def __init__(self): self.i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4), freq=400000) #i2c settings self.display = sh1106.SH1106_I2C( 128, 64, self.i2c, Pin(16), 0x3c) #Load the driver and set it to "display" self.bme = BME280.BME280(i2c=self.i2c) #sensor function self.pump = PWM(Pin(14), freq=0, duty=0) #create PWM objekt and configure pump forward #self.pump_reverse = PWM(Pin(12), freq=0, duty=0) #create PWM objekt and configure pump backwards #self.button = Pin(0, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) #initialize button self.adc = ads1x15.ADS1115( self.i2c, self.addr, self.gain ) #create analog-digtial converter object to read analog humidity sensor self.time_start = time.ticks_ms() / 1000 #Sekunden self.autosetinterval = time.ticks_ms() / 1000 + 25200 #counter self.time_current = 0 self.time_start = 0 self.reset = 0 self.epoche = 0 self.water_storage = 1.2 self.water_use = 0 self.water_status = True self.button = Pin(0, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) self.button.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=self.handle_interrupt) self.soil_dry = 20000 #CSensor >20000 /Annahme Test offen self.soil_ok = 15000 #CSensor 15000 bis 10000 /Annahme Test offen self.soil_humid = 10000 #CSensor 250 - bis 10000 /Annahme Test offen #self.soil_humidity = None self.activateAndClearDisplay()
def Sensor_Read(t): import ads1x15, bme680 from machine import Pin,I2C #Turn on sensor SO = Pin(4,Pin.OUT) SO.on() i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(22),sda=Pin(21)) i2c.init(scl=Pin(22),sda=Pin(21)) i2c.scan() #address=0x77 bme = bme680.BME680_I2C(i2c) adc = ads1x15.ADS1115(i2c) iaq_read = 0 iaq_pred = 0 iaq_stat = 0 iaq_b3 = 0 iaq_resist = 0 iaq_tvoc = 0 data = [] for i in range(t): time.sleep(1) S1 = * 0.125 S2 = * 0.125 S3 = * 0.125 S4 = * 0.125 S5 = bme.temperature#temperature S6 = bme.humidity#humidity S7 = bme.pressure#pressure S8 = bme.gas#gas try: iaq_read = i2c.readfrom(90,9) except: print("etimedout") i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(22),sda=Pin(21)) i2c.init(scl=Pin(22),sda=Pin(21)) i2c.scan() iaq_read = i2c.readfrom(90,9) #bug: if the first reading is the error? if iaq_read[8]==255 and iaq_read[7]==255: iaq_pred = iaq_pred iaq_stat = iaq_stat iaq_b3 = iaq_b3 iaq_resist = iaq_resist iaq_tvoc = iaq_tvoc else: iaq_pred = (iaq_read[0]*2**8)+iaq_read[1] iaq_stat = iaq_read[2] iaq_b3 = iaq_read[3] iaq_resist = (iaq_read[4]*2**(16))+(iaq_read[5]*2**8)+iaq_read[6] iaq_tvoc = (iaq_read[7]*2**8)+iaq_read[8] S9 = iaq_pred S10 = iaq_resist S11 = iaq_tvoc S12=random.uniform(100,5000) data.append([S1,S2,S3,S4,S5,S6,S7,S8,S9,S10,S11,S12]) return data
class MyMachine: # physical interfaces i2c = None display = None bme = None pump = None pump_reverse = None button = None adc = None # sensor variables temp = None hum = None pres = None volt = None water_storage = None water_storage_max = 1.2 time_current = None epoche = 0 #Epoche # fixed values addr = 0x48 gain = 1 time_start = time.ticks_ms() #start Wert des internen Zählers #config i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4), freq=400000) #i2c settings display = sh1106.SH1106_I2C(128, 64, i2c, Pin(16), 0x3c) #Load the driver and set it to "display" display.sleep(False) #activate display display.fill(0) #clear display bme = BME280.BME280(i2c=i2c) #sensor function pumpe = PWM(Pin(14), freq=0, duty=0) #create PWM objekt and configure pump forward pumpe_reverse = PWM( Pin(12), freq=0, duty=0) #create PWM objekt and configure pump backwards button = Pin(0, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) #initialize button addr = 0x48 gain = 1 adc = ads1x15.ADS1115( i2c, addr, gain ) #create analog-digtial converter object to read analog humidity sensor i = 0 start = time.ticks_ms() #start Wert des internen Zaehlers autosetinterval = 25200 #counter reset = 0 #reset for time counter
from machine import I2C, Pin from time import sleep_ms import ads1x15 addr = 74 gain = 1 i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4), freq=400000) ads = ads1x15.ADS1115(i2c, addr, gain) def TempC(voltage): degC = ((voltage * 1000) - 500) / 10 return degC def main(): while True: voltage = ads.raw_to_v( + 0.01 print('voltage:{}, Temp C:{}'.format(voltage, TempC(voltage))) sleep_ms(1000) try: main() except: print('Bye')
import machine from machine import Pin, I2C, ADC import time import urequests from time import sleep import ads1x15 i2c = machine.I2C(-1, scl=machine.Pin(32), sda=machine.Pin(27)) ag_address = 72 #analog address gain = 0 #analog read gain (0-6.144v) adc_1115 = ads1x15.ADS1115(i2c, ag_address, gain) #voltage analog raw_v =, 0) volt = adc_1115.raw_to_v(raw_v) #converted voltage print(volt)
led = ledCtrl() #set LED purple while device configuring led.purple() buzz = buzzCtrl() """ Set up I2C """ i2c = machine.I2C(scl=machine.Pin(5), sda=machine.Pin(4), freq=100000) print('Devices attached:') print(i2c.scan()) #Set up ADC print('Setting up ADC') adc = ads1x15.ADS1115(i2c) adc.gain = 1 #ADS1015_REG_CONFIG_PGA_4_096V #Set up LIS3DH print('Setting up LIS3DH') setUpAccel() """ Set up Network """ sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) sta_if.scan() # Scan for available access points sta_if.connect(wifi_ssid, wifi_passw) # Connect to an AP # Check for successful connection connectCount = 0
class sensors: with open("") as json_data_file: conf = ujson.load(json_data_file) import utime led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) #internal LED is on pin 2 i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21), freq=10000) print('Scanning i2c bus...') devices = i2c.scan() if len(devices) == 0: print("No i2c device !") else: print('i2c devices found:', len(devices)) for device in devices: print("Decimal address: ", device, " | Hexa address: ", hex(device)) onewirePin = machine.Pin(15) wire = onewire.OneWire(onewirePin) try: ds = ds18x20.DS18X20(wire) roms = ds.scan() # roms.append(roms[0]) if roms == []: roms = 0 for rom in roms: print(' DS18b20 devices:', int.from_bytes(rom, 'little'), hex(int.from_bytes(rom, 'little'))) except Exception as e: conf['Run_DS18B20'] = 'false' print(" DS18B20 start error - ", e) #////////////////// INA setup ///////////////////////// try: SHUNT_OHMS = 0.1 ina = INA219(SHUNT_OHMS, i2c) print('INA219 instance created') except Exception as e: print(" INA start error - ", e) try: ina.configure() # gain defaults to 3.2A. line 132 print(' INA219 instance configure run') except Exception as e: print('INA configure failed, possibly not connected. Error=', e) #////////////////// BME setup ///////////////////////// try: bme = bme280_float.BME280(i2c=i2c) print('BME started') except Exception as e: print('BME start failed, possibly not connected. Error=', e) #////////////////// ADS1115 setup ///////////////////// #ads1115 set up, , 0x48 default, 0x4a->connect ADDR pin to SDA try: addr = 0x4a gain = 0 ads1115A = ads1x15.ADS1115(i2c, addr, gain) print("ADS1115A started") except Exception as e: print('ADS1115A start failed, possibly not connected. Error=', e) try: addr = 0x48 gain = 0 ads1115B = ads1x15.ADS1115(i2c, addr, gain) print("ADS1115B started") except Exception as e: print('ADS1115B start failed, possibly not connected. Error=', e) #___________________________________________________________________________________________ #////////////////// INIT /// ///////////////////////// def __init__(self): for key in self.conf.keys(): print(key, "---", self.conf[key]) print('new sensors instance created') def debugPrint1(self, message): if self.conf['debugPrint1'] == 'True': print(message) def connectWifi(self): import network sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) print('\n', ' = ',, '\n') print('\n', ' = ',, '\n') networks = sta_if.scan() if not sta_if.isconnected(): print(' connecting to network...') print('\n', ' No. of networks = ', len(networks), '\n') print(' networks = ', networks, '\n') try: sta_if.ifconfig((self.conf['IP_Address'], '', '', '')) sta_if.connect(self.conf['ssid'], self.conf['password']) self.udpAddr = '' except Exception as e: print('connect wifi failure, error =', e) pass counter = 0 while not sta_if.isconnected(): utime.sleep(0.25) print("\r>", counter, end='') counter += 1 self.flashLed() if counter > 100: machine.reset() pass print('\n', ' CONNECTED!! network config:', sta_if.isconnected(), '\n', sta_if.ifconfig(), '\n') def flashLed(self): self.led.value(not self.led.value()) def getVoltage(self): value = [0, 1, 2, 3] voltage = [0, 1, 2, 3] calibration = 1 for i in range(4): # 0 - 3 # def read(self, rate=4, channel1=0, channel2=None):, line 156 try: value[i] =, i) voltage[i] = self.ads1115A.raw_to_v(value[i]) if i == 2: calibration = 6.09 elif i == 3: calibration = 6.11 self.insertIntoSigKdata("electrical.ads1115-1." + str(i), voltage[i] * calibration) calibration = 1 except Exception as e: pass try: calibration = 6.09 value =, 0, 1) voltage = self.ads1115B.raw_to_v(value) self.insertIntoSigKdata("electrical.ads1115-2.1", voltage * calibration) calibration = 6.09 value =, 2, 3) voltage = self.ads1115B.raw_to_v(value) self.insertIntoSigKdata("electrical.ads1115-2.2", voltage * calibration) except Exception as e: pass def getPressure(self, destination): try: vals = self.bme.read_compensated_data() except Exception as e: print('BME failed, possibly not connected. Error=', e) pass else: temp = vals[0] pres = vals[1] hum = vals[2] if destination == 'signalk': self.insertIntoSigKdata("environment.outside.humidity", hum) # insertIntoSigKdata(path, value) self.utime.sleep_ms(100) self.insertIntoSigKdata("environment.outside.temperature", temp + 273.15) self.utime.sleep_ms(100) self.insertIntoSigKdata("environment.outside.pressure", pres) self.utime.sleep_ms(100) elif destination == 'influxdb': print(' would send to udp here') def getCurrent(self): try: self.insertIntoSigKdata("esp.currentSensor.voltage", self.ina.voltage()) self.utime.sleep_ms(100) self.insertIntoSigKdata("esp.currentSensor.current", self.ina.current()) self.utime.sleep_ms(100) self.insertIntoSigKdata("esp.currentSensor.power", self.ina.power()) except Exception as e: print('INA1 read failed, Error=', e) pass def getTemp(self): try: self.ds.convert_temp() utime.sleep_ms(200) for rom in (self.roms): value = self.ds.read_temp(rom) if rom == (b'(\x7f@V\x05\x00\x00\xaf'): path = "esp.propulsion.alternator.temperature" self.insertIntoSigKdata(path, value + 273.15) elif rom == (b"('\xd4V\x05\x00\x00\x88"): path = "esp.propulsion.exhaust.temperature" self.insertIntoSigKdata(path, value + 273.15) elif rom == (b'(a\xdeV\x05\x00\x00\xf2'): path = "esp.propulsion.head.temperature" self.insertIntoSigKdata(path, value + 273.15) elif rom == (b'(\xdd\xdfU\x05\x00\x00\xcd'): path = "esp.electrical.batteries.housebank.temperature" self.insertIntoSigKdata(path, value + 273.15) except Exception as e: print("DS18B20 error Error=", e) pass def insertIntoSigKdata(self, path, value): _sigKdata = {"updates": [{"values": []}]} _sigKdata["updates"][0]["values"].append({ "path": path, "value": value }) self.sendToUDP(ujson.dumps(_sigKdata), '', self.conf['sigK_udp-port']) try: self.debugPrint1(_sigKdata) except Exception as e: print("debug print error=", e) def sendToUDP(self, message, udpAddr, udpPort): try: s = usocket.socket(usocket.AF_INET, usocket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.sendto(message, (udpAddr, int(udpPort))) s.close() except Exception as e: print("UDP sending error=", e) pass def str_to_bool(self, s): return str(s).lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1") def checkConnection(self): wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) if not wlan.isconnected(): print('Not connected to wifi, rebooting...') machine.reset() def reboot(self): print("..rebooting..") machine.reset() def dataBasesend(self): #which sensors to send, triggered by timer self.flashLed() def datasend(self): #which sensors to send, triggered by timer self.flashLed() self.insertIntoSigKdata("esp.heartbeat.led", self.led.value()) if self.conf['Run_BME280'] == 'True': self.getPressure('signalk') if self.conf['Run_ADS1115'] == 'True': self.getVoltage() if self.conf['Run_INA-219'] == 'True': self.getCurrent() if self.conf['Run_DS18B20'] == 'True': self.getTemp() self.checkConnection() def sendi2c(self): devices = self.i2c.scan() if len(devices) == 0: print("No i2c device !") else: print('i2c devices found:', len(devices)) for device in devices: print("Decimal address: ", device, " | Hexa address: ", hex(device))
# GNU General Public License <> # STIA436 Course - Spring 2019 # Professor Colin McCormick & Father Chris Wagner # Copyright (c) 2019 F. Pascal Girard # # ADS1x15 code from # Keep in mind that this I2C board can have up to 4 addresses using the address pin. # Default is 0x48. # import ads1x15 from machine import I2C, Pin # create an I2C bus object for all I2C-based sensors. i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4)) # create the I2C bus # 16 bit raw = ads1x15.ADS1115(i2c, address=0x48) def measure(): return { "A0":, "A1":, "A2":, "A3": }
#Define MQTT topics: TEMPERATURE_CHIPA = "/sensor/Chipa/temperature" HUMIDITY_CHIPA = "/sensor/Chipa/humidity" CARBON_MONOXIDE_CHIPA = "/sensor/Chipa/CO" GAS_ALL_CHIPA = "/sensor/Chipa/All_Gas" SENSOR_PREFIX = "SENSOR:" EOL = "\n" #ADC channels MQ7_CHANNEL = 0 MQ135_CHANNEL = 1 #Init I2C multi-channel ADC to poll gas sensors i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4), freq=400000) addr = 72 ads = ads1x15.ADS1115(i2c, addr) def toggleGPIO(p): p.value(not p.value()) def GPIO_On(p): p.value(1) def GPIO_Off(p): p.value(0) def getHumidityTemp():