Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     self.terrain = Terrain()
     self.map_with_ants = MapWithAnts()
     self.enemy_hill_potential_field = EnemyHillPotentialField()
     self.uncharted_potential_field = UnchartedPotentialField()
     self.food_potential_field = FoodPotentialFieldWithSources()
     self.fog_potential_field = FogPotentialField()
Ejemplo n.º 2
class EskymoBot:

    def __init__(self):
        self.terrain = Terrain()
        self.map_with_ants = MapWithAnts()
        self.enemy_hill_potential_field = EnemyHillPotentialField()
        self.uncharted_potential_field = UnchartedPotentialField()
        self.food_potential_field = FoodPotentialFieldWithSources()
        self.fog_potential_field = FogPotentialField()

    def do_setup(self, driver):
        self.driver = driver
        self.map_with_ants.setup(self.driver, self.terrain)
        self.food_potential_field.setup(self.driver, self.terrain)
        self.enemy_hill_potential_field.setup(self.driver, self.terrain)
        self.uncharted_potential_field.setup(self.driver, self.terrain)
        self.fog_potential_field.setup(self.driver, self.terrain)
        self.attackradius2_plus_one = int((sqrt(self.driver.attackradius2) + 1.0) ** 2.0)
        self.attackradius2_plus_two = int((sqrt(self.driver.attackradius2) + 2.0) ** 2.0)
        self.fields_to_update = [self.update_food, self.update_uncharted, self.update_fog, self.update_enemy_hill]
        self.food_update_time = 0
        self.fog_update_time = 0
        self.enemy_update_time = 0
        self.uncharted_update_time = 0
        self.food_reserved = self.driver.turntime * 150 / 500
        self.food_deadline = self.driver.turntime * 100 / 500
        self.fog_reserved = self.driver.turntime * 300 / 500
        self.fog_deadline = self.driver.turntime * 50 / 500
        self.enemy_reserved = self.driver.turntime * 150 / 500
        self.enemy_deadline = self.driver.turntime * 100 / 500
        self.uncharted_reserved = self.driver.turntime * 300 / 500
        self.uncharted_deadline = self.driver.turntime * 100 / 500
    def try_to_move_ant(self, ant_loc, direction):
        """ Basically, this method has the same purpose as AntsDriver.move, but should behave better """
        new_loc = self.driver.destination(ant_loc, direction)
        if not self.map_with_ants.get_at(new_loc):
            self.driver.issue_order((ant_loc, direction))
            return True
            return False

    def move_random(self, ant_loc, directions = None):
        if directions == None:
            directions = ['n','e','s','w']
        for direction in directions:
            if (self.try_to_move_ant(ant_loc, direction)):
                return True
        return False
    def move_to(self, ant_loc, target_loc):
        #self.driver.move_to(ant_loc, hill_loc)
        target_directions = self.driver.direction(ant_loc, target_loc)
        if (not self.move_random(ant_loc, target_directions)):

    def compute_allies(self, loc, player, radius2):
        """ Returns list of allied ants of specified player surrounding specified field """
        return filter(lambda (ant_loc, owner): owner == player and self.driver.radius2(loc, ant_loc) <= radius2, self.driver.ant_list.items())

    def compute_enemies(self, loc, player, radius2):
        """ Returns list of enemy ants of specified player surrounding specified field """
        return filter(lambda (ant_loc, owner): owner != player and self.driver.radius2(loc, ant_loc) <= radius2, self.driver.ant_list.items())

    #def compute_farmer_potential(self, loc):
    #    """ Computes total potential on specified location on the map for farmers """
    #    return \
    #        0.0 * self.food_potential_field.get_potential(loc, 0, lambda x: max(1, 1313 * (1.5 ** (-x)))) + \
    #        1.0 * self.uncharted_potential_field.get_potential(loc, 0, lambda x: 400 * (1.2 ** (-x))) + \
    #        0.0 * self.enemy_hill_potential_field.get_potential(loc, 0, lambda x: max(200 - x, 0) / 200.0)

    def compute_scouter_potential(self, loc):
        return \
            1.5 * self.uncharted_potential_field.get_potential(loc, 0, lambda x: 400 * (1.2 ** (-x))) + \
            0.3 * self.fog_potential_field.get_potential(loc, 0, lambda x: 0.5 ** x)
            #0.0 * self.food_potential_field.get_potential(loc, 0, lambda x: max(1, 1313 * (1.5 ** (-x)))) + \
            #0.0 * self.enemy_hill_potential_field.get_potential(loc, 0, lambda x: max(200 - x, 0) / 200.0)    

    def compute_attacker_potential(self, loc):
        """ Computes total potential on specified location on the map for attackes """
        return \
            1.0 * self.uncharted_potential_field.get_potential(loc, 0, lambda x: 400 * (1.2 ** (-x))) + \
            10.0 * self.enemy_hill_potential_field.get_potential(loc, 10000000, lambda x: -1000 * x)
            #0.0 * self.food_potential_field.get_potential(loc, 0, lambda x: max(1, 1313 * (1.5 ** (-x)))) + \
    def attack(self, ants, hill_loc):
        for ant_loc in ants:
            # For all four possible ways get the potential from potential map
            potentials = [(direction, self.compute_attacker_potential(self.driver.destination(ant_loc, direction)))
                    for direction in ['n','e','s','w']]
            # Find the best way to move (preferably the one with the greatest potential)
            for direction, potential in sorted(potentials, key = lambda (d1, p1): -p1):
                enemy_ants = self.compute_enemies(self.driver.destination(ant_loc, direction), 0, self.attackradius2_plus_one)
                #Don't use the following line, use 'min([], 0)' instead!
                enemies = reduce(lambda x,y:min(x,y), filter(lambda x: x > 0, [len(self.compute_enemies(loc, owner, self.attackradius2_plus_two)) for (loc, owner) in enemy_ants]), 100)
                if (len(enemy_ants) == 0 or len(enemy_ants) < enemies) and self.try_to_move_ant(ant_loc, direction):
    def defend(self, ants, hill_loc):
        for ant_loc in ants:
            distance = self.driver.distance(ant_loc, hill_loc)
            if (distance == 1):
            if (distance == 0):
                self.move_to(ant_loc, hill_loc)

    def farm(self, ants):
        lost_ants = []
        food_key_function = lambda ant: self.food_potential_field.get_potential(ant, maxint, lambda x: x)
        sorted_ants = sorted(ants, key = food_key_function)
        hunted_food = []
        for ant in sorted_ants:
            if (food_key_function(ant) == maxint):
                possibilities = self.food_potential_field.get_at_sources(ant).difference(hunted_food)
                if (len(possibilities) == 0):
                    my_target_source = possibilities.pop()
                    my_distance = self.food_potential_field.get_potential(ant, maxint, lambda x:x)
                    for direction, pos in [(self.driver.direction(ant, pos).pop(), pos) for pos in self.driver.neighbours(ant) if my_target_source in self.food_potential_field.get_at_sources(pos) and my_distance > self.food_potential_field.get_potential(pos, maxint, lambda x:x)]:
                        enemy_ants = self.compute_enemies(self.driver.destination(ant, direction), 0, self.attackradius2_plus_one)
                        enemies = reduce(lambda x,y:min(x,y), filter(lambda x: x > 0, [len(self.compute_enemies(loc, owner, self.attackradius2_plus_two)) for (loc, owner) in enemy_ants]), 100)
                        if (len(enemy_ants) == 0 or len(enemy_ants) < enemies) and self.try_to_move_ant(ant, direction):

        sorted_lost_ants = sorted(lost_ants, key = lambda ant_loc: - self.compute_scouter_potential(ant_loc))

        for ant_loc in sorted_lost_ants:
            # For all four possible ways get the potential from potential map
            directions = ['n','e','s','w']
            potentials = [(direction, self.compute_scouter_potential(self.driver.destination(ant_loc, direction)))
                    for direction in directions]
            # Find the best way to move (preferably the one with the greatest potential)
            for direction, potential in sorted(potentials, key = lambda (d1, p1): -p1):
                enemy_ants = self.compute_enemies(self.driver.destination(ant_loc, direction), 0, self.attackradius2_plus_one)
                enemies = reduce(lambda x,y:min(x,y), filter(lambda x: x > 0, [len(self.compute_enemies(loc, owner, self.attackradius2_plus_two)) for (loc, owner) in enemy_ants]), 100)
                if (len(enemy_ants) == 0 or len(enemy_ants) < enemies) and self.try_to_move_ant(ant_loc, direction):

    def max_number_of_defenders(self, hill_loc):
        result = 0
        for direction in ['n','e','s','w']:
            neigh_loc = self.driver.destination(hill_loc, direction)
            if (self.driver.passable(neigh_loc)):
                result = result + 1
        return result
    def update_food(self):
        """ Updates food_potential_field, returns true if the field was updated """
        if self.driver.time_remaining() > self.food_reserved:
            # If there is enough time, do update
            pre_time = self.driver.time_remaining()
            self.food_potential_field.update(depth_limit = 4 * int(sqrt(self.driver.viewradius2)), deadline_time = pre_time - self.food_deadline)
            self.food_update_time = pre_time - self.driver.time_remaining()
            return True
            self.food_update_time = -99
            return False
    def update_fog(self):
        """ Updates fog_potential_field, returns true if the field was updated """
        if self.driver.time_remaining() > self.fog_reserved:
            # If there is enough time, do update
            pre_time = self.driver.time_remaining()
            self.fog_potential_field.update(depth_limit = 2 * int(sqrt(self.driver.viewradius2)), deadline_time = pre_time - self.fog_deadline)
            self.fog_update_time = pre_time - self.driver.time_remaining()
            return True
            self.fog_update_time = -99
            return False
    def update_enemy_hill(self):
        """ Updates enemy_hill_potential_field, returns true if the field was updated """
        if self.driver.time_remaining() > self.enemy_reserved:
            # If there is enough time, do update
            pre_time = self.driver.time_remaining()
            self.enemy_hill_potential_field.update(deadline_time = pre_time - self.enemy_deadline)
            self.enemy_update_time = pre_time - self.driver.time_remaining()
            return True
            self.enemy_update_time = -99
            return False
    def update_uncharted(self):
        """ Updates uncharted_potential_field, returns true if the field was updated """
        if self.driver.time_remaining() > self.uncharted_reserved:
            # If there is enough time, do update
            pre_time = self.driver.time_remaining()
            self.uncharted_potential_field.update(deadline_time = pre_time - self.uncharted_deadline)
            self.uncharted_update_time = pre_time - self.driver.time_remaining()
            return True
            self.uncharted_update_time = -99
            return False
    def do_turn(self):
        # update maps
        pre_t = self.driver.time_remaining()
        pre_mwa = self.driver.time_remaining()
        post_mwa = self.driver.time_remaining()
        # update fields
        to_update = self.fields_to_update
        self.fields_to_update = []
        for field in to_update:
            if field():
                # The field was updated, put it into the back of the list
                self.fields_to_update = self.fields_to_update + [field]
                # The field was not updated, put it into the front of the list so that it had more time to update next turn
                self.fields_to_update = [field] + self.fields_to_update

        # available ants
        pre_ants = self.driver.time_remaining()
        ants = self.driver.my_ants()
        num_of_ants = len(ants)
        num_of_my_hills = len(self.driver.all_my_hills())
        num_of_enemy_hills = len(self.driver.all_enemy_hills())
        num_of_defenders_sum = 0
        num_of_attackers_sum = 0
        # defenders
        for hill_loc in self.driver.all_my_hills():
            num_of_defenders = min(num_of_ants / (2 * num_of_my_hills), self.max_number_of_defenders(hill_loc))
            ants = sorted(ants, key=lambda ant:self.driver.distance(ant,hill_loc))
            defenders = ants[:num_of_defenders]
            ants = ants[num_of_defenders:]
            self.defend(defenders, hill_loc)
            num_of_defenders_sum = num_of_defenders_sum + num_of_defenders
        # attackers
        for hill_loc in self.driver.all_enemy_hills():
            num_of_attackers = len(self.driver.all_enemy_hills()) * max((num_of_ants - num_of_defenders_sum) / (num_of_enemy_hills + 1) - 4, 0)
            ants = sorted(ants, key = lambda ant : -self.compute_attacker_potential(ant))
            attackers = ants[:num_of_attackers]
            ants = ants[num_of_attackers:]
            self.attack(attackers, hill_loc)
            num_of_attackers_sum = num_of_attackers_sum + num_of_attackers
        # farmers
        #farmers = sorted(ants, key = lambda ant: -self.compute_farmer_potential(ant))
        farmers = ants
        if False:
            post_ants = self.driver.time_remaining()
            self.driver.log("Terrain: " + str(-(pre_mwa - pre_t)) +
                ", Map With Ants: " + str(-(post_mwa - pre_mwa)) +
                ", Food Field: " + str(self.food_update_time) +
                ", Enemy Hill: " + str(self.enemy_update_time) +
                ", Uncharted: " + str(self.uncharted_update_time) +
                ", Fog: " + str(self.fog_update_time) +
                ", Movement: " + str(-(post_ants - pre_ants)) +
                ", Time left: " + str(post_ants))