Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_get_ident(self):
     '''Test if the get_ident function is working'''
     self.assertEqual(api.get_ident(':a!ident@c PRIVMSG #d :e'), 'ident')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def found_terminator(self):
        data = self.get_data().decode('utf8')
        # Check if we should ignore this message
        if re.search(config.ignore, data.lower()):

        self.output('R%s' % data)

        # Take an accion based on the command
        command = data.split(' ', 2)[1]
        if data[:4] == 'PING':
            self.push('PONG %s\r\n' % data[5:])

        elif command ==  'PRIVMSG':
            nick = data[1:data.find('!')]
            channel = data[data.find(' PRIVMSG ')+9:data.find(' :')]
            for module in self.modules:
                self.modules[module].privmsg(nick, data, channel)
            # Command Hooks
            if channel == config.nick:
                channel = nick
            if ' :%s' % config.cmd_char in data:
                prm = None
                msg = api.get_message(data)
                cmd = msg[msg.find(config.cmd_char)+1:]
                user = User(nick)
                user.ident = api.get_ident(data)
                user.host = api.get_host(data)
                if ' ' in cmd:
                    prm = cmd[cmd.find(' ')+1:]
                    cmd = cmd[:cmd.find(' ')]

                if cmd in api.hooks[self.__address__]:
                    api.hooks[self.__address__][cmd](user, channel, prm)
                # Superuser Hooks
                if api.check_if_super_user(data):
                    if cmd in api.su_hooks[self.__address__]:
                        api.su_hooks[self.__address__][cmd](user, channel, prm)

        elif command ==  'NOTICE':
            nick = data[1:data.find('!')]
            channel = data[data.find(' NOTICE ')+8:data.find(' :')]
            print('channel: "%s"' % channel)
            for module in self.modules:
                self.modules[module].get_notice(nick, data, channel)

        elif command ==  'JOIN':
            nick = data.split('!')[0][1:]
            if nick.find('#') == -1:
                channel = data[data.find(' :#')+2:]
                host = data[data.find('@')+1:data.find(' JOIN ')]
                user1 = data[data.find('!'):data.find('@')]
                user = user1.replace("!", "")
                for module in self.modules:
                    self.modules[module].get_join(nick, user, host, channel)

        elif command == 'MODE':
            nick = api.get_nick(data)
            channel = data[data.find(' MODE ')+6:]
            mode = channel[channel.find(' ')+1:]
            channel = channel[:channel.find(' ')]
            for hook in api.mode_hooks[self.__address__]:
                hook(nick, channel, mode)

        elif re.search('[0-9]+ *' + config.nick, data):
            code = data.split()[1]
            for module in self.modules:
                self.modules[module].get_raw('CODE', (code, data))
            if code == '001':
                if bbot.api.get_config_bool('main', 'use-services'):
                    self.push('PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY %s %s\r\n' %
                                (config.username, config.password))
                for channel in config.autojoin:
                    self.push('JOIN %s\r\n' % channel)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def found_terminator(self):
        data = self.get_data().decode("utf8")
        # Check if we should ignore this message
        if re.search(config.ignore, data.lower()):

        self.output("R%s" % data)

        # Take an accion based on the command
        command = data.split(" ", 2)[1]
        if data[:4] == "PING":
            self.push("PONG %s\r\n" % data[5:])

        elif command == "PRIVMSG":
            nick = data[1 : data.find("!")]
            channel = data[data.find(" PRIVMSG ") + 9 : data.find(" :")]
            for module in self.modules:
                self.modules[module].privmsg(nick, data, channel)
            # Command Hooks
            if channel == config.nick:
                channel = nick
            if " :%s" % config.cmd_char in data:
                prm = None
                msg = api.get_message(data)
                cmd = msg[msg.find(config.cmd_char) + 1 :]
                user = User(nick)
                user.ident = api.get_ident(data)
                user.host = api.get_host(data)
                if " " in cmd:
                    prm = cmd[cmd.find(" ") + 1 :]
                    cmd = cmd[: cmd.find(" ")]

                if cmd in api.hooks[self.__address__]:
                    api.hooks[self.__address__][cmd](user, channel, prm)
                # Superuser Hooks
                if api.check_if_super_user(data):
                    if cmd in api.su_hooks[self.__address__]:
                        api.su_hooks[self.__address__][cmd](user, channel, prm)

        elif command == "NOTICE":
            nick = data[1 : data.find("!")]
            channel = data[data.find(" NOTICE ") + 8 : data.find(" :")]
            for module in self.modules:
                self.modules[module].get_notice(nick, data, channel)

        elif command == "JOIN":
            nick = data.split("!")[0][1:]
            if nick.find("#") == -1:
                channel = data[data.find("#") :]
                host = data[data.find("@") + 1 : data.find(" JOIN ")]
                user1 = data[data.find("!") : data.find("@")]
                user = user1.replace("!", "")
                for module in self.modules:
                    self.modules[module].get_join(nick, user, host, channel)

        elif command == "MODE":
            nick = api.get_nick(data)
            channel = data[data.find(" MODE ") + 6 :]
            mode = channel[channel.find(" ") + 1 :]
            channel = channel[: channel.find(" ")]
            for hook in api.mode_hooks[self.__address__]:
                hook(nick, channel, mode)

        elif re.search("[0-9]+ *" + config.nick, data):
            code = data.split()[1]
            for module in self.modules:
                self.modules[module].get_raw("CODE", (code, data))

            if code == "001":
                if bbot.api.get_config_bool("main", "use-services"):
                    self.push("PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY %s %s\r\n" % (config.username, config.password))
                for channel in config.autojoin:
                    self.push("JOIN %s\r\n" % channel)