Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_exe_OK(self):
     with mock.patch('D365BCAPI.D365BCv1API.requests') as mocked_req:
         mocked_req.post.return_value.status_code = 204
         mocked_req.post.return_value.reason = 'No content'
         ex = Connect('http://test.lt/test(123456789abcd)/NAV.Action', auth={'a': 'a'}, headers={'some headers'})
         respo = ex.exe()
         mocked_req.post.assert_called_with('http://test.lt/test(123456789abcd)/NAV.Action', auth={'a': 'a'},
                                            headers={'some headers'}, json=None)
         self.assertEqual(respo, [204, 'No content'],
                          'execution: no error returns [204, No content] ')  # without error
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_exe_FAIL(self):
     with mock.patch('D365BCAPI.D365BCv1API.requests') as mocked_req:
         mocked_req.post.return_value.status_code = 400
         mocked_req.post.return_value.reason = 'Any error reason'  # error message
         ex = Connect('http://test.lt/test(123456789abcd)/NAV.Action', auth={'a': 'a'}, headers={'some headers'})
         respo = ex.exe()
         mocked_req.post.assert_called_with('http://test.lt/test(123456789abcd)/NAV.Action', auth={'a': 'a'},
                                            headers={'some headers'}, json=None)
         self.assertEqual(respo, [], 'insert: on error return must be blank')  # return blank if error
         self.assertEqual(ex.except_error, [400, 'Any error reason'], 'Execute: on error variable except_error '
                                                                      'must to include error code and reason')
Ejemplo n.º 3
# count lines
sol.url = f"http://bs17:7048/BC/api/v1.0/salesOrders({so_id})/salesOrderLines"
response_list = sol.read()  # read all lines just for fun
print(f"SO has {len(response_list)} lines after deleted one"
      )  # number of lines in the document

# execute action - order ship and invoice
# http://bs17:7048/BC/api/v1.0/salesOrders({so_id})/Microsoft.NAV.shipAndInvoice
if len(
) > 0:  # if doc id not blank (we found it earlier)then we can ship and invoice it
    so.url = f"http://bs17:7048/BC/api/v1.0/salesOrders({so_id})/Microsoft.NAV.shipAndInvoice"  # create URL
    raise Exception('Critical error - Can not find document')

response_list = so.exe()  # execute sales order action "ship and invoice"
if (len(response_list) > 0) and so.except_error is None:
    print("Sales order is shipped and invoiced; response is ", response_list)
    raise Exception(so.except_error)

# find just created invoice by "orderNumber"= so_number
url_salesInvoices = "http://bs17:7048/BC/api/v1.0/salesInvoices"
si = Connect(url_salesInvoices, (user, psw), {"Accept-Language": "en-us"})
so_number = '1001'
si.filter_text = f"orderNumber eq '{so_number}'"

response_list = si.read()

if (len(response_list) > 0) and si.except_error is None:
    si_number = response_list[0].get('number')