Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_read_OK(self):
     with mock.patch('D365BCAPI.D365BCv1API.requests') as mocked_req:
         mocked_req.get.return_value.status_code = 200
         r = Connect('http://test.lt/test', auth={'a': 'a'}, headers={'some headers'})
         r.filter_text = "aa eq bb"
         respo = r.read()  # execute with filter
         mocked_req.get.assert_called_with('http://test.lt/test', params='$filter=aa eq bb',
                                           auth={'a': 'a'}, headers={'some headers'})
         respo = r.read()  # execute without filter
         mocked_req.get.assert_called_with('http://test.lt/test', params=None,
                                           auth={'a': 'a'}, headers={'some headers'})
Ejemplo n.º 2
5. Modify description in comment line in existing order. "Modify existing line" example
6. Delete one line from existing order. "Record delete" example
7. Execute action Microsoft.NAV.shipAndInvoice on just created sales order. "Execute action" example
8. Check is invoice created and what are Total Amount and Remaining Amount in it.

user = psw = "a"  # basic authentication

# customers
url_customers = "http://bs17:7048/BC/api/v1.0/customers"  # page 5471
custname = 'Cronus'  # begin of customer name

# create connection object: url, basic authentication, headers recommended by MS
customers = Connect(url_customers, (user, psw), {"Accept-Language": "en-us"})
# we can only find customer by begin of name
customers.filter_text = f"displayName ge '{custname}' and displayName le '{custname}Z'"
# filter is: where displayName is greater or equal to Cronus and less or equal CronusZ
response_list = customers.read()  # read filtered customers
if len(response_list) > 0:
    print("Read customers",
          response_list[0].get("displayName"))  # 1st customer name

if customers.except_error is not None:
    raise Exception(customers.except_error)

if len(response_list) > 0:  # customer exists
    custno = response_list[0].get(
        "number")  # if customer exists then get it No.
else:  # create customer if not found
    custno = "91000"
    new_customer = {