Ejemplo n.º 1
    def normalizingTransformation(self, repr=None):
        """Returns a linear transformation that shifts the center of mass
        of the object to the coordinate origin and makes its
        principal axes of inertia parallel to the three coordinate

        A specific representation can be chosen by setting |repr| to
          Ir    : x y z <--> b c a
          IIr   : x y z <--> c a b
          IIIr  : x y z <--> a b c
          Il    : x y z <--> c b a
          IIl   : x y z <--> a c b
          IIIl  : x y z <--> b a c
        from Scientific.LA import determinant
        cm, inertia = self.centerAndMomentOfInertia()
        ev, diag = inertia.diagonalization()
        if determinant(diag.array) < 0:
            diag.array[0] = -diag.array[0]
        if repr != None:
            seq = Numeric.argsort(ev)
            if repr == 'Ir':
                seq = Numeric.array([seq[1], seq[2], seq[0]])
            elif repr == 'IIr':
                seq = Numeric.array([seq[2], seq[0], seq[1]])
            elif repr == 'Il':
                seq = Numeric.seq[2::-1]
            elif repr == 'IIl':
                seq[1:3] = Numeric.array([seq[2], seq[1]])
            elif repr == 'IIIl':
                seq[0:2] = Numeric.array([seq[1], seq[0]])
            elif repr != 'IIIr':
                print 'unknown representation'
            diag.array = Numeric.take(diag.array, seq)
        return Transformation.Rotation(diag) * Transformation.Translation(-cm)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def rotateAroundAxis(self, point1, point2, angle):
     """Rotates the object by the given |angle| around the axis
     that passes through |point1| and |point2|"""
     tr1 = Transformation.Translation(-point1)
     tr2 = Transformation.Rotation(point2 - point1, angle)
     tr3 = tr1.inverse()
     self.applyTransformation(tr3 * tr2 * tr1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def rotateAroundCenter(self, axis_direction, angle):
     """Rotates the object by the given |angle| around an axis
     that passes through its center of mass and has the given
     cm = self.centerOfMass()
     t = Transformation.Translation(cm) * \
         Transformation.Rotation(axis_direction, angle) * \
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, attr, rotation, translation, reference_point):
     VRMLObject.__init__(self, attr)
     if rotation is None:
         rotation = Transformation.Rotation(ez, 0.)
         rotation = apply(Transformation.Rotation, rotation)
     if translation is None:
         translation = Transformation.Translation(Vector(0., 0., 0.))
         translation = Transformation.Translation(translation)
     self.transformation = translation * rotation
     self.reference_point = reference_point
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def findTransformation(self, conf1, conf2=None):
     """Returns the linear transformation that, when applied to
     the object in configuration |conf1|, minimizes the RMS distance
     to the conformation in |conf2|, and the minimal RMS distance.
     If |conf2| is 'None', returns the transformation from the
     current configuration to |conf1| and the associated RMS distance.
     The algorithm is described in [Article:Kneller1990]."""
     q, cm1, cm2, rms = self.findTransformationAsQuaternion(conf1, conf2)
     return Transformation.Translation(cm2) * \
            q.asRotation() * \
            Transformation.Translation(-cm1), \
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def rotateAroundAxis(self, point1, point2, angle):
        Rotate the object arond an axis specified by two points

        :param point1: the first point
        :type point1: Scientific.Geometry.Vector
        :param point2: the second point
        :type point2: Scientific.Geometry.Vector
        :param angle: the rotation angle (in radians)
        :type angle: float
        tr1 = Transformation.Translation(-point1)
        tr2 = Transformation.Rotation(point2 - point1, angle)
        tr3 = tr1.inverse()
        self.applyTransformation(tr3 * tr2 * tr1)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def rotateAroundCenter(self, axis_direction, angle):
        Rotate the object around an axis that passes through its center
        of mass.

        :param axis_direction: the direction of the axis of rotation
        :type axis_direction: Scientific.Geometry.Vector
        :param angle: the rotation angle (in radians)
        :type angle: float
        cm = self.centerOfMass()
        t = Transformation.Translation(cm) * \
            Transformation.Rotation(axis_direction, angle) * \
    def testVectorRotation(self):
        from Scientific.Geometry import Vector, Transformation
        # check regression
        axis_direction = Vector(0.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
        angle = 0.7

        Transformation.Rotation(axis_direction, angle)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def asRotation(self):
     @returns: the corresponding rotation matrix
     @rtype: L{Scientific.Geometry.Transformation.Rotation}
     @raises ValueError: if the quaternion is not normalized
     if Numeric.fabs(self.norm() - 1.) > 1.e-5:
         raise ValueError('Quaternion not normalized')
     d = Numeric.dot(Numeric.dot(self._rot, self.array), self.array)
     return Transformation.Rotation(d)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def findTransformation(self, conf1, conf2=None):
     :param conf1: a configuration object
     :type conf1: :class:~MMTK.ParticleProperties.Configuration
     :param conf2: a configuration object, or None for the
                   current configuration
     :type conf2: :class:~MMTK.ParticleProperties.Configuration or NoneType
     :returns: the linear transformation that, when applied to
               the object in configuration conf1, minimizes the
               RMS distance to the conformation in conf2, and the
               minimal RMS distance.
               If conf2 is None, returns the transformation from the
               current configuration to conf1 and the associated
               RMS distance.
     q, cm1, cm2, rms = self.findTransformationAsQuaternion(conf1, conf2)
     return Transformation.Translation(cm2) * \
            q.asRotation() * \
            Transformation.Translation(-cm1), \
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def rotateAroundOrigin(self, axis_direction, angle):
        Rotate the object around an axis that passes through the
        coordinate origin.

        :param axis_direction: the direction of the axis of rotation
        :type axis_direction: Scientific.Geometry.Vector
        :param angle: the rotation angle (in radians)
        :type angle: float
        self.applyTransformation(Transformation.Rotation(axis_direction, angle))
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def dihedral(self, p1, p2, p3, p4, conf = None):
        """Returns the dihedral angle between the plane containing the
        distance vectors |p1|-|p2| and |p3|-|p2| and the plane containing the
        distance vectors |p2|-|p3| and |p4|-|p3|."""
	v1 = self.distanceVector(p2, p1, conf)
	v2 = self.distanceVector(p3, p2, conf)
	v3 = self.distanceVector(p3, p4, conf)
	a = v1.cross(v2).normal()
	b = v3.cross(v2).normal()
	cos = a*b
	sin = b.cross(a)*v2/v2.length()
	return Transformation.angleFromSineAndCosine(sin, cos)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def normalizingTransformation(self, repr=None):
        Calculate a linear transformation that shifts the center of mass
        of the object to the coordinate origin and makes its
        principal axes of inertia parallel to the three coordinate

        :param repr: the specific representation for axis alignment:
          Ir    : x y z <--> b c a
          IIr   : x y z <--> c a b
          IIIr  : x y z <--> a b c
          Il    : x y z <--> c b a
          IIl   : x y z <--> a c b
          IIIl  : x y z <--> b a c
        :returns: the normalizing transformation
        :rtype: Scientific.Geometry.Transformation.RigidBodyTransformation
        from Scientific.LA import determinant
        cm, inertia = self.centerAndMomentOfInertia()
        ev, diag = inertia.diagonalization()
        if determinant(diag.array) < 0:
            diag.array[0] = -diag.array[0]
        if repr != None:
            seq = N.argsort(ev)
            if repr == 'Ir':
                seq = N.array([seq[1], seq[2], seq[0]])
            elif repr == 'IIr':
                seq = N.array([seq[2], seq[0], seq[1]])
            elif repr == 'Il':
                seq = N.seq[2::-1]
            elif repr == 'IIl':
                seq[1:3] = N.array([seq[2], seq[1]])
            elif repr == 'IIIl':
                seq[0:2] = N.array([seq[1], seq[0]])
            elif repr != 'IIIr':
                print 'unknown representation'
            diag.array = N.take(diag.array, seq)
        return Transformation.Rotation(diag) * Transformation.Translation(-cm)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def __init__(self, attr, point1, point2):
     center = 0.5 * (point1 + point2)
     axis = point2 - point1
     self.height = axis.length()
     if self.height > 0:
         axis = axis / self.height
         rot_axis = ey.cross(axis)
         sine = rot_axis.length()
         cosine = ey * axis
         angle = Transformation.angleFromSineAndCosine(sine, cosine)
         if abs(angle) < 1.e-4 or abs(angle - 2. * N.pi) < 1.e-4:
             rotation = None
             if abs(sine) < 1.e-4:
                 rot_axis = ex
             rotation = (rot_axis, angle)
         rotation = None
     ShapeObject.__init__(self, attr, rotation, center, center)
    def __init__(self, attr, point1, point2):
	center = 0.5*(point1+point2)
	axis = point2-point1
	self.height = axis.length()
	if self.height > 0:
	    axis = axis/self.height
	    rot_axis = VectorModule.ey.cross(axis)
	    sine = rot_axis.length()
	    cosine = VectorModule.ey*axis
	    angle = Transformation.angleFromSineAndCosine(sine, cosine)
	    if abs(angle) < 1.e-4 or abs(angle-2.*Numeric.pi) < 1.e-4:
		rotation = None
		if abs(sine) < 1.e-4:
		    rot_axis = VectorModule.ex
		rotation = (rot_axis, angle)
	    rotation = None
	ShapeObject.__init__(self, attr, rotation, center, center)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def addImproperTerm(self, data, improper, object, global_data):
     if not self.arguments[2]:
     a1 = improper.a1
     a2 = improper.a2
     a3 = improper.a3
     a4 = improper.a4
     i1 = a1.index
     i2 = a2.index
     i3 = a3.index
     i4 = a4.index
     t1 = global_data.atom_type[a1]
     t2 = global_data.atom_type[a2]
     t3 = global_data.atom_type[a3]
     t4 = global_data.atom_type[a4]
     terms = self.dataset.improperParameters(t1, t2, t3, t4)
     if terms is not None:
         atoms = [(t2,i2,a2), (t3,i3,a3), (t4,i4,a4)]
         i2, i3, i4 = tuple(map(lambda t: t[1], atoms))
         a2, a3, a4 = tuple(map(lambda t: t[2], atoms))
         v1 = a2.position()-a3.position()
         v2 = a3.position()-a1.position()
         v3 = a4.position()-a1.position()
         a = v1.cross(v2).normal()
         b = v3.cross(v2).normal()
         cos = a*b
         sin = b.cross(a)*v2/v2.length()
         dihedral = Transformation.angleFromSineAndCosine(sin, cos)
         if dihedral > Numeric.pi:
             dihedral = dihedral - 2.*Numeric.pi
         for p in terms:
             if p[2] != 0.:
                 mult = p[0]
                 phase = Numeric.fmod(Numeric.pi-mult*dihedral,
                 if phase < 0.:
                     phase = phase + 2.*Numeric.pi
                 data.add('dihedrals', (i2, i3, i1, i4,
                                        p[0], phase) + p[2:])
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def addImproperTerm(self, data, improper, object, global_data):
        if not self.arguments[2]:
	a1 = improper.a1
	a2 = improper.a2
	a3 = improper.a3
	a4 = improper.a4
	i1 = a1.index
	i2 = a2.index
	i3 = a3.index
	i4 = a4.index
	t1 = global_data.atom_type[a1]
	t2 = global_data.atom_type[a2]
	t3 = global_data.atom_type[a3]
	t4 = global_data.atom_type[a4]
	terms = self.dataset.improperParameters(t1, t2, t3, t4)
	if terms is not None:
	    atoms = [(t2,i2,a2), (t3,i3,a3), (t4,i4,a4)]
	    i2, i3, i4 = tuple(map(lambda t: t[1], atoms))
	    a2, a3, a4 = tuple(map(lambda t: t[2], atoms))
            v1 = a2.position()-a3.position()
            v2 = a3.position()-a1.position()
            v3 = a4.position()-a1.position()
            a = v1.cross(v2).normal()
            b = v3.cross(v2).normal()
            cos = a*b
            sin = b.cross(a)*v2/v2.length()
            dihedral = Transformation.angleFromSineAndCosine(sin, cos)
            if dihedral > Numeric.pi:
                dihedral = dihedral - 2.*Numeric.pi
	    for p in terms:
		if p[2] != 0.:
                    mult = p[0]
                    phase = Numeric.fmod(Numeric.pi-mult*dihedral,
                    if phase < 0.:
                        phase = phase + 2.*Numeric.pi
		    data.add('dihedrals', (i2, i3, i1, i4,
                                           p[0], phase) + p[2:])
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def addDihedralTerm(self, data, dihedral, object, global_data):
     if not self.arguments[2]:
     a1 = dihedral.a1
     a2 = dihedral.a2
     a3 = dihedral.a3
     a4 = dihedral.a4
     i1 = a1.index
     i2 = a2.index
     i3 = a3.index
     i4 = a4.index
     global_data.add('1_4_pairs', (i1, i4))
     t1 = global_data.atom_type[a1]
     t2 = global_data.atom_type[a2]
     t3 = global_data.atom_type[a3]
     t4 = global_data.atom_type[a4]
     terms = self.dataset.dihedralParameters(t1, t2, t3, t4)
     if terms is not None:
         v1 = a1.position()-a2.position()
         v2 = a2.position()-a3.position()
         v3 = a4.position()-a3.position()
         a = v1.cross(v2).normal()
         b = v3.cross(v2).normal()
         cos = a*b
         sin = b.cross(a)*v2/v2.length()
         dihedral = Transformation.angleFromSineAndCosine(sin, cos)
         if dihedral > Numeric.pi:
             dihedral = dihedral - 2.*Numeric.pi
         for p in terms:
             if p[2] != 0.:
                 mult = p[0]
                 phase = Numeric.fmod(Numeric.pi-mult*dihedral,
                 if phase < 0.:
                     phase = phase + 2.*Numeric.pi
                 data.add('dihedrals', (i1, i2, i3, i4,
                                        p[0], phase) + p[2:])
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def addDihedralTerm(self, data, dihedral, object, global_data):
        if not self.arguments[2]:
	a1 = dihedral.a1
	a2 = dihedral.a2
	a3 = dihedral.a3
	a4 = dihedral.a4
	i1 = a1.index
	i2 = a2.index
	i3 = a3.index
	i4 = a4.index
	global_data.add('1_4_pairs', (i1, i4))
	t1 = global_data.atom_type[a1]
	t2 = global_data.atom_type[a2]
	t3 = global_data.atom_type[a3]
	t4 = global_data.atom_type[a4]
	terms = self.dataset.dihedralParameters(t1, t2, t3, t4)
	if terms is not None:
            v1 = a1.position()-a2.position()
            v2 = a2.position()-a3.position()
            v3 = a4.position()-a3.position()
            a = v1.cross(v2).normal()
            b = v3.cross(v2).normal()
            cos = a*b
            sin = b.cross(a)*v2/v2.length()
            dihedral = Transformation.angleFromSineAndCosine(sin, cos)
            if dihedral > Numeric.pi:
                dihedral = dihedral - 2.*Numeric.pi
	    for p in terms:
		if p[2] != 0.:
                    mult = p[0]
                    phase = Numeric.fmod(Numeric.pi-mult*dihedral,
                    if phase < 0.:
                        phase = phase + 2.*Numeric.pi
		    data.add('dihedrals', (i1, i2, i3, i4,
                                           p[0], phase) + p[2:])
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def rotateAroundOrigin(self, axis, angle):
     """Rotates the object by the given |angle| around an axis
     that passes through the coordinate origin and has the given
     self.applyTransformation(Transformation.Rotation(axis, angle))