Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_required_fields_make_form_valid(self):
        """Tests that form is valid iff required fields are valid."""
        form = SearchForm(order_by='title')

        # Testing that form with optional fields filled out is valid.
        cat = Category('Test Cat')
        author = User('Test Author')
        tag = Tag('Test Tag')
        form = SearchForm(query='Test Query', category=[cat], author=[author],
                          tags=[tag], order_by='title')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def show_home():
    Display home page to visitors and show front page articles.
    form = SearchForm()
    frontpage_filter = Post.query.filter(Tag.name == "frontpage")
    posts = frontpage_filter.order_by("created DESC").all()
    cats = Category.query.all()
    tags = Tag.query.all()
    author_filter = User.query.filter(User.role < 2)
    authors = author_filter.order_by("name ASC").all()
    page = int(request.args.get('page')) if request.args.get('page') else 1
    pagination = Pagination(posts, per_page=4, total=len(posts),
    return render_template('home.html', posts=posts, form=form, 
                           pagination=pagination, tags=tags, cats=cats,
Ejemplo n.º 3
def show_all():
    Display All articles by recency

    # Request details
    req_cat = None
    req_auth = None
    req_tags = None
    search_term = None
    order = None

    # If there is no request, list posts by recency
    if len(request.args) == 0:
        posts = Post.query.order_by('created DESC').all()
        # Otherwise, get posts that fit requests
        search_term = "%" + (request.args.get('q') or "") + "%"

        categories = []
        req_cat = request.args.get('c')
        category_list = (req_cat.split(',')
                         if req_cat is not None 
                         else ([cat.id for cat in Category.query.all()]))
        for category in category_list:
            categories.append(Post.category_id == category)

        category_filter = or_(*categories)

        authors = []
        req_auth = request.args.get('a')
        author_list = (req_auth.split(',')
                       if req_auth is not None
                       else ([user.id for user in User.query.all()]))
        for author in author_list:
            authors.append(Post.author_id == author)

        author_filter = or_(*authors)

        # Generate list of tags to look for in relationship table.
        req_tags = request.args.get('t')
        tag_list = ([int(tag_id) for tag_id in req_tags.split(',')]
                    if req_tags is not None
                    else ([tag.id for tag in Tag.query.all()]))
        tags = Post.tags.any(Tag.id.in_(tag_list))

        order = request.args.get('order') or 'created DESC'

        To be clear, this query looks for anything like the search term
        inside of the title or content of all posts and narrows it down
        to the selected authors, the selected categories, and the selected tags.
        posts = Post.query.join(Category).join(User).filter(
            author_filter, category_filter,

    form = SearchForm()
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        args = '?q=' + form.query.data
        if valid_args(form.category.data):
            args += '&c=' + ilist_to_string(form.category.data)
        if valid_args(form.author.data):
            args += '&a=' + ilist_to_string(form.author.data)
        if valid_args(form.tags.data):
            args += '&t=' + ilist_to_string(form.tags.data)
        args += '&order=' + form.order_by.data

        return redirect(url_for('articles.show_all') + args)

    page = int(request.args.get('page')) if request.args.get('page') else 1
    pagination = Pagination(posts, per_page=4, total=len(posts),
                            page=page, link_size='large')
    return render_template('articles/articles.html', posts=posts,
                           form=form, query=search_term, cats=req_cat,
                           authors=req_auth, tags=req_tags, order=order,
Ejemplo n.º 4
def show_all():
    Display All articles by recency

    # Request details
    req_cat = None
    req_auth = None
    req_tags = None
    search_term = None
    order = None

    # If there is no request, list posts by recency
    if len(request.args) == 0:
        posts = Post.query.order_by('created DESC').all()
        # Otherwise, get posts that fit requests
        search_term = "%" + (request.args.get('q') or "") + "%"

        categories = []
        req_cat = request.args.get('c')
        category_list = (req_cat.split(',') if req_cat is not None else
                         ([cat.id for cat in Category.query.all()]))

        for category in category_list:
            categories.append(Post.category_id == category)

        category_filter = or_(*categories)

        authors = []
        req_auth = request.args.get('a')
        author_list = (req_auth.split(',') if req_auth is not None else
                       ([user.id for user in User.query.all()]))
        for author in author_list:
            authors.append(Post.author_id == author)

        author_filter = or_(*authors)

        # Generate list of tags to look for in relationship table.
        req_tags = request.args.get('t')
        tag_list = ([int(tag_id) for tag_id in req_tags.split(',')] if req_tags
                    is not None else ([tag.id for tag in Tag.query.all()]))
        tags = Post.tags.any(Tag.id.in_(tag_list))

        order = request.args.get('order') or 'created DESC'
        To be clear, this query looks for anything like the search term
        inside of the title or content of all posts and narrows it down
        to the selected authors, the selected categories, and the selected tags.
        posts = Post.query.join(Category).join(User).filter(
                Post.gfm_content.like(search_term)), author_filter,
            category_filter, tags).order_by(order).all()

    form = SearchForm()
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        args = '?q=' + form.query.data
        if valid_args(form.category.data):
            args += '&c=' + ilist_to_string(form.category.data)
        if valid_args(form.author.data):
            args += '&a=' + ilist_to_string(form.author.data)
        if valid_args(form.tags.data):
            args += '&t=' + ilist_to_string(form.tags.data)
        args += '&order=' + form.order_by.data

        return redirect(url_for('articles.show_all') + args)

    page = int(request.args.get('page')) if request.args.get('page') else 1
    pagination = Pagination(posts, per_page=4, total=len(posts), page=page)
    return render_template('articles/articles.html',