Ejemplo n.º 1
def boundingboxLine(elem):
    # Location Line of Wall
    line = elem.Location.Curve # Everything is a Curve, in Revit
    p1 = line.GetEndPoint(0)
    p2 = line.GetEndPoint(1)
    v = p2 - p1 # vector 

    width = v.GetLength()   #  sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*s)
    height =  4 / 0.3048    # 4m height calculation 1 ft = 0.3048 m ; 1m = 1/0.3048 ft ≈ 3.28..
    offset = 0.5 / 0.3048   #

    #Set 2pt Min & Max to define BoundaryBox of Section
    minpt = XYZ( -width/2.0, -offset , 0) #from midpoint of wall. X = wall-length /2  
    maxpt = XYZ(  width/2.0, height + offset , offset)
    midpoint = p1 + 0.5 * v # midpoint of whole wall startpt.X + 0.5 * v.X

    walldir = v.Normalize() # X/ Length, Y/ Length , Z/ Length 
    updir = XYZ.BasisZ      # Basisvektor in Z Richtung (0,0,1)
    viewdir = walldir.CrossProduct( updir ) #  

    #set transform of SectionBox 
    trans = DB.Transform.Identity #  .Identity has to be called to 
    trans.Origin = midpoint
    trans.BasisX = walldir
    trans.BasisY = updir 
    trans.BasisZ = viewdir  

    # create SectionBox
    sectionBox = DB.BoundingBoxXYZ() # instantiate 
    sectionBox.Transform = trans
    sectionBox.Min = minpt
    sectionBox.Max = maxpt
    return sectionBox
Ejemplo n.º 2
def boundingboxWall(elem):
    # Location Line of Wall
    line = elem.Location.Curve  # Everything is a Curve, in Revit
    p1 = line.GetEndPoint(0)
    p2 = line.GetEndPoint(1)
    v = p2 - p1  # vector

    # BoundingBox Wall
    bbwall = elem.get_BoundingBox(None)
    minZ = bbwall.Min.Z
    maxZ = bbwall.Max.Z
    # print "MIN= ", bbwall.Min
    # print "MAX= ", bbwall.Max
    # print p1
    # print p2

    width = v.GetLength()  #  sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*s)
    height = maxZ - minZ  # height calculation
    depth = elem.Width
    offset = 0.2 / 0.3048  #

    # Set 2pt Min & Max to define BoundaryBox of Section
    minpt = XYZ(-width / 2.0, minZ - offset,
                -depth / 2.0)  #from midpoint of wall. X = wall-length /2
    maxpt = XYZ(width / 2.0, maxZ + offset, depth + offset)

    midpoint = p1 + 0.5 * v  # midpoint of whole wall startpt.X + 0.5 * v.X
    walldir = v.Normalize()  # X/ Length, Y/ Length , Z/ Length
    updir = XYZ.BasisZ  # Basisvektor in Z Richtung (0,0,1)
    viewdir = walldir.CrossProduct(updir)  #  XYZ(0, 1, 0)

    # set transform of SectionBox
    trans = DB.Transform.Identity  #  .Identity has to be called to
    trans.Origin = midpoint
    trans.BasisX = walldir
    trans.BasisY = updir
    trans.BasisZ = viewdir

    # create SectionBox
    sectionBox = DB.BoundingBoxXYZ()  # instantiate
    sectionBox.Transform = trans
    sectionBox.Min = minpt
    sectionBox.Max = maxpt
    return sectionBox
Ejemplo n.º 3
def boundingboxLine(elem):
    # Location Line of Wall
    line = elem.Location.Curve  # Every 2D line geometrie is a Curve, in Revit
    p1old = line.GetEndPoint(0)
    p1 = XYZ(p1old.X, p1old.Y, 0)

    p2old = line.GetEndPoint(1)
    p2 = XYZ(p2old.X, p2old.Y, 0)
    v = p2 - p1  # vector

    # define Section Box
    length = v.GetLength()  #  sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z)
    height = 4 / 0.3048  # 4m height calculation 1 ft = 0.3048 m ; 1m = 1/0.3048 ft ≈ 3.28..
    offset = 0.5 / 0.3048  #
    minZ = min(p1old.Z, p2old.Z)

    #Set 2pts, to define BoundaryBox of Section: Min (lower-left-back)& Max (upper-right-front),
    minpt = XYZ(-length / 2.0, minZ - offset,
                0)  #from midpoint of wall. X = wall-length /2
    maxpt = XYZ(length / 2.0, height + offset, offset)
    midpoint = p1 + 0.5 * v  # midpoint of Line startpt.X + 0.5 * v.X

    walldir = v.Normalize()  # X/ Length, Y/ Length , Z/ Length
    updir = XYZ.BasisZ  # Basisvektor in Z Richtung (0,0,1)
    viewdir = walldir.CrossProduct(updir)  #  !!!!------------------------

    #set transform of SectionBox
    trans = DB.Transform.Identity  #Identity has to be called to
    trans.Origin = midpoint
    trans.BasisX = walldir
    trans.BasisY = updir
    trans.BasisZ = viewdir

    # create SectionBox
    sectionBox = DB.BoundingBoxXYZ()  # instantiate
    sectionBox.Transform = trans
    sectionBox.Min = minpt
    sectionBox.Max = maxpt
    return sectionBox