Ejemplo n.º 1
 def Pose(self):
     o = flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(self._tab.Offset(6))
     if o != 0:
         x = self._tab.Indirect(o + self._tab.Pos)
         from Pose import Pose
         obj = Pose()
         obj.Init(self._tab.Bytes, x)
         return obj
     return None
Ejemplo n.º 2
def draw(points, func_dict):
    move_forward(Pose(x=points[0].x, y=points[0].y), 1, 1, 0.1, func_dict)

    for point in points[1:]:
        move_forward(Pose(x=point.x, y=point.y), 1, 1, 0.1, func_dict)

Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: Robot.py Proyecto: cflames/ev3
 def __calcluateTurn(self, tacho):
     pose = Pose()
     # the radian during this turn
     deltaTheta = self.__calcluateRadianFromMotorTacho(tacho)
     self.pose.theta -= deltaTheta
     pose.x = self.pose.x
     pose.y = self.pose.y        
     pose.theta = self.pose.theta%(math.pi*2)
     return pose
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main( args ):

    wts = Weights( args.density_score_wt, args.overlap_score_wt, args.closab_score_wt, args.clash_score_wt )
    scorefxn = ScoreFunction( args.density_scorefile, args.overlap_scorefile, args.nonoverlap_scorefile, wts, args.null_frag_score )

    for model in range( args.nstruct ):

        pose = Pose() # empty pose
        pose.initialization( scorefxn._density_score_dict, args.initialization ) # default initialize by random
        pose.show_state( "initialization" )

        temp = args.starting_temperature
        steps = args.steps_per_temp
        mc = MonteCarlo( scorefxn, temp )

        trajectory_tracker_dict = {}

        while temp>=0 or anneal_temp==0: # it would never reach this criteria
            run_tag = "model_" + str( model ) + "_temp_" + str( temp )

            mc.apply( pose, steps )
            pose.show_state( run_tag )
            #pose.dump_pickle( run_tag + ".pickle" )
            trajectory_tracker_dict[ run_tag ] = pose

            anneal_temp = round( temp*args.cooling_rate, 1 )
            temp -= anneal_temp

            if temp == mc.temperature(): break
            mc.set_temperature( temp )

        pickle.dump( trajectory_tracker_dict, open( "model_" + str( model ) + ".pickle", "w" ) )
        pose.show_state( "model_" + str( model ) + "_end", True ) # True for verbose
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def lowest_score_pose( self ):
        ''' return the lowest total score pose ''' 
        # scoreterm in pose 
        lowest_score = 100000000000
        lowest_score_pose = Pose()
        for pose in self:
            if pose._total_score < lowest_score:
                lowest_score = pose._total_score
                lowest_score_pose = pose

        lowest_score_pose = lowest_score_pose.clone()
        return lowest_score_pose
Ejemplo n.º 6
def makeBeaker():
    pc = Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    pcy = Pose(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)

    cone = Cone(pc, 1.5, .25)
    cylinder = Cylinder(pcy, .5, .1)

    axes = cone.combinePrimatives([cylinder])
    graspCone = cone.planGrasps([1, 1, 1, 1])
    graspCylinder = cylinder.planGrasps([1, 1, 1, 1])
    cone.visualizeGrasps(axes, graspCone)
    cylinder.visualizeGrasps(axes, graspCylinder)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def makeCoffeeMug():
    pc = Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    pb = Pose(.6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

    box = Box(pb, .75, .2, .5)
    cylinder = Cylinder(pc, 1, 1)

    axes = cylinder.combinePrimatives([box])
    graspBox = box.planGrasps([1, 5, 5, 1])
    graspCylinder = cylinder.planGrasps([5, 5, 5, 5])
    box.visualizeGrasps(axes, graspBox)
    cylinder.visualizeGrasps(axes, graspCylinder)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def makePlane():
    pb1 = Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    pb2 = Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

    box1 = Box(pb1, .3, 0.25, 3)
    box2 = Box(pb2, .15, 3, .6)

    axes = box1.combinePrimatives([box2])
    graspBox1 = box1.planGrasps([1, 1, 1, 1])
    graspBox2 = box2.planGrasps([1, 1, 1, 1])
    box1.visualizeGrasps(axes, graspBox1)
    box2.visualizeGrasps(axes, graspBox2)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def callback(data):
    ori = data.pose.orientation
    Euler = quatToEuler([ori.x, ori.y, ori.z, ori.w])
    p0 = Pose(data.pose.position.x, data.pose.position.y, data.pose.position.z,
              Euler[0], Euler[1], Euler[2])
    param = data.parameters
    switch[data.shapetype.data](p0, param)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self, wheelRadius, wheelBaseLength, ticksPerRev, minRPM,
              maxRPM, minVel, maxVel):
     self.wheelRadius = wheelRadius  # En metros.
     self.wheelBaseLength = wheelBaseLength  # En metros.
     self.ticksPerRev = ticksPerRev  #Entero
     self.minRPM = minRPM
     self.maxRPM = maxRPM
     #self.minVel = minRPM * 2 * pi / 60 # En rad/s
     #self.maxVel = maxRPM * 2 * pi / 60 # En rad/s
     self.minVel = 0  #0.150006681210744#0#3.2498914648863666#0.0394496029208 # En rad/s
     self.maxVel = 1.0262706579357654  #5.150818988820947#0.0433583709166 # En rad/s
     self.beta = [0.0050072227207064515, -0.25057113358444087]
     self.prevTicks = ticks(0, 0)
     self.rightWheelSpeed = 0
     self.leftWheelSpeed = 0
     self.stateEstimate = Pose(x=0, y=0, theta=0, yawO=0)
     self.dynamics = DifferentialDrive(self.wheelRadius,
     self.pi = pigpio.pi()
     self.rightMotor = None
     self.leftMotor = None
     self.leftEnconder = None
     self.rightEncoder = None
     self.imu = None
     self.ultrasonics = []
     self.usLocation = [[0.15, 0.21, 90], [0.29, 0, 0], [0.15, -0.21, -90]]
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def get_rescaled_points(self, prediction, frame, threshold=0.1):
        frame_width = frame.shape[1]
        frame_height = frame.shape[0]
        height = prediction.shape[2]
        width = prediction.shape[3]

        # Empty list to store the detected keypoints
        points = []

        for i in range(len(self.pose_pairs)):
            # confidence map of corresponding body's part.
            prob_map = prediction[0, i, :, :]
            if i == 1:
                plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))

                plt.imshow(prob_map, alpha=0.6)

            # Find global maxima of the probMap.
            _, prob, _, point = cv2.minMaxLoc(prob_map)
            # Scale the point to fit on the original image
            x = (frame_width * point[0]) / width
            y = (frame_height * point[1]) / height

            if prob > threshold:
                # Add the point to the list if the probability is greater than the threshold
                points.append((int(x), int(y)))

        return Pose(points)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def makePhone():
    pb1 = Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    pb2 = Pose(.5, 0, 1.5, 0, 0, 0)
    pb3 = Pose(.5, 0, -1.5, 0, 0, 0)

    box1 = Box(pb1, 4, .75, .5)
    box2 = Box(pb2, 1, .75, .5)
    box3 = Box(pb3, 1, .75, .5)
    axes = box1.combinePrimatives([box2, box3])

    graspBox1 = box1.planGrasps([1, 1, 1, 1])
    graspBox2 = box2.planGrasps([1, 1, 1, 1])
    graspBox3 = box3.planGrasps([1, 1, 1, 1])
    box1.visualizeGrasps(axes, graspBox1)
    box2.visualizeGrasps(axes, graspBox2)
    box3.visualizeGrasps(axes, graspBox3)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def __init__(self, id, pose=None, defaultPose=False, collisionRadius=0.15):
   assert defaultPose == False or isinstance(defaultPose, Pose), ERR.TYPE_MISMATCH(defaultPose, Pose)
   self.type           = "AGENT"
   self.id             = id
   self.defaultPose    = defaultPose if defaultPose else copy.deepcopy(pose)
   self.collisionRadius= collisionRadius
   if pose == None:
     pose = Pose()
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def simulate_trajectory(self, robot, vx, vtheta):
     poses = []
     current_pose = [robot.pose.x, robot.pose.y, robot.pose.theta]
     for i in range(0, int(self.time / self.timestep)):
         current_pose[0] += (vx * math.cos(current_pose[2])) * self.timestep
         current_pose[1] += (vx * math.sin(current_pose[2])) * self.timestep
         current_pose[2] += vtheta * self.timestep
         new_pose = Pose(current_pose[0], current_pose[1], current_pose[2])
     return Trajectory(poses=poses, velocity=Velocity(vx, vtheta), cost=0)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def visualizeGrasps(self, ax, grasps):
        adds the grasp vectors to the plot
        each grasp will plot their x and z vector
        :param ax: axes object
        numGrasps = len(grasps)
        poses = (g.pose for g in grasps)  # get list of poses of grasps

        # quiver list consisting of: x, y, z, u, v, w, color
        numAxis = 2
        q = np.zeros([numAxis * numGrasps, 6])
        c = np.zeros([numAxis * numGrasps, 6])

        for i, p in enumerate(poses):
            T = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(p)

            # add z axis to plot
            Tz = T[0:3, 2]
            q[i * numAxis] = np.array([p.x, p.y, p.z, Tz[0], Tz[1], Tz[2]])
            c[i * numAxis] = (0)

            # add z axis to plot
            if numAxis >= 2:
                Tx = T[0:3, 0]
                q[i * numAxis + 1] = np.array(
                    [p.x, p.y, p.z, Tx[0], Tx[1], Tx[2]])
                c[i * numAxis + 1] = (.33)

            # add y axis to plot
            if numAxis >= 3:
                Ty = T[0:3, 1]
                q[i * numAxis + 2] = np.array(
                    [p.x, p.y, p.z, Ty[0], Ty[1], Ty[2]])
                c[i * numAxis + 2] = (.66)

        # norm = plt.Normalize()
        # norm.autoscale(c)

        # colormap = plt.colormaps()
        # cm = plt.cm.jet(c)
        # print(colormap[c])
        # print(cm)
        ax.quiver(q[:, 0],
                  q[:, 1],
                  q[:, 2],
                  q[:, 3],
                  q[:, 4],
                  q[:, 5],
        # axis('equal')

Ejemplo n.º 16
 def _randomPoseSamples(self):
     poseSamples = []
     for n in range(self.numPoses):
                 'rot': [
                     np.random.randint(-180, 180),
                     np.random.randint(-20, 40), 0
     return poseSamples
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__( self, scorefxn, steps, temp, cooling_rate ):
        ''' '''
        assert isScoreFxn( scorefxn )

        self._log = ""
        self._scorefxn = scorefxn
        self._steps = steps # MC steps per annealing cycle
        self._temperature = temp

        # declare objects
        self.__pose = Pose()
        self._initialization = "random"

        self._cooling_rate = cooling_rate
        self._anneal_temp = 0.0

        # recover_low ( quench )
        self._quench = False
        self._lowest_score_pose = Pose()

        self._record_trajectory = False
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def getEndGrasps(self, graspParams, surfaceOffset=0.1):
        Generate the grasps for grabbing a cone from the bottom or top end
        :param graspParams:[array 1x4] Grasp parameters associated with creating grasps
        :param surfaceOffset:[double] Distance to start the grasp away from the surface
        :return: [list<Grasp>] A list of grasps
        graspRotations = int(graspParams[2])
        graspList = []
        for i in range(2):
            # rotation about the y axis only if i == 1
            rotYMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, i * np.pi, 0))
            interMatrix = np.matmul(Pose.makeTranformfromPose(self.originPose),
            # translate along negative Z axis to bring the grasp out of the object
            transZMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                Pose(0, 0,
                     -abs(i * self.height - self.height / 4) - surfaceOffset,
                     0, 0, 0))
            endMatrix = np.matmul(interMatrix, transZMatrix)
            wristRotation = 0
            for j in range(graspRotations):
                # Rotate about the z axis for plan the set of grasps
                rotZMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                    Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, wristRotation))
                graspMatrix = np.matmul(endMatrix, rotZMatrix)

                # increment rotation for next loop
                wristRotation += 2 * np.pi / graspRotations

                # Add Grasp to list
        return graspList
Ejemplo n.º 19
def main( args ):
    print print_args( args )

    wts = Weights( args.density_score_wt, args.overlap_score_wt, args.closab_score_wt, args.clash_score_wt )
    scorefxn = ScoreFunction( args.density_scorefile, args.overlap_scorefile, args.nonoverlap_scorefile, wts, args.null_frag_score )
    pose = Pose() # empty pose
    pose.initialization( scorefxn._density_score_dict ) # default initialize by random

    temp = args.temperature
    mc = MonteCarlo( scorefxn, temp )

    for each_round in range( 1, args.round+1 ):

        mc.apply( pose, args.steps )
        pose.show_state( temp )

        temp -= round( temp*0.1, 2 )
        if temp <= 0: break

        mc.set_temperature( temp )

Ejemplo n.º 20
Archivo: Robot.py Proyecto: cflames/ev3
 def __calcluateMove(self, tacho):     
     pose = Pose()
     moveDistance = self.__calcluateMoveDistanceFromTacho(tacho)
     pose.x, pose.y = self.__getCoord(self.pose.x, self.pose.y, self.pose.theta, moveDistance)
     pose.theta = self.pose.theta
     return pose
Ejemplo n.º 21
        pose["L_Hip_Roll"] = HR_C+HR_A*math.sin(2*math.pi*simTime/T+HR_Phi)
        pose["R_Hip_Roll"] = HR_C+HR_A*math.sin(2*math.pi*simTime/T+HR_Phi+math.pi)
        #Hip Pitch
        pose["L_Hip_Pitch"] = HP_C+HP_A*math.sin(2*math.pi*simTime/T+HP_Phi)
        pose["R_Hip_Pitch"] = HP_C+HP_A*math.sin(2*math.pi*simTime/T+HP_Phi+math.pi)
        #Knee Pitch
        pose["L_Knee"] = K_C+K_A*math.sin(2*math.pi*simTime/T+K_Phi)
        pose["R_Knee"] = RK_Pos=K_C+K_A*math.sin(2*math.pi*simTime/T+K_Phi+math.pi) 
        #Ankle Pitch
        pose["L_Ankle_Pitch"] = AP_C+AP_A*math.sin(2*math.pi*simTime/T+AP_Phi)
        pose["R_Ankle_Pitch"] = AP_C+AP_A*math.sin(2*math.pi*simTime/T+AP_Phi+math.pi)
        #Ankle Roll
        pose["L_Ankle_Roll"] = AR_C+AR_A*math.sin(2*math.pi*simTime/T+AR_Phi)
        pose["R_Ankle_Roll"] = AR_C+AR_A*math.sin(2*math.pi*simTime/T+AR_Phi+math.pi)

        newPose = Pose(pose)
        poseNumber = poseNumber + 1
        for joint in configuration.getJointsName():
            xmlJoint = ET.SubElement(frame, joint)
            joint_id = configuration.loadJointId(joint)
            pos = newPose.getValue(joint)
            degreeAngle = 150-(pos*float(60))
            xmlJointAngle = xmlJoint.set("angle" , str(degreeAngle))

        counter = counter + 1
    tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
    print 'Program ended'
Ejemplo n.º 22
def testCylinderGraspLocations():
    cylinder = Cylinder(Pose(0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0), 10, 1)
    grasps = cylinder.planGrasps([1, 2, 1, 1])
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def __init__(self, x, y, theta, current_vel_x, current_vel_theta,
              max_accel_x, max_accel_theta):
     self.pose = Pose(x, y, theta)
     self.velocity = Velocity(current_vel_x, current_vel_theta)
     self.max_accel = (max_accel_x, max_accel_theta)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def getSideGrasps(self, graspParams, surfaceOffset=0.1):
        Returns the Side Grasps for a cylinder object
        :param surfaceOffset: [double] Distance to start the grasp away from the surface
        :param graspParams: [array 1x4] Grasp parameters associated with creating grasps
        :return: [list<Grasp>] A list of grasps
        parallelPlanes = int(graspParams[0])  # this number should be odd
        divisionsOf360 = int(graspParams[1])
        grasp180Rotations = int(graspParams[3])

        graspList = []
        # Side Grasps
        if parallelPlanes > 1:  # set the initial height at the bottom of cylinder
            graspTranslation = -self.height / 2
        else:  # set initial height at center of mass
            graspTranslation = 0

        for i in range(parallelPlanes):
            # Translation along the objects central axis (z axis) for height placement of grasp
            translationMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                Pose(0, 0, graspTranslation, 0, 0, 0))
            parallelMatrix = np.matmul(
                Pose.makeTranformfromPose(self.originPose), translationMatrix)
            # increment GraspTranslation and set grasp rotation
            if parallelPlanes > 1:  # don't divide by 0
                graspTranslation += self.height / (parallelPlanes - 1)

            graspRotation = 0
            for j in range(divisionsOf360):
                # Rotation about the objects central axis (z axis) for rotation placement of grasp
                rotZMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                    Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, graspRotation))
                divisionsMatrix = np.matmul(parallelMatrix, rotZMatrix)

                # increment grasp rotation and set wrist rotation
                graspRotation += 2 * np.pi / divisionsOf360
                wristRotation = 0
                for k in range(2 * grasp180Rotations):
                    # These three transformation matrices move the frame of the grasp outside the object.
                    # Additional it guarantees that the z axis of the frame points towards the object (approach vector)
                    # and that the x axis is perpendicular to the central axis and the approach vector to achieve the
                    # thumb vector
                    transXMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                        Pose(self.radius + surfaceOffset, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
                    rotYMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                        Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, -np.pi / 2, 0))
                    rotZMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                        Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -np.pi / 2))

                    # multiplication of the transformation matrices
                    graspMatrix = np.matmul(divisionsMatrix, transXMatrix)
                    graspMatrix = np.matmul(graspMatrix, rotYMatrix)
                    graspMatrix = np.matmul(graspMatrix, rotZMatrix)

                    # Rotate about the approach vector (our z axis) if we need to
                    rotZMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                        Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, wristRotation))
                    graspMatrix = np.matmul(graspMatrix, rotZMatrix)
                    wristRotation += np.pi / 2

                    # Add object to grasp list as a Pose not a matrix
        return graspList
Ejemplo n.º 25
                        self._density_score_dict[ pos ][ frag_id ] = ( densityScore, rmsd )
                        self._density_score_dict[ pos ] = { frag_id : ( densityScore, rmsd ) }
                        self._density_score_dict[ pos ][ ( mer, pos, 0, 0 ) ] = ( 0, 0 ) # for each position, create a Null fragment fake density score, because you will need to print out density score when you select a null frag for a position

            pickle.dump( self._density_score_dict, open("density_score_Dict.pickle", "w") ) 

if __name__=="__main__":
    parser = ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-d", "--density_scorefile", required=True, help="")
    parser.add_argument("-t", "--rmsd_threshold", default=2.5, type=float, help="")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    dens = DensityScore( args.density_scorefile )
    dict = dens._density_score_dict
    pose = Pose()
    pose.initialization( dict, "lowrmsd" )
    print pose.total_score()
    #for pos in dens._density_score_dict.keys():
    #    selected_frag = (9,pos,0,0) 
    #    for frag in dens._density_score_dict[ pos ]:
    #        rmsd = dens._density_score_dict[ pos ][ frag ][1]
    #        if rmsd < args.rmsd_threshold and rmsd != 0:
    #            selected_frag = frag
    #    try:
    #        print  "after_rotation_frags.%s.????.pdb" %(".".join( map( str, selected_frag ) )), dens._density_score_dict[ pos ][ selected_frag ]
    #    except:
    #        continue
Ejemplo n.º 26
    # you might need to change it in the future
    parser.add_argument("--mer", default=9, type=int, help="")

    parser.add_argument("--verbose", default=False, action="store_true", help="")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    print print_args(args)

    Wts = Weights(args.density_score_wt, args.overlap_score_wt, args.closab_score_wt, args.clash_score_wt)
    Scorefxn = ScoreFunction(
        args.density_scorefile, args.overlap_scorefile, args.nonoverlap_scorefile, Wts, args.null_frag_score

    for each_round in range(1, args.round + 1):

        Pose = Pose()
        Pose.initialization(Scorefxn.density_score_dict)  # default initialize by random


        working_temp = args.temperature

        for each_step in range(args.steps):
            print "round: %s  cycle: %s" % (each_round, each_step)

            pos = random.sample(Pose.dict.keys(), 1)[0]  # pick a residue number to start with
            null_frag_id = (args.mer, pos, 0, 0)

            Boltzmann = PerRsdBoltzmann(working_temp)

            """ After picking a position to optimize, calculate compatibility scores for all the candidate placements at that residue """
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def __init__(self, pose=Pose(), h=0, w=0, l=0):
     Shape.__init__(self, pose)
     self.height = h
     self.width = w
     self.length = l
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def __init__(self, originPose=Pose()):
        self.originPose = originPose  # position of centroid of the object with orientation
        self.transformation = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(originPose)

        # params
        self.grasps = []
Ejemplo n.º 29
class SimulatedAnnealing:
    1. easy to dump the object as a resulting model, and the trajectory?
    2. linear cooling rate
    def __init__( self, scorefxn, steps, temp, cooling_rate ):
        ''' '''
        assert isScoreFxn( scorefxn )

        self._log = ""
        self._scorefxn = scorefxn
        self._steps = steps # MC steps per annealing cycle
        self._temperature = temp

        # declare objects
        self.__pose = Pose()
        self._initialization = "random"

        self._cooling_rate = cooling_rate
        self._anneal_temp = 0.0

        # recover_low ( quench )
        self._quench = False
        self._lowest_score_pose = Pose()

        self._record_trajectory = False

    def set_annealing_temperature( self ):
        ''' '''
        self._anneal_temp  = round( self._temperature*self._cooling_rate, 1 )
        self._temperature -= self._anneal_temp

    def run( self, runid ):
        ''' run id is a identification for a model to dump '''
        self.__pose.initialization( self._scorefxn.get_density_score_dict(), self._initialization ) # default initialize by random
        print self.__pose.show_state( "initialization" )

        mc = MonteCarlo( self._scorefxn, self._temperature )
        mc.apply( self.__pose, self._steps ) # to prevent a silly bug that at the very first state SCORE==0, such that you wouldn't lower than that during high temperatures sampling
        self._lowest_score_pose = self.__pose.clone()

        tracker = TrajectoryTracker( runid )
        tag = "model_" + str( runid )

        while self._temperature >=0 : # it would never reach this criteria
            if self._quench: 
                self.recover_low() # retrieve the lowest-score pose from previous runs

            mc.apply( self.__pose, self._steps )

            print self.__pose.show_state( tag + "_" + str( self._temperature ) )

            self.set_annealing_temperature() # update self._temperature

            if self._temperature == mc.get_temperature(): break

            mc.set_temperature( self._temperature )

            if self._record_trajectory:
                tracker.save( self._temperature, self.__pose )

        tracker.save( self._temperature, self.__pose )
        tracker.dump_pickle( tag )
        self.__pose.show_state( tag + "_final", True ) # True for verbose showing all residues states

    def set_to_quench( self ):
        self._quench = True 

    def record_trajectory( self ):
        self._record_trajectory = True

    def recover_low( self ): # recover_low
        last accept score pose, and lowest score pose; the MC.recover_low has this is because it uses Metropolis to thermally accept pose
        # this is for the first around
        # need to think about a better way to initiate it
        if not self._lowest_score_pose._initialized: 
            self._lowest_score_pose._initialized = self.__pose

        # .total_score() method will re-evaluate pose whenever it is called
        if self.__pose.total_score() > self._lowest_score_pose.total_score():
            stdout.write("recover previous found lowest-score pose with score: %s\n" % self._lowest_score_pose.total_score() )
            self.__pose = self._lowest_score_pose.clone() 
            stdout.write("found a newer lowest-score pose\n")
            self._lowest_score_pose = self.__pose.clone()

    def dump( self, id ):

    def quench( self ):
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def __init__(self, pose=Pose(), height=0, radius=0):
     Shape.__init__(self, pose)
     self.height = height
     self.radius = radius
Ejemplo n.º 31
def main():
    isrec = 0
    # muitmap=0
    tello = Tello()
    pydisplay = Pydisplay()
    keyuser = Keyuser()  # 键盘命令
    ui = UID()
    mapui = Mapui()
    # if muitmap==0:
    #     mapui=Mapui()
    # else:
    #     mapstack,mapsd = Pipe()
    #     #stack= Manager().list()
    #     mapshowing = Process(target=mapread, args=(mapstack,))
    #     mapshowing.start()
    pose = Pose()
    com = Com()
    mapcom = Mapcom()
    frame_skip = 300
    # pidtuning
    # if mapcom.tpid==1:
    #     pidimg=np.zeros((500, 512, 3), np.uint8)
    #     cv2.namedWindow('pidyaw')
    #     cv2.namedWindow('pidthro')
    #     cv2.namedWindow('pidpith')
    #     cv2.namedWindow('pidroll')

    #     cv2.createTrackbar('p', 'pidyaw', 0, 100, nothing)
    #     cv2.createTrackbar('i', 'pidyaw', 0, 100, nothing)
    #     cv2.createTrackbar('d', 'pidyaw', 0, 100, nothing)
    #     cv2.createTrackbar('down', 'pidyaw', 0, 100, nothing)
    #     cv2.createTrackbar('up', 'pidyaw', 0,100, nothing)

    #     cv2.createTrackbar('p', 'pidthro', 0, 100, nothing)
    #     cv2.createTrackbar('i', 'pidthro', 0, 100, nothing)
    #     cv2.createTrackbar('d', 'pidthro', 0, 100, nothing)
    #     cv2.createTrackbar('down', 'pidthro', 0, 100, nothing)
    #     cv2.createTrackbar('up', 'pidthro', 0,100, nothing)

    #     cv2.createTrackbar('p', 'pidpith', 0, 100, nothing)
    #     cv2.createTrackbar('i', 'pidpith', 0, 100, nothing)
    #     cv2.createTrackbar('d', 'pidpith', 0, 100, nothing)
    #     cv2.createTrackbar('down', 'pidpith', 0, 100, nothing)
    #     cv2.createTrackbar('up', 'pidpith', 0,100, nothing)

    #     cv2.createTrackbar('p', 'pidroll', 0, 100, nothing)
    #     cv2.createTrackbar('i', 'pidroll', 0, 100, nothing)
    #     cv2.createTrackbar('d', 'pidroll', 0, 100, nothing)
    #     cv2.createTrackbar('down', 'pidroll', 0, 100, nothing)
    #     cv2.createTrackbar('up', 'pidroll',  0,100, nothing)

    # 录像功能
    if isrec:
        stack, sd = Pipe()
        #stack= Manager().list()
        pr = Process(target=read, args=(stack, ))
    # try:
    for frame in tello.container.decode(video=0):  # 一定要用这个循环来获取才不会产生delay
        if 0 < frame_skip:
            frame_skip = frame_skip - 1
        start_time = time.time()
        image2surface = numpy.array(frame.to_image())  # 做个拷贝给pygame
        image = cv2.cvtColor(image2surface, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
        key_list = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        imageraw = image
        image = cv2.resize(image, (640, 480))  # 这个太大会爆显存

        userc = keyuser.usec(key_list)  # 来自用户输入的命令
        # userc[0                1 2 3 4   5         ]
        # 是否使用openpose    四个通道  模式
        if userc[4] == 0 or userc[4] == 1:
            if userc[4] == 1:  # 判断使用跟踪
                kp, out = pose.get_kp(image)
            else:  # 不使用
                kp = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0],
                      [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0],
                      [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]
            comd = com.get_comd(kp, userc)  # 接受两个数组进行判断
            flight = tello.send_data()  # 飞行数据
            com.read_tello_data(flight)  # 飞控获取数据用于判断指令
            flightstate = com.get_state()  # 命令状态

            if userc[4] == 1:  # 使用
                rec = ui.show(out, kp, flightstate)  # 显示并负责播放声音
            else:  # 不用
                rec = ui.show(imageraw, 0, flightstate)
            if isrec:
                write(sd, rec)

        # print(userc[4])

        elif userc[4] == 2 or userc[4] == 3:
            # if mapcom.tpid==1:
            #     cv2.imshow('pidyaw', pidimg)
            #     cv2.imshow('pidthro', pidimg)
            #     cv2.imshow('pidpith', pidimg)
            #     cv2.imshow('pidroll', pidimg)
            #     pid=[[cv2.getTrackbarPos('p', 'pidyaw')/10,cv2.getTrackbarPos('i', 'pidyaw')/100,cv2.getTrackbarPos('d', 'pidyaw')/10,-cv2.getTrackbarPos('down', 'pidyaw'),cv2.getTrackbarPos('up', 'pidyaw')],
            #         [cv2.getTrackbarPos('p', 'pidthro')/10,cv2.getTrackbarPos('i', 'pidthro')/100,cv2.getTrackbarPos('d', 'pidthro')/10,-cv2.getTrackbarPos('down', 'pidthro'),cv2.getTrackbarPos('up', 'pidthro')],
            #         [cv2.getTrackbarPos('p', 'pidpith')/10,cv2.getTrackbarPos('i', 'pidpith')/100,cv2.getTrackbarPos('d', 'pidpith')/10,-cv2.getTrackbarPos('down', 'pidpith'),cv2.getTrackbarPos('up', 'pidpith')],
            #         [cv2.getTrackbarPos('p', 'pidroll')/10,cv2.getTrackbarPos('i', 'pidroll')/100,cv2.getTrackbarPos('d', 'pidroll')/10,-cv2.getTrackbarPos('down', 'pidroll'),cv2.getTrackbarPos('up', 'pidroll')]]
            data = tello.send_data()
            # if mapcom.tpid==1:
            #     comd=mapcom.com(userc,pid)
            # else:
            comd = mapcom.com(userc)
            flightstate = mapcom.send_flightdata()
            checkoutmap = mapcom.checkalldone()
            if checkoutmap == 1:
                userc[4] = 0
                keyuser.us[4] = 0
                mapcom.checkdone = None
            if isrec:
                write(sd, imageraw)
            # if muitmap==0:
            #     mapui.mapshow(flightstate)
            # else:
            #     mapsand(mapsd,flightstate)

        pydisplay.display(image2surface, flightstate)  # pygame飞行界面

        # 目前对丢帧策略的理解,只要分母不要小于飞机发送回来的最大帧速率则不会产生延迟同时保证帧率
        # 例子里的60是不合理的,会多丢弃一半的帧,浪费辽
        if frame.time_base < 1.0 / 35:
            if userc[4] == 1:
                time_base = 1.0 / 35  # 使用pose稍微保守一点
                time_base = 1.0 / 35
            time_base = frame.time_base
        frame_skip = int((time.time() - start_time) / time_base)

        k = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xff  # 与pygame的键盘存在未知冲突
        if k == 27:
            tello.drone.quit()  # 退出
        # print(time.time()-start_time)

    # except:
    #     print('连接超时或发生错误退出辽')

    cv2.destroyAllWindows()  # 关掉飞机直接退出程序
Ejemplo n.º 32
from ventana import *
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from numpy.fft import fft
from Inertial import Inertial
from Velocity import Velocity
from Coordenadas import Coord
from Pose import Pose


#bufferInertial  = Inertial.ReadFromFile("../recursos/datos/sibiu-pro-carboneras-anforas-2.jdb.salida")
#bufferCoord     = Coord.ReadFromFile("../recursos/datos/coordenadas.txt")
bufferCoord = Coord.ReadFromFile("../recursos/datos/datosposicion.txt")
bufferPose = Pose.ReadFromFile("../recursos/datos/pose.txt")
bufferVelocity = Velocity.ReadFromFile("../recursos/datos/velocity.txt")
cap = cv.VideoCapture('../recursos/datos/S200225_7.mp4')

mapa = np.zeros((4000, 4000), dtype="uint8")
mapa.fill(0)  # or img[:] = 255

height = 1

def windowUI():
    global window, app
    app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
    window = Ventana()

 def _randomPoseSamples(self):
     poseSamples = []
     for n in range(self.numPoses):
         poseSample = [np.random.randint(self.minPose[ix], self.maxPose[ix]) for ix in range(3)]
     return poseSamples
Ejemplo n.º 34
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

from simulator.SimLucy    import SimLucy
from Pose                 import Pose
from simulator.AXAngle    import AXAngle
from simulator.LoadRobotConfiguration import LoadRobotConfiguration
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET

posesVect = {}
angle = AXAngle()
BalieroLucyMapping = {}
newPose = Pose()
robotConfig = LoadRobotConfiguration()
lucy = SimLucy(True)

root = ET.Element("root")
lucyPersistence = ET.SubElement(root, "Lucy")
configuration = LoadRobotConfiguration()

Ejemplo n.º 35
    def getEdgeGrasps(self, graspParams, surfaceOffset=0.1):
        Generating grasps for grabbing a cone by its bottom edge
        :param graspParams:[array 1x4] Grasp parameters associated with creating grasps
        :param surfaceOffset:[double] Distance to start the grasp away from the surface
        :return: [list<Grasp>] A list of grasps
        divisionsOf360 = int(graspParams[1])
        grasp180Rotations = int(graspParams[3])

        graspList = []
        theta = math.atan(self.height / self.radius)
        # hypotenuse of height and radius of cone
        hypot = np.sqrt((self.height**2 + self.radius**2))

        # translate along negative Z axis to bring the grasp out of the bottom surface of object
        transZMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
            Pose(0, 0, -(self.height / 4), 0, 0, 0))
        endMatrix = np.matmul(Pose.makeTranformfromPose(self.originPose),
        rotation = 0
        for i in range(divisionsOf360):
            # Rotation about the central axis of the object for divisions of 360
            rotZMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, rotation))
            divisionsMatrix = np.matmul(endMatrix, rotZMatrix)
            # Translate to outer radius of cone
            transXMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                Pose(self.radius, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
            edgeMatrix = np.matmul(divisionsMatrix, transXMatrix)
            # Fix approach vector
            rotYMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, -(np.pi / 2 - theta), 0))
            edgeMatrix = np.matmul(edgeMatrix, rotYMatrix)
            # Align x vector
            rotZMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -np.pi / 2))
            edgeMatrix = np.matmul(edgeMatrix, rotZMatrix)
            # move surface offset away from object
            transZMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                Pose(0, 0, -surfaceOffset, 0, 0, 0))
            edgeMatrix = np.matmul(edgeMatrix, transZMatrix)

            rotation = rotation + 2 * np.pi / divisionsOf360
            wristRotation = 0
            for j in range(2 * grasp180Rotations):
                # Rotate about the z axis for plan the set of grasps
                rotZMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                    Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, wristRotation))
                graspMatrix = np.matmul(edgeMatrix, rotZMatrix)

                # increment rotation for next loop
                wristRotation += np.pi / 2

                # Add Grasp to list
        return graspList
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def getSideGrasps(self, graspParams, surfaceOffset=0.1):
        Generate the grasps for grabbing a cone from its side
        :param graspParams:[array 1x4] Grasp parameters associated with creating grasps
        :param surfaceOffset:[double] Distance to start the grasp away from the surface
        :return: [list<Grasp>] A list of grasps
        parallelPlanes = int(graspParams[0])  # this number should be odd
        divisionsOf360 = int(graspParams[1])
        grasp180Rotations = int(graspParams[3])

        graspList = []
        theta = math.atan(self.height / self.radius)
        # hypotenuse of height and radius of cone
        hypot = np.sqrt((self.height**2 + self.radius**2))

        # Side Grasp
        rotation = 0
        for i in range(divisionsOf360):
            # Rotation about the central axis of the object for divisions of 360
            rotZMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, rotation))
            divisionsMatrix = np.matmul(
                Pose.makeTranformfromPose(self.originPose), rotZMatrix)

            rotation += 2 * np.pi / divisionsOf360
            if parallelPlanes > 1:  # divide hypotenuse by number of parallel planes and start at bottom of cone
                planarTranslation = -hypot / 4  # this is because center of mass is 1/4 of the height not half
                planarTranslation = hypot / 4  # make sure the location doesn't move center of object hypotenuse
            for j in range(parallelPlanes):
                # First translate along the x axis to reach the slope
                # center of mass is 1/4 of the height for a cone; using similar triangles to find distance to translate
                transXMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                    Pose(3 / 4 * self.radius, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
                slopeMatrix = np.matmul(divisionsMatrix, transXMatrix)
                # Rotate about y axis by pi/2-theta to have the x axis perpendicular to slope
                rotYMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                    Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, -(np.pi / 2 - theta), 0))
                slopeMatrix = np.matmul(slopeMatrix, rotYMatrix)

                # Align Z axis to be approach vector into cone
                rotYMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                    Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, -np.pi / 2, 0))
                slopeMatrix = np.matmul(slopeMatrix, rotYMatrix)
                # Align X axis to be perpendicular to z axis and central axis
                rotZMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                    Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -np.pi / 2))
                slopeMatrix = np.matmul(slopeMatrix, rotZMatrix)
                # Have frame leave surface of object
                transZMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                    Pose(0, 0, -surfaceOffset, 0, 0, 0))
                slopeMatrix = np.matmul(slopeMatrix, transZMatrix)

                # Perform the parallel plane translation
                transZMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                    Pose(0, planarTranslation, 0, 0, 0, 0))
                parallelPlaneMatrix = np.matmul(slopeMatrix, transZMatrix)

                if parallelPlanes > 1:
                    planarTranslation += hypot / (parallelPlanes - 1)
                wristRotation = 0
                for k in range(2 * grasp180Rotations):
                    # Rotate about the approach vector which should now be the z axis
                    rotZMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                        Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, wristRotation))
                    graspMatrix = np.matmul(parallelPlaneMatrix, rotZMatrix)
                    wristRotation += np.pi / 2

                    # Add to list

        return graspList
Ejemplo n.º 37
def testConeGraspLocations():
    cone = Cone(Pose(0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0), 10, 5)
    grasps = cone.planGrasps([1, 1, 1, 1])
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def planGrasps(self, graspParams, surfaceOffset = 1):
         Create each grasp assuming the origin of the shape is the global origin, and then multiply the grasp Pose by
         the transformation matrix to put the grasp location in the global frame
         :param graspParams: [array 1x4] Array for the 4 grasp parameters;
         0. # of parallel planes
         1. # of divisions of 360 degrees
         2. # of grasp rotations
         3. # of 180 degree rotations
         :param surfaceOffset: [double] Distance to start the grasp away from the surface
         :return: [array of Grasp Objects] List of grasp objects
        numberCubeSides = 6
        parallelPlanes = int(graspParams[0])  # Has to at least one and must be odd
        grasp180Rotations = int(graspParams[3])  # has to be a 1 or a 2

        graspList = []

        for i in range(numberCubeSides):
            # Rotate the originPose to generate grasps for all the sides of the cube
            # Change the lengths of the sides to properly line up with the new origin
            if i == 0:
                rotOriginMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
                xAxisValue = self.length
                yAxisValue = self.width
                zAxisValue = self.height
            if i == 1:
                rotOriginMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, np.pi / 2))
                xAxisValue = self.width
                yAxisValue = self.length
                zAxisValue = self.height
            if i == 2:
                rotOriginMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, np.pi))
                xAxisValue = self.length
                yAxisValue = self.width
                zAxisValue = self.height
            if i == 3:
                rotOriginMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -np.pi / 2))
                xAxisValue = self.width
                yAxisValue = self.length
                zAxisValue = self.height
            if i == 4:
                rotOriginMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(Pose(0, 0, 0, np.pi / 2, 0, 0))
                xAxisValue = self.width
                yAxisValue = self.height
                zAxisValue = self.length
            if i == 5:
                rotOriginMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(Pose(0, 0, 0, -np.pi / 2, 0, 0))
                xAxisValue = self.width
                yAxisValue = self.height
                zAxisValue = self.length

            originTransform = np.matmul(Pose.makeTranformfromPose(self.originPose), rotOriginMatrix)

            # Generate parallel matrix representing the grasper's frame
            translationMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(Pose(xAxisValue / 2, 0, -zAxisValue / 2, 0, 0, 0))
            parallelMatrix = np.matmul(originTransform, translationMatrix)

            for j in range(1, parallelPlanes + 1):  # Vertical and Horizontal
                for k in range(1, parallelPlanes + 1):
                    # The following translation matrices are used to move the frame
                    # horizontally and vertically along the side of the cube
                    transXMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                        Pose(-k * (xAxisValue / (parallelPlanes + 1)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
                    transZMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(
                        Pose(0, 0, j * (zAxisValue / (parallelPlanes + 1)), 0, 0, 0))

                    # Compute the resulting matrix
                    divisionsMatrix = np.matmul(parallelMatrix, transXMatrix)
                    divisionsMatrix = np.matmul(divisionsMatrix, transZMatrix)

                    for l in range(grasp180Rotations * 2):
                        # The following two transforms move the frame out of the object and rotates
                        # the z axis into the object and the x axis perpendicular to the plane it will be grasping
                        transYMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(Pose(0, -(yAxisValue / 2) - surfaceOffset, 0, 0, 0, 0))
                        rotXMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(Pose(0, 0, 0, -np.pi / 2, 0, 0))

                        graspMatrix = np.matmul(divisionsMatrix, transYMatrix)
                        graspMatrix = np.matmul(graspMatrix, rotXMatrix)

                        # Rotate the thumb corresponding to the grasp180 rotation parameter
                        rotZMatrix = Pose.makeTranformfromPose(Pose(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, l * (-np.pi / 2)))
                        graspMatrix = np.matmul(graspMatrix, rotZMatrix)

                        # Create grasp and add it to the list of generated grasps
                        graspList.append(Grasp('cylindrical', Pose.makePoseFromTransform(graspMatrix)))

        return graspList
Ejemplo n.º 39
 def __init__(self, graspType='spherical', pose=Pose()):
     self.graspType = graspType
     self.pose = pose