Ejemplo n.º 1
	def getCreatedRules(self, includeDisabled = False, includeDeleted = False):

		from app.backend.model.rule import Rule

		query = "SELECT id FROM rules WHERE author_uuid = '@@uuid@@'"
		query += " AND enabled='1'" if not includeDisabled else ""
		query += " AND deleted='0'" if not includeDeleted else ""
		query += ";"

		database = Database()
		query = self.__replaceSqlQueryToken(query)
		queryResult = database.executeReadQuery(query)

		ruleList = []
		for record in queryResult:
			ruleId = record[0]

			rule = Rule(id = ruleId)


		return ruleList
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def getRuleInfo(self, buildingName = None, roomName = None, ruleId = None):

		from app.backend.model.rule import Rule
		rule = Rule(id = ruleId, buildingName = buildingName, roomName = roomName)

		return rule.getDict(buildingName = None, roomName = None)
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def enableRule(self, ruleId, buildingName, roomName, editorUuid):

		room = Room(buildingName = buildingName, roomName = roomName)

		from app.backend.model.rule import Rule
		rule = Rule(id = ruleId)

		return self.editRule(ruleId = rule.id, priority = rule.getPriority(), buildingName = buildingName,  roomName = roomName, 
					editorUuid = editorUuid, groupId = rule.groupId, ruleBody = None, 
					antecedent = rule.antecedent, consequent = rule.consequent, enabled = True)
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def deleteRule(self, ruleId, buildingName, groupId):

		group = Group(buildingName = buildingName, id = groupId)

		from app.backend.model.rule import Rule
		rule = Rule(id = ruleId)


		return {}
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def editRule(self, ruleId = None, priority = None, buildingName = None, groupId = None, authorUuid = None, ruleBody = None):

		from app.backend.model.rule import Rule
		oldRule = Rule(id = ruleId)

		from app.backend.model.user import User
		author = User(uuid = authorUuid)

		result = self.__addOrModifyRule(ruleId = ruleId, priority = priority, buildingName = buildingName, groupId = groupId, authorUuid = authorUuid, ruleBody = ruleBody)

		from app.backend.controller.notificationsManager import NotificationsManager
		notifications = NotificationsManager()
		messageSubject = "Rule modified in building " + str(buildingName) + " group " + str(groupId)
		messageText = "The user " + str(author.username) + " edited (or tried to edit) the rule <<" + str(oldRule.getFullRepresentation()) + ">>. The new rule is <<" + str(ruleBody) + ">>"
		notifications.sendNotification(buildingName = buildingName, groupId = groupId, messageSubject = messageSubject, messageText = messageText) 

		return result
Ejemplo n.º 6
	def getRules(self, excludedRuleId = False, includeDisabled = False, includeDeleted = False, categoriesFilter = None):		

		from app.backend.model.rule import Rule

		query = "SELECT id FROM rules WHERE group_id = '@@id@@' @@__EXCLUDED_RULE_ID__@@"
		query += " AND enabled='1'" if not includeDisabled else ""
		query += " AND deleted='0'" if not includeDeleted else ""

		if categoriesFilter:
			query += " AND (@@__CATEGORY_FILTERS__@@)"
			categoryFilterQuery = ""

			for category in json.loads(categoriesFilter):
				categoryFilterQuery += "category = '" + category + "' OR "

			query = query.replace("@@__CATEGORY_FILTERS__@@", categoryFilterQuery)
			query = query.replace(" OR )", ")")

		query += ";"

		if excludedRuleId:
			query = query.replace("@@__EXCLUDED_RULE_ID__@@", "AND NOT id = " + str(excludedRuleId))
			query = query.replace("@@__EXCLUDED_RULE_ID__@@", "")

		database = Database()
		query = self.__replaceSqlQueryToken(query)
		queryResult = database.executeReadQuery(query)

		ruleList = []
		for ruleRecord in queryResult:
			rule = Rule(ruleRecord[0])

		return ruleList
Ejemplo n.º 7
	def deleteRule(self, ruleId, buildingName, roomName, editorUuid):

		room = Room(buildingName = buildingName, roomName = roomName)

		from app.backend.model.rule import Rule
		rule = Rule(id = ruleId)

		from app.backend.model.user import User
		editor = User(uuid = editorUuid)
		author = User(uuid = rule.authorUuid)

		# If this room is not related to a room, I cannot modify it from this method
		if not rule.roomName:
			raise UserCredentialError("You cannot modify this group related rule.")

		# If this rule is not about this building
		if rule.buildingName != buildingName:
			raise UserCredentialError("You cannot modify the rule of another building.")			
		if author.uuid != editor.uuid:

			if not rule.groupId and not rule.getRoom().roomName in list(r.roomName for r in editor.getRooms()):
				raise UserCredentialError("You cannot modify a rule of a room you do not own.")				

			#if rule.getRoom() not in editor.getRooms():
			#	raise UserCredentialError("You cannot modify a rule of a room you do not own.")

			if rule.groupId:

				from app.backend.model.group import Group
				group = Group(buildingName = buildingName, id = groupId)

				if not group:
					raise UserCredentialError("You cannot delete a rule of a room you do not own.")				

				if not group.crossRoomsValidation:
					raise UserCredentialError("You cannot delete a rule you do not own.")

				if not group.id in list(g.id for g in editor.getGroups()):
					raise UserCredentialError("You cannot delete a rule belonging to a group you do not own.")

				if not rule.getRoom().roomName in list(r.roomName for r in group.getRooms()):
					raise UserCredentialError("You cannot delete a rule belonging to room that does not belongs to a group you do not own.")

			if editor.level < rule.getPriority():
				raise UserCredentialError("You cannot modify this rule since it has a too high priority for your user level")			


		return {}
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def setRulePriority(self, buildingName, roomName, ruleId, rulePriority):

		from app.backend.model.rule import Rule
		rule = Rule(id = ruleId, buildingName = buildingName, roomName = roomName)
		rule.setPriority(buildingName = buildingName, roomName = roomName, priority = rulePriority)

		return rule.getDict(buildingName = buildingName, roomName = roomName)
Ejemplo n.º 9
	def __addOrModifyRule(self, priority = None, buildingName = None, roomName = None, authorUuid = None, ruleBody = None, ruleId = None, antecedent = None, consequent = None, enabled = True):
		import time,datetime
		startTimeMilliseconds = long((time.time() + 0.5) * 1000)

		if ruleBody:
				antecedent = ruleBody.split("then")[0].replace("if ", "").strip()
				consequent = ruleBody.split("then")[1].strip()
			except Exception as e:
				raise NotWellFormedRuleError("There is a syntax error in the rule you are trying to save")

		# Detecting rule category (by the rule-consequent)
		from app.backend.controller.actionManager import ActionManager
		actionManager = ActionManager()
		category = actionManager.getAction(consequent).category
		from app.backend.model.user import User
		author = User(uuid = authorUuid)

		if int(str(priority)) < 0 or int(str(priority)) > author.getMaxRoomPriority():
			raise RulePriorityError("You can specify rules for rooms with a priority value between 0 and " + str(author.getMaxRoomPriority()) + ". You inserted " + str(priority))

		from app.backend.model.rule import Rule
		from app.backend.model.room import Room

		if not ruleId:
			rule = Rule(priority = priority, category = category, buildingName = buildingName, roomName = roomName, authorUuid = authorUuid, antecedent = antecedent, consequent = consequent, enabled = True)
			rule = Rule(id = ruleId)
			author = rule.getAuthor()

			rule.antecedent = antecedent
			rule.consequent = consequent
			rule.authorUuid = authorUuid
			rule.authorUuid = authorUuid	
			rule.enabled = enabled		

			editor = rule.getAuthor()

			if editor.level < rule.getPriority():
				raise UserCredentialError("You cannot modify this rule since it has a too high priority for your user level")

		room = Room(buildingName = buildingName, roomName = roomName)

		if not ruleId and not rule.checkIfUnique():
			raise DuplicatedRuleError("The submitted rule is already been saved for the considered room.")

		# excludedRuleId is needed to ignore the rule that the user want to edit
		excludedRuleId = ruleId if ruleId else None		

		roomRules = room.getRules(author = False, includeGroupsRules = True, excludedRuleId = excludedRuleId)

		# Checking that a priority is unique over the same category	
		for r in roomRules:
			if str(r.category) == str(category) and int(r.getPriority()) == int(priority):
				raise AlredyAssignedPriorityError("In room " + roomName + " the priority " + str(priority) + " has alredy been assigned to another rule with the same category!")

		temporaryRuleSet = []

		#### OPTMIZATION ########################################################################################
		# Removing rules with a trigger that is different form the one of the rule I'm trying to insert or modify
		from app.backend.controller.triggerManager import TriggerManager
		triggerManager = TriggerManager()
		newRuleTriggers = triggerManager.translateTrigger(rule.antecedent)["triggers"]

		for i in range(0, len(temporaryRuleSet)):

			otherRuleTriggers = triggerManager.translateTrigger(temporaryRuleSet[i].antecedent)["triggers"]

			deleteRule = False

			if rule.category == temporaryRuleSet[i].category:
				for t1 in newRuleTriggers:
					for t2 in otherRuleTriggers:
						if t1 == t2:
							deleteRule = True
					if deleteRule: break;

			if deleteRule:
				del temporaryRuleSet[i]

		#### OPTMIZATION ########################################################################################

		for i in range(0, len(temporaryRuleSet)):
			temporaryRuleSet[i].groupId = None
			temporaryRuleSet[i].roomName = roomName

		from app.backend.controller.rulesetChecker import RulesetChecker
		rulesetChecker = RulesetChecker(temporaryRuleSet)
		ruleCheckErrorList = rulesetChecker.check()

		if len(ruleCheckErrorList) == 0:
			if ruleId: 
				rule.id = ruleId

			from app.backend.commons.console import flash
			endTimeMilliseconds = long((time.time() + 0.5) * 1000)
			opTimeMilliseconds = endTimeMilliseconds - startTimeMilliseconds
			flash("RoomRuleVerification [SUCCESS]: roomName = " + str(roomName) +" #rules=" + str(len(temporaryRuleSet)) + " - opTimeMilliseconds:" + str(opTimeMilliseconds))

			return room.addRule(rule).getDict()
			from app.backend.commons.console import flash
			logMessage = "authorUuid =  " + str(authorUuid) + ", "
			logMessage += "buildingName =  " + str(buildingName) + ", "
			logMessage += "roomName =  " + str(roomName) + ", "
			logMessage += "ruleSetDescr =  " + str(temporaryRuleSet) + ", "
			logMessage += "newRule =  " + str(rule)

			flash("RuleValidationError: " + logMessage)

			endTimeMilliseconds = long((time.time() + 0.5) * 1000)
			opTimeMilliseconds = endTimeMilliseconds - startTimeMilliseconds
			flash("RoomRuleVerification [FAILED]: roomName = " + str(roomName) +" #rules=" + str(len(temporaryRuleSet)) + " - opTimeMilliseconds:" + str(opTimeMilliseconds))

			raise RuleValidationError(ruleCheckErrorList)
Ejemplo n.º 10
	def editRule(self, ruleId, priority, buildingName, roomName, editorUuid, groupId, ruleBody = None, antecedent = None, consequent = None, enabled = True):

		if not ruleBody:
			if not antecedent: raise MissingInputDataError("")
			if not consequent: raise MissingInputDataError("")

		if ruleBody and antecedent: raise TooManyInputParametersError("")
		if ruleBody and consequent: raise TooManyInputParametersError("")

		from app.backend.model.rule import Rule
		oldRule = Rule(id = ruleId)

		from app.backend.model.user import User
		author = User(uuid = oldRule.authorUuid)

		editor = User(uuid = editorUuid)

		writePermission = False
		errorMessage = ""

		# If this room is not related to a room, I cannot modify it from this method
		if not oldRule.roomName:
			raise UserCredentialError("You cannot modify this group related rule.")

		# If this rule is not about this building
		if oldRule.buildingName != buildingName:
			raise UserCredentialError("You cannot modify the rule of another building.")			
		if author.uuid != editor.uuid:

			if not groupId and not oldRule.getRoom().roomName in list(r.roomName for r in editor.getRooms()):
				raise UserCredentialError("You cannot modify a rule of a room you do not own.")				

			#if oldRule.getRoom() not in editor.getRooms():
			#	raise UserCredentialError("You cannot modify a rule of a room you do not own.")

			if groupId:

				from app.backend.model.group import Group
				group = Group(buildingName = buildingName, id = groupId)

				if not group:
					raise UserCredentialError("You cannot modify a rule of a room you do not own.")				

				if not group.crossRoomsValidation:
					raise UserCredentialError("You cannot modify a rule you do not own.")

				if not group.id in list(g.id for g in editor.getGroups()):
					raise UserCredentialError("You cannot modify a rule belonging to a group you do not own.")

				if not oldRule.getRoom().roomName in list(r.roomName for r in group.getRooms()):
					raise UserCredentialError("You cannot modify a rule belonging to room that does not belongs to a group you do not own.")

			if editor.level < oldRule.getPriority():
				raise UserCredentialError("You cannot modify this rule since it has a too high priority for your user level")			

		authorUuid = editorUuid	

		result = self.__addOrModifyRule(ruleId = ruleId, priority = priority, buildingName = buildingName, roomName = roomName, authorUuid = authorUuid, ruleBody = ruleBody, antecedent = antecedent, consequent = consequent, enabled = enabled)		

		from app.backend.controller.notificationsManager import NotificationsManager
		notifications = NotificationsManager()
		messageSubject = "Rule modified in building " + str(buildingName) + " room " + str(roomName)
		messageText = "The user " + str(editor.username) + " edited (or tried to edit) the rule <<" + str(oldRule.getFullRepresentation()) + ">>. The new rule is <<" + str(ruleBody) + ">>"
		notifications.sendNotification(buildingName = buildingName, roomName = roomName, messageSubject = messageSubject, messageText = messageText) 

		return result
Ejemplo n.º 11
	def getRules(self, author = None, includeGroupsRules = False, excludedRuleId = False, excludeCrossRoomValidationRules = False, includeDisabled = False, includeDeleted = False, categoriesFilter = None):

		from app.backend.model.rule import Rule
		if author:
			query = "SELECT id FROM rules WHERE room_name = '@@room_name@@' AND author_uuid = '@@author_uuid@@' @@__EXCLUDED_RULE_ID__@@"
			query = query.replace("@@author_uuid@@", str(author.uuid))
			query = "SELECT id FROM rules WHERE room_name = '@@room_name@@' @@__EXCLUDED_RULE_ID__@@"

		if excludedRuleId:
			query = query.replace("@@__EXCLUDED_RULE_ID__@@", "AND NOT id = " + str(excludedRuleId))
			query = query.replace("@@__EXCLUDED_RULE_ID__@@", "")

		query += " AND enabled='1'" if not includeDisabled else ""
		query += " AND deleted='0'" if not includeDeleted else ""

		if categoriesFilter:
			query += " AND (@@__CATEGORY_FILTERS__@@)"
			categoryFilterQuery = ""

			for category in json.loads(categoriesFilter):
				categoryFilterQuery += "category = '" + category + "' OR "

			query = query.replace("@@__CATEGORY_FILTERS__@@", categoryFilterQuery)
			query = query.replace(" OR )", ")")

		query += ";"

		database = Database()
		query = self.__replaceSqlQueryToken(query)
		queryResult = database.executeReadQuery(query)

		ruleList = []
		for ruleRecord in queryResult:
			rule = Rule(ruleRecord[0])

		if includeGroupsRules:
			groupList = self.getGroups()

			for group in groupList:
				# Getting the rules expressed directly into this group (inheritance)
				ruleList.extend(group.getRules(categoriesFilter = categoriesFilter))
				# If this is a cross room validation, getting the rules expressed into the other rooms into the same group		
				if group.crossRoomsValidation and not excludeCrossRoomValidationRules:
					for groupRoom in group.getRooms():
						groupRoomRuleList = groupRoom.getRules(categoriesFilter = categoriesFilter)
						for groupRoomRule in groupRoomRuleList:
							if groupRoomRule.category in group.crossRoomsValidationCategories:
								if groupRoomRule.buildingName != self.buildingName or groupRoomRule.roomName != self.roomName:
									groupRoomRule.groupId = group.id

		return ruleList
Ejemplo n.º 12
	def test0(self):

		from app.backend.commons.database import Database
		from app.backend.model.building import Building
		from app.backend.model.group import Group
		from app.backend.model.room import Room
		from app.backend.model.user import User
		from app.backend.model.rule import Rule

		print "Starting test..."
		print "Cleaning database..."

		database = Database()
		database.executeWriteQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE buildings")
		database.executeWriteQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE groups")
		database.executeWriteQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE rooms")
		database.executeWriteQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE users")
		database.executeWriteQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE users_rooms")
		database.executeWriteQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE rooms_groups")
		database.executeWriteQuery("TRUNCATE TABLE rules")

		print "Testing model..."

		building = Building(buildingName = "CSE", label = "Computer Science", description = "This is a nice place")

		building = Building(buildingName = "CSE", label = "Computer Science", description = "This is a great place")

 		building = Building(buildingName = "CSE")
 		print building

 		group = Group(buildingName = "CSE", description = "Questo gruppo eheh")
 		print group

 		group = Group(id=1, buildingName = "CSE")
 		print group

 		group = Group(id=1, buildingName = "CSE", description = "we ciao ciao")

 		group = Group(id=1, buildingName = "CSE")
 		print group

		room = Room(roomName = "200",  buildingName = "CSE", description = "Bella 3333")

		room = Room(roomName = "200",  buildingName = "CSE")
		print room

		print "room.getBuilding() test"
		print room.getBuilding()

		user = User(username = "******", email = "*****@*****.**", password = "******", personName = "Alessandro Nacci", level = 10)


		print "user.getRooms() test"
		for room in user.getRooms():
			print room

		print "group.addRoom(room) test"
		print group

		print "User test 1"
		user = User(username = "******")
		print user

		print "User test 2"
		user = User(username = "******", password="******")
		print user

		print "User test 3"
		user = User(uuid = 1)
		print user


		rule = Rule(priority = 1, category = "ELECTRICT222", buildingName = "CSE", groupId = 1, roomName = "200", 
				authorUuid = 1, antecedent = "the ligjt is on", consequent = "turn off the light", enabled = 1, deleted = 0)


		rule = Rule(id = 1)

		print rule
		print rule.getBuilding()
		print rule.getGroup()
		print rule.getAuthor()

		print "test group.getRules()"
		ruleList = group.getRules()
		for r in ruleList:
			print r

		print "test room.getRules()"
		ruleList = room.getRules()
		for r in ruleList:
			print r

		print "test room.getRules(author)"
		ruleList = room.getRules(author = user, includeGroupsRules = None)
		for r in ruleList:
			print r

		print "test room.getRules(includeGroupsRules)"
		ruleList = room.getRules(includeGroupsRules = True)
		for r in ruleList:
			print r

		print "test user.getCreatedRules()"
		ruleList = user.getCreatedRules()
		for r in ruleList:
			print r


		user = User(username = "******")
Ejemplo n.º 13
	def __addOrModifyRule(self, priority = None, buildingName = None, groupId = None, authorUuid = None, ruleBody = None, ruleId = None):

		import time,datetime
		startTimeMilliseconds = long((time.time() + 0.5) * 1000)

			antecedent = ruleBody.split("then")[0].replace("if ", "").strip()
			consequent = ruleBody.split("then")[1].strip()
		except Exception as e:
			raise NotWellFormedRuleError("There is a syntax error in the rule you are trying to save")

		from app.backend.controller.actionManager import ActionManager
		actionManager = ActionManager()
		category = actionManager.getAction(consequent).category

		from app.backend.model.user import User
		author = User(uuid = authorUuid)

		if int(str(priority)) < 0 or int(str(priority)) > author.getMaxGroupPriority():
			raise RulePriorityError("You can specify rules for groups with a priority value between 0 and " + str(author.getMaxRoomPriority()) + ". You inserted " + str(priority))

		from app.backend.model.rule import Rule
		from app.backend.model.group import Group

		if not ruleId:
			rule = Rule(priority = priority, category = category, buildingName = buildingName, groupId = groupId, authorUuid = authorUuid, antecedent = antecedent, consequent = consequent, enabled = True)
			rule = Rule(id = ruleId)
			author = rule.getAuthor()

			rule.antecedent = antecedent
			rule.consequent = consequent
			rule.authorUuid = authorUuid

			editor = rule.getAuthor()

			if editor.level < rule.getPriority():
				raise UserCredentialError("You cannot modify this rule since it has a too high priority for your user level")

		group = Group(buildingName = buildingName, id = groupId)

		if not ruleId and not rule.checkIfUnique():
			raise DuplicatedRuleError("The submitted rule is already been saved for the considered group.")

		# excludedRuleId is needed to ignore the rule that the user want to edit
		excludedRuleId = ruleId if ruleId else None		

		ruleCheckErrorList = []
		groupRoomList = group.getRooms()
		for room in groupRoomList:

			groupRules = group.getRules(excludedRuleId = excludedRuleId)

			# Checking that a priority is unique over the same category	
			for r in groupRules:
				if str(r.category) == str(category) and int(r.getPriority()) == int(priority):
					raise AlredyAssignedPriorityError("In group " + str(groupId) + " the priority " + str(priority) + " has alredy been assigned to another rule with the same category!")

			temporaryRuleSet = []
			temporaryRuleSet.extend(room.getRules(author = False, includeGroupsRules = True, excludedRuleId = False, excludeCrossRoomValidationRules = True))


			from app.backend.controller.rulesetChecker import RulesetChecker
			rulesetChecker = RulesetChecker(temporaryRuleSet)


		if len(ruleCheckErrorList) == 0:
			if ruleId: 	#if i'm in edit mode
				rule.id = ruleId

			# Disabling rules in all the groups rooms since they have to be validated again

			for room in groupRoomList:
				from app.backend.controller.notificationsManager import NotificationsManager
				notifications = NotificationsManager()
				messageSubject = "Group " +  str(groupId) + " changed your room " + str(room.roomName) + " policy."
				messageText =  "Some rules in group " + str(groupId) + " have been changed."
				notifications.sendNotification(buildingName = buildingName, roomName = room.roomName, messageSubject = messageSubject, messageText = messageText) 
				#for r in room.getRules(includeGroupsRules = False, excludeCrossRoomValidationRules = True):
				#	r.disable()

			from app.backend.commons.console import flash
			endTimeMilliseconds = long((time.time() + 0.5) * 1000)
			opTimeMilliseconds = endTimeMilliseconds - startTimeMilliseconds
			flash("GroupsRuleVerification [SUCCESS]: groupId = " + str(groupId) +" #rules=" + str(len(temporaryRuleSet)) + " - opTimeMilliseconds:" + str(opTimeMilliseconds))

			return group.addRule(rule).getDict()

			from app.backend.commons.console import flash
			logMessage = "authorUuid =  " + str(authorUuid) + ", "
			logMessage += "buildingName =  " + str(buildingName) + ", "
			logMessage += "gropuId =  " + str(groupId) + ", "
			logMessage += "ruleSetDescr =  " + str(temporaryRuleSet) + ", "
			logMessage += "newRule =  " + str(rule)

			flash("RuleValidationError: " + logMessage)

			endTimeMilliseconds = long((time.time() + 0.5) * 1000)
			opTimeMilliseconds = endTimeMilliseconds - startTimeMilliseconds
			flash("GroupsRuleVerification [FAILED]: groupId = " + str(groupId) +" #rules=" + str(len(temporaryRuleSet)) + " - opTimeMilliseconds:" + str(opTimeMilliseconds))

			raise RuleValidationError(ruleCheckErrorList + " Error in room " + room.roomName)