Ejemplo n.º 1
def bill_get(id):
	receipt = None
	if id:
		bill = Bill.query.filter_by(site_id=g.sid, branch_id=g.bid, id=id).first()
		receipt = Receipt.query.filter_by(bill_id=bill.id).first()
		no = db.session.query(db.func.max(Bill.no)).filter_by(site_id=g.sid, branch_id=g.bid).scalar() or 0
		ref_no = no + 1
		bill_no = strftime('%Y%m') + '-' + str(ref_no).zfill(g.bigit)
		bill = Bill(site_id=g.sid, branch_id=g.bid)
		bill.no = ref_no
		bill.bill_no = bill_no
	receipt_data = {}
	if receipt:
		receiptSchema = ReceiptSchema()
		receipt_data = receiptSchema.dump(receipt).data
	schema = BillSchema()
	return jsonify({
		'bill': schema.dump(bill).data,
		'receipt': receipt_data
Ejemplo n.º 2
def bill_search():
	f = request.get_json()
	if f is None:
		f = request.form
	page = f.get('page') or 1
	rp = f.get('rp') or 10
	term = f.get('term') or ''
	sort = f.get('sort') or None
	desc = f.get('desc') or False
	from_date = f.get('from_date') or None
	to_date = f.get('to_date') or None
	status = f.get('status') or None
	query = Bill.query.filter_by(site_id=g.sid, branch_id=g.bid)
	# filter by bill no
	if term:
		query = query.filter(or_(Bill.bill_no.ilike('%' + term + '%')))
	# filter by from and to date
	if from_date:
		query = query.filter(Bill.bill_date >= datetime.strptime(from_date, '%d/%m/%Y'))
	if to_date:
		query = query.filter(Bill.bill_date <= datetime.strptime(to_date + ' 23:59:59', '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S'))
	# filter by status id
	if status:
		query = query.filter_by(status_id=int(status))
	# sort and order result items
	if sort:
		query = query.order_by(text(sort + ' ' + ('desc' if desc else 'asc')))
	total = query.count()
	total_pages = int(ceil(float(total) / rp))
	results = page * rp
	page_count = results if results <= total else total
	bills = query.limit(rp).offset((page - 1) * rp)
	schema = BillSchema(many=True)
	return jsonify({
		'total': total,
		'total_pages': total_pages,
		'page_count': page_count,
		'bills': schema.dump(bills).data