Ejemplo n.º 1
def serde(cls):
    Class decorator for creating serializable classes.
    if not attr.has(cls):
        cls = attr.s(auto_attribs=True, slots=True)(cls)
    return cls
Ejemplo n.º 2
def attrs(class_):
    """ Like attr.s with slots=True,
    but with attributes extracted from __init__ method signature.
    slots=True ensures that signature matches what really happens
    (we can't define different attributes on self).
    It is useful if we still want __init__ for proper type-checking and
    do not want to repeat attribute definitions in the class body.
    attrs_kwargs = {}
    for method, kw_name in [
        ('__repr__', 'repr'),
        ('__eq__', 'cmp'),
        ('__hash__', 'hash'),
        if method in class_.__dict__:
            # Allow to redefine a special method (or else attr.s will do it)
            attrs_kwargs[kw_name] = False
    init_args = inspect.getargspec(class_.__init__)
    defaults_shift = len(init_args.args) - len(init_args.defaults or []) - 1
    these = {}
    for idx, arg in enumerate(init_args.args[1:]):
        attrib_kwargs = {}
        if idx >= defaults_shift:
            attrib_kwargs['default'] = init_args.defaults[idx - defaults_shift]
        these[arg] = attr.ib(**attrib_kwargs)
    return attr.s(class_, these=these, init=False, slots=True,
                  **attrs_kwargs)  # type: ignore
Ejemplo n.º 3
def hashableAttrs(cls=None, repr=True):
    """A fully hashable attrs decorator.

    Converts unhashable attributes, e.g. lists, to hashable ones, e.g.
    if cls is None:
        return partial(hashableAttrs, repr=repr)

    def hash_(self):
        obj = self
        for field in attr.fields(self.__class__):
            value = getattr(self, field.name)
            if isinstance(value, (list, set)):
                new_value = tuple(value)
                new_value = value
            if new_value != value:
                obj = attr.evolve(obj, **{field.name: new_value})
        return hash(
                         filter=lambda a, v: a.hash is not False))

    decorated = attr.s(cls, hash=False, repr=repr)
    decorated.__hash__ = hash_
    return decorated
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __new__(mcls, name, bases, attrs):
     if bases:
         for k, f in attrs.items():
             annotations = attrs.get("__annotations__", {})
             _implement_converter(f, k, annotations)
             _implement_validators(f, k, annotations)
     return attr.s(super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, attrs))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def entity(cls):
    for k, v in cls.__dict__.items():
        if hasattr(v, 'init') and isinstance(v.init, bool):
            v.init = False
    result = attr.make_class(cls.__name__, (),
                             bases=(_Signature, attr.s(cls), _Entity))
    return functools.wraps(cls, updated=())(result)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def wraps(cls):
        req = required or []
        setattr(cls, "additional_properties", additional_properties)

        def jo_schema(cls):
            sc = Object(
            sc.properties = {}
            attributes = cls.__attrs_attrs__
            for attrib in attributes:
                psc = attrib.metadata[JO_SCHEMA]
                is_required = attrib.metadata.get(JO_REQUIRED, False)
                field_name = camel_case(
                    attrib.name) if camel_case_props else attrib.name
                if is_required and field_name not in req:
                sc.properties[field_name] = psc

            if req:
                sc.required = req
            return sc

        setattr(cls, "jo_schema", classmethod(jo_schema))
        return attr.s(cls)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_respects_add_arguments(self, arg_name, method_name):
        If a certain `XXX` is `False`, `__XXX__` is not added to the class.
        # Set the method name to a sentinel and check whether it has been
        # overwritten afterwards.
        sentinel = object()

        am_args = {
            "repr": True,
            "eq": True,
            "order": True,
            "hash": True,
            "init": True,
        am_args[arg_name] = False
        if arg_name == "eq":
            am_args["order"] = False

        class C(object):
            x = attr.ib()

        setattr(C, method_name, sentinel)

        C = attr.s(**am_args)(C)

        assert sentinel == getattr(C, method_name)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def _make_constructor(name, type_, attrs, kwargs):
    """Create a type specific to the constructor."""
    d = dict(attrs)
    d['_sumtype_attribs'] = [x for x in attrs]
    t = type(name, (type_,), d)
    t = attr.s(t, repr_ns=type_.__name__, **kwargs)
    return t
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def wrap(cls):
     cls_with_attrs = _attr.s(cls, these, repr_ns, repr, cmp, hash, init,
                              slots, frozen, str)
     for embedded_attr in _get_embedded_attrs(cls_with_attrs):
         for promoted_name in _attrs_to_promote(embedded_attr):
             _try_to_promote(cls_with_attrs, promoted_name, embedded_attr)
     return cls_with_attrs
Ejemplo n.º 10
def s(*args, **kwargs):
    # A few features we'd like to use are not available on older Python/attrs
    # versions, so we just silently disable them.
    # Note this means we're technically exporting a different API on
    # Py2 vs Py3, i.e. keywords-only isn't enforced on Py2.
    # This isn't ideal, but is mitigated by the fact that any new code
    # using this library will surely not be tested solely on Py2.
    kwargs = kwargs.copy()

    if "slots" not in kwargs:
        # Slotted classes should be used where possible, but there
        # are a few cases where it won't work, so the possibility
        # is left open to disable it via slots=False.
        kwargs["slots"] = True

    if "repr" not in kwargs:
        # We provide our own __repr__ implementation in PulpObject, so
        # don't use the attrs-generated repr by default
        kwargs["repr"] = False

    if "kw_only" in kwargs and sys.version_info < (3, ):  # pragma: no cover
        # This is only implemented for Python 3.
        # attrs will raise if kw_only is provided on Py2.
        del kwargs["kw_only"]

    return attr.s(*args, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def ast_class(cls):
    cls.__xor__ = sugar.xor
    cls.__or__ = _or
    cls.__and__ = _and
    cls.__invert__ = _neg
    cls.__call__ = _eval
    cls.__rshift__ = _timeshift
    cls.__getitem__ = _inline_context
    cls.walk = _walk
    cls.params = property(_params)
    cls.atomic_predicates = property(_atomic_predicates)
    cls.evolve = attr.evolve
    cls.iff = sugar.iff
    cls.implies = sugar.implies
    # Avoid circular dependence.
    cls.weak_until = lambda a, b: WeakUntil(a, b)
    cls.until = sugar.until
    cls.timed_until = sugar.timed_until
    cls.always = sugar.alw
    cls.eventually = sugar.env

    if not hasattr(cls, "children"):
        cls.children = property(lambda _: ())

    return attr.s(frozen=True, auto_attribs=True, repr=False, slots=True)(cls)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def wrapper(cl):
        res = attr.s(slots=True, frozen=frozen, repr=repr)(cl)
        res.__fb_module__ = modules[fb_cl.__module__]
        res.__fb_class__ = fb_cl

        return res
Ejemplo n.º 13
def typed_attrs(cls):
    Created a type-validated attrs class.
    Attributes are set to their default values if they're assigned `None` to.
    for attrib in cls.__dict__.values():
            if not attrib.type:
            validator = attrib._validator
        except AttributeError:
        instance_of = attr.validators.instance_of(attrib.type)
        attrib._validator = (attr.validators.and_(validator, instance_of)
                             if validator else instance_of)
        if attrib._default != attr.NOTHING:

            def converter(default):
                Create a converter that interprets `None` as "use default".
                Required in order to create a new lexical scope, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/233835
                return lambda x: default if x is None else x

            attrib.converter = converter(attrib._default)

    return attr.s(cls)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def otterize(cls,*args,**kwargs):
    '''Wrap all Configurations with this decorator with the following behavior
    1) we use the callback when any property changes
    2) repr is default
    3) hash is by object identity'''
    acls = attr.s(cls, on_setattr= property_changed, repr=False,eq=False, *args,**kwargs)
    return acls                                        
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def wrapper(fn):

        name = fn.__name__
        operators = operator_pool if operator_pool is not None else _OPERATOR_POOL

        KW_ONLY = inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY
        signature = inspect.signature(fn).parameters

        attrs = [attr for attr in signature.values() if attr.kind == KW_ONLY]

        attributes = {
            "__doc__": inspect.getdoc(fn),
            "__module__": fn.__module__,
            "_impl": staticmethod(fn),
            "_operators": operators,

        for a in attrs:
            attributes[a.name] = _define_attribute(a)

        bases, inputs = _process_parameters(signature, attributes)
        attributes["_bases"] = bases
        attributes["_inputs"] = inputs

        defn = attr.s(type(name, (Defn,), attributes))

        if operation is not None:
            _define_operator(defn, operation, operators)

        return defn
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def wrapper(c):
     c.__attrs_post_init__ = _set_backlinks
     c.type = attributes.const(typ)
     c.id = attributes.idfield(typ)
     c._m = attr.ib(repr=None, default=None)
     c = attr.s(cmp=False)(c)
     _type_to_cls[typ] = c
     return c
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_nonslots_these():
    Enhancing a dict class using 'these' works.

    This will actually *replace* the class with another one, using slots.
    class SimpleOrdinaryClass(object):
        def __init__(self, x, y, z):
            self.x = x
            self.y = y
            self.z = z

        def method(self):
            return self.x

        def classmethod(cls):
            return "clsmethod"

        def staticmethod():
            return "staticmethod"

    C2Slots = attr.s(
            "x": attr.ib(),
            "y": attr.ib(),
            "z": attr.ib()

    c2 = C2Slots(x=1, y=2, z="test")
    assert 1 == c2.x
    assert 2 == c2.y
    assert "test" == c2.z
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        c2.t = "test"  # We have slots now.

    assert 1 == c2.method()
    assert "clsmethod" == c2.classmethod()
    assert "staticmethod" == c2.staticmethod()

    assert set(["__weakref__", "x", "y", "z"]) == set(C2Slots.__slots__)

    c3 = C2Slots(x=1, y=3, z="test")
    assert c3 > c2
    c2_ = C2Slots(x=1, y=2, z="test")
    assert c2 == c2_

    assert "SimpleOrdinaryClass(x=1, y=2, z='test')" == repr(c2)

    hash(c2)  # Just to assert it doesn't raise.

    assert {"x": 1, "y": 2, "z": "test"} == attr.asdict(c2)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def dataclass(cls):
    Decorator for quickly creating defining data classes.

    Really just wrapper around `attr.s`, an alternative to the std libs dataclasses.
    if not attr.has(cls):
        cls = attr.s(auto_attribs=True, slots=True)(cls)
    return cls
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def wrap(cls):
        def from_environ(cls, environ=os.environ):
            import environ as environ_config

            return environ_config.to_config(cls, environ)

        cls._prefix = prefix
        cls.from_environ = classmethod(from_environ)
        return attr.s(cls, slots=True)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def __init__(cls, name, bases, _dict):
        super(ScenarioMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, _dict)

        # Make sure every sub-class is wrapped by `attr.s`
        cls = attr.s()(cls)

        # Do not register the base Scenario class
        # DEV: We cannot compare `cls` to `Scenario` since it doesn't exist yet
        if cls.__module__ != __name__:
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def wrap(cls):

        if aaccessor is not None:
            if hasattr(cls, aaccessor):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"{cls} already has an attribute with name {aaccessor}")
            setattr(cls, aaccessor, array_accessor())

        attr_s = attr.s(**kwargs)
        return attr_s(cls)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def _make_attrs_class_wrapper(cls):
        for name, member in extra_members.items():
            if name in cls.__dict__.keys():
                raise ValueError(
                    "Name clashing with a existing '{name}' member"
                    " of the decorated class ".format(name=name))
            setattr(cls, name, member)

        new_cls = attr.s(cls, **kwargs)
        return new_cls
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def test_dict_patch_class(self):
        dict-classes are never replaced.
        class C(object):
            x = attr.ib()

        C_new = attr.s(C)

        assert C_new is C
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def __new__(mcs, name: str, bases: tuple, namespace: dict):
     cls = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace)
     if name == "Entity":
         return cls
     attr_cls = attr.s(auto_attribs=True)(cls)
     if not any(
             for field in attr.fields(attr_cls)):
         raise EntityWithoutIdentity
     return attr_cls
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def test_dict_patch_class(self):
        dict-classes are never replaced.
        class C(object):
            x = attr.ib()

        C_new = attr.s(C)

        assert C_new is C
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def _wrapper_model(cls):
        m3gr_instance = M3gr.instance()
        setattr(cls, "M3gr", m3gr_instance)
        _table_name = table_name or cls.__name__.split(".").pop().lower()

        setattr(cls, "table_name", _table_name)
        cls_obj = attr.s()(cls)
        assert not m3gr_instance.has_meta(_table_name), u"model has exsit"
        m3gr_instance.push_meta(_table_name, cls_obj)
        return cls_obj
Ejemplo n.º 27
def immutable(maybe_cls=None, eq=False, repr=False, **kwargs):
    return attr.s(
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        attrs['objects'] = ManagerDescriptor()

        mod = attr.s(
            super(ModelBase, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)

        if 'Model' in [base.__name__ for base in bases]:
            ModelStoreMapping[mod.__name__] = Store()

        return mod
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def __new__(mcs, name: str, bases: tuple, namespace: dict):
     cls = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace)
     if name == "ValueObject":
         return cls
     attr_cls = attr.s(auto_attribs=True)(cls)
     fields = attr.fields(attr_cls)
     if any(Identity.is_identity(field) for field in fields):
         raise ValueObjectWithIdentity
     if any(_is_nested_entity(field.type) for field in fields):
         raise EntityNestedInValueObject
     return attr_cls
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def test_init_type_hints_fake_module(self):
        If you somehow set the __module__ to something that doesn't exist
        you'll lose __init__ resolution.
        class C:
            x = attr.ib(type="typing.List[int]")

        C.__module__ = "totally fake"
        C = attr.s(C)

        with pytest.raises(NameError):
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def wrap(cls):
        def from_environ_fnc(cls, environ=os.environ):
            return __to_config(cls, environ)

        def generate_help_fnc(cls, **kwargs):
            return __generate_help(cls, **kwargs)

        cls._prefix = prefix
        if from_environ is not None:
            setattr(cls, from_environ, classmethod(from_environ_fnc))
        if generate_help is not None:
            setattr(cls, generate_help, classmethod(generate_help_fnc))
        return attr.s(cls, frozen=frozen, slots=True)
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def dataclass_from_params(name: str, params: Parameters, module=None):
        attributes = {}
        for param in params:
            attributes[param.name] = attr.ib(default=param.default,
        # 'yaml_tag' is not processed by attr.s and thus ignored by visip code representer.
        # however it allows correct serialization to yaml
        # Note: replaced by the DataClassBase classproperty 'yaml_tag'.
        #attributes['yaml_tag'] = u'!{}'.format(name)
        data_class = type(name, (dtype.DataClassBase, ), attributes)
        if module:
            data_class.__module__ = module

        return attr.s(data_class)
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
     # allow all items in Binary Object schema to be populated as optional
     # arguments to `__init__()` with sensible defaults.
     if cls is not GenericObjectMeta:
         attributes = {
             k: attr.ib(
                 type=getattr(v, 'pythonic', type(None)),
                 default=getattr(v, 'default', None),
             ) for k, v in cls.schema.items()
         attributes.update({'version': attr.ib(type=int, default=1)})
         cls = attr.s(cls, these=attributes)
     # skip parameters
     return super().__new__(cls)
Ejemplo n.º 34
def test_nonslots_these():
    Enhancing a non-slots class using 'these' works.

    This will actually *replace* the class with another one, using slots.
    class SimpleOrdinaryClass(object):
        def __init__(self, x, y, z):
            self.x = x
            self.y = y
            self.z = z

        def method(self):
            return self.x

        def classmethod(cls):
            return "clsmethod"

        def staticmethod():
            return "staticmethod"

    C2Slots = attr.s(these={"x": attr.ib(), "y": attr.ib(), "z": attr.ib()},
                     init=False, slots=True)(SimpleOrdinaryClass)

    c2 = C2Slots(x=1, y=2, z="test")
    assert 1 == c2.x
    assert 2 == c2.y
    assert "test" == c2.z
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        c2.t = "test"  # We have slots now.

    assert 1 == c2.method()
    assert "clsmethod" == c2.classmethod()
    assert "staticmethod" == c2.staticmethod()

    assert set(["x", "y", "z"]) == set(C2Slots.__slots__)

    c3 = C2Slots(x=1, y=3, z="test")
    assert c3 > c2
    c2_ = C2Slots(x=1, y=2, z="test")
    assert c2 == c2_

    assert "SimpleOrdinaryClass(x=1, y=2, z='test')" == repr(c2)

    hash(c2)  # Just to assert it doesn't raise.

    assert {"x": 1, "y": 2, "z": "test"} == attr.asdict(c2)
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def test_adds_all_by_default(self, method_name):
        If no further arguments are supplied, all add_XXX functions except
        add_hash are applied.  __hash__ is set to None.
        # Set the method name to a sentinel and check whether it has been
        # overwritten afterwards.
        sentinel = object()

        class C(object):
            x = attr.ib()

        setattr(C, method_name, sentinel)

        C = attr.s(C)
        meth = getattr(C, method_name)

        assert sentinel != meth
        if method_name == "__hash__":
            assert meth is None
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def test_respects_add_arguments(self, arg_name, method_name):
        If a certain `add_XXX` is `False`, `__XXX__` is not added to the class.
        # Set the method name to a sentinel and check whether it has been
        # overwritten afterwards.
        sentinel = object()

        am_args = {
            "repr": True,
            "cmp": True,
            "hash": True,
            "init": True
        am_args[arg_name] = False

        class C(object):
            x = attr.ib()

        setattr(C, method_name, sentinel)

        C = attr.s(**am_args)(C)

        assert sentinel == getattr(C, method_name)
import attr

class A(object):
    a = attr.ib()

A = attr.s(A)

Ejemplo n.º 38
 def __new__(cls,name,bases,dct):
     c = super().__new__(cls,name,bases,dct)
     return attr.s(auto_attribs=True)(c)
Ejemplo n.º 39
Archivo: base.py Proyecto: emfree/prow
 def wrap(cl):
     return attr.s(cl)