def choose_song(self, song, start_end, key): = SongData("annotations/" + song + "AnnotationFull.txt") if self.controller is None: print("BEING FIXED PLEASE") self.controller = AudioController("music/" + song) else: = song self.controller.mixer.remove( = WaveGenerator( WaveFile("music/" + song + ".wav"), False) self.controller.mixer.add( self.color_mapping = {} self.chords = for i in range(len(self.chords)): self.color_mapping[self.chords[i]] = colors[i] # print(self.color_mapping) self.detector = ChordDetector() #display, player for chord learning part self.start_section = start_end[0] self.end_section = start_end[1] print(self.start_section, self.end_section) self.key = key
def process_track(track, date, year): global before_date song_name = track["song_name"] artist_name = track["artist_name"] album_name = track["album_name"] song_id = track["song_id"] artist_id = track["artist_id"] album_id = track["album_id"] rank = track["rank"] print("song_name: {}, artist_name: {}".format(song_name, artist_name)) if song_id not in song_info.keys(): song_release_date, genre, composer = get_song_detail(song_id) song_info[song_id] = { "song_release_date": song_release_date, "genre": genre, "composer": composer } print(song_info[song_id]) time.sleep(1) if artist_id not in artist_info.keys(): artist_activity_type, agency, year_gap = get_artist_info( artist_id, year) time.sleep(1) artist_sex = get_artist_sex(artist_name) time.sleep(1) artist_likes = get_artist_likes(artist_id) time.sleep(1) if agency not in agency_point.keys(): agency_point[agency] = 0 agency_point[agency] += artist_likes artist_info[artist_id] = { "artist_activity_type": artist_activity_type, "agency": agency, "artist_sex": artist_sex, "artist_likes": artist_likes, "year_gap": year_gap } print(artist_info[artist_id]) if song_id not in before_chart.keys(): sd = SongData(song_id, song_name, date, artist_name, album_name, album_id, artist_id) sd.update_rank(rank) book[(song_id, date)] = sd current_chart[song_id] = date elif song_id in before_chart.keys(): book[(song_id, before_chart[song_id])].update_rank(rank) current_chart[song_id] = before_chart[song_id]
def get_durations(songs_data, tempo): durations = [] for song_data in songs_data: durs = song_data.seg_durations for i in xrange(len(durs)): durations.append(str(SongData.get_duration(durs[i], tempo))) return durations
def process_track(track, date, year): global before_date song_name = track["song_name"] artist_name = track["artist_name"] album_name = track["album_name"] song_id = track["song_id"] artist_id = track["artist_id"] album_id = track["album_id"] if song_id not in before_chart.keys(): sd = SongData(song_id, song_name, date, artist_name, album_name, album_id, artist_id) book[(song_id, date)] = sd current_chart[song_id] = date elif song_id in before_chart.keys(): current_chart[song_id] = before_chart[song_id]
def get_bars(songs_data): bars = [] for song_data in songs_data: seg_starts = song_data.seg_starts bar_starts = song_data.bar_starts pitches = song_data.seg_pitches # Because of how the song data is being collected, these two # don't match up, even though they should pitches_and_segs = min(len(pitches), len(seg_starts)) - 1 # The bars starts don't match exactly with the pitch starts, # hence this mess for i in xrange(pitches_and_segs): # The if should be true for bar_starts[len(bars)], but this # is to make sure. for j in range(len(bars), len(bar_starts)): if seg_starts[i] < bar_starts[j] < seg_starts[i+1]: bars.append(str(Bar.Bar(SongData.get_pitch(pitches[i])))) return bars
""" Author: Ajinkya Dhaigude Author: Kowsic Jayachandiran """ from __future__ import print_function import librosa import numpy as np import pickle from SongData import SongData import os num = 0 myData = SongData() for songFile in os.listdir("songs/allSongs"): # if num < 101: # continue if num > 0 and num % 50 == 0: print('saving' + 'songTuple' + str(num // 50) + '.pick') with open('songTuple' + str((num // 50) - 1) + '.pick', 'wb') as h: pickle.dump(myData, h) myData = SongData() print(str(num) + ' working on ' + songFile) y, sr = librosa.load("songs/allSongs/" + songFile, duration=120) mfccs = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=y, sr=sr, n_mfcc=20) thisMean = [0] * 20
def __init__(self, filename): SongData.__init__(self) self.file = filename
class MainWidget(BaseWidget): def __init__(self): super(MainWidget, self).__init__() self.controller = None self.playing = False self.started = False self.mainmenustarted = True self.section2_started = False self.endmenustarted = False self.streak = False self.anim = AnimGroup() self.EndMenu = None # self.choose_song(song, (12,23)) self.MainMenu = MainMenuDisplay(self.choose_song) self.canvas.add(self.MainMenu) self.learning_started = False self.song_selected = False def load_main_menu(self): print('main menu') if self.EndMenu: self.EndMenu.cleanup() self.playing = False self.started = False self.mainmenustarted = True self.section2_started = False self.endmenustarted = False self.MainMenu = MainMenuDisplay(self.choose_song) self.canvas.add(self.MainMenu) def replay_song(self): print('replay song') self.canvas.remove(self.EndMenu) self.mainmenustarted = False self.endmenustarted = False self.init_section_2() self.canvas.add(self.display) self.controller.reset() self.player.reset() self.display.reset() self.playing = False self.started = False self.time = 0 self.section2_started = True self.controller.set_start(0) self.controller.set_stop(999999) def quit(self): print('quit') raise Exception('App was quit') def restart(self): if self.EndMenu: self.EndMenu.cleanup() self.canvas.clear() self.playing = False self.started = False self.mainmenustarted = True self.section2_started = False self.endmenustarted = False self.streak = False self.anim = AnimGroup() self.learning_started = False self.midi.midiin.close_port() # self.choose_song(song, (12,23)) self.song_selected = False self.MainMenu = MainMenuDisplay(self.choose_song) self.canvas.add(self.MainMenu) def choose_song(self, song, start_end, key): = SongData("annotations/" + song + "AnnotationFull.txt") if self.controller is None: print("BEING FIXED PLEASE") self.controller = AudioController("music/" + song) else: = song self.controller.mixer.remove( = WaveGenerator( WaveFile("music/" + song + ".wav"), False) self.controller.mixer.add( self.color_mapping = {} self.chords = for i in range(len(self.chords)): self.color_mapping[self.chords[i]] = colors[i] # print(self.color_mapping) self.detector = ChordDetector() #display, player for chord learning part self.start_section = start_end[0] self.end_section = start_end[1] print(self.start_section, self.end_section) self.key = key #BrownEyedGirl 12 and 23 #Riptide 92 108 def draw_section_1(self): self.chordDisplay = ChordMatchDisplay(self.color_mapping,, self.controller, self.start_section, self.end_section, self.key) self.canvas.add(self.chordDisplay) self.chordPlayer = ChordPlayer(self.chordDisplay, self.controller, self.detector,, self.color_mapping, self) # self.progress_bar = ProgressBar(, 92, 108, self.color_mapping, self.controller) self.controller.set_start( int([self.start_section][0])) self.controller.set_stop( int([self.end_section][0])) # self.canvas.add(self.progress_bar) self.objects = [] self.title = TextLabel("Chord Learning", pos=(50, Window.height - 40), font=30) self.canvas.add(self.title) #added chords to both self.player and self.chordPlayer for chord in self.chords: # self.player.add_chord(chord) self.detector.add_chord(chord) print("midi init @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@") self.midi = MIDIInput(self.detector.on_strum, self.chordDisplay.on_update_diagram, self.controller.play_synth_note, self.controller.note_off) #print("No MIDI inputs found! Please plug in MIDI device!") self.time = 0 def modify_text(self, label, new_text): text_label = CoreLabel(text=new_text, font_size=20) text_label.refresh() label.texture = text_label.texture def init_section_2(self): self.time = 0 self.pause_menu = TextLabel( "Press P to play/pause!\n\nPress BACKSPACE to return to MAIN MENU", pos=(Window.width / 2, Window.height / 2), align='center', font=25) self.canvas.add(self.pause_menu) self.display = BeatMatchDisplay(, self.color_mapping) self.player = Player(, self.display, self.controller, self.color_mapping, self.detector, self) self.display.set_player(self.player) self.counting = False self.canvas.add(self.anim) def on_touch_down(self, touch): print(touch) if self.mainmenustarted: if self.MainMenu.on_touch_down(touch): self.song_selected = True elif not self.section2_started: if touch: self.chordDisplay.on_touch_down(touch) if self.endmenustarted: print('end', touch) self.EndMenu.on_touch_down(touch) def on_key_down(self, keycode, modifiers): if self.section2_started: self.handle_down_section2(keycode, modifiers) else: self.handle_down_section1(keycode, modifiers) def handle_down_section1(self, keycode, modifiers): if keycode[ 1] == "enter" and self.mainmenustarted and self.song_selected: self.mainmenustarted = False self.MainMenu.cleanup() self.canvas.remove(self.MainMenu) self.draw_section_1() if keycode[1] == "p": self.controller.toggle() if keycode[1] == "1": # only do when section 2 hasnt begun yet if not self.section2_started: for obj in self.objects: self.canvas.remove(obj) self.init_section_2() self.canvas.add(self.display) #cleanup graphics self.chordDisplay.cleanup() # self.progress_bar.cleanup() self.canvas.remove(self.chordDisplay) # self.canvas.remove(self.progress_bar) self.controller.reset() self.player.reset() self.display.reset() self.playing = False self.started = False self.time = 0 self.section2_started = True self.controller.set_start(0) self.controller.set_stop(999999) self.canvas.remove(self.title) if keycode[ 1] == "spacebar" and not self.mainmenustarted and not self.learning_started: self.chordPlayer.new_section() self.learning_started = True if keycode[1] == "r" and not self.mainmenustarted: self.chordPlayer.replay_section() def handle_down_section2(self, keycode, modifiers): # play / pause toggle if keycode[1] == 'p': if not self.playing and self.counting: self.canvas.remove(self.counter) self.canvas.add(self.pause_menu) self.counting = False elif self.playing: self.canvas.add(self.pause_menu) self.controller.toggle() self.player.toggle() self.playing = False else: self.canvas.remove(self.pause_menu) self.counting = True self.count_time = 0 self.counter = TextLabel("3", pos=(Window.width / 2, Window.height / 2), align='center', font=100, anim=KFAnim(*count_anim)) self.count = 3 self.anim.add(self.counter) self.started = True # if keycode[1] == 'r': # if not self.playing or self.player.get_done(): # self.controller.reset() # self.player.reset() # self.display.reset() # self.playing = False # self.started = False if keycode[1] == 'backspace' and not self.playing and not self.counting: self.restart() if keycode[1] == 'm': self.controller.set_mute(True) if keycode[1] == "enter" and self.endmenustarted: self.endmenustarted = False self.EndMenu.cleanup() self.canvas.remove(self.EndMenu) def count_down(self): self.add(self.counter) self.counting = True def on_key_up(self, keycode): pass def animate_streak(self): if not self.streak: self.ps1 = ParticleSystem('particle/particle.pex') self.ps1.emitter_x = 50.0 self.ps1.emitter_y = 100.0 self.ps1.start() self.add_widget(self.ps1) self.ps2 = ParticleSystem('particle/particle.pex') self.ps2.emitter_x = 550.0 self.ps2.emitter_y = 100.0 self.ps2.start() self.add_widget(self.ps2) self.streak = True def stop_streak(self): if self.streak: self.remove_widget(self.ps1) self.remove_widget(self.ps2) self.streak = False self.ps1.stop() self.ps2.stop() def on_update(self): if self.mainmenustarted or self.endmenustarted: return if self.section2_started: self.update_section2() else: self.update_section1() def update_section2(self): frame = self.controller.on_update() self.time = frame / 44100 continue_flag = self.display.on_update(self.time) # song is over, display end menu if not continue_flag and self.started: print('end menu') self.canvas.clear() self.EndMenu = EndMenuDisplay(self.restart, self.replay_song, self.quit) self.playing = False self.started = False self.endmenustarted = True self.canvas.add(self.EndMenu) return self.player.on_update(self.time) if self.counting: self.count_time += kivyClock.frametime if self.count_time < 2 and self.count_time >= 1 and self.count == 3: self.counter = TextLabel("2", pos=(Window.width / 2, Window.height / 2), align='center', font=100, anim=KFAnim(*count_anim)) self.anim.add(self.counter) self.count = 2 elif self.count_time < 3 and self.count_time >= 2 and self.count == 2: self.counter = TextLabel("1", pos=(Window.width / 2, Window.height / 2), align='center', font=100, anim=KFAnim(*count_anim)) self.anim.add(self.counter) self.count = 1 elif self.count_time >= 3 and self.count == 1: self.controller.toggle() self.player.toggle() self.counting = False self.playing = not self.playing self.midi.on_update() self.anim.on_update() def updatemenu(self): self.MainMenu.on_update() def update_section1(self): # section 1 of the game updates frame = self.controller.on_update() self.midi.on_update() #print (self.midi.last_note) # self.label.text = '\n LEARNED CHORDS: ' + str(self.chordDisplay.chords) # if len(self.chordDisplay.chords) == 5: # self.label.text += '\nDONE! Press 1 to continue to Chord Conqueror' self.time += kivyClock.frametime self.chordDisplay.on_update(frame) self.chordPlayer.on_update(self.time)