Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_to_parent_to_local(self):
     origin = (np.random.random(3) - 0.5) * 100
     other_coordinate_system = Cartesian(origin=origin)
     axis = (np.random.random(3) - 0.5) * 100
     angle = (np.random.random() - 0.5) * 100
     other_coordinate_system.rotate_axis_angle(axis, angle)
     point_global = (np.random.random(3) - 0.5) * 100
     point_local = other_coordinate_system.to_local(point_global)
     point_global2 = other_coordinate_system.to_parent(point_local)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(point_global2, point_global, atol=np.finfo(float).eps)
     point_local = (np.random.random(3) - 0.5) * 100
     point_global = other_coordinate_system.to_parent(point_local)
     point_local_2 = other_coordinate_system.to_local(point_global)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(point_local_2, point_local, atol=np.finfo(float).eps)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def arc_between_two_points(coordinate_system, point1, point2, radius=1, right=True):
    global_point1 = coordinate_system.to_parent(point1)
    global_point2 = coordinate_system.to_parent(point2)
    direction = point2 - point1
    distance = np.sqrt(np.dot(direction, direction))
    arc_coordinate_system = Cartesian(basis=np.copy(coordinate_system.basis), origin=np.copy(global_point1),
                                      name='Arc coordinate_system')

    r_theta_phi = transforms.cartesian_to_spherical(direction)
    arc_coordinate_system.rotate_axis_angle([0, 0, 1], r_theta_phi[2])
    arc_coordinate_system.rotate_axis_angle([0, 1, 0], r_theta_phi[1] + np.pi/2)
    x_offset = -distance / 2
    y_offset = np.sqrt(radius**2 - x_offset**2)
    if right:
        y_offset *= -1
    arc_coordinate_system.origin = arc_coordinate_system.to_parent([x_offset, y_offset, 0])
    local_point1 = arc_coordinate_system.to_local(global_point1)
    local_point2 = arc_coordinate_system.to_local(global_point2)
    start = transforms.cartesian_to_spherical(local_point1)[2]
    stop = transforms.cartesian_to_spherical(local_point2)[2]
    if not right:
        start = 2 * np.pi - start
        stop = 2 * np.pi - stop
    path = Arc(coordinate_system=arc_coordinate_system, a=radius, b=radius, start=start, stop=stop, right=right)
    return path
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Space(object):

    def __init__(self, name, coordinate_system=None):
        if coordinate_system is None:
            self.coordinate_system = Cartesian()
        elif isinstance(coordinate_system, Cartesian):
            self.coordinate_system = coordinate_system
            raise ValueError('coordinates system must be instance of Cartesian class')
        self.name = str(name)
        self.parent = None
        self.elements = {}
        self.points = None

    def __str__(self):
        description = 'Space: %s\n' % self.name
        description += str(self.coordinate_system)
        return description

    def to_global_coordinate_system(self, xyz):
        convert local points coordinates xyz to global coordinate system coordinates
        :param xyz: array of points shaped Nx3
        :return: array of points in global coordinates system
        parent_xyz = self.coordinate_system.to_parent(xyz)
        if self.parent is None:
            return parent_xyz
            return self.parent.to_global_coordinate_system(parent_xyz)

    def basis_in_global_coordinate_system(self):
        returns local coordinate system basis in global coordinate system as Cartesian class object
        :return: local Cartesian coordinate system in global coordinate system
        origin = np.copy(self.coordinate_system.origin)
        basis = np.copy(self.coordinate_system.basis)
        if self.parent is not None:
            basis = self.parent.to_global_coordinate_system(basis + origin)
            origin = self.parent.to_global_coordinate_system(origin)
            basis = basis - origin
        name = self.coordinate_system.name
        labels = self.coordinate_system.labels
        coordinate_system = Cartesian(basis=basis, origin=origin, name=name, labels=labels)
        return coordinate_system

    def to_local_coordinate_system(self, xyz):
        convert global points coordinates xyz to local coordinate system coordinates
        :param xyz: array of points shaped Nx3
        :return: array of points in local coordinates system
        basis_global = self.basis_in_global_coordinate_system()
        return basis_global.to_local(xyz)

    def add_element(self, element):
        if isinstance(element, Space):
            if element == self:
                raise ValueError('Space can not be its own subspace')
                if element.parent is None:
                    element_name = element.name
                    name_counter = 1
                    name_format = ' %d'
                    while element_name in self.elements.keys():
                        element_name = element.name + name_format % name_counter
                        name_counter += 1
                    element.name = element_name
                    self.elements[element.name] = element
                    element.parent = self
                elif element.parent == self:
                    print('Space ' + element.name + 'is already a subspace of ' + self.name)
                    raise ValueError(element.name + ' is subspace of another space: ' + element.parent.name +
                                     '. Please delete first.')
            raise ValueError('Only another space could be included as a subspace')

    def remove_element(self, element):
        if isinstance(element, Space):
            if element.parent == self:
                for key in self.elements.keys():
                    if self.elements[key] == element:
                        del self.elements[key]
                element.parent = None
                print(element.name + ' is not a subspace of ' + self.name)
            raise ValueError('Only another space could be detached')

    def detach_from_parent(self):
        if self.parent is not None:

    def print_tree(self, level=0):
        print('-' * level + ' ' * (level > 0) + self.name)
        for key in self.elements.keys():
right_helix = Helix(name='Right Helix', coordinate_system=coordinate_system,
                    radius=2, pitch=0.5, start=0, stop=np.pi * 4, right=True)
left_helix = Helix(name='Left Helix', coordinate_system=coordinate_system,
                   radius=2, pitch=0.5, start=0, stop=np.pi * 2, right=False)

print('Helix length:', left_helix.length())

right_helix_view = Visual.CurveView(fig=fig, curve=right_helix)

left_helix_view = Visual.CurveView(fig=fig, curve=left_helix)

point1 = np.array([1, 1, 0])
point2 = np.array([2, 2, 0])
points = np.vstack((coordinate_system.to_parent(point1), coordinate_system.to_parent(point2)))
mlab.points3d(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], points[:, 2], scale_factor=0.1)

shortest_path = line_between_two_points(coordinate_system, point1, point2)
shortest_path_view = Visual.CurveView(fig=fig, curve=shortest_path)
shortest_path_view.set_color((0.3, 0.75, 0.2), 0.5)

helix_path = helix_between_two_points(coordinate_system, point1, point2, radius=1, loops=7, right=True)
helix_path_view = Visual.CurveView(fig=fig, curve=helix_path)
helix_path_view.set_color((1, 1, 0), 0.3)

arc_path = arc_between_two_points(coordinate_system, point1, point2, radius=1, right=False)
arc_path_view = Visual.CurveView(fig=fig, curve=arc_path)