Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_dftb_charge_derivative():
    """compare analytical and numerical gradients of Mulliken charges"""
    from DFTB.XYZ import read_xyz, extract_keywords_xyz
    from DFTB.DFTB2 import DFTB2
    from DFTB.Analyse.Cube import CubeExporterEx
    from DFTB.Molden import MoldenExporter
    from DFTB import utils
    from DFTB.LR_TDDFTB import LR_TDDFTB
    from DFTB.ExcGradients import Gradients

    import sys
    import os

    usage = "Usage: %s <xyz-file>\n" % sys.argv[0]
    usage += "   --help option will give more information\n"

    parser = utils.OptionParserFuncWrapper([\
       DFTB2.__init__, DFTB2.runSCC, \
       LR_TDDFTB.getEnergies, LR_TDDFTB.saveAbsorptionSpectrum, LR_TDDFTB.analyseParticleHole, \
       LR_TDDFTB.graphical_analysis, \
       CubeExporterEx.exportCubes, MoldenExporter.export, \
       Gradients.getGradients], \

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args(DFTB2.__init__)

    if len(args) < 1:
        print usage

    xyz_file = args[0]
    atomlist = read_xyz(xyz_file)[0]
    kwds = extract_keywords_xyz(xyz_file)

    tddftb = LR_TDDFTB(atomlist, **options)

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args(tddftb.getEnergies)
    (scf_options, args) = parser.parse_args(tddftb.dftb2.runSCC)
    tddftb.setGeometry(atomlist, charge=kwds.get("charge", 0.0))

    grad = Gradients(tddftb)
    grad.gradient(I=0, save_intermediates_CPKS=1)

    dQdp_ana = grad.getChargeGradients()

    dftb2 = tddftb.dftb2
    dQdp_num = dftb_numerical_charge_gradients(dftb2, atomlist)
    print "partial Mulliken charges"
    print dftb2.getPartialCharges()
    print "numerical charge gradients"
    print dQdp_num
    print "analytical charge gradients"
    print dQdp_ana
    print "difference"
    print dQdp_num - dQdp_ana

    err_dQ = la.norm(dQdp_num - dQdp_ana)
    print "err(dQdp) = %s" % err_dQ
    #assert err_dQ < 1.0e-4, "err(dQdp) = %s" % err_dQ

    # show timings
    print T
Ejemplo n.º 2
def calculate_charge_derivative():
    """compute analytical gradients of Mulliken charges"""
    # This long prologue serves for reading all options
    # from the command line or the dftbaby.cfg file.
    # The command-line option
    #    --cpks_solver='direct' or 'iterative'
    # determines whether the full CPKS matrix should be constructed ('direct')
    # or whether the system of linear equations should be solved iteratively using the Krylov
    # subspace method.
    from DFTB.XYZ import read_xyz, extract_keywords_xyz
    from DFTB.DFTB2 import DFTB2
    from DFTB import utils
    from DFTB.LR_TDDFTB import LR_TDDFTB
    from DFTB.ExcGradients import Gradients

    import sys
    import os

    usage = "Usage: %s <xyz-file>\n" % sys.argv[0]
    usage += "   --help option will give more information\n"

    parser = utils.OptionParserFuncWrapper([\
       DFTB2.__init__, DFTB2.runSCC, \
       LR_TDDFTB.getEnergies, LR_TDDFTB.saveAbsorptionSpectrum, LR_TDDFTB.analyseParticleHole, \
       Gradients.getGradients], \

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args(DFTB2.__init__)

    if len(args) < 1:
        print usage

    xyz_file = args[0]
    atomlist = read_xyz(xyz_file)[0]
    # number of atoms
    Nat = len(atomlist)
    kwds = extract_keywords_xyz(xyz_file)

    tddftb = LR_TDDFTB(atomlist, **options)

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args(tddftb.getEnergies)
    (scf_options, args) = parser.parse_args(tddftb.dftb2.runSCC)
    tddftb.setGeometry(atomlist, charge=kwds.get("charge", 0.0))

    # The important part starts here.
    grad = Gradients(tddftb)
    # A CPKS calculation has to be preceeded by a gradient calculation.
    # The option `save_intermediates_CPKS=1` tells the program to save intermediate
    # variables that are needed later during the CPKS calculation.
    grad.gradient(I=0, save_intermediates_CPKS=1)

    # This runs a CPKS calculation and computes the gradients of the charges
    dQdp = grad.getChargeGradients()
    # The gradient of the charge on atom B w/r/t the position of atom A is
    #   d(Q_B)/dR_A = dQdp[3*A:3*(A+1), B]

    A = 0  # first atom
    B = Nat - 1  # last atom
    print "Gradient of Mulliken charge on atom A=%d w/r/t nucleus B=%d  d(Q_B)/dR_A = %s" \
        % (A, B, dQdp[3*A:3*(A+1), B])