Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_center_image():

    # BASEX sample image, Gaussians at 10, 15, 20, 70,85, 100, 145, 150, 155
    # image width, height n = 361, origin = (180, 180)
    IM = abel.tools.analytical.SampleImage(n=361, name="dribinski").image

    # artificially displace origin, now at (179, 182)
    IMx = shift(IM, (-1, 2))
    true_origin = (179, 182)

    # find_origin using 'slice' method
    origin = find_origin(IMx, method="slice")

    assert_allclose(origin, true_origin, atol=1)

    # find_origin using 'com' method
    origin = find_origin(IMx, method="com")

    assert_allclose(origin, true_origin, atol=1)

    # check single axis - vertical
    # center shifted image IMx in the vertical direction only
    IMc = center_image(IMx, method="com", axes=1)
    # determine the origin
    origin = find_origin(IMc, method="com")

    assert_allclose(origin, (179, 180), atol=1)

    # check single axis - horizontal
    # center shifted image IMx in the horizontal direction only
    IMc = center_image(IMx, method="com", axes=0)
    origin = find_origin(IMc, method="com")

    assert_allclose(origin, (180, 182), atol=1)

    # check even image size returns odd
    # drop off one column, to make an even column image
    IM = IM[:, :-1]
    m, n = IM.shape

    IMy = center_image(IM, method="slice", odd_size=True)

    assert_allclose(IMy.shape, (m, n - 1))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_centering_function_shape():
    # ni -> original shape
    # n  -> result of the centering function
    for (y, x) in  [(20, 11), # crop image
                    (21, 11),
                    (5, 11),  # pad image
                    (4, 11)]:
        data = np.zeros((y, x))
        res = center_image(data, (y//2, x//2))
        assert_equal( res.shape, (y, x),
                    'Centering preserves shapes for ni={}, n={}'.format(y, x))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_centering_function_shape():
    # ni -> original shape
    # n  -> result of the centering function
    for (y, x) in [
        (20, 11),  # crop image
        (21, 11),
        (5, 11),  # pad image
        (4, 11)
        data = np.zeros((y, x))
        res = center_image(data, (y // 2, x // 2))
        assert_equal(res.shape, (y, x),
                     'Centering preserves shapes for ni={}, n={}'.format(y, x))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_centering_function():
    # ni -> original shape of the data is (ni, ni)
    # n_c  -> the image center is (n_c, n_c)

    for (ni, n_c) in [(10, 5),
                         (10,  5),
        arr = np.zeros((ni, ni))

        # arr[n_c-1:n_c+2,n_c-1:n_c+2] = 1
        # # else:
        arr[n_c-1:n_c+1,n_c-1:n_c+1] = 1.0

        res = center_image(arr, (n_c, n_c), odd_size=False)
        # The print statements  below can be commented after we fix the centering issue
        # print('Original array')
        # print(arr)
        # print('Centered array')
        # print(res)

        assert_equal( is_symmetric(res), True,\
            'Validating the centering function for ni={}, n_c={}'.format(ni, n_c))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_centering_function():
    # ni -> original shape of the data is (ni, ni)
    # n_c  -> the image center is (n_c, n_c)

    for (ni, n_c) in [
        (10, 5),
        (10, 5),
        arr = np.zeros((ni, ni))

        # arr[n_c-1:n_c+2,n_c-1:n_c+2] = 1
        # # else:
        arr[n_c - 1:n_c + 1, n_c - 1:n_c + 1] = 1.0

        res = center_image(arr, (n_c, n_c), odd_size=False)
        # The print statements  below can be commented after we fix the centering issue
        # print('Original array')
        # print(arr)
        # print('Centered array')
        # print(res)

        assert_equal( is_symmetric(res), True,\
            'Validating the centering function for ni={}, n_c={}'.format(ni, n_c))