Ejemplo n.º 1
def detectFire(path_res, info):

    b_1s = np.load(path_res  + r'\Landsat_'+info+'_B1.npy')
    b_2s = np.load(path_res  + r'\Landsat_'+info+'_B2.npy')
    b_3s = np.load(path_res  + r'\Landsat_'+info+'_B3.npy')
    b_4s = np.load(path_res  + r'\Landsat_'+info+'_B4.npy')
    shape = b_1s.shape

    L1 = Layer(b_1s)
    L2 = Layer(b_2s)
    L3 = Layer(b_3s)
    L4 = Layer(b_4s)

    nw2 = L3 >> L2 | L1 >> L2 & L2 >> L3 & L3 >> L4

    L3.arr = None
    L3     = None
    L2.arr = None
    L2     = None
    b_5s = np.load(path_res + r'\Landsat_'+info+'_B5.npy')
    b_6s = np.load(path_res + r'\Landsat_'+info+'_B6.npy')
    b_7s = np.load(path_res + r'\Landsat_'+info+'_B7.npy')
    L5 = Layer(b_5s)
    L6 = Layer(b_6s)
    L7 = Layer(b_7s)

    Sub_1_7 = L1 - L7
    nw1 = L4 >> L5 & L5 >> L6 & L6 >> L7 & Sub_1_7 << 0.2

    L4.arr = None
    L4     = None
    Sub_1_7.arr = None
    Sub_1_7     = None

    z1 = nw1 & nw2
    not_water = ~z1 # logical not

    # z1.arr = None
    # z1 = None
    # gc.collect()

    result = np.zeros(shape,dtype = np.uint8)
    Div_7_6 = L7/L6
    Div_7_5 = L7/L5
    Sub_7_5 = L7 - L5

    # R75 > 1.8 && ρ7−ρ5 > 0.17
    test3 = np.zeros(shape,dtype = np.uint8)
    np.putmask(test3, ( Div_7_5 >> 1.8 & Sub_7_5 >> 0.17 & Div_7_6  >> 1.6 ).arr , 3)

    Div_7_6.arr = None
    Div_7_6     = None
    print("pre-test 3 done")

    # R75 > 2.5 && ρ7−ρ5 > 0.3 && ρ7 > 0.5
    np.putmask(result, (Div_7_5 >> 2.5 & Sub_7_5 >> 0.3 & L7 >> 0.5).arr, 1)

    Div_7_5.arr = None
    Div_7_5     = None
    Sub_7_5.arr = None
    Sub_7_5     = None
    print("test 1 done")
    # ===================================

    # ρ6 > 0.8 && ρ1 < 0.2 && ( ρ5 > 0.4 || p7 < 0.1 )
    np.putmask(result, ( L6 >> 0.8 & L1 << 0.2 & ( L5 >> 0.4 | L7 << 0.1 ) ).arr, 2)

    L1.arr = None
    L1     = None
    L6.arr = None
    L6     = None
    print("test 2 done")
    inf =  open(r'D:\Landsat\experiments\105069\class1.txt', 'w') 
    inf.write( 'Div_7_5' + ', '+ 'Sub_7_5' + ', ' + 'L7' + '\n')
    for i in range(shape[0]):
        for j in range(shape[1]):
            if result[i][j] == 1:
                inf.write( Div_7_5[i][j] + ', '+ Sub_7_5[i][j] + ', ' + L7[i][j] + '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def detectFire(path_res, info):

    b_1s = np.load(path_res + r'\Landsat_' + info + '_B1.npy')
    b_2s = np.load(path_res + r'\Landsat_' + info + '_B2.npy')
    b_3s = np.load(path_res + r'\Landsat_' + info + '_B3.npy')
    b_4s = np.load(path_res + r'\Landsat_' + info + '_B4.npy')

    shape = b_1s.shape

    L1 = Layer(b_1s)
    L2 = Layer(b_2s)
    L3 = Layer(b_3s)
    L4 = Layer(b_4s)

    nw2 = L3 >> L2 | L1 >> L2 & L2 >> L3 & L3 >> L4

    L3.arr = None
    L3 = None
    L2.arr = None
    L2 = None

    b_5s = np.load(path_res + r'\Landsat_' + info + '_B5.npy')
    b_6s = np.load(path_res + r'\Landsat_' + info + '_B6.npy')
    b_7s = np.load(path_res + r'\Landsat_' + info + '_B7.npy')
    L5 = Layer(b_5s)
    L6 = Layer(b_6s)
    L7 = Layer(b_7s)

    Sub_1_7 = L1 - L7
    nw1 = L4 >> L5 & L5 >> L6 & L6 >> L7 & Sub_1_7 << 0.2

    L4.arr = None
    L4 = None
    Sub_1_7.arr = None
    Sub_1_7 = None

    z1 = nw1 & nw2
    not_water = ~z1  # logical not

    # z1.arr = None
    # z1 = None
    # gc.collect()

    result = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.uint8)

    Div_7_6 = L7 / L6
    Div_7_5 = L7 / L5
    Sub_7_5 = L7 - L5

    # R75 > 1.8 && ρ7−ρ5 > 0.17
    test3 = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.uint8)
    np.putmask(test3, (Div_7_5 >> 1.8 & Sub_7_5 >> 0.17 & Div_7_6 >> 1.6).arr,

    Div_7_6.arr = None
    Div_7_6 = None
    print("pre-test 3 done")

    # R75 > 2.5 && ρ7−ρ5 > 0.3 && ρ7 > 0.5
    np.putmask(result, (Div_7_5 >> 2.5 & Sub_7_5 >> 0.3 & L7 >> 0.5).arr, 1)

    Div_7_5.arr = None
    Div_7_5 = None
    Sub_7_5.arr = None
    Sub_7_5 = None

    print("test 1 done")
    # ===================================

    # ρ6 > 0.8 && ρ1 < 0.2 && ( ρ5 > 0.4 || p7 < 0.1 )
    np.putmask(result, (L6 >> 0.8 & L1 << 0.2 & (L5 >> 0.4 | L7 << 0.1)).arr,

    L1.arr = None
    L1 = None
    L6.arr = None
    L6 = None

    print("test 2 done")
    # ====================================

    for i in range(shape[0]):
        for j in range(shape[1]):
            if test3[i][j] == 3:

                b_5_61 = b_5s[i - 30:i + 31, j - 30:j + 31]
                b_7_61 = b_7s[i - 30:i + 31, j - 30:j + 31]
                not_water61 = not_water[i - 30:i + 31, j - 30:j + 31]
                test3_61 = test3[i - 30:i + 31, j - 30:j + 31]

                shape61 = b_5_61.shape
                arr_7 = []
                arr_5 = []

                for x in range(shape61[0]):
                    for y in range(shape61[1]):
                        if b_7_61[x][y] > 0 and not_water61[x][y] and test3_61[
                                x][y] == 0:

                arr_7 = np.array(arr_7)
                arr_5 = np.array(arr_5)

                Div_7_5 = arr_7 / arr_5
                #            print(R75)
                Sr_7 = np.mean(arr_7)
                Sr_5 = np.mean(arr_5)

                Div_Sr7_Sr5 = Sr_7 / Sr_5

                STD_7 = np.std(arr_7)
                STD_75 = np.std(Div_7_5)

                if (L7[i][j] > Sr_7 + max(3 * STD_7, 0.08)) and (
                        L7[i][j] / L5[i][j] >
                        Div_Sr7_Sr5 + max(3 * STD_75, 0.8)):
                    result[i][j] = 3

    np.save(path_res + r'\fire_mask_' + info, result)
    mask = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.uint8)
    np.putmask(mask, result != 0, 1)
    k = np.sum(mask)
    print(k, 'Points')

    for i in range(mask.shape[0]):
        for j in range(mask.shape[1]):
            if mask[i][j] == 1:
                mask[i - 50:i + 51, j - 50:j + 51] = 10

    imageio.imwrite(path_res + r'\mask_' + info + '.jpg', mask)

    plt.imshow(mask, cmap='gray')

    return k