Ejemplo n.º 1
def getRailCurve(element_dict):
    refArray = DB.ReferenceArray()
    # refArray.Append(railCurve.Reference)
    for key in element_dict:
        print("Rail Detected\nELEMENT ID No. : " + str(key) \
                + "\nElement String Representation : " + str(element_dict[key]))
        # refArray.Append(element_dict[key].GetPath().Reference())
        railCurve = element_dict[key].GetPath()
        for curve in railCurve:
            # refArray.Append(curve.Reference)
    #     print(str(element_dict[key].HostRailingId))
    #     HostRail = element_dict[key].HostRailingId
    #     HostParams = doc.GetElement(HostRail).Parameters
    #     for param in HostParams:
    #         print("Host Rail PARAMETER NAME :  " + param.Definition.Name)
    #         if param.HasValue:
    #             try:
    #                 print("Value :  " + param.AsString())
    #             except:
    #                 print("Value :  " + param.ToString())
    # for path in reversed(railCurve):
    #     refArray.Append(path.Reference)
    # refArray.Append(railCurve.ReferenceArray)
    return railCurve, refArray
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    """Main Script. """
    print("🐍 Running {fname} version {ver}...".format(fname=__name, ver=__version))

    # STEP 0: Setup
    doc = __revit__.ActiveUIDocument.Document
    view = doc.ActiveView

    # STEP 1: Get all available Pipe Tags in the project
    print("Getting all available pipe tags from the model...", end="")
    tag_types = db.FilteredElementCollector(doc)\
    tags = {}  # tag_title: tag_type
    for tag_type in tag_types:
        tag_family_name = tag_type.get_Parameter(db.BuiltInParameter.SYMBOL_FAMILY_NAME_PARAM).AsString()
        tag_type_name = tag_type.get_Parameter(db.BuiltInParameter.SYMBOL_NAME_PARAM).AsString()
        full_tag_name = "{f_name} - {t_name}".format(f_name=tag_family_name, t_name=tag_type_name)
        tags[full_tag_name] = tag_type

    # STEP 2: Check if setup tags actually exist in project
    print("Checking if expected tag family (and types) exist(s)... ", end="")
    all_tags_available = True
    for tag_name in TAG_TYPE_NAME_MAPPING.values():
        if not tag_name in tags:
            print("✘ Error: {tag_name} not available!".format(tag_name=tag_name))
            all_tags_available = False
    if not all_tags_available:
        print("✘ Error: Not all required tags are available in the project! See above.")
        return ui.Result.Failed

    # STEP 3: Check if the current view a plan view
    print("🛈 Current view is: '{v}' {t}".format(v=view.Name, t=type(view)))
    if type(view) is not db.ViewPlan:
        print("✘ Error: Currently active view is not a plan view!")
        return ui.Result.Failed
    # STEP 4: Get all pipes in the view
    print("Getting all pipes from the currently active view... ", end="")
    pipes = db.FilteredElementCollector(doc, view.Id)\
    print("  ➜ Found {num} pipes in the currently active view.".format(num=len(pipes)))

    # STEP 5: Filter for vertical pipes
    print("Filtering vertical pipes... ", end="")
    vertical_pipes = [pipe for pipe in pipes if is_vertical(pipe)]
    print("  ➜ Found {num} vertical pipes in the view.".format(num=len(vertical_pipes)))

    # STEP 6: Get the top and bottom view range elevations
    print("Finding views boundary elevations... ", end="")
    top, bottom = top_and_bottom_elevation(doc, view)
    print("  ➜ Top boundary elevation is {0} ft (= {1} m)".format(top, top*FEET_TO_METER))
    print("  ➜ Bottom boundary elevation is {0} ft (= {1} m)".format(bottom, bottom*FEET_TO_METER))

    # STEP 7: Categorize pipes according to location and flow
    print("Categorizing vertical pipes... ", end="")
    categorized_pipes, _ = categorize_pipes(vertical_pipes, top, bottom)
    for category, pipes in categorized_pipes.items():
        print("  ➜ Found {num} pipes in category '{cat}'".format(num=len(pipes), cat=category))

    # STEP 8: Place tags at the pipes TODO: avoid creating duplicate tags
    print("Creating tags... ", end="")
    transaction = db.Transaction(doc)
    transaction.Start("{name} - v{ver}".format(name=__name, ver=__version))
        for category, pipes in categorized_pipes.items():
            tag_type_id = tags[TAG_TYPE_NAME_MAPPING[category]].Id
            for pipe in pipes:
                point = pipe_location(pipe, top)
                new_tag = db.IndependentTag.Create(doc, view.Id, db.Reference(pipe), False, db.TagMode.TM_ADDBY_CATEGORY, db.TagOrientation.Horizontal, point)
    except Exception as ex:
        print("\n✘ Exception:\n {ex}".format(ex=ex))
        return ui.Result.Failed
        print("✔\nDone. 😊")
        return ui.Result.Succeeded