Ejemplo n.º 1
    def run(self):
        self.dom = parse(self.args.inputFileName)
        version = self.dom.documentElement.getAttribute('dbversion')
        version = int(version)
        if version != nafdb.DATABASE_VERSION[0]:
            raise cImportException(
                'Database version %d in Xml file does not match required version %d'
                % (version, nafdb.DATABASE_VERSION[0]))
        if os.path.exists(self.args.databaseName):
            raise cImportException('database already exists: %s' %
        map(self.importXmlSection, nafdb.getTableNames())

        #-- relations
        relations = self.dom.getElementsByTagName('relations')[0]
        items = relations.getElementsByTagName('item')
        values = []
        for item in items:
            value = (int(
        nafdb.connection.executemany("insert into relations values (?, ?);",

        # Update counter table
        nafdb.connection.execute("update counter set cnt=?",
                                 (self.maxId + 1, ))

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def run(self):
        self.dom = parse(self.args.inputFileName)
        version = self.dom.documentElement.getAttribute("dbversion")
        version = int(version)
        if version != nafdb.DATABASE_VERSION[0]:
            raise cImportException(
                "Database version %d in Xml file does not match required version %d"
                % (version, nafdb.DATABASE_VERSION[0])
        if os.path.exists(self.args.databaseName):
            raise cImportException("database already exists: %s" % self.args.databaseName)
        map(self.importXmlSection, nafdb.getTableNames())

        # -- relations
        relations = self.dom.getElementsByTagName("relations")[0]
        items = relations.getElementsByTagName("item")
        values = []
        for item in items:
            value = (
        nafdb.connection.executemany("insert into relations values (?, ?);", values)

        # Update counter table
        nafdb.connection.execute("update counter set cnt=?", (self.maxId + 1,))

Ejemplo n.º 3
def createSampleDatabase(filename):
    conn = sqlite3.connect(filename)
    cursor = conn.cursor()

    title = "id%4d The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog "
    cursor.execute("insert into folders (id, typeid, title) values((select cnt from counter), ?, ?)", (TYPE_ROOT, "ROOT"))
    cursor.execute("insert into folders (id, typeid, title) values((select cnt from counter), ?, ?)", (TYPE_FOLDER, "Project"))
    cursor.execute("insert into folders (id, typeid, title) values((select cnt from counter), ?, ?)", (TYPE_FOLDER, "100 System Requirements"))
    cursor.execute("insert into folders (id, typeid, title) values((select cnt from counter), ?, ?)", (TYPE_FOLDER, "200 System Architecture"))
    cursor.execute("insert into folders (id, typeid, title) values((select cnt from counter), ?, ?)", (TYPE_FOLDER, "300 Software Requirements"))
    cursor.execute("insert into folders (id, typeid, title) values((select cnt from counter), ?, ?)", (TYPE_FOLDER, "400 Software Architecture"))
    cursor.execute("insert into folders (id, typeid, title) values((select cnt from counter), ?, ?)", (TYPE_FOLDER, "310 Functional"))
    cursor.execute("insert into folders (id, typeid, title) values((select cnt from counter), ?, ?)", (TYPE_FOLDER, "320 Non Functional"))

    nPriority = len(lookupTables['priorityLUT'])
    nStatus = len(lookupTables['statusLUT'])
    nUseFrequency = len(lookupTables['usefrequencyLUT'])
    for i in range(5):
        priority = i % nPriority
        status = (4-i) % nStatus
        cursor.execute("insert into requirements values((select cnt from counter), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
            (TYPE_REQUIREMENT, "Requirement %d" % i, priority, status, 1, 'somebody', i%4, 1, 'Comes from', 'Some rationale', 'Some description', 'Any keywords', DEFAULT_VIEW_POS))
    for i in range(15):
        priority = (i+1)%nPriority
        cursor.execute("insert into requirements values((select cnt from counter), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
            (TYPE_REQUIREMENT, "Requirement %d" % (10*(i+1)), priority, 0, 1, 'anybody', (i+1)%4, 1, 'Comes from', 'Some rationale', 'Some description<br/><img src="#%d">' % [61,62,63][i%3], 'Any keywords', DEFAULT_VIEW_POS))

    for i in range(4):
        priority = i%nPriority
        usefreq = random.randint(0, nUseFrequency-1)
        cursor.execute("insert into usecases values((select cnt from counter), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
            (TYPE_USECASE, "Usecase %d" % i, priority, usefreq, 'Some actor', 'Some stakeholder', 'The prerequisites', 'Main scenario', 'Alt scenario', 'Some notes', 'Any keywords', 10-i))
    for i in range(29):
        priority = random.randint(0, nPriority-1)
        usefreq = random.randint(0, nUseFrequency-1)
        cursor.execute("insert into usecases values((select cnt from counter), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
            (TYPE_USECASE, "Usecase %d" % ((i+1)*100), priority, usefreq, 'Some actor', 'Some stakeholder', 'The prerequisites', 'Main scenario', 'Alt scenario', 'Some notes', 'Any keywords', DEFAULT_VIEW_POS))

    f = open('hello_world.png', 'rb')
    imagedata = buffer(f.read())
    cursor.execute("insert into images values((select cnt from counter), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
            (TYPE_IMAGE, "Title of image 1", '<b>Description</b> of image 1', imagedata, 'mspaint', 'Any keywords', 'PNG', DEFAULT_VIEW_POS))
    f = open('timing.png', 'rb')
    imagedata = buffer(f.read())
    cursor.execute("insert into images values((select cnt from counter), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
            (TYPE_IMAGE, "Title of image 2", '<b>Description</b> of image 2', imagedata, 'mspaint', 'Any keywords', 'PNG', DEFAULT_VIEW_POS))

    cursor.execute('insert into relations values (?, ?);', (8, 32))
    cursor.execute('insert into relations values (?, ?);', (8, 34))
    cursor.execute('insert into relations values (?, ?);', (8, 37))

    cursor.execute('insert into relations values (?, ?);', (18, 28))
    cursor.execute('insert into relations values (?, ?);', (18, 29))
    cursor.execute('insert into relations values (?, ?);', (18, 31))

    cursor.execute('insert into relations values (?, ?);', (18, 10))

    folderrelations = [
    (0, 1), (1, 2), (1,3), (1,4), (1,5), (4,6), (4,7), # folder relations
    (2, 28), (2,29), (2,30), (2,31),
    (3, 32), (3, 33), (3, 34), (3, 35), (3, 36), (3, 37), (3, 38), (3, 39),
    (3, 40), (3, 41), (3, 42), (3, 45), (3, 46), (3, 47), (3, 48), (3, 49),
    (3, 50), (3, 51), (3, 52), (3, 55), (3, 56), (3, 57), (3, 58), (3, 59),
    (3, 60),
    (6, 8), (6,9), (6,10), (6,11), (6,12),
    (7,13), (7,14), (7,15), (7,16), (7,17), (7,18), (7,19),
    (7,20), (7,21), (7,22), (7,23), (7,24), (7,25), (7,26), (7,27),
    (4,61), (5,62),
    for fr in folderrelations:
        cursor.execute('insert into relations values (?, ?);', fr)
