.stderr, 'calculate mouse locations from outlines %s' % outlines_tarf mm_hists,svec = load_mouse_hist2d_segments(,SHAPE,return_sizes=True,**kwargs) print >> sys.stderr, '%s mouse location histograms calculated, max counts: %s' % (len(mm_hists),max([m.max() for m in mm_hists])) print >> sys.stderr, '%s mouse size values calculated; mean %s' % (len(svec),numpy.mean(svec)) open(msize_out,'w').write(svec.__repr__()) else: mm_hists = load_mouse_hist2d_segments(,SHAPE,**kwargs) print >> sys.stderr, '%s mouse location histograms calculated' % len(mm_hists) h2d_tarh =,'w') for fname,ar in zip(sorted(,mm_hists): Util.ar2tar(ar,fname,h2d_tarh) h2d_tarh.close() if return_sizes: return mm_hists,svec else: return mm_hists
def insertRandomRoom(level): x = Util.getRandom(0, LEVEL_WIDTH-1) y = Util.getRandom(0, LEVEL_HEIGHT-1) width = Util.getRandom(3, 6) height = Util.getRandom(3, 6) room = Level.MakeRoom(width, height) level.applyFeature(room, x, y)
def resetToDefaults(self, confirm=True): """ Reset the application to the defaults. At the very least, this will delete all waves, tables, and figures. Before resetting, this will ask the user if they want to save the current project. """ Util.debug(2, "App.resetToDefaults", "Resetting application to defaults") if confirm: # Check to see if we want to save the current project saveProjectMessage = QMessageBox() saveProjectMessage.setText("You are about to load another project.") saveProjectMessage.setInformativeText("Do you want to save your current project?") saveProjectMessage.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Save | QMessageBox.Discard | QMessageBox.Cancel) saveProjectResponse = saveProjectMessage.exec_() if saveProjectResponse == QMessageBox.Save: self.saveProject() elif saveProjectResponse == QMessageBox.Cancel: return # Now reset to a clean slate self.setDefaults()
def usedVigenere(inputFile, dictionary): best = 0 key = 0 percent = 0 #listChars = ['a','b','c','d'] listChars = ['1','2','3','4','5','6'] setDictionary = Util.setWords(dictionary) for sizeKey in range(1, len(listChars)+1): for i in itertools.product(listChars, repeat=sizeKey): print(i) tmp = DecriptFunctions.modDecVigenere(i, inputFile[0:240]) uniqueWords = Util.setWords(tmp) nWords = len(uniqueWords & setDictionary) if nWords > best: best = nWords key = i countWords = len(uniqueWords) percent = (best*100)/countWords if percent > 50: break print("\nAlgoritmo de Vigenere" "\nChave: " + str(key) + "\nTotal de palavras: " + str(countWords) + "\nTotal de palavras encontradas: " + str(best) + "\n" + str(percent) + "% de acerto" )
def setCurrentProject(self, fileName): Util.debug(3, "App.setCurrentProject", "Setting current project title") self.currentProjectFile = fileName if fileName != "": self.setWindowTitle("PySciPlot - " + fileName) else: self.setWindowTitle("PySciPlot")
def G1DBinaryStringXSinglePoint(genome, **args): """ The crossover of 1D Binary String, Single Point .. warning:: You can't use this crossover method for binary strings with length of 1. """ sister = None brother = None gMom = args["mom"] gDad = args["dad"] if len(gMom) == 1: Util.raiseException("The Binary String have one element, can't use the Single Point Crossover method !", TypeError) cut = rand_randint(1, len(gMom)-1) if args["count"] >= 1: sister = gMom.clone() sister.resetStats() sister[cut:] = gDad[cut:] if args["count"] == 2: brother = gDad.clone() brother.resetStats() brother[cut:] = gMom[cut:] return (sister, brother)
def G1DBinaryStringXTwoPoint(genome, **args): """ The 1D Binary String crossover, Two Point .. warning:: You can't use this crossover method for binary strings with length of 1. """ sister = None brother = None gMom = args["mom"] gDad = args["dad"] if len(gMom) == 1: Util.raiseException("The Binary String have one element, can't use the Two Point Crossover method !", TypeError) cuts = [rand_randint(1, len(gMom)-1), rand_randint(1, len(gMom)-1)] if cuts[0] > cuts[1]: Util.listSwapElement(cuts, 0, 1) if args["count"] >= 1: sister = gMom.clone() sister.resetStats() sister[cuts[0]:cuts[1]] = gDad[cuts[0]:cuts[1]] if args["count"] == 2: brother = gDad.clone() brother.resetStats() brother[cuts[0]:cuts[1]] = gMom[cuts[0]:cuts[1]] return (sister, brother)
def process(self): Util.log('SUBCLASSES : %s' % self.subclasses, 'debug') for cls in self.subclasses.values(): cls.process() Util.log('METHODS : %s' % self.methods, 'debug') for meth in self.methods: self.select_meth(meth)
def __init__(self, methanalysis, this): self.memory = {} self.method = methanalysis.get_method() = self.method.get_name() self.lparams = [] self.variables = Instruction.Variable() if == '<init>': = self.method.get_class_name()[1:-1].split('/')[-1] self.basic_blocks = code = self.method.get_code() access = self.method.get_access() self.access = [flag for flag in Util.ACCESS_FLAGS_METHODS if flag & access] desc = self.method.get_descriptor() self.type = Util.get_type(desc.split(')')[-1]) self.paramsType = Util.get_params_type(desc) #Util.log('Searching loops in method %s' %, 'debug') """ Findloop.loopCounter = 0 cfg = Findloop.CFG() lsg = Findloop.LSG() self.cfg = cfg self.lsg = lsg Findloop.AddEdges(cfg, self) nbLoops = Findloop.FindLoops(cfg, lsg) if nbLoops > 1: Util.log('==================', 'debug') Util.log('==== DUMP CFG ====', 'debug') cfg.dump() Util.log('==================', 'debug') Findloop.ShowBlocks(lsg, 0) Util.log('==== DUMP LSG ====', 'debug') lsg.dump() Util.log('==================', 'debug') """ lsg = None blocks = [] exceptions = methanalysis.exceptions.exceptions print "METHOD :", self.graph = Structure.ConstructCFG(lsg, self.basic_blocks, exceptions, blocks) print #androguard.bytecode.method2png('graphs/%s#%s.png' % (self.method.get_class_name().split('/')[-1][:-1],, methanalysis) if code is None: Util.log('CODE NONE : %s %s' % (, self.method.get_class_name()), 'debug') else: start = code.registers_size.get_value() - code.ins_size.get_value() # 0x8 == Static case : this is not passed as a parameter if 0x8 in self.access: self._add_parameters(start) else: self.memory[start] = Register(this, start) #print 'THIS ( %s ) : %d' % (, start) self._add_parameters(start + 1) self.ins = [] self.cur = 0
def loadStoredSettings(app, storedSettings): """ Load stored settings into the application. """ Util.debug(1, "Load", "Loading stored settings from file") storedSettingsObj = pickle.loads(str( app.storedSettings().update(storedSettingsObj)
def loadFigures(app, figures, stackingOrder): """ Load given figures into the application. """ Util.debug(1, "Load", "Loading figures from file") figureList = figures.getElementsByTagName("figure") for figure in figureList: figureAttrs = {} # QT attributes # Get attributes for the figure for attrName in figure.attributes.keys(): figureAttrs[attrName] = int(figure.attributes[attrName].value.strip()) # Get figure from xml pickledFigure = figureObj = pickle.loads(str(pickledFigure)) figureWindow = app.figures().addFigure(figureObj)._figureSubWindow # Reset QT widget values figureWindow.setWindowState(Qt.WindowState(figureAttrs["windowState"])) figureWindow.resize(figureAttrs["width"], figureAttrs["height"]) figureWindow.move(figureAttrs["xpos"], figureAttrs["ypos"]) # Add to stackingOrder if figureAttrs["stackingOrder"] >= len(stackingOrder): stackingOrder.extend([None] * (figureAttrs["stackingOrder"] - len(stackingOrder) + 1)) stackingOrder[figureAttrs["stackingOrder"]] = figureWindow # Set the figure dialog selected to the first figure app._loadedModules['EditFigureDialog'].changeCurrentFigure(0) app._loadedModules['EditFigureDialog'].updateFigureSelectorIndex(0)
def test_channelAnimatorBoundaryAnimation(self): driver = self.driver # Open a test image so we have something to animate Util.load_image( self, driver, "Default") # Find and record the last valid value of the animation self._getLastValue( driver, "Channel" ) lastChannelValue = self._getCurrentValue( driver, "Channel" ) # Find and click the lower spin box lowerBoundText = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//div[@id='ChannelLowerBoundSpin']/input"))) driver.execute_script( "arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true);", lowerBoundText) # Change the lower bound value lowerBoundValue = Util._changeElementText(self, driver, lowerBoundText, 1) # Find and click the upper spin box upperBoundText = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//div[@id='ChannelUpperBoundSpin']/input"))) driver.execute_script( "arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true);", upperBoundText) # Change the upper bound value upperBoundValue = Util._changeElementText( self, driver, upperBoundText, int(lastChannelValue)-1) # Allow test image to animate for 2 seconds self._animateForward( driver, "Channel" ) time.sleep(2) # Check that the lower and upper bound values did not change during animation lowerBound = lowerBoundText.get_attribute("value") upperBound = upperBoundText.get_attribute("value") self.assertEqual( int(lowerBound), int(lowerBoundValue), "Lower bound channel value changed during animation") self.assertEqual( int(upperBound), int(upperBoundValue), "Upper bound channel value changed during animation")
def collectData(self,hostId,sqlServerId, discoverConfigs = 1): oshv = ObjectStateHolderVector() try: oshv.add(self.getServerProperties(sqlServerId,hostId)) dbMap = self.getDatabases(sqlServerId) #get the databases oshv.addAll(self.sqlDataBaseProps.getDatabases(dbMap,hostId,discoverConfigs)) oshv.addAll(self.sqlDataBaseProps.getStoredProcedures(dbMap)) #get the server configuration: logger.debug('discovering configs') try: oshv.add(self.sqlServerConfig.getServerConfiguration(sqlServerId)) oshv.add(self.sqlServerConfig.getServerStartup(sqlServerId)) self.sqlServerConfig.discoverPlans(oshv,sqlServerId,dbMap) except: logger.debugException(hostId.toString()) if self.discoveryOptions and self.discoveryOptions.discoverDbUser: users = self.getDbUsers(sqlServerId) Util.addFromMap(users,oshv) else: users = LinkedHashMap() oshv.addAll(self.getProcesses(hostId,sqlServerId,dbMap,users)) oshv.addAll(self.clusterConfiguration.collectData(sqlServerId)) #db configuration: oshv.addAll(self.getDbConf(dbMap,hostId,users)) logger.debug("sql db result for hostid:"+hostId.toString()) except: logger.debugException(hostId.toString()) self.connection.close() return oshv
def test_campusLinkLastYears(self): self.ui.tabWid.setCurrentIndex(2) gear = tests.mkGear('J', 10) tests.enterGearInfo(self, gear) QTest.mouseClick(self.tGear.updtBut, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton) self.ui.tabWid.setCurrentIndex(1) self.tMemb.nameSearch.clear() memb = tests.mkMember('A', 1, forms=True, campusLink=True, formsDate=Util.convert_date('Qt2DB', QtCore.QDate.currentDate().addDays(1)), campusDate=Util.convert_date('Qt2DB', QtCore.QDate.currentDate().addDays(-10))) QTest.keyClicks(self.tMemb.nameSearch, memb['FirstName'] + ' ' + memb['LastName']) tests.enterMemberInfo(self, memb) self.assertTrue(self.tMemb.Button_addUpdButClick()) self.ui.tabWid.setCurrentIndex(0) setTransGear(self, gear, 'Name') setTransMemb(self, memb) QTest.mouseClick(self.tTran.payBut, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton) QTest.mouseClick(self.tTran.payWind.payBut, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton) self.tTran.payWind.close() self.assertTrue(self.tTran.trans())
def RawScoreCriteria(ga_engine): """ Terminate the evolution using the **bestrawscore** and **rounddecimal** parameter obtained from the individual Example: >>> genome.setParams(bestrawscore=0.00, rounddecimal=2) (...) >>> ga_engine.terminationCriteria.set(GSimpleGA.RawScoreCriteria) """ ind = ga_engine.bestIndividual() bestRawScore = ind.getParam("bestrawscore") roundDecimal = ind.getParam("rounddecimal") if bestRawScore is None: Util.raiseException("you must specify the bestrawscore parameter", ValueError) if ga_engine.getMinimax() == Consts.minimaxType["maximize"]: if roundDecimal is not None: return round(bestRawScore, roundDecimal) <= round(ind.score, roundDecimal) else: return bestRawScore <= ind.score else: if roundDecimal is not None: return round(bestRawScore, roundDecimal) >= round(ind.score, roundDecimal) else: return bestRawScore >= ind.score
def _startVm( self, withLocalNetwork=False, requestedIpAddress=None, instanceNumber=1, noCheckImageUrl=False, msgRecipients=None, raiseOnFailed=True, ): self.runner = self._createRunner(withLocalNetwork, requestedIpAddress) self.runner.instanceNumber = instanceNumber self.runner.noCheckImageUrl = noCheckImageUrl if not msgRecipients: self.runner.msgRecipients = msgRecipients vmIds = self.runner.runInstance() self.vmIds.extend(vmIds) for vmId in vmIds: vmStarted = self.runner.waitUntilVmRunningOrTimeout(vmId, VM_START_TIMEOUT, failOn="Failed") if not vmStarted and raiseOnFailed: error = "Failed to start VM id: %s" % vmId Util.printError(error, exit=False) raise OneException(error) return self.runner
def _umountPDiskAndStopVm(self, runner, pdiskDevice): self._umountDisk(runner, pdiskDevice) Util.printStep("Stopping VM...") self._stopVm(runner) self.vmIds = [] # Wait for the pdisk hook to be executed sleep(20)
def processing(): mat_name = r'silk' ori_folder = r'D:\Datasets\silkA_16bit\16bit' res_folder = r'D:\Datasets\PreprocessingData' # Read tiff images and dump them into a binary file # print 'Read and Dump images begins ...' # volume_path = os.path.join(res_folder, mat_name + '.dat') # volume_data = TiffsHandler.readTiffImagesInFolder(ori_folder) # print 'Read images finished ...' # # print 'Dump volume to (%s) begins ...' % volume_path # Util.dumpData(volume_data, volume_path) # print 'Dump volume to (%s) finished ...' % volume_path # load volume data volume_path = os.path.join(res_folder, mat_name + '.dat') volume_data = Util.loadData(volume_path) # Histogram equalize print 'Histogram equalize begins ...' bins = np.arange(0, 65537) # bins = np.linspace(0, 65537, 50, endpoint=True) volume_he = Util.histEq(volume_data, bins=bins) volume_he = volume_he.astype('float32') print 'Histogram equalize finished ...' volume_he_path = os.path.join(res_folder, mat_name + '_he.dat') print 'Dump volume_he to (%s) begins ...' % volume_he_path Util.dumpData(volume_he, volume_he_path) print 'Dump volume_he to (%s) finished ...' % volume_he_path return volume_data, volume_he
def resample(): volume = Util.loadData(r'D:\Datasets\PreprocessingData\silk_he.dat') volume = volume.swapaxes(0, 2).swapaxes(0, 1) m = [25.6207523, 0.00563881328, -7.50831215e-06, -0.000110252038, 5.8775209e-07, -4.20923367e-10, 2.7086295e-07, -1.18467307e-09, 1.03793103e-12] m = np.asarray(m) nx, ny, nz = volume.shape x = np.arange(0, nx) y = np.arange(0, ny) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='ij') Z = Util.polyval2d(X, Y, m) print Z.shape Zmin = Z.min() Zmax = Z.max() R = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz + Zmax)) for i, j in zip(X.ravel(), Y.ravel()): s = int(Zmax - Z[i, j]) R[i, j, s:s+nz] = volume[i, j, :] Util.dumpData(R, r'D:\Datasets\PreprocessingData\silk_rs.dat') return R
def denoiseSilk(): d = np.load(r'') # [508, 1013, 992], 'uint16', [0, 65535] J = np.load(r'') # [1013, 992, 105], 'float32' ori = np.load(r'D:\Dataset\silk\orientation.dat') # [1013, 992, 105, 3], 'float32' ed = 0.4 eJ = -1.0 # preprocess d = d.astype(dtype='float32') d /= 65535.0 # print d.shape, d.dtype, d.min(), d.max() J = J.swapaxes(0, 2).swapaxes(1, 2) # print J.shape, J.dtype, J.min(), J.max() ori = ori.swapaxes(0, 2).swapaxes(1, 2) # print ori.shape, ori.dtype # denoising denoise(d, J, ori, ed, eJ) print 'finish deonising ...' # save silk_dn_path = r'D:\Dataset\silk\silk_dn.dat' ori_dn_path = r'D:\Dataset\silk\orientation_dn.dat' Util.dumpData(d, silk_dn_path) Util.dumpData(ori, ori_dn_path)
def precomputeFilterQ(): # Precompute kernel 'q' on a set of directions # Calculate the directions nx = 32 ny = 32 nz = 6 bound_points = generateBoundingPoints(nx + 1, ny + 1, nz + 1) center = np.array([nx/2, ny/2, nz/2]) directions = bound_points - center directions = np.asarray(directions, dtype='float64') # normalize for i in range(0, directions.shape[0]): sqrt_sum = np.sqrt((directions[i]**2).sum()) directions[i] = directions[i] / sqrt_sum d_path = r'D:\Datasets\RecoverOrientationData\ds_nx32ny32nz6.dat' Util.dumpData(directions, d_path) # Calculate 'q', material: silk h = 12 s = 4 #!! some erros in paper about these parameters, s>t!! t = 3 c = np.array([h/2, h/2, h/2], dtype='float64') # center d = directions q = np.zeros((d.shape[0], h, h, h)) for i in range(0, q.shape[0]): calculateFilterQ(q[i], h, s, t, d[i], c) # pass reference?!! qs_path = r'D:\Datasets\RecoverOrientationData\qs_h12s4t3.dat' Util.dumpData(q, qs_path)
def LinearScaling(pop): """ Linear Scaling scheme .. warning :: Linear Scaling is only for positive raw scores """ logging.debug("Running linear scaling.") pop.statistics() c = Consts.CDefScaleLinearMultiplier a = b = delta = 0.0 pop_rawAve = pop.stats["rawAve"] pop_rawMax = pop.stats["rawMax"] pop_rawMin = pop.stats["rawMin"] if pop_rawAve == pop_rawMax: a = 1.0 b = 0.0 elif pop_rawMin > (c * pop_rawAve - pop_rawMax / (c - 1.0)): delta = pop_rawMax - pop_rawAve a = (c - 1.0) * pop_rawAve / delta b = pop_rawAve * (pop_rawMax - (c * pop_rawAve)) / delta else: delta = pop_rawAve - pop_rawMin a = pop_rawAve / delta b = -pop_rawMin * pop_rawAve / delta for i in xrange(len(pop)): f = pop[i].score if f < 0.0: Util.raiseException("Score %r is negative, linear scaling not supported !" % (f,), ValueError) f = f * a + b if f < 0: f = 0.0 pop[i].fitness = f
def test_histogramLinkRemoval(self): driver = self.driver browser = selectBrowser._getBrowser() # Wait for the image window to be present (ensures browser is fully loaded) imageWindow = WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//div[@qxclass='skel.widgets.Window.DisplayWindowImage']"))) # Find the Histogram window histWindow = self._getHistogramWindow( driver ) ActionChains(driver).click(histWindow).perform() # Open Link settings for the Histogram window linkMenuButton = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//div[@qxclass='qx.ui.toolbar.MenuButton']/div[text()='Links...']"))) ActionChains(driver).click( linkMenuButton ).perform() # Remove link from the Histogram to the main image window Util.remove_main_link( self, driver, imageWindow ) # Load an image Util.load_image( self, driver, "Default") # Find and select the histogram window histWindow = self._getHistogramWindow( driver ) ActionChains(driver).click( histWindow ).perform() # Click the settings button to expose the settings self._openHistogramSettings( driver ) # Check that the histogram values are default values newMaxZoomValue = self._getTextValue( driver, "histogramZoomMaxValue") self.assertEqual( float(newMaxZoomValue), 1, "Histogram is linked to image after link was removed")
def test_histogramAddImage(self): driver = self.driver timeout = selectBrowser._getSleep() # Wait for the image window to be present (ensures browser is fully loaded) imageWindow = WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//div[@qxclass='skel.widgets.Window.DisplayWindowImage']"))) # Load an image Util.load_image(self, driver, "Default") # Find and select the histogram histWindow = self._getHistogramWindow(driver) ActionChains(driver).click( histWindow ).perform() # Click the settings button to expose the settings self._openHistogramSettings( driver ) # Get the max zoom value of the first image maxZoomValue = self._getTextValue( driver, "histogramZoomMaxValue") print "First image maxZoomValue:", maxZoomValue # Load a different image in the same window Util.load_image(self, driver, "aH.fits") time.sleep( timeout ) # Check that the new max zoom value updates newMaxZoomValue = self._getTextValue( driver, "histogramZoomMaxValue") self.assertNotEqual(float(newMaxZoomValue), float(maxZoomValue), "The histogram did not update when a new image was loaded.") print "Second image maxZoomValue:", newMaxZoomValue
def test_histogramRemoveImage(self): driver = self.driver timeout = selectBrowser._getSleep() # Wait for the image window to be present (ensures browser is fully loaded) imageWindow = WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//div[@qxclass='skel.widgets.Window.DisplayWindowImage']"))) # Load an image Util.load_image( self, driver, "Default") # Click on the Data->Close->Image button to close the image imageWindow = driver.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@qxclass='skel.widgets.Window.DisplayWindowImage']") ActionChains(driver).double_click( imageWindow ).perform() dataButton = WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//div[text()='Data']/.."))) ActionChains(driver).click( dataButton ).send_keys(Keys.ARROW_DOWN).send_keys(Keys.ARROW_DOWN).send_keys( Keys.ARROW_RIGHT).send_keys(Keys.ENTER).perform() # Find and select the Histogram window histWindow = self._getHistogramWindow( driver ) ActionChains(driver).click( histWindow ).perform() time.sleep( timeout ) # Click the settings button to expose the settings self._openHistogramSettings( driver ) # Check that the histogram values are restored to default values newMaxZoomValue = self._getTextValue( driver, "histogramZoomMaxValue") print "Zoom max value=", newMaxZoomValue self.assertEqual( float(newMaxZoomValue), 1, "Default values were not restored after image removal")
def test_statsAddImage(self): driver = self.driver # Load a large test image. Util.load_image( self, driver, "aH.fits") # Move to the center of the image window so data appears in the Stats Window imageWindow = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//div[@qxclass='skel.widgets.Window.DisplayWindowImage']"))) ActionChains(driver).move_to_element( imageWindow ).perform() # Get the Statistics of the loaded image statsText = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//div[@qxclass='skel.boundWidgets.Label']"))) statsText = statsText.get_attribute('textContent') # Load a different image in the same window Util.load_image( self, driver, "aK.fits") # Move to the center of the image window so data appears in the Stats Window ActionChains(driver).move_to_element( imageWindow ).perform() # Sometimes text does not appear, therefore move mouse cursor ActionChains(driver).move_by_offset( 100, 100 ).perform() # Get the Statistics of the loaded image newStatsText = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//div[@qxclass='skel.boundWidgets.Label']"))) newStatsText = newStatsText.get_attribute('textContent') # Check that the Statistics text changed when new image was loaded self.assertNotEqual( newStatsText, statsText, "Stats text did not update when new image was loaded in main image window")
def test_statsAnimation(self): driver = self.driver # Load a test image with animation Util.load_image( self, driver, "Default") # Move to the center of the image window so data appears in the Stats Window imageWindow = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//div[@qxclass='skel.widgets.Window.DisplayWindowImage']"))) ActionChains(driver).move_to_element( imageWindow ).perform() # Get the Statistics of the loaded image statsText = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//div[@qxclass='skel.boundWidgets.Label']"))) statsText = statsText.get_attribute('textContent') # Click the forward animation button forwardAnimateButton = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='qx-toolbar']/div[@class='qx-button'][2]") self.assertIsNotNone( forwardAnimateButton, "Could not find forward animation button") driver.execute_script( "arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true);", forwardAnimateButton) ActionChains(driver).click( forwardAnimateButton ).perform() time.sleep(3) # Move to the center of the image window so data appears in the Stats Window imageWindow = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//div[@qxclass='skel.widgets.Window.DisplayWindowImage']"))) ActionChains(driver).move_to_element( imageWindow ).perform() # Sometimes text does not appear, therefore move mouse cursor ActionChains(driver).move_by_offset( 100, 100 ).perform() # Get the Statistics of the loaded image newStatsText = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//div[@qxclass='skel.boundWidgets.Label']"))) newStatsText = newStatsText.get_attribute('textContent') # Check that the Statistics text changed when image in the image window was changed self.assertNotEqual( newStatsText, statsText, "Stats text did not update during animation of the image")
def test_histogramChangeLinks(self): driver = self.driver browser = selectBrowser._getBrowser() # Wait for the image window to be present (ensures browser is fully loaded) imageWindow = WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//div[@qxclass='skel.widgets.Window.DisplayWindowImage']"))) # Find and select the Histogram window histWindow = self._getHistogramWindow( driver ) ActionChains(driver).click( histWindow ).perform() # Click the settings button to expose the settings self._openHistogramSettings( driver ) # Open Link settings for the Histogram window linkMenuButton = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//div[@qxclass='qx.ui.toolbar.MenuButton']/div[text()='Links...']"))) ActionChains(driver).click( linkMenuButton ).perform() # Remove the link from the Histogram to the main image window Util.remove_main_link( self, driver, imageWindow ) # Load an image in a separate window imageWindow2 = Util.load_image_different_window( self, driver, "aH.fits") # Open link settings for the Histogram ActionChains(driver).click( histWindow ).perform() linkMenuButton = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//div[@qxclass='qx.ui.toolbar.MenuButton']/div[text()='Links...']"))) ActionChains(driver).click( linkMenuButton ).perform() # Link the Histogram to the second image Util.link_second_image( self, driver, imageWindow2) # Check that the histogram values are not default values newMaxZoomValue = self._getTextValue( driver, "histogramZoomMaxValue") self.assertNotEqual( float(newMaxZoomValue), 1, "Histogram did not update to newly linked image")
def test_coordinateChange(self): driver = self.driver timeout = selectBrowser._getSleep() #Load an image with a tabular axis Util.load_image( self, driver, "aJ.fits") time.sleep( 3 ) #Open the image settings tab Util.openSettings( self, driver, "Image", True ) time.sleep( timeout ) #Get the old coordinateSystem systemText = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@id='ImageCoordinateSystem']/input") driver.execute_script( "arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true);", systemText ) oldSystem = systemText.get_attribute('value') print "Old system=", oldSystem #Change the coordinate system csCombo = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@id='ImageCoordinateSystem']/div") driver.execute_script( "arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true);", csCombo ) ActionChains(driver).click(csCombo).send_keys( Keys.ARROW_DOWN).send_keys( Keys.ARROW_DOWN ).send_keys( Keys.ARROW_DOWN).send_keys( Keys.ENTER).perform() time.sleep( timeout ) #Verify the coordinate system is changed systemText = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@id='ImageCoordinateSystem']/input") driver.execute_script( "arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true);", systemText ) newSystem = systemText.get_attribute( 'value') print "New system=",newSystem self.assertTrue( newSystem != oldSystem, "Coordinate system did not change")
def _get_graph_output_dir(): """Assign an output path for the graph(s).""" cfg = Configuration.getConfig() graph_dir = cfg.get('Path', 'base-dir') + cfg.get('Path', 'graph-dir') graph_dir += 'ActiveUsers/' Util.ensure_dir_exist(graph_dir) return graph_dir
def shift2Local(self): = '6100'+Util.generateRnd(4)
else: embedding_array[i] = np.random.rand( Config.embedding_size) * 0.02 - 0.01 print "Found embeddings: ", foundEmbed, "/", len(knownWords) return embedding_array if __name__ == '__main__': wordDict = {} posDict = {} labelDict = {} parsing_system = None trainSents, trainTrees = Util.loadConll('train.conll') devSents, devTrees = Util.loadConll('dev.conll') testSents, _ = Util.loadConll('test.conll') genDictionaries(trainSents, trainTrees) embedding_filename = 'word2vec.model' embedding_array = load_embeddings(embedding_filename, wordDict, posDict, labelDict) labelInfo = [] for idx in np.argsort(labelDict.values()): labelInfo.append(labelDict.keys()[idx]) parsing_system = ParsingSystem(labelInfo[1:]) print parsing_system.rootLabel
class GvimTool(Tool.Tool): """A Gvim Tool: edit files with Gvim.""" def __init__(self, *args, **keyw): apply(Tool.Tool.__init__, (self, ) + args, keyw) self.server = None self.handler = None self.prep_start() self.sernumPC = 22 # serial number used for PC annotation self.sernumLast = 33 # serial number used for annotations def prep_start(self): """Prepare for starting Gvim. Done when the tool is created and when Gvim has exited.""" self.gvim_thread = None self.gvim_open = 0 # set when gvim starts, reset when it exits. self.gvim_start_time = 0 self.buffers = {} # buffers used in Netbeans Gvim tool self.lastbuffer = 0 def gvimRunning(self): """Check if Gvim is still running.""" if self.gvim_open: if gvimHasNetbeans(self.topmodel): # gvim_open flag is set and reset appropriately. return 1 # No netbeans connection: need to check if the process is still # there. if Tool.stillRunning(self.gvim_open): return 1 self.gvim_open = 0 return 0 def gvimWait(self): """Can't send a command to Gvim when it is still starting up. Wait a couple of seconds to avoid an error or starting another Gvim.""" wait = self.gvim_start_time + 2 - time.time() if wait > 0: time.sleep(wait) def getProperties(self): """Properties that this tool supports.""" return getProperties(self.topmodel) def openItem(self, item, action, lnum=None, col=None, off=None): """Open ActyItem "item" in this Tool. Not actually done until foreground() is called.""" self.addItem(item) def reload(self, item, node=None): """Reload the "item", it was changed elsewhere.""" if not node: node = item.node if not self.gvimRunning(): self.foreground(item, node) elif gvimHasNetbeans(self.topmodel): # TODO: What if the file was changed? if node: self.currentnode = node self.gvimOpenFile(node) else: cmd = ":if exists('*inputsave')|call inputsave()|endif" # XXX escape special characters # XXX jump to other window if it's edited there. cmd = cmd + ('|hide edit %s' % item.fullName()) cmd = cmd + "|if exists('*inputsave')|call inputrestore()|endif<CR>" self.sendkeys(cmd) def goto(self, item, node=None, lnum=None, col=None, off=None): """goto position "lnum"/"col" or "off" in "item".""" self.foreground(item, node) if gvimHasNetbeans(self.topmodel): if item: node = item.node buf = self.buffers.get(node) if buf and self.handler: if off: self.handler.sendCmd(, "setDot", " %d" % off) elif lnum: if not col: col = 0 self.handler.sendCmd(, "setDot", " %d/%d" % (lnum, col)) else: if off: cmd = ("%dgo" % (off + 1)) else: cmd = '' if lnum: cmd = cmd + ("%dG" % lnum) if col: cmd = cmd + ("%d|" % col) self.sendkeys(cmd) def showPC(self, item, node=None, lnum=0, col=0, off=None, show=1): """Put PC marker at position "lnum"/"col" or "off" in "item".""" if gvimHasNetbeans(self.topmodel) and self.handler: if item: node = item.node buf = self.buffers.get(node) # The Netbeans interface has a very strange way of handling # annotations. An arbitrary name can be used to define it, but # it's later placed and unplaced by a number, starting at 1 and # rising for each anno used in a node (buffer in Vim terms). if not buf.annoPCTypenum: # First use in this node: define the annotation type. buf.annoLastTypenum = buf.annoLastTypenum + 1 buf.annoPCTypenum = buf.annoLastTypenum # Define a sign with line highlighting of a lightblue # background. # args: typeNum (not actually used) # typeName (only used to define sign) # tooltip (not used) # glyphFile (name of bitmap for sign, optional) # fg (fg color number or "none" for line highlight) # bg (bg color number or "none" for line highlight) self.handler.sendCmd(, "defineAnnoType", ' 22 "PC" "" "" none %d' % 0xa0a0ff) if show: self.addAnno(buf, self.sernumPC, buf.annoPCTypenum, lnum, col, off) else: self.removeAnno(buf, self.sernumPC) def addAnno(self, buf, sernum, typenum, lnum, col, off): """Add an annotation with serial number "sernum", type number "typenum" at postion "lnum"/"col" or "off".""" if off: s = "%d" % off else: s = "%d/%d" % (lnum, col) self.handler.sendCmd(, "addAnno", " %d %d %s -1" % (sernum, typenum, s)) def removeAnno(self, buf, sernum): """Delete annotation "sernum".""" self.handler.sendCmd(, "removeAnno", " %d" % sernum) def displayBreakpoint(self, what, bp): """Update breakpoint "bp" for action "what".""" if (bp.item and bp.item.node and self.buffers.get(bp.item.node) and self.handler): node = bp.item.node buf = self.buffers[node] if what == "new": if bp in buf.breakpoints: # Already in the list, happens when the tool is both in the # "edit" and "view" list of the node. return buf.breakpoints.append(bp) if not buf.annoBreakETypenum: # First use in this node: define the annotation type. buf.annoLastTypenum = buf.annoLastTypenum + 1 buf.annoBreakETypenum = buf.annoLastTypenum buf.annoLastTypenum = buf.annoLastTypenum + 1 buf.annoBreakDTypenum = buf.annoLastTypenum # Define a sign with line highlighting of a lightblue # background. # args: typeNum (not actually used) # typeName (only used to define sign) # tooltip (not used) # glyphFile (name of bitmap for sign, optional) # fg (fg color number or "none" for line highlight) # bg (bg color number or "none" for line highlight) self.handler.sendCmd(, "defineAnnoType", ' 23 "BreakE" "" ">>" none %d' % 0xffa0a0) self.handler.sendCmd(, "defineAnnoType", ' 24 "BreakD" "" ">>" none %d' % 0xb0b0b0) self.sernumLast = self.sernumLast + 1 self.addAnno(buf, self.sernumLast, buf.annoBreakETypenum, bp.lnum, 0, None) bp.sernum = self.sernumLast else: # "del" or "upd" self.removeAnno(buf, bp.sernum) if what == "upd": if bp.enable: typenum = buf.annoBreakETypenum else: typenum = buf.annoBreakDTypenum self.addAnno(buf, bp.sernum, typenum, bp.lnum, 0, None) def sendkeys(self, cmd): """Execute "cmd" in the Gvim server. Caller should check if gvim is still running.""" if gvimHasNetbeans(self.topmodel): # safety check for using sendkeys() with netbeans connection. print "ERROR: send keys: '%s'" % cmd else: self.gvimWait() os.system( gvimProgName(self.topmodel) + ' --servername AAPGVIM --remote-send "<C-\\><C-N>' + cmd + '"') def escapeStringArg(self, line): """Escape special characters in "line" to be send to gvim. Reverse of parseStringArg().""" res = '' i = 0 while i < len(line): if line[i] == '\n': res = res + "\\n" elif line[i] == '\t': res = res + "\\t" elif line[i] == '\r': res = res + "\\r" elif line[i] == '\\': res = res + "\\\\" elif line[i] == '"': res = res + '\\"' else: res = res + line[i] i = i + 1 return res def close(self, shutdown): """Close the tool. Return non-zero if closing is OK.""" if self.gvimRunning(): self.gvim_open = 0 if self.gvim_thread: # Tell gvim to exit. if self.handler: self.handler.sendFunc(0, "saveAndExit") # We don't wait for the answer, Vim may continue to run. else: # XXX check if there are any changed files in gvim. self.sendkeys(":qa<CR>") self.topmodel.toollist.delTool(self) return 1 # can shutdown def foreground(self, item, node=None, lnum=None): """Move this Tool to the foreground, with the current activity. When "item" is not None edit this item. When "node" is not None edit this node.""" winposarg = ('"+winpos %d %d" "+set lines=30 columns=82" ' % (self.topmodel.view.GetSize().width + 10, 0)) if item: node = item.node # Start a Vim server on the file. if gvimHasNetbeans(self.topmodel): self.gvimRunNetbeans(winposarg) if self.handler: if node: self.currentnode = node self.gvimOpenFile(node) else: self.handler.sendCmd(0, "raise") else: running = self.gvimRunning() cmd = "%s -f --servername AAPGVIM " % gvimProgName(self.topmodel) # Jump to the node when it's specified, the user may have started # editing another file. if not running or node: # Position the Vim window next to ours and bring it to the # front. cmd = cmd + winposarg if node: if lnum: pos = "+%d " % lnum else: pos = '' cmd = cmd + ('--remote-silent %s"%s"' % (pos, node.fullName())) if item: self.setCurrentItem(item) else: self.currentnode = node else: cmd = cmd + '--remote-send "<C-\\><C-N>:call foreground()<CR>"' if not running: self.gvim_start_time = time.time() self.gvim_open = Tool.spawn(cmd) else: self.gvimWait() os.system(cmd) def gvimRunNetbeans(self, gvimarg): """Make sure we have a running Gvim with Netbeans connection.""" if self.gvim_open: return # start a new thread to run the server in self.gvim_thread = thread.start_new_thread(self.gvimThreadFunc, (gvimarg, )) self.gvim_open = 1 # Wait until Gvim is available and finished starting up. We cannot # send commands before this. # When opening gvim fails the other thead sets gvim_open to zero. # Timeout after ten seconds. countdown = 1000 while countdown > 0: time.sleep(0.01) if self.handler or self.gvim_open == 0: break countdown = countdown - 1 if not self.handler: # XXX error handling self.gvim_open = 0 print "Cannot open Gvim connection!" def gvimThreadFunc(self, gvimarg): """Function that is run in a separate thread. It starts the socket server and runs gvim.""" # start the server # IANA says that port numbers 49152 through 65335 are for dynamic use. # Start a bit higher to avoid clashes too often. portnr = 49765 while not self.server: try: self.server = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", portnr), GvimHandler) self.server.gvimtool = self except Exception, e: if string.find(str(e), "ddress already in use") < 0: print "Could not start socket server: ", e self.gvim_open = 0 return # Port number already in use, retry with another port number. portnr = portnr + 1 # start gvim and tell it to use the server # use a random password for semi-security (it shows up in the process # list...) vimrc = os.path.join(self.topmodel.rootdir, "startup.vim") self.password = str(random.random()) Util.async_system( [], None, '{quiet} %s --servername AAPGVIM %s-nb:localhost:%d:%s -S "%s"' % (gvimProgName( self.topmodel), gvimarg, portnr, self.password, vimrc)) # handle ONE request self.server.handle_request() # Gvim was closed, need to restart the server next time. self.prep_start() # If netbeans doesn't work close the socket server if gvim_has_netbeans == 0: del self.server self.server = None
def executeShCmd(cmd, cfg, cwd, results): if isinstance(cmd, ShUtil.Seq): if cmd.op == ';': res = executeShCmd(cmd.lhs, cfg, cwd, results) return executeShCmd(cmd.rhs, cfg, cwd, results) if cmd.op == '&': raise NotImplementedError,"unsupported test command: '&'" if cmd.op == '||': res = executeShCmd(cmd.lhs, cfg, cwd, results) if res != 0: res = executeShCmd(cmd.rhs, cfg, cwd, results) return res if cmd.op == '&&': res = executeShCmd(cmd.lhs, cfg, cwd, results) if res is None: return res if res == 0: res = executeShCmd(cmd.rhs, cfg, cwd, results) return res raise ValueError,'Unknown shell command: %r' % cmd.op assert isinstance(cmd, ShUtil.Pipeline) procs = [] input = subprocess.PIPE stderrTempFiles = [] # To avoid deadlock, we use a single stderr stream for piped # output. This is null until we have seen some output using # stderr. for i,j in enumerate(cmd.commands): # Apply the redirections, we use (N,) as a sentinal to indicate stdin, # stdout, stderr for N equal to 0, 1, or 2 respectively. Redirects to or # from a file are represented with a list [file, mode, file-object] # where file-object is initially None. redirects = [(0,), (1,), (2,)] for r in j.redirects: if r[0] == ('>',2): redirects[2] = [r[1], 'w', None] elif r[0] == ('>>',2): redirects[2] = [r[1], 'a', None] elif r[0] == ('>&',2) and r[1] in '012': redirects[2] = redirects[int(r[1])] elif r[0] == ('>&',) or r[0] == ('&>',): redirects[1] = redirects[2] = [r[1], 'w', None] elif r[0] == ('>',): redirects[1] = [r[1], 'w', None] elif r[0] == ('>>',): redirects[1] = [r[1], 'a', None] elif r[0] == ('<',): redirects[0] = [r[1], 'r', None] else: raise NotImplementedError,"Unsupported redirect: %r" % (r,) # Map from the final redirections to something subprocess can handle. final_redirects = [] for index,r in enumerate(redirects): if r == (0,): result = input elif r == (1,): if index == 0: raise NotImplementedError,"Unsupported redirect for stdin" elif index == 1: result = subprocess.PIPE else: result = subprocess.STDOUT elif r == (2,): if index != 2: raise NotImplementedError,"Unsupported redirect on stdout" result = subprocess.PIPE else: if r[2] is None: if kAvoidDevNull and r[0] == '/dev/null': r[2] = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode=r[1]) else: r[2] = open(r[0], r[1]) # Workaround a Win32 and/or subprocess bug when appending. if r[1] == 'a': r[2].seek(0, 2) result = r[2] final_redirects.append(result) stdin, stdout, stderr = final_redirects # If stderr wants to come from stdout, but stdout isn't a pipe, then put # stderr on a pipe and treat it as stdout. if (stderr == subprocess.STDOUT and stdout != subprocess.PIPE): stderr = subprocess.PIPE stderrIsStdout = True else: stderrIsStdout = False # Don't allow stderr on a PIPE except for the last # process, this could deadlock. # # FIXME: This is slow, but so is deadlock. if stderr == subprocess.PIPE and j != cmd.commands[-1]: stderr = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+b') stderrTempFiles.append((i, stderr)) # Resolve the executable path ourselves. args = list(j.args) args[0] = Util.which(args[0], cfg.environment['PATH']) if not args[0]: raise InternalShellError(j, '%r: command not found' % j.args[0]) procs.append(subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=cwd, stdin = stdin, stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr, env = cfg.environment, close_fds = kUseCloseFDs)) # Immediately close stdin for any process taking stdin from us. if stdin == subprocess.PIPE: procs[-1].stdin.close() procs[-1].stdin = None # Update the current stdin source. if stdout == subprocess.PIPE: input = procs[-1].stdout elif stderrIsStdout: input = procs[-1].stderr else: input = subprocess.PIPE # FIXME: There is probably still deadlock potential here. Yawn. procData = [None] * len(procs) procData[-1] = procs[-1].communicate() for i in range(len(procs) - 1): if procs[i].stdout is not None: out = procs[i] else: out = '' if procs[i].stderr is not None: err = procs[i] else: err = '' procData[i] = (out,err) # Read stderr out of the temp files. for i,f in stderrTempFiles:, 0) procData[i] = (procData[i][0], exitCode = None for i,(out,err) in enumerate(procData): res = procs[i].wait() # Detect Ctrl-C in subprocess. if res == -signal.SIGINT: raise KeyboardInterrupt results.append((cmd.commands[i], out, err, res)) if cmd.pipe_err: # Python treats the exit code as a signed char. if res < 0: exitCode = min(exitCode, res) else: exitCode = max(exitCode, res) else: exitCode = res if cmd.negate: exitCode = not exitCode return exitCode
from WordVector import * import Util mContentVectorTrainer = ChineseVectorTrainer() # read all vocabulary client = MongoClient("localhost", 27017) db = client.DeepSearch mContentVectorTrainer.FeedWords(db.words.find({})) mContentVectorTrainer.FeedWords(db.probWords.find({})) lines = [] datafile = open("wiki_cn_out_00", "r") for i in range(100000): lines.append(datafile.readline().replace(" \n", "").split(" ")) mContentVectorTrainer.FeedContent(lines) # print( # mContentVectorTrainer.ShowData(1, 8, 2, 1) mContentVectorTrainer.InitConfig() mContentVectorTrainer.TrainModal() # print(mContentVectorTrainer.weights[1, :]) # print(mContentVectorTrainer.biases.shape) wordList = mContentVectorTrainer.GetResultWordList() # for index in range(1): # print(wordList[index]) for wordItem in wordList: Util.UpdateWord(wordItem)
#!/usr/bin/python import sys import os sys.path.append("/home/won/WON/") import Util from multiprocessing import Pool F = Util.ReadColumn("Tophat/configure.list", [0, 1]) Title = ["Tophat/%s/accepted_hits.bam.count" % x[0] for x in F] Column = [x[1] for x in F] note = 0 pre = "" for i in xrange(len(Column)): if Column[i] != pre: note = 1 pre = Column[i] Column[i] = Column[i] + "_%d" % note note += 1 cmd = "paste " for mlist in Title: cmd += "%s " % mlist cmd += "| cut -f 1" for i in xrange(1, 100): cmd += ",%d" % (2 * i) cmd += " > gene.tmp" os.system(cmd) L = Util.ReadList("gene.tmp") Ens2Gene = Util.ReadDict("mm9.Trans2Gene.dat", [0], [1])
import os import sys base_path = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] sys.path.append(base_path) # lib_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'lib') # sys.path.append(lib_path) import template_file import tempfile import Util import subprocess import time from socket import * import json # 日志对象 logger = Util.getLogger('login') # 操作超时时间 # wait_timeout = int(Util.getConfig('wait_timeout')) # 自动登录watcher端口 watcher_port = int(Util.getConfig('watcher_port')) # 堡垒机登录名 # login_name = Util.getConfig('login_name') # 登录的ip target_ip = crt.Arguments.GetArg(0)'login plsql script start, target ip: ' + target_ip) tab = crt.GetScriptTab() tab.Screen.Synchronous = True try:
if args.provider == "digital_ocean" and not args.linear: logger.warning( "Provider '%s' does not support parallel creation of VMs. Linear creation is automatically enabled. See for further details." % args.provider) args.linear = True if len(args.databases) > 1 and (args.nodestroy or args.noshutdown): logger.warning( "The arguments --noshutdown and --nodestroy do not work with multiple databases at one run. Both are automatically disabled." ) args.nodestroy = False args.noshutdown = False # File checks and deletions (if necessary) for folder in args.vagrantfolders: if not Util.check_folder(folder, logger): exit(-1) for vagrantCredFile in vagrantCredFiles: found_cred_file = False for folder in args.vagrantfolders: if Util.check_file_exists(os.path.join(folder, vagrantCredFile)): found_cred_file = True if not found_cred_file: logger.error("%s not found in any of the given vagrantfolders (%s)." % (vagrantCredFile, args.vagrantfolders)) exit(-1) if not Util.check_folder(args.tmpfolder, logger): exit(-1) if not Util.delete_file(logFile, logger, True): exit(-1)
def train(sqn, save_model_path): print('Starting train...') # Hyper parameters epochs = 1 batch_size = 128 keep_probability = 0.7 learning_rate = 0.001 n_batches = 5 #CIFAR10 dataset in the python version has 5 batches x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 32, 32, 3), name='input_x') y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 10), name='output_y') keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='keep_prob') logits = sqn.inference(x) # Loss and Optimizer cost = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=y)) l2Loss = sum(list(map(lambda x: tf.nn.l2_loss(x), sqn.all_weights))) beta = 1e-5 cost = cost + beta * l2Loss optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize(cost) # Accuracy correct_pred = tf.equal(tf.argmax(logits, 1), tf.argmax(y, 1)) accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_pred, tf.float32), name='accuracy') valid_features, valid_labels = Util.load_preprocess_validation_data() testing_features, testing_labels = Util.load_preprocess_testing_data() print('Training now...') with tf.Session() as sess: # Initializing the variables # Training cycle for epoch in range(epochs): # Loop over all batches for batch_i in range(1, n_batches + 1): for batch_features, batch_labels in Util.load_preprocess_training_batch( batch_i, batch_size):, feed_dict={ x: batch_features, y: batch_labels, keep_prob: keep_probability }) print('Epoch {:>2}, CIFAR-10 Batch {}: '.format( epoch + 1, batch_i), end='') # Print stats loss =, feed_dict={ x: batch_features, y: batch_labels, keep_prob: keep_probability }) train_acc =, feed_dict={ x: batch_features, y: batch_labels, keep_prob: keep_probability }) valid_acc =, feed_dict={ x: valid_features, y: valid_labels, keep_prob: keep_probability }) testing_acc =, feed_dict={ x: testing_features, y: testing_labels, keep_prob: keep_probability }) print( 'Loss: {:>10.4f} Train Acc: {:.6f} Validation Accuracy: {:.6f} Testing Acc: {:.6f}' .format(loss, train_acc, valid_acc, testing_acc)) if (epoch % 10 == 0): # Save Model saver = tf.train.Saver() save_path =, save_model_path)
def shift2AnotherCity(self): = Util.generateRnd(6)
def __init__(self,*args): if not os.path.sep in __file__: scriptdir = os.getcwd() else: scriptdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) #n3file = os.path.sep.join([scriptdir,"etc","sfs-extra.n3"]) #n3url = "file://" + n3file.replace("\\","/") #print "scriptdir: %s" % scriptdir #print "n3file: %s" % n3file #print "n3url: %s" % n3url self.graph = Graph() n3file = Util.relpath(scriptdir + "/etc/sfs-extra.n3") # print "loading n3file %s" % n3file self.graph.load(n3file, format="n3") self.roots = [] self.uriformatter = {} self.decl = "" self.namedlaws = {} self.load_ebnf(scriptdir+"/etc/base.ebnf") self.args = args if self.LAGRUM in args: productions = self.load_ebnf(scriptdir+"/etc/lagrum.ebnf") for p in productions: self.uriformatter[p] = self.sfs_format_uri self.namedlaws.update(self.get_relations(RDFS.label)) self.roots.append("sfsrefs") self.roots.append("sfsref") if self.KORTLAGRUM in args: # om vi inte redan laddat lagrum.ebnf måste vi göra det # nu, eftersom kortlagrum.ebnf beror på produktioner som # definerats där if not self.LAGRUM in args: self.load_ebnf(scriptdir+"/etc/lagrum.ebnf") productions = self.load_ebnf(scriptdir+"/etc/kortlagrum.ebnf") for p in productions: self.uriformatter[p] = self.sfs_format_uri DCT = Namespace("") d = self.get_relations(DCT['alternate']) self.namedlaws.update(d) lawlist = [x.encode(SP_CHARSET) for x in d.keys()] # Make sure longer law abbreviations come before shorter # ones (so that we don't mistake "3 § MBL" for "3 § MB"+"L") lawlist.sort(cmp=lambda x,y:len(y)-len(x)) self.decl += "LawAbbreviation ::= ('%s')\n" % "'/'".join(lawlist) self.roots.insert(0,"kortlagrumref") if self.EGLAGSTIFTNING in args: productions = self.load_ebnf(scriptdir+"/etc/eglag.ebnf") for p in productions: self.uriformatter[p] = self.eglag_format_uri self.roots.append("eglagref") if self.FORARBETEN in args: productions = self.load_ebnf(scriptdir+"/etc/forarbeten.ebnf") for p in productions: self.uriformatter[p] = self.forarbete_format_uri self.roots.append("forarbeteref") if self.RATTSFALL in args: productions = self.load_ebnf(scriptdir+"/etc/rattsfall.ebnf") for p in productions: self.uriformatter[p] = self.rattsfall_format_uri self.roots.append("rattsfallref") if self.EGRATTSFALL in args: productions = self.load_ebnf(scriptdir+"/etc/egratt.ebnf") for p in productions: self.uriformatter[p] = self.egrattsfall_format_uri self.roots.append("ecjcaseref") self.decl += "root ::= (%s/plain)+\n" % "/".join(self.roots) # pprint(productions) # print self.decl.decode(SP_CHARSET,'ignore') self.parser = Parser(self.decl, "root") self.tagger = self.parser.buildTagger("root") # print "tagger length: %d" % len(repr(self.tagger)) self.verbose = False self.depth = 0 # SFS-specifik kod self.currentlaw = None self.currentchapter = None self.currentsection = None self.currentpiece = None self.lastlaw = None self.currentlynamedlaws = {}
def main(): scalingFac = 12 findAccOrArgMaxOrPredVal = 0 restoreWeights = True onlysavegraph = False save_model_path = './TrainedModel/model' doTraining = False inp = None if (len(sys.argv) > 1): inp = sys.argv[1] if (inp == 'train'): doTraining = True elif (inp == 'savegraph'): findAccOrArgMaxOrPredVal = 1 restoreWeights = False onlysavegraph = True testing_features, testing_labels = Util.get_sample_points( 2, 4555, 4556) elif (inp == 'testSingleTestInp'): testBatchInpNum = int(sys.argv[2]) findAccOrArgMaxOrPredVal = 1 restoreWeights = True onlysavegraph = False all_testing_features, all_testing_labels = Util.load_preprocess_testing_data( ) testing_features, testing_labels = all_testing_features[ testBatchInpNum:testBatchInpNum + 1], all_testing_labels[testBatchInpNum:testBatchInpNum + 1] elif (inp == 'testSingleTestInpAndSaveData'): testBatchInpNum = int(sys.argv[2]) findAccOrArgMaxOrPredVal = int(sys.argv[3]) restoreWeights = True onlysavegraph = False all_testing_features, all_testing_labels = Util.load_preprocess_testing_data( ) testing_features, testing_labels = all_testing_features[ testBatchInpNum:testBatchInpNum + 1], all_testing_labels[testBatchInpNum:testBatchInpNum + 1] # testing_features, testing_labels = numpy.full((1,32,32,3),0.01), numpy.full((1,10),0.01) elif (inp == 'savegraphAndDataBatch'): batchNum = int(sys.argv[2]) imgStartNum = int(sys.argv[3]) imgEndNum = int(sys.argv[4]) findAccOrArgMaxOrPredVal = 1 restoreWeights = False onlysavegraph = True testing_features, testing_labels = Util.get_sample_points( batchNum, imgStartNum, imgEndNum) elif (inp == 'testBatchInp'): imgStartNum = int(sys.argv[2]) imgEndNum = int(sys.argv[3]) findAccOrArgMaxOrPredVal = 1 restoreWeights = True onlysavegraph = False all_testing_features, all_testing_labels = Util.load_preprocess_testing_data( ) testing_features, testing_labels = all_testing_features[ imgStartNum:imgEndNum], all_testing_labels[ imgStartNum:imgEndNum] elif (inp == 'findAndSaveCorrectTestImg'): findAccOrArgMaxOrPredVal = 2 restoreWeights = True onlysavegraph = False testing_features, testing_labels = Util.load_preprocess_testing_data( ) testing_features, testing_labels = testing_features[ 0:100], testing_labels[0:100] else: if (inp != ""): print("WARNING : Given option didn't match any known value.") testing_features, testing_labels = Util.load_preprocess_testing_data( ) sqn = SqueezeNet1(use_cons_init=onlysavegraph) if doTraining: train(sqn, save_model_path) else: with tf.Session() as sess: pred = infer(sqn, sess, testing_features, testing_labels, save_model_path, findAccOrArgMaxOrPredVal=findAccOrArgMaxOrPredVal, restoreWeights=restoreWeights, onlysavegraph=onlysavegraph) if findAccOrArgMaxOrPredVal == 1 and not (onlysavegraph): print("Actual labels = ", testing_labels) print("ArgMax in actual label : ", numpy.argmax(testing_labels, axis=1)) if (inp == 'findAndSaveCorrectTestImg'): print('Running ' + inp) print(pred[0].shape) findAndSaveCorrectTestImg(pred, testing_features, testing_labels, './testPred/CorrectImg/', './testPred/IncorrectImg/', './testPred/TestInputs/', sess, sqn, scalingFac) if (inp == 'savegraphAndDataBatch' or inp == 'testSingleTestInpAndSaveData'): imgFileName = 'SqNet_CIFAR_img.inp' weightsFileName = 'SqNet_CIFAR_weights.inp' for ii, curFeature in enumerate(testing_features): if ii == 0: DumpTFMtData.dumpImageDataInt(curFeature, imgFileName, scalingFac, 'w') else: DumpTFMtData.dumpImageDataInt(curFeature, imgFileName, scalingFac, 'a') DumpTFMtData.dumpTrainedWeightsInt(sess, sqn.all_weights, weightsFileName, scalingFac, 'w')
else: # respond to the original requester try: self.transaction_map[transaction]["socket"].wfile.write(line + "\n") except socket.error, e: logger.warning("It can't write on requestor socket...") # remove from map if end of transaction if Util.get_var("(ackend)", line) != "": logger.debug("Closing transaction: %s" % transaction) if self.transaction_map.has_key(transaction): del self.transaction_map[transaction] # assume we are a command request to an agent else: id = Util.get_var("id=\"([^\"]+)\"", line) if id == "" or id == "all": logger.debug("Broadcasting to all ...") if len(self.control_agents) == 0: response = line + ' errno="-1" error="No agents available." ackend\n' else: # send line to each control agent for key in self.control_agents: # add this connection to the transaction map transaction = self.__transaction_id_get() self.transaction_map[transaction] = {'socket':requestor, 'time':time.time()}
npUrl = "" source = {''} SAnews = [] for t in type_: logFile = logPath.format(t,'%Y%m%d')) payload["channel_id"] = t DateStr = '2020-12-01' startDate = datetime.strptime(DateStr, '%Y-%m-%d') for i in range(0, 1): #nextDate = startDate + relativedelta(months=1) nextDate = startDate + relativedelta(days=1) Util.writeLog( logFile, "StartTime:{0} & EndTime:{1}".format( startDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), nextDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))) payload['startDate'] = startDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') payload['endDate'] = nextDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') payload['page'] = 1 res ='', json=payload, headers=headers, verify=False, timeout=30) jd = res.json() pageNum = math.ceil(jd["total_count"] / 100) data = jd["data"]
def parse(path, block_index, tx_index): print('Parsing tx to JSON file', path, '. . .') time_start = time.time() # get starting time with open(path, 'w') as json_file: # open the output (json) file in writing mode with open( block_index.path, 'rb' ) as block_file: # open the input (.dat) file in reading binary mode tx_ins = [] tx_outs = [] in_prev_hash = [] in_prev_index = [] out_address = [] out_index = [] out_value = [] current_block = -1 for i in range(0, len(tx_index.byte_index) ): # iterate over all the tx in the tx index # clearing tx_ins.clear() tx_outs.clear() in_prev_hash.clear() in_prev_index.clear() out_address.clear() out_value.clear() # parsing if current_block != tx_index.block_num[ i]: # parsing timestamp (same timestamp for tx in the same block) current_block = tx_index.block_num[i] block_index.byte_index[current_block] + 76 ) # magic num : 4, block size : 4, version : 4, previous hash : 32, merkle root : 32 byte_time = # block timestamp : 4 tx_timestamp = int.from_bytes(byte_time, byteorder='little')[i]) # parsing tx hash byte_tx =[i]) h_sha256 = hashlib.sha256() h_sha256.update(byte_tx) h_bytes = h_sha256.digest() h_sha256 = hashlib.sha256() h_sha256.update(h_bytes) tx_id_hash = h_sha256.hexdigest() tx_id = Util.formatHashString(tx_id_hash, True, True) if len(tx_id) != 66: print(tx_id_hash, tx_id) tx_index.byte_index[i] + 4) # parsing number of tx inputs, tx version : 4 byte_in_count = # reading the INPUT COUNT # check if varInt is on 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes if (byte_in_count[0] == 253 ): # varInt is on 2 bytes AFTER the prefix byte_in_count = elif (byte_in_count[0] == 254 ): # varInt is on 4 bytes AFTER the prefix byte_in_count = elif (byte_in_count[0] == 255 ): # varInt is on 8 bytes AFTER the prefix byte_in_count = # else: # varInt was on 1 bytes, nothing to do in_count = int.from_bytes(byte_in_count, byteorder='little') ins = 0 while ins < in_count: byte_hash = # previous tx hash : 32 first_hash = hex(int.from_bytes(byte_hash, byteorder='big')) prev_hash = Util.formatPrevHashString( first_hash[2:], True, True) if (len(prev_hash) != 66 and len(prev_hash) != 2): print(byte_hash, first_hash, prev_hash) in_prev_hash.append(prev_hash) byte_prev_index = 4) # previous tx index : 4 prev_index = int.from_bytes(byte_prev_index, byteorder='little') in_prev_index.append(prev_index) byte_script_len = 1) # reading the INPUT COUNT # check if varInt is on 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes if (byte_script_len[0] == 253 ): # varInt is on 2 bytes AFTER the prefix byte_script_len = elif (byte_script_len[0] == 254 ): # varInt is on 4 bytes AFTER the prefix byte_script_len = elif (byte_script_len[0] == 255 ): # varInt is on 8 bytes AFTER the prefix byte_script_len = # else: # varInt was on 1 bytes, nothing to do script_len = int.from_bytes(byte_script_len, byteorder='little') # script : script_len # sequence : 4 ins += 1 byte_out_count = # reading the OUTPUT COUNT # check if varInt is on 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes if (byte_out_count[0] == 253 ): # varInt is on 2 bytes AFTER the prefix byte_out_count = elif (byte_out_count[0] == 254 ): # varInt is on 4 bytes AFTER the prefix byte_out_count = elif (byte_out_count[0] == 255 ): # varInt is on 8 bytes AFTER the prefix byte_out_count = # else: # varInt was on 1 bytes, nothing to do out_count = int.from_bytes(byte_out_count, byteorder='little') outs = 0 while outs < out_count: byte_value = # value : 8 value = int.from_bytes(byte_value, byteorder='little') out_value.append(value) out_index.append(outs) byte_script_len = 1) # reading the INPUT COUNT # check if varInt is on 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes if (byte_script_len[0] == 253 ): # varInt is on 2 bytes AFTER the prefix byte_script_len = elif (byte_script_len[0] == 254 ): # varInt is on 4 bytes AFTER the prefix byte_script_len = elif (byte_script_len[0] == 255 ): # varInt is on 8 bytes AFTER the prefix byte_script_len = # else: # varInt was on 1 bytes, nothing to do script_len = int.from_bytes(byte_script_len, byteorder='little') byte_script = script_len) # script : script_len script = Util.intToHexString( int.from_bytes(byte_script, byteorder='big'), False, False) address_hex = Util.getDataFromHexStringScript(script) if (len(address_hex) == 130): address_hex = Util.pubKStringToAddress(address_hex) elif (len(address_hex) == 40): address_hex = Util.base58Check(address_hex) else: address_hex = 'UNABLE_TO_PARSE_ADDRESS' out_address.append(address_hex) outs += 1 tx_total_value = 0 for outs in range(0, len(out_value)): tx_total_value += out_value[outs] # sum of outs values for ins in range(0, len(in_prev_hash)): if in_prev_hash[ins] == '0x': tx_ins.append( JsonTx.JsonTxIn('MINING_REWARD', in_prev_hash[ins], -1, tx_total_value)) elif len(in_prev_hash) == 1: tx_ins.append( JsonTx.JsonTxIn('NO_ADDRESS', in_prev_hash[ins], in_prev_index[ins], tx_total_value) ) # if there is only 1 input its value is the total value of the tx else: if len(in_prev_hash[ins]) != 66: print(in_prev_hash[ins], len(in_prev_hash[ins])) tx_ins.append( JsonTx.JsonTxIn('NO_ADDRESS', in_prev_hash[ins], in_prev_index[ins], 'NO_VALUE')) for outs in range(0, len(out_value)): tx_outs.append( JsonTx.JsonTxOut(out_address[outs], out_index[outs], out_value[outs])) tx = JsonTx.JsonTx('NO_X_RATE', tx_timestamp, tx_total_value, tx_ins, tx_outs, tx_id) json_str = json.dumps(tx, default=jsonDefault) json_file.write(json_str + '\n') block_file.closed # close the file json_file.closed # close the file time_end = time.time() print('end of parsing in', time_end - time_start, 's')
def process(self, requestor, command, line): """Process all the requests coming from the webgui """ self.__mutexRquest.acquire() try: response = "" action = Util.get_var("action=\"([^\"]+)\"", line) if action == "connect": id = Util.get_var("id=\"([^\"]+)\"", line) sensor_id = Util.get_var("sensor_id=\"([0-9a-fA-F]{8}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12})\"", line) if id != "": requestor.set_id(id) else: requestor.set_id("%s_%i" % (requestor.client_address)) requestor.set_sensorID(sensor_id) logger.debug("Adding control agent %s to the list., with key %s [%s]" % (id, requestor.getRequestorIP(),requestor.get_sensorID())) # add this connection to our control agent collection self.control_agents[requestor.getRequestorIP()] = requestor # indicate we're good to go response = 'ok id="%s"\n' % id self.__ntop_apache_manager.refreshDefaultNtopConfiguration(first_sensor_name=id, must_reload=True) timer = Timer(5.0, self.refreshAgentCache, (requestor, requestor.getRequestorIP(), id,)) timer.start() timer = Timer(10.0, self.refreshAgentInventoryTasks, (requestor, requestor.getRequestorIP(), id,)) timer.start() elif action == "getconnectedagents": # set up response response = "control getconnectedagents" # indicate the number of agents connected keys = self.control_agents.keys() response += ' count="%d"' % len(keys) # build the connected list if keys != None: # sort list before sending keys.sort() names = "" for key in keys: names += "%s=%s|" % (self.control_agents[key].getRequestorID(), key) names = names[:-1] else: names = "" response += ' names="%s" errno="0" error="Success." ackend\n' % names elif action == "gettotalagentsconnected": # set up response response = "control gettotalagentsconnected" # indicate the number of agents connected keys = self.control_agents.keys() response += ' count="%d" errno="0" error="Success." ackend\n' % len(keys) elif action == "getconnectedagents_p": # set up response response = "control getconnectedagents_p" begin_index = 0 end_index = 0 try: begin_index = int(Util.get_var("begin_index=\"([^\"]+)\"", line)) except: begin_index = 0 try: end_index = int(Util.get_var("end_index=\"([^\"]+)\"", line)) except: end_index = 0 pag_size = end_index - begin_index real_size = 0 if pag_size > 0: # indicate the number of agents connected keys = self.control_agents.keys() response += ' count="%d"' % len(keys) # build the connected list if keys != None: # sort list before sending keys.sort() if end_index >= len(keys): page_keys = keys[begin_index:] else: page_keys = keys[begin_index:end_index] real_size = len(page_keys) names = "" for key in page_keys: names += "%s=%s|" % (self.control_agents[key].getRequestorID(), key) names = names[:-1] #names = "|".join(page_keys) else: names = "" response += ' page_size="%d" names="%s" errno="0" error="Success." ackend\n' % (real_size, names) else: response += 'errno="-1" error="Invalid page size requested." ackend\n' elif action == "refresh_asset_list": for agent_id in self.control_agents.keys(): self.refreshAgentCache(self.control_agents[agent_id], self.control_agents[agent_id].getRequestorIP(), self.control_agents[agent_id].getRequestorID()) elif action == "refresh_inventory_task": for agent_id in self.control_agents.keys(): self.refreshAgentInventoryTasks(self.control_agents[agent_id], self.control_agents[agent_id].getRequestorIP(), self.control_agents[agent_id].getRequestorID()) response="%s ok\n" % line elif action == "getOCSInventory":"Request for ocs inventory") response = self.getOCSInventoryData() elif action == "getNagiosInventory":"Request for ocs inventory") response = self.getNagiosInventory() else: # check if we are a transaction transaction = Util.get_var("transaction=\"([^\"]+)\"", line) if transaction != "": if transaction not in self.transaction_map: logger.error("Transaction %s has no apparent originator!", transaction) else: # respond to the original requester try: self.transaction_map[transaction]["socket"].wfile.write(line + "\n") except socket.error, e: logger.warning("It can't write on requestor socket...") # remove from map if end of transaction if Util.get_var("(ackend)", line) != "": logger.debug("Closing transaction: %s" % transaction) if self.transaction_map.has_key(transaction): del self.transaction_map[transaction] # assume we are a command request to an agent else:
def MultiPO(Board, Moderators, DaysAgo): global author_list global ip_list global new_line global ptt_bot global publish global ask global mail Util.PTTBot = PTTBot Util.post_search = None Util.current_board = Board Util.Moderators = Moderators global publish_content if PublishContent is None: PublishContent = '此內容由 IP 分析程式產生' + NewLine PublishContent += '由 CodingMan 透過 PTT Library 開發,' + NewLine * 2 PublishContent += 'PTT Library:' + NewLine PublishContent += '開發手冊:' + NewLine PublishContent += 'IP 分析程式:' + NewLine StartTime = time.time() AuthorList = dict() IPList = dict() CurrentDate = Util.get_date(DaysAgo) PTTBot.log(f'開始 {Board} 板 IP 分析') PTTBot.log(f'從 {CurrentDate} 開始分析') Start, _ = Util.find_post_rrange(DaysAgo, show=False) NewestIndex = PTTBot.getNewestIndex( PTT.IndexType.Board, Board=Board, ) End = NewestIndex PTTBot.log('編號範圍 ' + str(Start) + ' ~ ' + str(End)) ErrorPostList, DeleteCount = PTTBot.crawlBoard( PostHandler, Util.current_board, StartIndex=Start, EndIndex=End, ) MultiPOResult = '' for Suspect, TitleAuthorList in AuthorList.items(): if len(TitleAuthorList) <= 1: continue # print('=' * 5 + ' ' + Suspect + ' ' + '=' * 5) if MultiPOResult != '': MultiPOResult += NewLine for Title in TitleAuthorList: MultiPOResult += CurrentDate + ' ' + \ Suspect + ' □ ' + Title + NewLine IPResult = '' for IP, SuspectList in IPList.items(): # print('len:', len(SuspectList)) if len(SuspectList) <= 1: continue # print('IP:', IP) IPResult += 'IP: ' + IP + NewLine for Line in SuspectList: # print('> ' + CurrentDate + ' ' + Line) IPResult += CurrentDate + ' ' + Line + NewLine EndTime = time.time() Title = CurrentDate + f' {Board} 板 IP 分析結果' PublishContent += NewLine PublishContent += '◆ ' + CurrentDate + f' {Board} 板 IP 分析結果' Time = math.ceil(EndTime - StartTime) Min = int(Time / 60) Sec = int(Time % 60) Content = '此內容由自動抓多 PO 程式產生' + NewLine Content += '共耗時' PublishContent += '共耗時' if Min > 0: Content += f' {Min} 分' PublishContent += f' {Min} 分' Content += f' {Sec} 秒執行完畢' + NewLine * 2 PublishContent += f' {Sec} 秒執行完畢' + NewLine * 2 Content += '此程式是由 CodingMan 透過 PTT Library 開發,' + NewLine * 2 Content += f'蒐集範圍為 ALLPOST 搜尋 ({Board}) 情況下編號 ' + \ str(Start) + ' ~ ' + str(End) + NewLine Content += f'共 {End - Start + 1} 篇文章' + NewLine * 2 PublishContent += f' 蒐集範圍為 ALLPOST 搜尋 ({Board}) 情況下編號 ' + \ str(Start) + ' ~ ' + str(End) + NewLine PublishContent += f' 共 {End - Start + 1} 篇文章' + NewLine * 2 if MultiPOResult != '': Content += MultiPOResult MultiPOResult = MultiPOResult.strip() for line in MultiPOResult.split(NewLine): PublishContent += ' ' + line + NewLine else: Content += '◆ ' + CurrentDate + ' 無人違反多 PO 板規' + NewLine PublishContent += ' ' + '◆ ' + CurrentDate + ' 無人違反多 PO 板規' + NewLine if IPResult != '': Content += IPResult IPResult = IPResult.strip() for line in IPResult.split(NewLine): PublishContent += ' ' + line + NewLine else: Content += NewLine + f'◆ 沒有發現特定 IP 有 {MaxPost + 1} 篇以上文章' + NewLine PublishContent += NewLine + \ f' ◆ 沒有發現特定 IP 有 {MaxPost + 1} 篇以上文章' + NewLine Content += NewLine + '內容如有失準,歡迎告知。' + NewLine Content += '此訊息同步發送給 ' + ' '.join(Util.Moderators) + NewLine Content += NewLine Content += ID print(Title) print(Content) if Ask: Choise = input('要發佈嗎? [Y]').lower() Publish = (Choise == 'y') or (Choise == '') if Mail: for Moderator in Util.Moderators: PTTBot.mail(Moderator, Title, Content, 0) PTTBot.log('寄信給 ' + Moderator + ' 成功') else: PTTBot.log('取消寄信')
def apply(x): if x < 3: mode = 0 while mode != 1 and mode != 2: mode = int( input("Mode de (dé)chiffrement : \n\t1. ECB\n\t2. CBC\n")) key_len = 0 while (key_len != 256) and (key_len != 512) and (key_len != 1024): key_len = int(input("Taille de la clé en bits(256/512/1024): ")) file_key = input("Chemin du fichier de la clé: ") passwd_user = input("Mot de passe pour chiffrer la clé: ") file_path = input("Chemin du fichier à (dé)chiffrer : ") word_len = 64 num_words = int(key_len / word_len) word_len_bytes = int(word_len / 8) if x == 1: file_data = IO.readfile(file_path, word_len, 1) file_data_list = Util.organize_data_list(file_data, num_words) encrypted_file = ThreeFish.threefish_chiffrement( file_data_list, mode, key_len, passwd_user, file_key) IO.write_2D_list(file_path, encrypted_file, word_len_bytes) IO.rename_file(file_path, 0) print("Chiffrement terminé.") elif x == 2: ciph_data = IO.readfile(file_path, word_len, 0) ciph_data_list = Util.organize_data_list(ciph_data, num_words) clear_file_data, valeur_pad = ThreeFish.threefish_dechiffrement( ciph_data_list, mode, key_len, word_len, passwd_user, file_key) IO.write_file_list_pad(file_path, clear_file_data, word_len_bytes, valeur_pad) IO.rename_file(file_path, 1) print("Déchiffrement terminé.") elif x == 3: filepath = input("Chemin du fichier à chiffrer:") file_data = IO.read_bytes(filepath) ans = '' while ans != 'y' and ans != 'n' and ans != 'Y' and ans != 'N': ans = input("Avez-vous un fichier de clé publique ? (y/n) ") if ans == 'y' or ans == 'Y': keypath = input("Chemin de la clé publique: ") ciph_data = CramerShoup.encode_with_key(file_data, keypath) else: k = int(input("Taille de clé souhaitée en bits: ")) password = input("Mot de passe pour chiffrer la clé privée: ") keypath = input("Chemin du répertoire des clés: ") ciph_data = CramerShoup.encode_no_key(file_data, keypath, k, password) ciph_bytes = Conversions.int_list2bytes(ciph_data, 8) IO.write_bytes(filepath, ciph_bytes) IO.rename_file(filepath, 0) print("Chiffrement terminé.") elif x == 4: filepath = input("Chemin du fichier à déchiffrer: ") file_data = IO.read_bytes(filepath) keypath = input("Chemin de la clé privée: ") password = input("Mot de passe: ") ciph_data = Conversions.bytes2int_list(file_data, 8) clear_data = CramerShoup.decode(ciph_data, keypath, password) IO.write_bytes(filepath, clear_data) IO.rename_file(filepath, 1) print("Déchiffrement terminé.") elif x == 5: hash_len = 0 while hash_len != 256 and hash_len != 512 and hash_len != 1 and hash_len != 2: hash_len = int(input("1. BLAKE-256\n2. BLAKE-512\n")) if hash_len < 256: hash_len *= 32 else: hash_len //= 8 filepath = input("Chemin du fichier: ") with open(filepath, 'r') as rfile: file_data = ans = '' while ans != 'y' and ans != 'n' and ans != 'Y' and ans != 'N': ans = input("Protéger l'empreinte ? (y/n) ") key = '' if ans == 'y' or ans == 'Y': key = input("Mot de passe: ") h = hex(Hash.blake_hash(file_data, hash_len, key)) + '\n' # Rename file : "name.ext" -> "name~hash.ext" path = filepath.split('/') last = len(path) - 1 filename = path[last].split('.') filename[0] += '~hash' path[last] = '.'.join(filename) filepath = '/'.join(path) with open(filepath, 'w') as wfile: wfile.write(h) elif x == 6: hash_len = 0 while hash_len != 256 and hash_len != 512 and hash_len != 1 and hash_len != 2: hash_len = int(input("1. BLAKE-256\n2. BLAKE-512\n")) if hash_len < 256: hash_len *= 32 else: hash_len //= 8 filepath = input("Chemin du fichier: ") with open(filepath, 'r') as rfile: file_data = hashpath = input("Chemin du hash: ") with open(hashpath, 'r') as hfile: hash = ans = '' while ans != 'y' and ans != 'n' and ans != 'Y' and ans != 'N': ans = input("Empreinte protégée ?(y/n) ") key = '' if ans == 'y' or ans == 'Y': key = input("Mot de passe: ") h = hex(Hash.blake_hash(file_data, hash_len, key)) + '\n' if h == hash: print("Les empreintes sont égales.") else: print("Les empreintes ne correspondent pas.")
"D:\\Andre\\GitHub\\alabliuk\\Alura\\Data Science\\A coleta de dados\\data\\ufo.csv" ) # Linhas contendo NaN nas colunas City, State ou Time devem ser eliminadas df_ufo.dropna(axis=0, how='any', subset=['City', 'State', 'Time'], inplace=True) # Linhas contendo NaN em ambas colunas Colors Reported e Shape Reported devem ser eliminadas df_ufo.dropna(axis=0, how='all', subset=['Colors Reported', 'Shape Reported'], inplace=True) # Conexão: cliente_MongoDB_db_clima = Util.fnc_Conecta_Base_Documentos( '', '', '', '27017', 'dbclima') db_clima = cliente_MongoDB_db_clima.dbclima # Inicia Caixa de Areia, destino das linhas cujos valores (cidade, estado, instante) não constam na base clima caixa_de_areia = [] for index, row in df_ufo.iterrows(): cidade = row["City"] estado = row["State"] instante = row["Time"] # Esmiuçando "Time" em: mês, dia, ano, hora e minuto. Exemplo de data: 8/21/2004 00:05 # Temos que garantir o tamanho 2 para cada item. # Exemplo: se ler dia "8", precisamos transformá-lo em "08" # Para melhorar o percentual de busca, vamos desconsiderar minutos x = re.findall('\d+', instante) # Extraímos os 5 números mes = x[0].zfill(2)
#coding: utf-8 __author__ = 'ssm' import numpy as np import datetime from sklearn.cluster import AffinityPropagation, KMeans from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity import Util import redis #redis r = redis.StrictRedis(host='', port=6379, db=0) #get 1st subject words words = Util.cluster_2nd_load_1st_words("") #get vecs vecs = Util.cluster_2nd_load_1st_vecs(r, words) print len(vecs) def test_ap_clustering(wrds): words = wrds[:-len(wrds) / 5] #get similarities similarities = [[0 for i in range(len(words))] for j in range(len(words))] for ci in range(len(words)): for cj in range(ci, len(words)): similarities[ci][cj] = cosine_similarity([vecs[ci]], [vecs[cj]])[0][0] similarities[cj][ci] = similarities[ci][cj] if ci % 100 == 0:
def axisAngle(axis, angle): '''Creates a rotation which rotates angle degrees around axis.''' return Quaternion.axisAngleInRadian(axis, Util.degreeToRadian(angle))
# ('Gossiping', ['Bignana'], 1), ('Wanted', ['gogin'], 1), ('HatePolitics', ['Neptunium', 'mark2165', 'kero2377'], 1), ] try: with open('Account.txt') as AccountFile: Account = json.load(AccountFile) ID = Account['ID'] Password = Account['Password'] except FileNotFoundError: ID = input('請輸入帳號: ') Password = getpass.getpass('請輸入密碼: ') ptt_bot.login(ID, Password, KickOtherLogin=True) for (current_board, ModeratorList, MaxPost) in SearchList: MultiPO(current_board, ModeratorList, MaxPost) publish_content += new_line + '內容如有失準,歡迎告知。' + new_line publish_content += 'CodingMan' if publish: CurrentDate = Util.get_date(1)'Test', CurrentDate + ' 多 PO 結果', publish_content, 1, 0) ptt_bot.log('在 Test 板發文成功') else: ptt_bot.log('取消備份') ptt_bot.logout()
def evict( self, leaf ): # returns list of the blocks that go in each node on the path as a 2d list, should compare IDs and return if found as well numLevels = Util.levelNumber(leaf) + 1 result = [0] * numLevels for i in range(numLevels): result[i] = [Block.Block(0, 0, b"")] * self._z stashIter = 0 full = math.pow( 2, numLevels ) - 1 # "full vector" which has numLevel digits, and 1 means bucket has room for more pathVec = [0] * numLevels # holds number of blocks in bucket occupied while stashIter < len( self._nodes ): # put nodes in the list where 0th element is 0th level, etc. if self._oldStash == False: """if leaf == 1: #print() #print("root") bucketPos = pathVec[0] result[0][bucketPos] = self._nodes[stashIter] self.deleteNode(stashIter) pathVec[0] += 1 if pathVec[0] == self._z: full -= math.pow(2, 0) else:""" legalLevels = Util.getMaxLevel( leaf, self._nodes[stashIter].getLeaf( )) # gets the number that tells which levels are allowed #print(str(leaf) + ", " + str(self._nodes[stashIter].getLeaf())) #print("legalLevels: " + str(legalLevels)) availBuc = int( full ) & legalLevels # gets number that shows which buckets are available and allowed #print("availBuc: " + str(availBuc)) if availBuc == 0: # if it's 0, then there are no available ones, we move on print("no available") stashIter += 1 else: print("available") bucketLevel = int(math.log(availBuc, 2)) #print("bucketLevel: " + str(bucketLevel)) bucketPos = pathVec[bucketLevel] result[bucketLevel][bucketPos] = self._nodes[stashIter] self.deleteNode(stashIter) pathVec[bucketLevel] += 1 if pathVec[bucketLevel] == self._z: full -= math.pow(2, bucketLevel) else: curLevel = Util.getMaxLevel(leaf, self._nodes[stashIter].getLeaf()) while curLevel > -1: if pathVec[curLevel] < self._z: result[curLevel][ pathVec[curLevel]] = self._nodes[stashIter] self.deleteNode(stashIter) pathVec[curLevel] += 1 break curLevel -= 1 if curLevel == -1: stashIter += 1 return result
def __init__(self, fn_in, time_begin, time_end, overloaded): self.overloaded = overloaded # Unzip when the file is not there if not os.path.exists(fn_in): fn_zipped = "%s.bz2" % fn_in if not os.path.exists(fn_zipped): raise RuntimeError("Unexpected: %s" % fn_in) Util.RunSubp("cd %s && bzip2 -dk %s > /dev/null" % (os.path.dirname(fn_zipped), os.path.basename(fn_zipped))) if not os.path.exists(fn_in): raise RuntimeError("Unexpected") #Cons.P(fn_in) mo_list = [] line_params = None line_run = None with open(fn_in) as fo: for line in fo: #Cons.P(line) # 2017-10-13 20:41:01:258 2 sec: 34 operations; 34 current ops/sec; est completion in 68 days 1 hours [READ: Count=28, Max=46943, Min=33, # Avg=32239.54, 90=45343, 99=46943, 99.9=46943, 99.99=46943] [INSERT: Count=8, Max=9343, Min=221, Avg=4660.88, 90=8695, 99=9343, 99.9=9343, # 99.99=9343] mo = re.match(r"\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\d (?P<rel_time>\d+) sec: \d+ operations; " \ "(?P<db_iops>(\d|\.)+) current ops\/sec; .*" \ "\[READ: Count=(?P<r_cnt>\d+), Max=(?P<r_max>\d+), Min=(?P<r_min>\d+), Avg=(?P<r_avg>(\d|\.)+)," \ " 90=(?P<r_90>\d+), 99=(?P<r_99>\d+), 99.9=(?P<r_999>\d+), 99.99=(?P<r_9999>\d+)\] " \ "\[INSERT: Count=(?P<w_cnt>\d+), Max=(?P<w_max>\d+), Min=(?P<w_min>\d+), Avg=(?P<w_avg>(\d|\.)+)," \ " 90=(?P<w_90>\d+), 99=(?P<w_99>\d+), 99.9=(?P<w_999>\d+), 99.99=(?P<w_9999>\d+)\] " \ , line) if mo is None: continue total_seconds = int("rel_time")) s = total_seconds % 60 total_seconds -= s total_mins = total_seconds / 60 m = total_mins % 60 total_mins -= m h = total_mins / 60 rel_time = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s) if (time_begin <= rel_time) and (rel_time <= time_end): mo_list.append((rel_time, mo)) if len(mo_list) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected. Check file [%s]" % fn_in) cnt = 0 db_iops = [] r_cnt = 0 r_avg = 0.0 r_min = 0 r_max = 0 r_90 = 0 r_99 = 0 r_999 = 0 r_9999 = 0 w_cnt = 0 w_avg = 0.0 w_min = 0 w_max = 0 w_90 = 0 w_99 = 0 w_999 = 0 w_9999 = 0 for e in mo_list: rel_time = e[0] mo = e[1] db_iops.append(float("db_iops"))) r_cnt += int("r_cnt")) r_avg += float("r_avg")) r_min += int("r_min")) r_max += int("r_max")) r_90 += int("r_90")) r_99 += int("r_99")) r_999 += int("r_999")) r_9999 += int("r_9999")) w_cnt += int("w_cnt")) w_avg += float("w_avg")) w_min += int("w_min")) w_max += int("w_max")) w_90 += int("w_90")) w_99 += int("w_99")) w_999 += int("w_999")) w_9999 += int("w_9999")) cnt += 1 self.db_iops_stat = Stat.Gen(db_iops) self.r_cnt = r_cnt self.r_avg = (float(r_avg ) / cnt) self.r_min = (float(r_min ) / cnt) self.r_max = (float(r_max ) / cnt) self.r_90 = (float(r_90 ) / cnt) self.r_99 = (float(r_99 ) / cnt) self.r_999 = (float(r_999 ) / cnt) self.r_9999 = (float(r_9999) / cnt) self.w_cnt = (float(w_cnt ) / cnt) self.w_avg = (float(w_avg ) / cnt) self.w_min = (float(w_min ) / cnt) self.w_max = (float(w_max ) / cnt) self.w_90 = (float(w_90 ) / cnt) self.w_99 = (float(w_99 ) / cnt) self.w_999 = (float(w_999 ) / cnt) self.w_9999 = (float(w_9999) / cnt)
def get_seqs_bfr_aft_trgt_idx(self, data_dict, init): chr_path = init[0] max_len = init[1] win_len = init[2] result_dict = {} util = Util.Utils() for chr_key, val_list in data_dict.items(): result_dict.update({chr_key: {}}) n3_after_strd_dict = {} n_len_after_strd_dict = {} n_mx_len_after_strd_dict = {} with open(chr_path + chr_key + ".fa", "r") as f: header = f.readline() # header ignored : >chr19 print("header : " + header) idx = 1 full_cover_p_str = "" full_cover_m_str = "" while True: c = if c == "": print(str(idx)) break if "\n" in c: continue elif "\r" in c: continue full_cover_p_str = full_cover_p_str + c.upper() full_cover_m_str = full_cover_m_str + self.get_complementary( c.upper()) p_m_str_n3_list = self.get_p_m_str_list_for_n3( full_cover_p_str, full_cover_m_str, max_len, win_len) p_m_str_list, full_cover_p_str, full_cover_m_str, n_len_str = self.get_p_m_str_list( full_cover_p_str, full_cover_m_str, max_len, win_len) # add forward seq into result_dict result_dict = self.add_in_frm_forwrd_seq( idx, chr_key, n3_after_strd_dict, result_dict, p_m_str_n3_list) result_dict = self.add_in_frm_forwrd_seq( idx, chr_key, n_mx_len_after_strd_dict, result_dict, p_m_str_list) result_dict = self.add_out_frm_forwrd_seq( idx, chr_key, n_len_after_strd_dict, result_dict, p_m_str_list, n_len_str) if idx in val_list: for tmp_val in val_list[idx]: Cellline = tmp_val[0] Genome_Change = tmp_val[1] tmp_key = Cellline + "^" + Genome_Change # HCC827^g.chr1:915845C>A Genomesequence = tmp_val[3] cDNA_change = tmp_val[4] Codon_Change = tmp_val[ 6] # Codon_Change : c.(223-225)Ggt>Tgt Codon_Change_arr = Codon_Change.split( ">") # ['c.(223-225)Ggt', 'Tgt'] # check +/- strand strnd = self.check_p_m_strand( Genome_Change, cDNA_change) if len(Codon_Change_arr) > 1: mut_seq = Codon_Change_arr[1] # mut_seq : Tgt mut_char_arr = Genome_Change.split(">") if len(mut_seq) == 3 and len(mut_char_arr) > 1: # TODO del mut_char = mut_char_arr[1] # A # idx_mut_char = mut_seq.find(mut_char) if strnd == "-": forward, frwrd_idx, bckwrd_idx = self.get_frwrd_str_bckwrd_idx( mut_seq, p_m_str_n3_list, strnd) result_dict[chr_key].update({ tmp_key: [strnd, bckwrd_idx + 3, forward] }) if idx + 3 + max_len - frwrd_idx in n3_after_strd_dict: n3_after_strd_dict[ idx + 3 + max_len - frwrd_idx].append(tmp_key) else: n3_after_strd_dict.update({ idx + 3 + max_len - frwrd_idx: [tmp_key] }) else: forward, frwrd_idx, bckwrd_idx = self.get_frwrd_str_bckwrd_idx( mut_seq, p_m_str_n3_list, strnd) result_dict[chr_key].update({ tmp_key: [strnd, bckwrd_idx, forward] }) if idx + 3 + max_len - frwrd_idx in n3_after_strd_dict: n3_after_strd_dict[ idx + 3 + max_len - frwrd_idx].append(tmp_key) else: n3_after_strd_dict.update({ idx + 3 + max_len - frwrd_idx: [tmp_key] }) else: # mut_seq's len is not 3 end_seq = int( re.findall( r'\d+', Genome_Change[Genome_Change. index(":"):])[1]) # if Genomesequence has 'In_Frame' if 'In_Frame' in Genomesequence: idx_p_m_str_list = 0 if strnd == "-": idx_p_m_str_list = 3 forward_str = p_m_str_list[ idx_p_m_str_list] adder = 1 if 'ins'.upper( ) in Genome_Change.upper(): adder = 0 forward_str = full_cover_p_str[ -max_len:] if strnd == '-': forward_str = full_cover_m_str[ -max_len:] result_dict[chr_key].update({ tmp_key: [ strnd, idx_p_m_str_list, forward_str ] }) if end_seq + max_len + adder in n_mx_len_after_strd_dict: n_mx_len_after_strd_dict[ end_seq + max_len + adder].append(tmp_key) else: n_mx_len_after_strd_dict.update({ end_seq + max_len + adder: [tmp_key] }) else: idx_p_m_str_list = 0 if strnd == "-": idx_p_m_str_list = 3 forward_str = n_len_str + p_m_str_list[ idx_p_m_str_list] adder = 1 if 'ins'.upper( ) in Genome_Change.upper(): adder = 0 forward_str = full_cover_p_str[ -max_len + win_len:] if strnd == '-': forward_str = full_cover_m_str[ -max_len + win_len:] result_dict[chr_key].update({ tmp_key: [ strnd, idx_p_m_str_list, forward_str ] }) if end_seq + max_len + win_len + adder in n_len_after_strd_dict: n_len_after_strd_dict[ end_seq + max_len + win_len + adder].append(tmp_key) else: n_len_after_strd_dict.update({ end_seq + max_len + win_len + adder: [tmp_key] }) elif "_" in Genome_Change: # deli with '_' end_seq = int( re.findall( r'\d+', Genome_Change[Genome_Change. index(":"):])[1]) # if Genomesequence has 'In_Frame' if 'In_Frame' in Genomesequence: idx_p_m_str_list = 0 if strnd == "-": idx_p_m_str_list = 3 forward_str = p_m_str_list[ idx_p_m_str_list] adder = 1 if 'ins'.upper() in Genome_Change.upper(): adder = 0 forward_str = full_cover_p_str[ -max_len:] if strnd == '-': forward_str = full_cover_m_str[ -max_len:] result_dict[chr_key].update({ tmp_key: [strnd, idx_p_m_str_list, forward_str] }) if end_seq + max_len + adder in n_mx_len_after_strd_dict: n_mx_len_after_strd_dict[ end_seq + max_len + adder].append(tmp_key) else: n_mx_len_after_strd_dict.update({ end_seq + max_len + adder: [tmp_key] }) else: idx_p_m_str_list = 0 if strnd == "-": idx_p_m_str_list = 3 forward_str = n_len_str + p_m_str_list[ idx_p_m_str_list] adder = 1 if 'ins'.upper() in Genome_Change.upper(): adder = 0 forward_str = full_cover_p_str[ -max_len - win_len:] if strnd == "-": forward_str = full_cover_m_str[ -max_len - win_len:] result_dict[chr_key].update({ tmp_key: [strnd, idx_p_m_str_list, forward_str] }) if end_seq + max_len + win_len + adder in n_len_after_strd_dict: n_len_after_strd_dict[ end_seq + max_len + win_len + adder].append(tmp_key) else: n_len_after_strd_dict.update({ end_seq + max_len + win_len + adder: [tmp_key] }) else: # out of logic end_seq = idx # + 1 idx_p_m_str_list = 0 if strnd == "-": idx_p_m_str_list = 3 forward_str = n_len_str + p_m_str_list[ idx_p_m_str_list] adder = 1 if 'ins'.upper() in Genome_Change.upper(): adder = 0 forward_str = full_cover_p_str[-max_len - win_len:] if strnd == "-": forward_str = full_cover_m_str[ -max_len - win_len:] result_dict[chr_key].update({ tmp_key: [strnd, idx_p_m_str_list, forward_str] }) if end_seq + max_len + win_len + adder in n_len_after_strd_dict: n_len_after_strd_dict[ end_seq + max_len + win_len + adder].append(tmp_key) else: n_len_after_strd_dict.update({ end_seq + max_len + win_len + adder: [tmp_key] }) idx = idx + 1 return result_dict
def toAxisAngle(self): '''Converts a rotation to axis-angle representation(angle in degree).''' axis, angle = self.toAxisAngleInRadian() return axis, Util.radianToDegree(angle)
def _GenLocalSsdData(fn): fn_plot_data = "plot-data/%s" % fn fn_raw = "../log/ioping/%s" % fn # Uncompress the raw files if not exist if not os.path.isfile(fn_raw): with Cons.MeasureTime("file %s doesn't exist. uncompressing from the archive" % fn_raw): cmd = "7z x -o../log/ioping %s.7z" % fn_raw Util.RunSubp(cmd) # Generate one if not exist. Skip for now. It's fast enough. #if os.path.isfile(fn_plot_data): # Cons.P("%s already exists" % fn_plot_data) # return if not os.path.exists("plot-data"): os.makedirs("plot-data") with Cons.MeasureTime("Generating plot data %s" % fn_plot_data): with open(fn_raw) as fo_r, open(fn_plot_data, "w") as fo_w: fmt = "%13s" \ " %5.1f" \ " %3d %3d %5d %4d" \ " %3d %3d %5d %3d" \ " %6d" fo_w.write("%s\n" % Util.BuildHeader(fmt, "datetime" \ " blocks_used_percent" \ " rr_4k_min rr_4k_avg rr_4k_max rr_4k_sd" \ " rw_4k_min rw_4k_avg rw_4k_max rw_4k_sd" \ " seqw_100m" )) # 160425-011752 # 100 17430 5737 23499713 170 174 211 5 # 100 14822 6747 27634597 134 148 231 17 # 1 216553 5 484212179 216553 216553 216553 0 # Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on # /dev/xvda1 8115168 2545256 5134636 34% / # /dev/xvdb 769018760 173080 768829296 1% /mnt/local-ssd1 i = 0 dt = None block_used_percent_prev = None blocks_total = None blocks_used = None rr_4k_min = None rr_4k_avg = None rr_4k_max = None rr_4k_sd = None rw_4k_min = None rw_4k_avg = None rw_4k_max = None rw_4k_sd = None seqw_100m = None for line in fo_r.readlines(): #Cons.P(line) if i == 0: dt = line.strip() # 4k rand read elif i == 1: t = line.split() if len(t) != 8: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected format [%s]" % line) # All in us rr_4k_min = int(t[4]) rr_4k_avg = int(t[5]) rr_4k_max = int(t[6]) rr_4k_sd = int(t[7]) elif i == 2: t = line.split() if len(t) != 8: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected format [%s]" % line) # All in us rw_4k_min = int(t[4]) rw_4k_avg = int(t[5]) rw_4k_max = int(t[6]) rw_4k_sd = int(t[7]) elif i == 3: t = line.split() if len(t) != 8: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected format [%s]" % line) # All of the min, avg, max are the same since there is only 1 request # at a time. seqw_100m = int(t[4]) elif i == 6: t = line.split() if (len(t) != 6) or (t[0] != "/dev/xvdb"): raise RuntimeError("Unexpected format [%s]" % line) blocks_total = int(t[1]) blocks_used = int(t[2]) i += 1 if i == 7: block_used_percent = round(100.0 * blocks_used / blocks_total, 1) if block_used_percent_prev != block_used_percent: fo_w.write((fmt + "\n") % (dt , (100.0 * blocks_used / blocks_total) , rr_4k_min, rr_4k_avg, rr_4k_max, rr_4k_sd , rw_4k_min, rw_4k_avg, rw_4k_max, rw_4k_sd , seqw_100m )) block_used_percent_prev = block_used_percent i = 0 dt = None blocks_total = None blocks_used = None rr_4k_min = None rr_4k_avg = None rr_4k_max = None rr_4k_sd = None rw_4k_min = None rw_4k_avg = None rw_4k_max = None rw_4k_sd = None seqw_100m = None Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (fn_plot_data, os.path.getsize(fn_plot_data)))
def correctLeaves(self, treeSize): for node in self._nodes: newLeaf = Util.correctLeaf(node.getLeaf(), treeSize, node.getSegID() % 2) if newLeaf != None: node.setLeaf(newLeaf)
def _GenEbsSsdData(fn0, fn1): fn_plot_data = "plot-data/%s" % fn1 fn_raw0 = "../log/ioping/%s" % fn0 fn_raw1 = "../log/ioping/%s" % fn1 # Generate one if not exist. Skip for now. It's fast enough. #if os.path.isfile(fn_plot_data): # Cons.P("%s already exists" % fn_plot_data) # return # Uncompress the raw files if not exist for fn in [fn_raw0, fn_raw1]: if not os.path.isfile(fn): with Cons.MeasureTime("file %s doesn't exist. uncompressing from the archive" % fn): cmd = "7z x -o../log/ioping %s.7z" % fn Util.RunSubp(cmd) if not os.path.exists("plot-data"): os.makedirs("plot-data") with Cons.MeasureTime("Generating plot data %s" % fn_plot_data): with open(fn_plot_data, "w") as fo_w, open(fn_raw0) as fo_r0, open(fn_raw1) as fo_r1: fmt = "%13s" \ " %5.1f" \ " %3d %4d %5d %4d" \ " %3d %4d %5d %4d" \ " %6d" fo_w.write("%s\n" % Util.BuildHeader(fmt, "datetime" \ " blocks_used_percent" \ " rr_4k_min rr_4k_avg rr_4k_max rr_4k_sd" \ " rw_4k_min rw_4k_avg rw_4k_max rw_4k_sd" \ " seqw_100m" )) #160423-195525 #100 68474 1460 5981833 230 685 1631 568 #100 74883 1335 5469866 495 749 4723 585 #1 1690975 1 62010142 1690975 1690975 1690975 0 #Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on #/dev/xvda1 8115168 2676196 5003696 35% / #/dev/xvdc 17111375772 1565491700 15545867688 10% /mnt/ebs-ssd1 i = 0 dt = None block_used_percent_prev = None blocks_total = None blocks_used = None rr_4k_min = None rr_4k_avg = None rr_4k_max = None rr_4k_sd = None rw_4k_min = None rw_4k_avg = None rw_4k_max = None rw_4k_sd = None seqw_100m = None for fo_r in [fo_r0, fo_r1]: for line in fo_r.readlines(): #Cons.P("%d [%s]" % (i, line.strip())) if i == 0: dt = line.strip() # 4k rand read elif i == 1: t = line.split() if len(t) != 8: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected format [%s]" % line) # All in us rr_4k_min = int(t[4]) rr_4k_avg = int(t[5]) rr_4k_max = int(t[6]) rr_4k_sd = int(t[7]) elif i == 2: t = line.split() if len(t) != 8: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected format [%s]" % line) # All in us rw_4k_min = int(t[4]) rw_4k_avg = int(t[5]) rw_4k_max = int(t[6]) rw_4k_sd = int(t[7]) elif i == 3: t = line.split() if len(t) != 8: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected format [%s]" % line) # All of the min, avg, max are the same since there is only 1 request # at a time. seqw_100m = int(t[4]) elif i == 6: t = line.split() if (len(t) != 6) or (t[0] != "/dev/xvdc"): raise RuntimeError("Unexpected format [%s]" % line) blocks_total = int(t[1]) blocks_used = int(t[2]) i += 1 if i == 7: block_used_percent = round(100.0 * blocks_used / blocks_total, 1) if block_used_percent_prev != block_used_percent: fo_w.write((fmt + "\n") % (dt , (100.0 * blocks_used / blocks_total) , rr_4k_min, rr_4k_avg, rr_4k_max, rr_4k_sd , rw_4k_min, rw_4k_avg, rw_4k_max, rw_4k_sd , seqw_100m )) block_used_percent_prev = block_used_percent i = 0 dt = None blocks_total = None blocks_used = None rr_4k_min = None rr_4k_avg = None rr_4k_max = None rr_4k_sd = None rw_4k_min = None rw_4k_avg = None rw_4k_max = None rw_4k_sd = None seqw_100m = None Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (fn_plot_data, os.path.getsize(fn_plot_data)))
def add_file(self, filename): """ Setups data: self.seq_lengths self.file_index self.file_start self.file_seq_start Use load_seqs() to load the actual data. :type filename: str """ if self._use_cache_manager: filename = fin = h5py.File(filename, "r") if 'targets' in fin: self.labels = { k: [self._decode(item) for item in fin["targets/labels"][k][...].tolist()] for k in fin['targets/labels']} if not self.labels: labels = [item.split('\0')[0] for item in fin["labels"][...].tolist()]; """ :type: list[str] """ self.labels = {'classes': labels} assert len(self.labels['classes']) == len(labels), "expected " + str(len(self.labels['classes'])) + " got " + str(len(labels)) self.files.append(filename) print("parsing file", filename, file=log.v5) if 'times' in fin: if self.timestamps is None: self.timestamps = fin[attr_times][...] else: self.timestamps = numpy.concatenate([self.timestamps, fin[attr_times][...]], axis=0) seq_lengths = fin[attr_seqLengths][...] if 'targets' in fin: self.target_keys = sorted(fin['targets/labels'].keys()) else: self.target_keys = ['classes'] if len(seq_lengths.shape) == 1: seq_lengths = numpy.array(zip(*[seq_lengths.tolist() for i in range(len(self.target_keys)+1)])) if len(self._seq_lengths) == 0: self._seq_lengths = numpy.array(seq_lengths) else: self._seq_lengths = numpy.concatenate((self._seq_lengths, seq_lengths), axis=0) if not self._seq_start: self._seq_start = [numpy.zeros((seq_lengths.shape[1],), 'int64')] seq_start = numpy.zeros((seq_lengths.shape[0] + 1, seq_lengths.shape[1]), dtype="int64") numpy.cumsum(seq_lengths, axis=0, dtype="int64", out=seq_start[1:]) self._tags += fin["seqTags"][...].tolist() self.file_seq_start.append(seq_start) nseqs = len(seq_start) - 1 self._num_seqs += nseqs self.file_index.extend([len(self.files) - 1] * nseqs) self.file_start.append(self.file_start[-1] + nseqs) self._num_timesteps += numpy.sum(seq_lengths[:, 0]) if self._num_codesteps is None: self._num_codesteps = [0 for i in range(1, len(seq_lengths[0]))] for i in range(1, len(seq_lengths[0])): self._num_codesteps[i - 1] += numpy.sum(seq_lengths[:, i]) if 'maxCTCIndexTranscriptionLength' in fin.attrs: self.max_ctc_length = max(self.max_ctc_length, fin.attrs['maxCTCIndexTranscriptionLength']) if len(fin['inputs'].shape) == 1: # sparse num_inputs = [fin.attrs[attr_inputPattSize], 1] else: num_inputs = [fin['inputs'].shape[1], len(fin['inputs'].shape)] #fin.attrs[attr_inputPattSize] if self.num_inputs == 0: self.num_inputs = num_inputs[0] assert self.num_inputs == num_inputs[0], "wrong input dimension in file %s (expected %s got %s)" % ( filename, self.num_inputs, num_inputs[0]) if 'targets/size' in fin: num_outputs = {} for k in fin['targets/size'].attrs: if numpy.isscalar(fin['targets/size'].attrs[k]): num_outputs[k] = (fin['targets/size'].attrs[k], len(fin['targets/data'][k].shape)) else: # hdf_dump will give directly as tuple assert fin['targets/size'].attrs[k].shape == (2,) num_outputs[k] = tuple(fin['targets/size'].attrs[k]) else: num_outputs = {'classes': fin.attrs[attr_numLabels]} num_outputs["data"] = num_inputs if not self.num_outputs: self.num_outputs = num_outputs assert self.num_outputs == num_outputs, "wrong dimensions in file %s (expected %s got %s)" % ( filename, self.num_outputs, num_outputs) if 'ctcIndexTranscription' in fin: if self.ctc_targets is None: self.ctc_targets = fin['ctcIndexTranscription'][...] else: tmp = fin['ctcIndexTranscription'][...] pad_width = self.max_ctc_length - tmp.shape[1] tmp = numpy.pad(tmp, ((0,0),(0,pad_width)), 'constant', constant_values=-1) pad_width = self.max_ctc_length - self.ctc_targets.shape[1] self.ctc_targets = numpy.pad(self.ctc_targets, ((0,0),(0,pad_width)), 'constant', constant_values=-1) self.ctc_targets = numpy.concatenate((self.ctc_targets, tmp)) self.num_running_chars = numpy.sum(self.ctc_targets != -1) if 'targets' in fin: for name in fin['targets/data']: tdim = 1 if len(fin['targets/data'][name].shape) == 1 else fin['targets/data'][name].shape[1] self.data_dtype[name] = str(fin['targets/data'][name].dtype) if tdim > 1 else 'int32' self.targets[name] = None else: self.targets = { 'classes' : numpy.zeros((self._num_timesteps,), dtype=theano.config.floatX) } self.data_dtype['classes'] = 'int32' self.data_dtype["data"] = str(fin['inputs'].dtype) assert len(self.target_keys) == len(self._seq_lengths[0]) - 1 fin.close()